Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 047, dark history

What happened after that...? After that... what happened? !

The idiot's fists were tightly squeezed, and he took a step forward, a little light gleaming in the dark pupils. For the first person who treats himself well...the first person who has no plan for himself, is willing to teach himself to read and write, is willing to take himself around, and also holds a camera to take pictures of himself... But he, but She was frozen for seven years. If an idiot has never felt guilty to anyone before, then she... is the first in this world.

"What happened next..."

The girl supported her lower lip, as if she was thinking about whether the next words would be compliant or not. After thinking for a long time, she finally shook her head helplessly and said--

"You have to check it yourself. However, we are now in a place where it takes ten days to get to Fengchueisha, an ice fortress, on the magic train. What's more, there are various trains leading to Fengchuisa. It has all stopped. And you also need to recuperate."

The idiot's clenched fist finally loosened...

He lowered his head, his face remained expressionless, he could not see whether it was joy, anger, sadness, or happiness. Bun also held his hand, nodding his head with some comfort, and screamed.

The girl turned her head and smiled suddenly after seeing such an idiot. She turned her head and said, "Oh, although I can't tell you that you can directly make judgments and adopt information that affects the course of history, I can tell you a story. After listening to this story, you will definitely be There is a very clear concept of the "enemy" we will face."

After thinking for a while, the idiot sat on the edge of the bed and nodded. The girl glanced at the white wolf who was being pulled by a group of children outside, and smiled. After sorting out his thoughts, finally, he sighed gently.

"Helen? Edward. Do you know the name?"

"……………………Know. That little girl who can't kill."

The girl nodded and gave a wry smile.

"Actually, when I first passed the Six Swords to you, I had a worry. That is, although this set of swordsmanship has been unknown in the years, not many people know it. But for a certain In terms of these'things', this set of swordsmanship is an unforgettable object for their eternal life. Among them, more are the feelings of vengeance containing hatred and anger, which always surround this set of swordsmanship."

"In the last era, a creature suddenly appeared out of thin air on this continent. She has two black wings, a long tail, terrifying sharp teeth and golden eyes. People who are frightened call it a'dragon'. This black dragon wreaks havoc on the mainland, wherever it goes, no grass grows, everything is turned into scorched earth. Because her power is too tyrannical, even a well-equipped army can't match it."

"At this time, someone appeared. This person is the first heir to this set of swordsmanship. This middle-aged person set foot on the Heiyan Volcano alone, facing this dragon that even the army can't match. To challenge it."

"My boy, do you want to ask, did that first heir fight the dragon for three days and three nights, killing it in darkness? No, wrong. You should know very well that Six Swords advocates the shortest Time to solve the enemy. So the battle was not as long as you thought, maybe, the time was shorter. That person didn’t know, but I was secretly watching from the side at the time. In just one minute, the victory or defeat was divided. ."

"The black dragon was cut off with its wings, feet, blinding eyes, and its head severed. After such a battle, the first successor breathed a sigh of relief and went down the mountain."

"But, he didn't know. He didn't solve any problems at all."

"The black dragon is not dead."

"To be precise, as long as the world continues to'exist', she will never be'dead'. She is reborn. There is no trace of scars. But for the humiliation of facing a human being, she was dismembered. She couldn't swallow this breath."

"Since then, Heilong has not killed innocent people indiscriminately. She started to wait. Just when everyone thought the continent was all right, she suddenly caught the great-granddaughter of the first heir. A girl named Helen Ransid Moore."

"In order to get revenge, she peeled off the little girl's skin alive and ate her meat. Then, she put on the little girl's skin and blended into the side of the first heir. Then she exhausted every means, One by one, the family members of the first heirs were killed. Except for a few who escaped occasionally, the first heirs were almost the same as Killing."

"At that time, the first successor was already eighty years old. Although the blade was still sharp, but the physical strength was no longer able to support. The black dragon, dressed in his great-granddaughter's skin, saw that he was old and began to slaughter him in front of him His family, ate the flesh and blood of his family. It was also at that time that the first heir started the second battle with this black dragon."

When Xiao Bian heard this, she began to imagine a little girl in her head slicing open a person's belly with her bare hands, digging out the internal organs, and eating while laughing. She couldn't help feeling sick, she immediately covered her mouth and ran to the side. Go inside the toilet. But the idiot continued to listen, because he knew that the girl in front of him could never be as simple as telling a story to himself. Among them, there must be some very important information.

"How long the second battle lasted, I don't know. Because when I noticed the abnormality and arrived, the first heir was already dying. But the black dragon fell to a more tragic end. Although she could not be killed. He died, but was sealed by the fifth sword of the six swords-Falling Leaves."

"After that battle, the first heir was finally weak. He almost lost all his family members. In the last two years, he almost lay in the orphanage, spent quietly, and then finished his whole life. I still clearly remember that year, the entire continent had a mourning ceremony. Let the entire continent come to remember a person, I don’t know whether he was lucky or unfortunate in this life."

"However, the seal of a mortal has a time limit. After being sealed for five hundred years, she broke through the seal of fallen leaves again and escaped. After escaping, she relied on the connection of blood to find the first place under the name of Helen Edward Any descendant of an heir. In less than a hundred years, all the descendants of the first heir were finally killed by her. However, maybe because of being sealed, she began to feel scared, so she began to look for any studies. Six swords, even those who have only seen swordsmanship, or saw others practice Six Swords. Of course, these people can't escape her poisonous hand. I can feel that Six Swords are already on her invincible body Carved the imprint of eternity. She feared Six Swords, hated Six Swords, and didn't want to kill all the descendants of Six Swords all the time, but did not dare to appear in front of the descendants of Six Swords. This set of swordsmanship was gradually lost in the end, and she learned Part of the reason is that the difficulty is high, and the other part is because her descendants were secretly killed by her, so it gradually withered."

"In this way, she repeated this kind of work, but because she was afraid that the descendants of Six Swords would directly challenge her again, she was always carrying out assassinations, and she didn't dare to slaughter the city as grandly as before. Until the second era. At the end of her, she was sealed by the other two dragons, one silver-silver and the other fiery red dragon. This assassination that spanned hundreds of years came to an end. Until now, it’s like no seal can last forever. After nearly a thousand years of time and space, she broke the seal again and returned."

Having said that, the story of the girl is finally over. The idiot thought about every detail in this story. Through this story, he understood a lot. In contrast, he also knew how "dangerous" his current situation was.

Black Dragon... Besides the black-haired and golden-eyed Di Lu Hagang, who else would there be?

That immortality is immortal, as long as there is a conscious existence, it can be resurrected indefinitely... And self is precisely the prey of such a "monster"... the enemy?

"Why... why did you tell me this."

"Because these are just history, and after telling you, apart from letting you know the cause and effect of the matter, it is completely impossible for you to come up with any solution. And you are different from other people. If you are an ordinary person, then follow me I can’t interfere with human conventions. I can’t say. But you, even if you don’t tell you how dangerous someone is, you can always be vigilant. So if you don’t say it, don’t you know that there is nothing for you at all Difference."

The idiot covered his head and thought. He thought of Mi Li, and thought of how much energy he had spent to kill her back then. But in the end, he still failed to kill her. Dilu Hagang...just like this old saying, consciousness is existence, and existence is consciousness. To completely eliminate her, I am afraid that unless everyone on this sad continent is killed, then her existence can be lifted...

But the idiot knows that this is an impossible plan. In that case, he raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him. She told herself these words, it was absolutely impossible to simply cause her panic. So... there must be a solution.

"What should I do."

The idiot's voice was calm. It was not the first time to be killed. There was no difference between being killed by a dragon and being killed by a street gangster. Both were threats of death. And this kind of threat is too much, too much in the process of growing up the sewer rat.

"Just like I told you last year."

The girl's gaze turned back. She was draped in the afternoon sun, the smile on her face had disappeared, and a serious expression changed—

"I, come to guide you the fourth sword, romance. With this sword, you should be able to frighten away the black dragon temporarily after returning to the wind and blowing the sand. Then, I will find a way to teach you the fifth sword-fallen leaves."

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