Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 045, question

Around, those inverted triangles collapsed and turned into white snow flakes again. But the liquid flowing out of her chest was red at this moment.

Blood dripped on the idiot's hair, and soon the red melted into the black.

But for all this, the idiot's eyes still remained absolutely calm. It can be seen that he was not manslaughter just now, but...


Sword, pull it out.

At the moment Helen's body fell from midair, the idiot swung his sword and turned around. Accompanied by a soft insect cry, the sharp magic sword has passed the little girl's body, shattered her right arm, cut off her spine and body, and split her... into two.


Blood spilt all over the floor.

In this white world, red is like an excellent embellishment. Let the ground form a somewhat poetic picture. Perhaps it was the act of awe-inspiring idiots, the inverted triangles around no longer acted, but stood still.

Helen... the little girl looked up at the idiot.

Bloodshot spilled from the corner of her mouth, and exposed internal organs spilled all over the chopped body. She was crying, with blood and tears in her eyes. She exhausted her last strength, and slowly raised her left hand, which had been cut off the front half of her arm, towards the idiot. But, the next moment...


Dim off, directly inserted into her head. With the fastest and most benevolent speed, let her raised arms fall back to the ground.




Snow is still there.

The idiot pulled Dim out from Helen's body and waved away the blood. After that, he stopped looking at Helen, but walked straight across the little girl's body, holding the sword, and walking towards the castle.

The surrounding inverted triangle no longer attacks. After a stalemate, they began to shatter and merge into the snow. There was no stopping, and soon, the idiot came to the gate of the castle, looked at the high gate, and exhaled.

In his arms, Xiao Bread's body almost lost its temperature. The idiot knew he couldn't hesitate anymore, so he didn't have time to rest and immediately walked up the stairs. but……


The originally closed door suddenly opened at this moment! The idiot was taken aback, and immediately came down the stairs, holding a sword and watching. Soon, the door slowly opened, and a person walked out of it.

It's him……

it's him.

This armored boy, this guy who pierced the bread and made her suffer!

The enemy was in front, and the idiot's thinking immediately recovered after a momentary fluctuation. He grabbed Dim Mie, his sword pointed to the ground. The sword of death is ready to go. But before that, he still has some questions to ask.

"How to treat bread wounds."


The other party gave him only silence.



There was no answer and no refutation. The young man in armor and mask just stood silently. After a moment of confrontation, the young man suddenly raised his right arm and slowly shook it.

The snow flakes in the air began to gather in his hands as if they were being pulled in some way. Slowly, a sword was held in his hand.


No, to be more precise, this is a blue handful of chilly--

Frost disappeared.




The idiot's movements were frozen.

In front of him, the young man holding Frost Dim in his hand was also frozen at this moment.

The swords in both hands all pointed to the ground in front of them, and the black and the water-blue pupils that came out of the mask stared at each other, and the pupils at the hilt of the two swords were constantly moving.

Is there a problem?

no problem.

Because at this moment, no amount of questions will get the answer from the other party. This is not a consultation office, and no one is obliged to answer the other party’s questions. This is the battlefield, a battlefield that only needs to fight, without any nonsense.

The breath of the idiot gradually disappeared. The godless pupils also let him enter a peace. The white snow flakes in the sky fell steadily and piled on the heads, shoulders, arms, and swords of the two people. It seems that, like those sculptures, they have become ice sculptures that stop time.


Suddenly, a trace of surprise appeared in the idiot's godless pupils! At this moment...

The armored boy disappeared from the ladder. Appeared behind the idiot.

The sword in his hand no longer pointed to the ground in front of him, but simply held it. The aqua-blue eyes under the mask also looked forward mercilessly, looking at... Helen's corpse.

Come on.

The mask has cracks.

With a snap, the mask shattered, turned into two halves, and fell to the ground.

Under the mask is a cold face. He has black hair, blue pupils without focus, and a face that seems to never see any smile, only a cold and dull expression.

He...was a...idiot when he was twelve years old?

This is a question.

However, no one can answer this question.

I'm afraid that in five seconds, there won't even be anyone asking questions.


A sound burst from the idiot's throat. A blood stain appeared on his throat, and the sound just now was the sound of blood bursting from the artery.

The red blood mist filled the air, and the feeling of death gradually enveloped the idiot.

His feet softened and he knelt in the snow. With his defeat, the dim blood pupil seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and then closed and retracted his arm.

The idiot gasped, trying to breathe. But now, there is no air to enter his lungs. He put his arms around the cold loaf in his arms, slowly lying on the ground, the huge wounds were still bleeding out, depriving him of his last vitality.

But at this last moment, he didn't go back to look at himself that looked like he was when he was twelve years old. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the open door.

Through the door, he saw inside... he saw the innermost hall, and he also saw a person sitting on the throne in the hall.


Then, the idiot's eyes closed weakly and fell.




"It's a big shot, isn't it?"

The twelve-year-old idiot has no expression, silently looking at the sounding thing in front of him.

He still held the sword, and the water-blue pupils continued to remain pure.

But in front of him, the body of Helen, who should have died just now, floated slowly. The blood and internal organs slowly reentered her body.

Yes, she is reorganizing.

The little girl held her head up and hovered in the air, her golden pupils glanced at the childhood idiot in front of her for a while, then passed directly, looking at the open door, looking inside. In a moment, her body returned to its original shape, and even the frozen right arm returned to its original shape.

"This kid is indeed very smart. He saw that I was deliberately pestering him, trying to kill him. However, he was not smart to the end, thinking that cutting me in half would be done?"

The childhood idiot changed the frost in his hand and pointed to the ground in front of him. But in the face of all this, Helen Edward snorted coldly and said in a cold voice—

"Six swords... really annoying six swords. I didn't expect that after more than an epoch, I would encounter this cursed sword technique again. Hey, woman. I change my mind now. I won't I will leave you with the whole body again. I will break your body into thousands of pieces and make you die in great pain, as the price for you to put the six swords in front of me again and make it hostile to me. Then, I will go find mine again After finding the dead girl who was hidden by you, I will completely destroy this city. I will destroy you...all the treasures!"

After speaking, a pair of black things suddenly protruded from Helen's back! This pair of black things is too big, unimaginable! In just an instant, these black things covered the entire windblown sand city, turning the originally white ice-bound city into a completely dark city!



The idiot opened his eyes, and what was in front of him was a blurred world.

Accompanied by opening his eyes, it is extremely weak. This weakness made him tired and even fainted immediately. However, when a little girl suddenly screamed, and lay on his chest crying loudly, and tears fell on his face, his sanity finally recovered.


Bread kept nodding, and when she saw that the idiot finally woke up, she hugged the idiot's neck and burst into tears.

The idiot exhaled and stretched out his hand, stroking Bun's hair. Feeling the touch of the idiot, the girl finally stopped crying, but still pulled the collar of the idiot and sobbed.


In the air, a female voice came. Although the voice sounded very young, the tone was full of maturity and solemnity. Then, a white wolf appeared in the idiot's sight. The wolf bit a bowl, and after pressing the other side of the bowl against the idiot's mouth, he poured the liquid into his mouth slightly.

"Cough...! Cough cough cough...!"

The idiot was startled, not knowing where his strength was, he hurriedly took the bun and backed away. I don't know if it was because of drinking the medicine, his spirit finally recovered and his vision became clear. When I looked up, I saw that it seemed to be a small thatched house with a warm light shining from outside. And a girl with long hair, about fifteen years old, was sitting at the table over there, gently combing her long hair with a wooden comb. After seeing the idiot, he smiled slightly.


The girl smiled slightly and replied--

"Don't call me master."

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