Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 046, the difference of an era

The weather outside the window is good, even if you don't go out, you can see that this place is definitely not the wind blown by ice. So... where is this place?

With just a slight movement, the idiot felt weak. He clutched his chest and lay back on the bed, breathing heavily. Seeing the bread, he hurriedly took the medicine bowl in the white wolf's mouth, moved to the idiot's side, knelt on the bed, carefully scooped out a small spoonful, and handed it to the idiot's mouth.

Little Bread's concern finally got an idiot's response after a minute. He looked around warily, then looked at the young long-haired woman in front of him. The prolonged coma might have caused some confusion in his mind, but soon, he regained his proper calm.

"I... should be blowing in the wind."

"It was a month ago."

The woman continued to comb her hair, the expression on her face looked very indifferent, as if she was saying something for granted.



"I saw... the teacher."


"……………………7 years ago, was frozen in the bottom of the lake, and originally thought it would take a long time to recover, the teacher, the fourth-year student of the Divine Grace Martial Arts Department, Quelin Rooney answer."

"Oh, really?"

The woman just responded softly. This should definitely be considered an adventure for ordinary people, but it can't even raise her eyebrows slightly. Perhaps, in a long time, she has seen too many bizarre and unthinkable things. So I won’t be interested in anything anymore.

The idiot took a breath and pulled away the bedding. He struggled to get out of the bed, staggering. Little Bread hurriedly supported her next to her, her big eyes showing incomparable worry and fear.

"If you want to return to the wind, I advise you to give up."

With a wave of her fingers, the girl's long hair fluttered in the air along the trajectory drawn by the wooden comb. After finishing her hair, the woman took out a blue ribbon, carefully tied the end of her hair, and left behind. It was at this moment that the door of the cabin was pushed open, and a 13- or 4-year-old girl with the same black hair and wearing a civilian outfit ran in with a candied fruit in her hand.

"Sister sister! Pay me for playing~~~ Those people are very bored, I'm so bored~~~"

The girl smiled slightly and said, "Hey, little Knight, I have something to do now. You can go and play with those peers? I believe many children will like to play."

The little girl pouted, and she could see that she was a little unhappy. Before leaving the cabin full of complaints, she poked her head from behind the girl and glanced at the idiot. After that, he ran out with the candied haws.

Sending away the child, the girl returned to the idiot. She pulled a chair and sat down, and the white wolf wisely left the house and went outside to play with the orphans who had lost their parents. The girl looked through the window, watching the children crawling on the white wolf's back and holding its fur, she couldn't help but smile.

"Master, I..."

"I said, you don't need to call me master."

The girl turned her head, the smile on her face was solemn and serious.

"Becoming my disciple, you will face endless troubles and troubles. The people and'things' I offend are far beyond your imagination. Believe me, you will never want to have too much relationship with me. Unfortunately, even if you and this child are in danger because of me, according to my oath, I will never come to save you."

Little Bread was a little frightened. She shrank behind the idiot and gently pulled the corner of his clothes.

The idiot was silent for a while, and finally, he lowered his head. After a while, he seemed to finally agree to this fact and raised his head again.

"Then... what do I call you."

"Any name is fine. "You", "Hey", "over there", "Man with a wolf". As long as you can tell that you are calling me, there is no problem with any name you can think of."

The idiot was a little dazed to hear, he lowered his head and looked at his right arm, only to see Dimie still closed his eyes, as if he was still sleeping. After a long time, he nodded again.

"I think, return the wind and blow the sand."

The girl smiled slightly, but shook her head gently: "It's a pity. You can't go back. Because the stag's capital was completely wiped out a month ago by the wind blowing the sand city. It is now called Hanbing by others. fortress."

The idiot took the stack of newspapers thrown by the girl, which described many things about wind and sand in detail. Judging from the photos, the city is still the same as the one I have seen before, with layers of ice. The desert area near the wind and sand also began to condense into ice and turn into frozen soil. There were a few expeditions who wanted to enter to find out the truth, but they all came in. After a long time, even the Buck Empire itself decided to abandon the city and hide the capital.

"The place right now is controlled by some kind of powerful existence. Before the problem is solved, anyone who dares to break into it will be frozen. Even you, little idiot, will not be exception."

The idiot put down the newspaper and took a deep breath. After he was silent for a while, he raised his head and said, "Mr. Quilin...what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, I can't say it." The girl smiled apologetically, "I have an oath, so I can't get too involved with the third-order creatures. If you want to know the truth, you can only rely on yourself. Investigate. But I cannot tell you anything."

"That woman with black hair and golden eyes...who is it."

"......This, you need to check it yourself."

"…………………… who defeated me, who looks a lot like the person I was when I was twelve."

"Neither can I say. You need to investigate yourself."


In the hut where the sun shines in the afternoon, there is only silence in this warmth.

".................................... But, I lost."

After taking a long breath, the idiot finally said the predicament in his heart. Regarding this, the expression on the girl's face was loosened a bit, as if she was thinking of something very interesting.

"Ah... you lost. So, what conclusion did you come to?"

After a long time of thinking, the idiot finally let out a sigh of relief and said--

"If that person is really a mirror image of me when I was twelve years old... Does that mean that not only has my strength in the past seven years not improved at all, but... even the twelve-year-old myself can't be defeated?"

Although there is no expression on the idiot's face. But his right fist was fully squeezed. For the rats in the sewer, power is also part of the hope of survival. If even the teeth and claws become dull, it means that the mouse is not far from death.

This is a very serious question, and the idiot is also asking very seriously.

But for the girl who heard this question, she chuckled and looked at the idiot tenderly with pity and relief in her eyes.

"Remember the nature of the sword technique I told you when I first taught you Six Swords?"

"………………………………Swordsmanship of the last epoch. The final sword can kill the gods.” The idiot replied blankly.

"This is the power of this set of swordsmanship. But what I am asking about is nature."


"Remember? The nature of this set of swordsmanship." The girl leaned on the window sill with one foot against the edge of the window and looked out. "This set of swordsmanship completely ignores the level difference of this era. It appeared in Xinwu. Before, this set of swordsmanship already existed. Perhaps in this era, practicing according to the levels of forging body, burning technique, refining heart, mortar bone, pure spirit, spirit, and divine burning can achieve twice the result with half the effort. . But in the last epoch, more than a thousand years ago, people did not have this concept. In addition, the person who created this set of swordsmanship created Six Swords in response to various extreme situations. If the enemy is several times stronger than oneself, or if the enemy is several times stronger than oneself, he will definitely die, then what kind of resistance is there in the current strong enemy? Can't just surrender directly?

The idiot was silent, and the girl continued to talk--

"In this era, the list of martial skill levels undoubtedly provides a reference for people's combat training. It can tell people exactly what route they should follow, at what stage, and when they encounter bottlenecks, how to practice and provide a reference. Rough outline. Speaking of it, it's like a textbook, raising young warriors little by little."

"This method is very good. Through hierarchical planning, you can tell the warrior what stage he is in, prevent blind arrogance, and also recognize his strength more clearly, without needing to be on the battlefield to practice his strength. It can be said The proposal of level is to create a brand-new promotion mode for fighters, and is a shortcut that can accelerate people to become stronger."

"However, this kind of hierarchical planning also has some shortcomings. When the two sides are fighting, it is not a battle, but a real battle of life and death. Once one party knows that the other party's level is higher than himself, he will inadvertently increase his own psychological pressure.' The idea that you may not win' will emerge in your mind. Although real fighters and soldiers who have experienced battles have already seen the true meaning of the existence of levels, they have not yet seen through, and have even begun to regard levels as absolute For powerful beginners and most martial artists, this is a fatal idea."

"Before you fight, if you think you might lose, naturally you won't work too much. In addition, there are level regulations. In the process of martial arts learning, most people of a certain level are looking for opponents of the same level. They don’t deliberately go to high-level people to compete. And high-level people are not likely to go to low-level reporters to play against, thinking that this is bullying the weak and losing face. In this way, there are many aspects of practicing martial arts and actual combat skills. With opponents of the same level as imaginary enemies, so on-the-spot adaptability and self-confidence in the face of high-level opponents must be much weaker."

"I have witnessed many people who started to panic and panic as soon as they heard that the opponent's level was higher than myself. Many battles that could be fought were also lost, and many battles that could escape were lost in vain. Life."

"However, the six swords I taught you are different."

"This set of swordsmanship is not for playing against people, but for killing people. It is a real killing swordsmanship, battlefield swordsmanship. On the battlefield, no one will compete with you, so in the last one without the concept of level In the era, the sword maker will imagine many of the most difficult, most dangerous, almost all scenes of death and death to create moves. In the process of life and death, the opponent's strength is stronger than you, and the speed is not Faster than you, stronger than you, and better than your skills, these things are all irrelevant. Even if the opponent is a true god, when he threatens his life, he must be killed at the same time, from absolute predicament Under such circumstances, the Six Swords set was arguably the most ferocious and terrifying swordsmanship of the last era, and it took its preliminary form."

The idiot lowered his head and listened silently. The girl tilted her head, stretched out her perfect arm as white as jade, and let a bird fall on her finger. After lightly kissing the little bird's head, she smiled and continued--

"Remember that when I first taught you this set of swordsmanship, I said that this is not a violent killing sword, but a guardian sword. Now that you have understood the third sword, you must have understood the reason for this set of swordsmanship. Such brutality is precisely to protect what the user cherishes with all his strength. The stronger the idea of ​​protection, the greater the power may be. In this way, according to the nature of Liu Jian's ignorance of rank strength and your thinking situation at the time, You can understand more or less why you lost."

Idiot thinking... After a while, he suddenly raised his head and said, "I, I saw the teacher at that time and I was distracted."

The girl smiled: "You should know that any distraction on the battlefield is fatal. No one will give you another chance. So, if you really want to follow the historical process, you are now died."

The idiot touched his neck, and the thought of death flashed by. By the way...Didn't you have your carotid artery cut? So, who saved yourself, is it...?

"Don't worry, it's not me who saved you, but the person who killed you."

The girl spoke bluntly and continued--

"That sword released almost two-thirds of your blood. The blood loss was enough to shock you. But with your physique, you finally survived until your wound was frozen. After that, I followed the agreement. I came to you, and after seeing what happened later, I brought you here by the way."

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