Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 050, the true meaning of the fourth sword

After three days of rest, the idiot's physical condition finally recovered.

His stamina was already very good, and he had been taking the herbal soup that White Wolf gave him all this time. Although he doesn't know what kind of medicine these are, he may never drink this bowl completely without hesitation.

Three days later, the bandage on his neck was also removed. There is no trace of a wound. Bun held the bandage and let out a big breath, seeming to relax because he completely let go of his heart. But the idiot knows that a good wound does not mean ease, but the beginning of a real challenge.

Today, the weather is a bit gloomy.

The upper part of the Lake of Sadness is like a thick layer of ink. Even at noon, it looked like it was late at night.

The cold wind whizzed across the islands, sweeping ripples of the originally calm lake. Where these winds gather, it is a remote uninhabited island. On this precipitous island full of all kinds of weirdness, the idiot stood in front of the long-haired girl with his eyes still closed.

There are not many trees on the bare island, which allows the lake breeze to cut directly on everyone's face and body. The bun was curled up, hiding behind the lying white wolf, using its thick fur to keep out the cold. At the same time, her gaze swept across the body of the white wolf, looking at the two people standing there.

"Sister, can't you play with me today?"

For some reason, the fourteen-year-old girl named Knight followed three days ago today. Today, what she held in her hand was a very large egg biscuits. It is divided into several areas, and each area is covered with different sauces.

The long-haired girl laughed softly when she heard Knight's shout. She silently said the girl who seemed to be only one or two years younger than herself, and said, "Will you watch it next to me? I have promised my brother over there for a year. So, I must fulfill my promise."

"Hmm... Is it like my sister promised me?"

"Yes. As long as it is what I promised, I will do it. Knight, you don't want me to be a person who likes to break contracts, do you?"

Knight pouted and thought for a while. After a while, she finally took a bite of the cake, licked the sweet sauce sticking to her mouth, and nodded.

"Well, go and stay with the wolf now. If you feel sleepy, you can sleep in its arms for a while."

Knight nodded again, and she ran to the white wolf and drilled into its thick fur, completely fearless of the lake breeze. The girl just stuck a head out of her hair, and of course, there was also the hand and the egg cake, eating with relish.

After solving Knight's matter, the girl finally turned her head and looked at the idiot. There was no smile in her eyes, instead a seriousness. Then, putting her hands behind her back, she said to the idiot——

"Before teaching you the fourth sword, I need to know your current strength. Come and attack me. Be sure to prepare to kill me. No reservations are allowed."

The idiot nodded, and after a deep breath, his pupils gradually lost focus. Those eyes, which were as deep as black holes, just fell on the long-haired girl, and Dimie also pointed forward to the ground and stood still.

The battle did not begin immediately.

In the unobstructed lake breeze, the idiot stood quietly. The girl still had her hands behind her back, and she didn't mean to attack. The two stood still, like sculptures.

Six swords are not fighting swords, but killing swords.

Fighting swordsmanship focuses on learning, and will also study how the next move after being blocked will proceed. However, Murder Sword has no such statement.

Once the sword is drawn, the enemy must be killed. There is no such thing as a follow-up, and there is no such thing as you coming and going, fighting for three hundred rounds. Only the most stupid people think that a master battle will inevitably be dark and dark. But in fact, the time for a real master showdown may be very short. Maybe three minutes, maybe one minute, maybe only thirty seconds, ten seconds. More likely, at the moment the battle just started, the victory or defeat was already decided.

Just like now, Dim Mie inserted into the girl's throat, going in and out. Just at this moment, the outcome has been decided.

"Well, very good. I can see that you really worked hard."

The girl whose throat was pierced did not show the slightest pain on her face. On the contrary, she opened her mouth slightly, expressing encouragement.

The idiot looked at the girl in front of him who had been "killed" by him, and after a moment of silence, he slowly put down his sword. Dim disappeared, from the girl's throat, chest, and abdomen, passing unimpeded all the way. After the girl said the second sentence, her body began to slowly distorted and disappeared. But behind the idiot, the figure of another long-haired girl slowly emerged.

Faster than light............?

The idiot slowly turned around, and then he assumed a pose for the second sword. But at this moment, the girl raised her hand and stopped him.

"No need. From the sword just now, I have seen your strength and speed, as well as your proficiency with this sword, as well as your thinking mode and movement sensory ability when you shoot the sword. , You are very cautious. Before you take the sword, you considered the wind direction and the distance between the two of us. You also observed whether the road between us is smooth and calculated where each step should be stepped on to let yourself The speed reached its limit. Your knowledge of Six Swords really makes me gratified."

The idiot flung off the dark and lowered his head. After a while, he looked up again and said silently: "Master, fourth sword, romance."

"I know. So now, I want to hear your thoughts about the fourth sword. I believe that you should have learned the sword intently. You have practiced the sword moves and the footwork of the sword many times. Then tell me Tell me, what do you think of this sword."

The idiot raised his head and closed his eyes. Begin to let the sword spectrum of the fourth sword appear around him. After watching all the pictures of the fourth sword, he slowly exhaled and took Dimie back into his hand.

At the next moment, he suddenly flicked, and the Dimming was thrown out again, and rushed directly to the long-haired girl. The blade also stabbed the girl's body directly without scruples.

For all this, the long-haired girl did not make any counterattack. She just kept evasive, letting the sharp blade almost brush her body. She knew that the boy in front of him was thinking about this constant attack.


The original smooth combo suddenly stopped. The previous combo that was like running clouds and flowing water abruptly stopped. The girl didn't speak, but stood there, waiting for the idiot to continue to wave and die.

Pause, continue. Pause again and continue.

As the sword moves more and more backward, the idiot pauses more and more. Looking at the sweat on his face, it was obvious that these pauses were not intentional. It was the pause that occurred because he couldn't connect according to the sword spectrum in his mind.

At the end of the round, the pace of the fourth sword romance and the posture of the sword, it is also over. The girl stood there, waiting for the answer from the boy in front of her. She waited, and soon the answer came out.

"Connection, there are always problems."

The idiot thought for a while, raised his right hand, and the flow of the fourth sword emerged in his mind, letting it flow slowly in his mind.

"No matter how much I want to act in accordance with the sword book, even if I slow down the playing speed of the sword book to only half of my actual sword speed, I always find that when the action in the sword book ends, I still There is no time to end the full set of swordsmanship."

The girl listened without interrupting.

"This feeling is quite strange. Judging from the number of ways the sword is released, this sword is the same as the third sword. It is used in one-to-many terms. Moreover, it should also be very good at dealing with a single enemy. From the angle of view, it is still from the step of the sword. In terms of position, this sword cares more about accuracy, it cares about walking and dodge, one sword per sword. Unlike the third sword, it is purely an in-situ defensive killing path. number."

"Prick your throat, gouge your heart, and point your lower body. The romantic routine is not very complicated, simple, and lethal. I believe that after I practice it, I should not be able to use it like before. Only at the last moment can I use the whole body defense. Xia Lan here comes to repel multiple enemies."

"However, I can't practice anything."

This is the end of the idiot's summary. In the past few years, his understanding of the fourth sword has now been fully explained, without the slightest concealment. Then, what he was waiting for was an answer. A spit out from the girl's mouth can make him instantly realize the answer to the fourth sword.

Then there was another long silence. The girl's black pupils shone brightly like black pearls. Unlike the idiot's deep darkness, these eyes feel more like endless hope.


The sky finally began to growl. There was a small flash of light in this gloomy sky, which made people couldn't help but look sideways. After a while, ripples began to rise on the already unbearable water of the Lake of Sadness. Unconsciously, the idiot's body was drenched, and the rain splashed on his hair unscrupulously, rolling down his hair.

"Child, let me ask you a question."

Finally, the long-haired girl opened her mouth. She also stood in the rain, not afraid that her body would be wet by the rain, and said with a serious expression——

"Have you killed anyone?"

The idiot was taken aback for a moment, wondering what the girl's words meant. He turned his head and looked at the small bread that also hid in the fur on the belly of the white wolf to avoid the rain, then slowly nodded.

"Really... So, how many people did you kill?"

"………………………………Can not remember."

"In other words, you have killed so many people, you don't even remember how many?"

"…………………………I have not counted. If Master wants, I will count one by one in the future and calculate the number..."

"I don't mean that. I mean...when you were killing people, did you ever think about pity, did you think about...forgive them?"

The wind and rain continued to raging.

This uncovered island has nothing to resist the erosion of heavy rain. At this moment, it seemed that God had a temper. It began to act coquettishly, began to cry, and began to toss with its own temperament unscrupulously. Don't care about the feelings of others.

The silence on the island continued.

Ever since the long-haired girl asked this question, the idiot has been thinking about it. He was thinking about the meaning of this problem, and he was thinking about the problem itself. After a long silence, he finally exhaled and shook his head slowly.

"To the enemy, I can't take pity. Forgiving the enemy in a moment of life and death can only hurt myself."

The long-haired girl nodded silently, expressing gratitude and regret for the idiot's blunt answer.

"That is really a pity. Because pity and forgiveness, sorrow and love are the essence that can motivate the Fourth Sword. If you can't experience these feelings when confronting an enemy, it's a pity that you can only stop at The third sword."

In the idiot's confused eyes, the long-haired girl turned around, looked at the misty lake, and continued--

"The fourth sword, love. Compared with the violent killing intent of the third sword, the fourth sword is the opposite sword intent. When you danced the sword just now, you were not always wondering why you could not keep up with the speed of the album. Actually, the key is that you really want to use the kills in this set of swordsmanship to kill people. But the dolls in the album do not mean to pierce the sword. Therefore, the collection of those dolls The speed of the sword will naturally be faster than you. Of course you can't keep up."

"I know, you must be thinking in your heart now, why don't you stab the sword in? And you will also think that those sword moves just now are obviously not false moves. As long as you stab in, you can definitely take the other's life. In such a situation Next, why withdraw the sword? So now, I will tell you."

"On the battlefield, it does not necessarily say that everyone must die. In many cases, people will also encounter situations where they must fight the opponent they don’t want to kill. In this case, if you can only use the three swords ahead, then What will happen?"

The idiot lowered his head, after a moment of hesitation, seemed to understand something, and raised his head.

"I...I can't control the first three swords at all, it will directly result in the opponent's life."

"That's the case." The long-haired girl affirmed, "The three swords in front are all pure murder swords. After the sword is released, the user cannot have any doubts. Even if he wants to stop, he hurriedly suppressed the sword. It will only create great flaws for yourself, but it is not good. In contrast, the fourth sword is just to avoid getting into a life-and-death situation with the opponent, and to protect the sword moves created by yourself."

"The question I just raised is the basis of the fourth sword. Before you can shoot the sword, you need to abandon the idea of ​​killing the opponent, so that there is room for the sword move. Judging from your current state, you already belong It is a complete fighter machine. Once you enter the battle, if you don't kill the opponent or stop the battle for other reasons, it is absolutely impossible for you to stop by yourself." V

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