Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 048, the lake of sad love

The girl's voice reached the idiot's ears, making him startled.

Fourth...fifth sword? As long as you learn these two swords, you can even deal with that kind of black dragon?

But despite saying that, the idiot has another thing that needs confirmation.

"I, there is no reason to fight that black dragon."

"There is really no reason for you now. However, learning more swordsmanship will only benefit you, not harm. Now, you can go outside and see what is going on. Wait for another two days, After confirming that your body is fully recovered, we will learn the fourth sword that you have never been able to win."

This was the end of the girl's words. She didn't talk to the idiot anymore, but turned directly through the window.

Little Bread pulled the idiot's clothes and yelled twice. After the voice of the girl and the child disappeared, he slowly exhaled, took the bread, and walked out of the room.

Pushing the door open, the dazzling sunlight fell from the top of his head. The idiot squinted his eyes and waited for a while, then opened his eyes again. A long-lost heat wave hit his skin.

The City of Hundred Islands-Salad.

This is a city composed of many small islands. In the vast lake of sorrow and love, there are more than 500 small islands standing in it, and the sapphire-like lake of sorrow and love is even more dazzling.

This small town belonging to the Bucks Empire has always been a good place for tourism and vacation. Perhaps because it is located on the lake and each island is separated, the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms last year did not capture it so smoothly. And by virtue of its unique geographical location, more than 300 residential islands in these more than 500 small islands have not been destroyed. It can be said that in last year's battle, it was better preserved than Fengchuansha.

As soon as the cabin came out, the blue lake appeared in front of him. The island is full of palm olive trees, shaking gently with the hot wind. Looking around, all kinds of large and small islands are far and near, all over the eyes.

"Wow~~~! Wow~~~!"

Little Bread pulled the idiot down the ramp, cheering. She eagerly pulled the idiot into a boat, and put the oars in the idiot's hands. After the idiot exhaled, holding the oar, he slowly started to paddle.


The boat leaves the shore, and the idiot is considering which direction to row. But at this moment, the small bread suddenly pointed to the largest island and patted the hull continuously. It seems that I can't wait for the idiot to go to that island.

"…………………… there, what is there."

Little Bread was dumbfounded, seeming to be thinking about how to answer. But after thinking for a while, she still didn't write it out, but continued to point to the largest island, which is the capital of Sala City-Central Island.

The boat, slowly sliding on the Lake of Sadness. Slowly stretched a ripple on the blue water. As the distance gets closer, the idiot finally sees the cause of the matter.

A white stag flag, which was only allowed to be erected by the royal family, was now inserted on the roof of the administrative official's capital.

This small a place for tourism and vacation, isn't it?

So, the situation here...what is going on?

As soon as I stepped ashore, I saw many refugee tents. Many people in ragged clothes shrank tiredly in these tents, boiled water and ate meals around a small bonfire.

Many people wearing Red Cross vests shuttled through these refugee camps, and wailing sounds came from the tents they entered. It just so happened that the door of a tent just opened, and the idiot glanced slightly and saw that it was full of people with various frostbites lying inside. Some people even half of their bodies are frozen, and they can only hum on the bed.

"……………………what happened."

When the idiot asked, the joy on Little Bread's face had disappeared. She put on a sad look, took out the sign, and wrote.

"Baba, these people are all wind blowing sand. Now, everyone has no home to go back. 》

The idiot glanced at the sign in Little Bread's hand, the expression on his face did not change at all. But at this moment...

His hand was held tightly by the other hand.

"It's you?! It's been a long time since I saw you! I didn't expect you to escape smoothly too?"

The idiot looked back and saw that it was not someone else standing in front of him, but the second prince of the Bucks Empire, Xie Huo. He looked at the little bread next to him, and then at the idiot. Now the evil fire with some beards smiled and patted the idiot on the shoulder again.

"It's really rare! We have only met again since you got into the royal city last year?"

The idiot was startled, and instinctively took a step back. You know, last year he did get into the royal city for something, but at that time he was dressed as a woman. He thought that no one except the deceased Emperor Buck could see it, but he didn't expect...

Seeing the idiot stepped back, Xie Huo smiled again and said, "Don't worry, I know that you are not the one who killed the father. We have already heard from the army. But I didn't expect that you would leave with my sister. Near. I haven't seen it before!"

After that, Xie Huo patted the idiot on the shoulder again. Afterwards, he hooked the idiot's neck happily, and said with a smile: "How about, in order to save my sister, your princess, are you interested in counterattacking the wind and sand again? Although your combat effectiveness is not clear to me, I can How about giving you a safe job, responsible for commanding soldiers to attack the city?"

The idiot didn't know what evil fire meant, so he didn't answer. But the little bread is a little angry now. She snorted and raised the sign--

"How can such a small number of people counterattack the Ice Fortress! Uncle Xie Huo made a joke! 》

"Hehe, sure enough... even such a small child knows that I am telling a joke..."

Xie Huo saw the sign, but a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He shook his head and sighed: "But it's such a truth that even a ten-year-old child can understand. Our king, but still can't see through it, is thinking about how to counterattack all day long..."

The idiot did not respond and continued to remain silent.

The evil fire took the idiot all the way to the capital on the top of the central island. Maybe it's because of Walnut, his attitude towards an idiot is not like an ordinary civilian. On the contrary, there is a sense of seriousness. Along the way, comforting those suffering from frostbite, Xie Huo began to speak slowly—

"Since more than a month ago, the lake in the Northeast Park suddenly froze, and the frost has spread day by day. The speed at the beginning was very slow, but after three days, it was almost an hour. The whole wind blowing sand was frozen."

"I don't know what power this is, or why it is. But what I need now is to work hard to maintain this order, to help the king."

From Xie Huo's mouth, the idiot gradually learned what had happened in the past month. Due to the inexplicable ice, fewer than 10,000 people escaped from the entire windblown sand. As a king, Mu Du lived in the city alive at first and refused to leave. But at the last moment, Xie Huo finally gave him an anesthetic and carried him out. But for Walnut, who could not go out during the day, that day, Xie Huo could only watch the ice climb up the castle and freeze his sister's room.

A team of less than 10,000 people was forced out of their homeland, but this is not over yet, things are just beginning. Due to the loss of the capital and most of the ministers in an instant, the stag empire, which had not had time to get a breath, immediately fell into chaos once again after encountering war. Reconstruction projects in many places across the country were forced to abandon before they even started. Among the ruins, everyone could only move to this city of Sarah and camp here.

The frost-bearing stag empire is really facing great ordeal this time. While everyone is wondering what happened to the wind and the sand, other neighboring countries are also starting to move around. Had it not been for fear of the appearance of the dead soldiers last time, I am afraid that large-scale aggression has already begun. The stag empire today is in such a delicate period, and I don't know what to do.

"Your Majesty's intention is to gather forces to counterattack immediately after a short rest."

When he came to the administrative mansion, Xie Huo pushed open the door to let two people carrying stretchers enter, and said--

"Although you are very welcome, I still have to say that he is crazy. Under such circumstances, he not only does not consider his own people, but always remembers to counterattack the wind and sand. It is he who does not know this. Is it a pure death-seeking behavior, or is he really completely crazy?"

Entering the gate, soon, the idiot and Xiao Bian followed the evil fire to the administrator's office. After pushing the door open, roars immediately came from inside. You could hear that it was Mudu's voice.

"What do you mean? Why can't we gather forces?!"

"I don't want to listen to your excuses! Bring me the soldiers responsible for caring for the wounded. I want them to be in a state of being able to enter the battle at any time!"

"The wounded? They are just frostbite! Anyway, those ice will not melt no matter how hot water is poured, so what else needs to be taken care of? The evidence is that even though those people were frozen, they were still not dead. You can imagine us The people of the people are not dead! As long as the action is fast enough, you can attack quickly and find a way to lift the ice, this is the real way to save people!"

The idiot obeyed Xie Huo's instructions and waited outside the door with the wounded who were leaning on the wall. There was a bandage on his neck, so it didn't look obtrusive.

Xie Huo entered the room and happened to see Mu Du yelling at the Archon in Sara City. Standing next to him was Dara Goodsey who also escaped from the ascent. At this moment, he was looking at the consul who was kneeling on the ground with a smile, and seeing Mu Du's scolding harshly, he only persuaded him. V

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