Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 049, the promise of the competition

"His Majesty, please don't get angry. I can understand the worries of the people whose life and death are hanging in your heart. But if you get angry, it will be a great loss for our Bucks Empire."

At this time, the evil fire had already entered. Mu Du did not look at his younger brother at all. Instead, he looked at Dai Lao beside him a little excitedly, and said angrily: "I know...I know. But I must hurry...Who knows that my people are there? How long can I live under the ice? I must save them...If I can't save them, should I face..."

"Your Majesty, please rest assured."

Dai Lao smiled, put a cloak on Mudu's body, and said--

"We will gather our troops. At that time, the strength of the Goodsea family in various territories will definitely come to cooperate fully. Therefore, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"Great... Goodsay, it's really great to have you here... Great..."

"Your Majesty, I have something to talk to you, can I ask the Duke of Goodsay to avoid it first?"

The idiot raised his head and looked at the evil fire in the room. I saw that his face was cold, and he had completely lost the way he smiled at himself.

Mu Du was taken aback for a moment, looking at the evil fire. But Dai Lao's eyes turned slightly, and he sneered, and said, "Then, please let your subordinates leave."

After that, Dai Lao left the room. He didn't notice the idiot beside him, but took the hilt of the sword on his waist and left.


After Xie Huo closed the door, Little Bread dashed up. She put her ear on the door, and the meaning of eavesdropping couldn't be more obvious. Although idiots do not approve, they do not object very much. After thinking about it, he came to the door and stood still. With his hearing, listening to everything that happened inside the door.

"Brother! Please don't forget. During his reign, the emperor father warned us that we must never put our hearts on any courtier! Even when the emperor was alive, he was resolute in things that he could not tell Principal Campa. Don't tell me. But now... why are you so dependent on Duke Goodsay?"

Xie Huo glanced at Dai Lao, strode forward to Mu Du, and slapped his hands on the table and said mercilessly.

Mu Du looked at his younger brother, but the panic expression on his face was now full of disgust. He pushed away the evil fire angrily and said loudly: "Depending on the evil fire, I find that you are really getting too much! Our country has encountered such a big change, it is the time to help each other and unite! Ancient The Duke of Desai has worked hard, and has been repairing books and dispatching troops these days. But what about you? What are you doing? Have you done anything since we got here?"

Hearing Mu Du saying this to himself, Xie Huo was finally angry. He patted the table again and shouted: "Mudu? Frihus! Don't go too far! Can you please be a little more awake? Don't you think that this disaster may be caused by Duke Goodsay. Come out? Please use your mind to think about it. A month and a half ago, our geological surveyor noticed some small energy fluctuations at the bottom of the Northeast Lake. At that time, we thought it was a new conductive pit under the lake. Not long after this news was confirmed, the Goodsey ran over to ask for the park! And you... what I can't believe is that you actually gave it to him?!"

Mu Du originally just listened, but afterwards, he finally couldn't help it, grabbing Xie Huo by the collar and dragging him closer, with a cold voice: "Enough! Xie Huo? Frihus. What are you? What do you mean? Why are you fighting against the Duke of Goodsay all day long? How reasonable is his proposal at the time? Tell me, why should I not approve him? It's you! Evil fire, I heard you secretly recently You are meeting with many princes and ministers, and you have never cared about the municipal government. Why do you have such a change? Say! Do you want to...rebel?!"

Xie Huo's pupils dilated instantly, and he half-opened his mouth, looking at the brother in front of him almost incredulously. Perhaps, this question is too sharp, Xie Huo's mouth opened and closed for a long time, and he couldn't give a reply.

"You actually... said that I...rebellious?!"

Suddenly, the evil fire slapped Mudu's hand. He finally had no feelings in his eyes looking at Mu Du. He stepped back and looked so strange in Mu Du's eyes.

"...... Mudu? Frihus. You dare to say that I...rebel? I contacted those ministers to help you solve the government affairs, telling them that they can solve many things by themselves, and there is no need to know the details. All of them are taken out and handed over to you for review! I am trying to reduce your work...but you...but you say that I am betraying?!"

"Solve my government affairs? How can you understand how much my government affairs are?!"

Mudu refused to accept the evil fire at all, and said loudly--

"Since I became the throne, I wake up at four o'clock every morning! I receive worship at six o'clock, meet the ministers, and handle government affairs until 11 o'clock at noon! Then, I take a two-hour break at noon, starting at 1 pm Review all kinds of memorials and handle national affairs until five o’clock in the evening! After dinner, I have to go to bed at eight o’clock. I have so many government affairs, and you, this fellow, not only do not share the burden, but give it back Am I messing up? To Duke Goodsay who helped me...speak such slanderous words?!"


"Enough! You go out for me! I don't want to see you again, and I don't want to hear your voice again! Even if I am exhausted, I have to protect the country left by my father! And you! You are not the crown prince, you It doesn’t help me at all! So, I ask you to stay by your side obediently, don’t make a sound, don’t mess with me! This way I will be satisfied!"

Finally, the evil fire was blasted out. He closed the door heavily without saying a word, and left without even paying attention to the idiot.

Xiao Bread pulled the idiot's clothes and looked at the departing evil fire with some fear. Maybe she didn't expect it, she used to like to make jokes so much, so unruly evil fire, now she would put on such a terrible face. The idiot didn't catch up, even though he didn't know exactly what Evil Fire wanted to do when he brought him here. But now, it is obviously not a good time to catch up and ask.

"Your Majesty, has His Highness Evil Fire left? Then I will come in."

Suddenly, Dai Lau appeared in the corridor again. Obviously, he did not go far, but was always waiting outside. After seeing Xie Huo leave, he walked in again.

In the room, Mu Du was still angry. After Dai Lau smiled, he handed over a briefing.

"what is this?"

"It's all the forces we can mobilize at present. That is, all the power of the Bucks."

Mu Du frowned, glanced around, and said, "All the troops that can be few?"

"Hehe, for the Bucks, one hundred thousand troops is indeed a minority. But for some small countries, these troops are a very large number."

"Um, I understand. Then?"

"Haha, Your Majesty. These 100,000 troops belong to different nobles and cities, but to use them uniformly, you still need an appropriate leader. Otherwise, there may be a separation scene where you command this and I command that."

"It makes sense. Goodsay, what do you think?"

"Hahaha, it's very simple. We can hold a competition in fifteen days from the perspective of force, intelligence, strategy, prestige, etc., and your Majesty will personally select a person who is qualified to be the leader of this national army."

Mu Du frowned again, shook his head and said, "What else can I choose? Just you."

Dai Lao smiled, shook his head, and said, "No, no, no, even though I am a Duke, I am still very young, only twenty-one years old. There are many people with high respect on the battlefield, and their strength and prestige are also far away. It is much higher than me. Therefore, if your Majesty directly appoint me to take over, I am afraid it will arouse criticism."

"'s true."

"Therefore, I hope that your Majesty can approve this competition. Under the banner of the Bucks, the victor will be able to get the power of the nation and unified command. Moreover, I hope that your Majesty can act on merits so that anyone is eligible to participate in this. The next competition. Maybe there are some talented people who can stand out in places we don't know?"

"This... But Goodsey, if this is the case, what if you don't win? At that time, you will have to do things under someone else's hands..."

"Hehe, I hope your Majesty can rest assured. We are all the people of the Bucks, and we all obey His Majesty's call. Even if that person is a little-known beggar, I am willing to look forward to it. As long as the other party can really be stronger than me , If you are more far-sighted, who will be the leader of this army and counterattack the wind and sand is not an important thing at all. Because I only care about the safety of the princess and the lives of everyone in the city... …"

Looking at Dai Lao's sincere face, Mu Du was a little excited. He nodded and said, "It's...Thank you so much. To be so concerned about Walnut. In this world, it is her blessing to have people like you worry about her all the time..."

"For the sake of your Royal Highness, I'll go through the fire and water, and I will do whatever it takes. Then, Your Majesty, I will leave and arrange this competition."

After speaking, Dai Lao bowed respectfully to Mudu, turned and exited the room. After pushing the door open, he looked at the left and right with a little doubt, and after confirming that no one was eavesdropping, he walked away slowly.


"That has nothing to do with us."

From the shadows, the idiot slowly walked out. He glanced at the King of Bucks in the room, then looked at the back of Dai Lao who was strutting over there, and gently covered Bun's mouth.

"My primary goal now is the fourth sword, romance. Others have nothing to do with me." V

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