Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 051, sad love by the lake

For idiots, this is precisely the most important factor. After thinking for a while, he said: "I kept my hand, but the other party didn't keep my hand. I, die faster..."

"What kind of talent do you think is qualified to keep hands with each other in battle?"

The girl shook her head--

"Only if you are at least twice as strong as the opponent, can you have the qualification to keep your hand to the opponent in battle."

The idiot was silent, and after a while, he spoke--

"what should I do."

"It's very simple." The girl said with her hands on her back, "wash away too much killing intent from your sword. Starting today, you must continue to fight with me. Because once you enter the battle, you always think about it. Kill the opponent in an instant. So in the battle that begins today, you must learn to suppress your thoughts of killing the enemy and turn into "subduing the enemy." You have to know that it is easier to kill and difficult to subdue. But for You still need to learn to become the fourth sword."

The idiot nodded, took a deep breath while holding Diamie. When the girl waited for him to be ready, she also stretched out her hand to signal that he could start.

In the drifting drizzle, the idiot rushed forward again. His training began here. In order to acquire the most incredible sword, he must overcome his killing intent as soon as possible, and learn the fourth sword, romance.

The process of learning the sword is very slow. The idiot finally realized the difference between being taught and not being taught. The girl was holding a branch, and whenever the idiot's sword was not in the right relationship, she would tap it heavily on his wrist, shoulder, back and other places, and at the same time shouted loudly. The idiot gritted his teeth and could only pick up the sword again and continue practicing.

"The speed of the sword is too fast! Didn't I tell you that the meaning of this sword is not to kill the enemy? These swords that pierce the vital point only need a little sign to force the opponent to surrender. Why do you still want to pierce the enemy? ?"

"The killing intent is too strong! Although I can't read the killing intent from your eyes, your sword moves are aimed at the critical point. There is no more obvious and easier to see through the killing intent than this! After your sword comes out , It’s clear what you are thinking in your heart, it is easier to guess than the weather in the rainy season! You must gather your will to kill the enemy!"

"Receive the sword, retract the sword! It seems that you don't understand at all. If it is purely to kill the enemy, the fourth sword romance is not necessarily so complicated at all. Its complexity and difficulty in training are just to ensure your own life. In the case of, it is necessary to subdue the opponent without killing or wounding! Your sword should be a little softer, draw a few more circles, and some places need to be deliberately slowed down. Just like its name "love", it needs to be wound and Tactfully, instead of going straight! Let people see at a glance that you just want to simply kill the opponent! And here! The correct way here is to stab the wrist and force the opponent to give up the weapon, rather than stab the lower abdomen halfway! For the opponent, you may indeed be able to stab the lower abdomen, but then your sword will be too late to withdraw, and you will not be able to face other swarming enemies!

Knight, who was hiding in the belly of the white wolf, stared at the stern girl over there with a stunned mouth, because from before to now, she had never seen this sister speak so loudly. She looked extremely strict, and the requirements of that little brother were even more strict. Is this still the older sister who speaks softly to anyone and makes some small cakes for her and other children?

Perhaps Knight was suspicious. But idiots don't think so. As early as ten years ago, on that desert night, he had already experienced the severity of this girl. Say she is gentle, then maybe she can be gentle. But when it comes to cruelty and decisiveness, as long as he made one wrong answer back then, he might have become a corpse in the cave back then, and he will not survive now.

He wants to learn the fourth sword... As long as he learns this sword, his hope of survival will become more solid. As long as you can become stronger... and become stronger, you can protect her more effectively in the rest of your life... avoid any danger to her...

The bun was shrunk in the white wolf's hair. She opened her eyes and looked at the idiot who kept working hard but was constantly scolded. After looking for a while, she stretched out her hands and drew a circle in the air. The circle is colorless and transparent, slowly floating on top of the head of the idiot who is constantly running away from the sword. After it expands, the rain patters on the top of the circle.

The idiot's movements stopped instantly. He turned his head and looked at the little bread here. Bun froze for a moment, and was embarrassed at first. But when the idiot nodded at her and continued to take out the sword, the little girl held her face and happily retracted into the white wolf's hair, watching the practice over there happily.




From noon to late at night, from the heavy rain to the gradual stop, this first day of practice finally ended here.

Just like before practice, the idiot's sword is still aimed at the key. There is no way, he must kill the enemy once he enters the battle, which has become his instinct. For sewer rats, mercy and simple uniforms are completely incomprehensible things. Therefore, he couldn't understand the sword moves that needed to go round, slow and gentle, and then throw the sword out of the other direction. He didn't quite understand the slow speed of the sword, how could he overcome the enemy?

The girl didn't force it either. Sword moves could be memorized, but sword intent needed to be understood little by little. If not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. Anyway, she has time until she becomes an idiot and can continue to practice.

So, when the idiot was already scarred and panting, she finally stopped. After watching for a while and confirming that the idiot had indeed practiced de-strength, she waved at the white wolf over there.

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, continue to meet here. We will continue to practice."

With that said, the white wolf had taken the two sleeping little girls out of their stomachs, put the buns on the ground, bit Knight's clothes in his mouth, and walked to the girl's side. However, when the white wolf and the girl turned around, going to the boat on the island...


"……………………what's up."

The girl stopped and turned her head.

The idiot was panting. One day's high-intensity practice allowed him to get rid of his strength. After Dimie slowly retracted his arm, he said with strength, "If the sword intent of love is simply to subdue the enemy. Then you are engraved on me The "story" in my mind...what's going on."

Looking at the idiot, the girl seemed to be thinking about a very important thing. At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, revealing the three rounds of bright moonlight and silver light, falling on the girl...

"Child, do you have anyone you like?"

"…………………………I don't understand."

"If you have someone you like, then I can tell you about'dark romance'. But if you can't even understand what'love' is, no matter how cruel the true meaning of this sword is, you After all, I can’t understand. And I can only teach you the most basic and marginal things of this sword. Use it as a transition before you learn the fifth sword."

After all, the girl stopped making any answers. She came to the shore, hugged Knight who was holding the white wolf's mouth, and gently jumped onto the boat. The two wolves sat in the boat and rowed across the surface of the Lake of Sadness, quietly, and left...

On the bare island, only the idiot and the little bread in his arms were left.

He wrapped the cloak, wrapped the bread tightly around his chest, and adjusted the way he held her.

This girl is getting bigger and bigger... Although the idiot still doesn't know how long he can provide her with a good sleep by holding her, I believe that this day will soon end.

When she is twelve or three years old in another two or three years, but at that time, I am afraid that even if she wants to hold her... she can't sleep in her arms anymore...

Bathed in moonlight, the idiot jumped into his boat, picked up the oar, and stroked gently.

Today's practice made him feel more tired than ever before. The sore muscles all over made him feel that he was a person who had never exercised before? ...No, maybe for Master, he is just like someone who doesn't exercise at all. It seems that it takes time to keep up with Master's movements and speed...

The sky looks clear after the rain. The sky full of stars shone, reflected in the lake water, the whole lake looked like it was filled with all kinds of jewels, and the light touch of my oar in the lake water crushed the brightness.

Sorrowful Lake...?

Why does this beautiful lake have such a name?

A boring question inadvertently surfaced in the mind of an idiot. This kind of question is obviously very stupid. Maybe it is because of the real "dark romance" mentioned by the master just now, or maybe I am really tired? That's why I began to struggle with such a meaningless question?

Anyway, the idiot knows that he is really tired. He raised his tired eyes and looked around. It just so happened that an island was right next to it, and there was a small pier over there. The idiot rowed the boat over and stopped by the dock. Then, he didn't bother to find the hotel, but just wrapped in a windbreaker, sitting on the dock, looking at the silent lake in front of him, slowly...closed his eyes...


This is a dream.

A dream that looks at the past life.

In the dream, the idiot looked back on all his previous lives, thinking that before that snowy night ten years ago, he was just a little beggar. After that blizzard night, his destiny changed, and he came to Fengchuansha.

He thought of many people and many things. It's really strange, if you are really tired, then you should have no dreams. But why do I have so many dreams?

The idiot opened his eyes, and there was still the silent lake in front of him. Look at the clock next to the pier, it is early morning... In other words, I have slept for almost six hours.

The night is really cold in the early hours of the morning, but the idiot feels nothing. He had experienced a colder climate than this, and the extreme cold of the wind blowing sand did not make his fingers feel numb. For the cold, he just wrapped his cloak tighter. Fortunately, the texture of this cloak is very good, completely impermeable. Little Bread was still sullen in his arms, sleeping beautifully, this is the best evidence.

After suddenly waking up, the idiot lost sleep for a while. He opened his eyes and silently looked at all the world in front of him. At exactly this time, a propaganda poster floated from over there, and the idle idiot grabbed Dim Mie, picked up the propaganda poster from the water, and looked at it by the moonlight.

It's not a big deal.

Or for him, it's not a big deal.

The content on the poster is exactly what I heard outside Mudu's room four days ago about the selection of the Bucks Commander. Calculating carefully, there should be eleven days left. At that time, even in this background environment, Salad City will become very lively.

After reading it, the idiot released his hand and let the propaganda poster go with the wind and landed on the lake again. He looked at the surrounding scenery, then calculated the time, and planned to close his eyes again, and when he sleeps for a while...


He closed his eyes.

But the hand under the cloak squeezed Dim off.

For nothing else, just because of a figure, silently came to him at this moment. As if he didn't feel an idiot at all, this person was holding his hands on his back and looking at the sky, the pale pink pupils were full of depth.


A soft breath came from the side. The idiot lowered his head and slowly opened his eyes. After turning slightly to the side, what he saw was a pair of feet in tall shoes. On the top, is a pale pink skirt and a slender figure. Then, a girl with pink hair at about sixteen years old appeared in his eyes.

Facing the moonlight, the girl's skin looked extremely white. She looked at the lake as if she hadn't noticed the idiot beside her at all. After a while, the girl with pink hair finally opened her mouth—

"~~Can you hear me? My voice~~"


"~~Can you hear me singing here?~~"

The idiot lowered his head and stopped looking at the girl. He looked at the shining lake under his feet, holding a small bread.

"~~How I dare not hope, but now, I am singing here~~"

"~~With this impossible magic, I finally realized my wish~~"

"~~For you~~"

"~~ And singing~~"

The faint singing voice drifted away in the wind.

The best song an idiot has ever heard is Ko Luo. On the night of the Holy Eve Festival, the little girl's singing made herself couldn't help but praise.

But now, he didn't even have the idea of ​​praise. In this cappella singing, he actually slowly closed his eyes.

Closing eyes in front of strangers, such a ridiculous behavior, the idiot had never even thought about it before. Because it is no different from looking for death. But this time, he closed it... abandoning the remaining four senses, leaving only his ears to listen to the voice.

"~~My waywardness, can you hear me?~~"

"~~Maybe, I can't ask you this too much question~~"

"~~Even if I will disappear one day, I still want to convey this to you~~"

"~~This is really the first and last love~~"

"~~Everything, I just dedicate it to you~~"

"~~Maybe I am stupid and slow, I can’t understand the songs you wrote for me, and can’t hear your subtext behind the jokes~~"

"~~I might just hurt you blindly, a stupid girl complaining to others about your lack of gentleness~~"

"~~I only know how to sing. I have been singing since I used to sing, if I can’t continue singing, I hope my singing can stay in your heart~~"

"~~Even if the world is destroyed tomorrow, all I can do is sing for you~~"

"~~Just for you~~"

"~~For the only love in my life~~"

"~~Just for you~~"

"~~ And singing~~"

The remaining sound was curled up, and I don't know how long it took before the last voice dissipated in this broad world.

Does an idiot feel asleep?

do not know.

He could not confirm whether he was awake or asleep. The only thing that still exists in his mind is the endless singing. Perhaps in fact, this song has been stopped for a long time, and the girl who sang has now disappeared... But the song still entangles in his heart, for a long time, it can't disperse...


Practice continues, day after day.

The idiot re-enters the island every morning at 6 o'clock in the morning. He sits on the spot, holding Dim Mi in his hand, closing his eyes, thinking about the sword of love.

After two hours of Wu Jian, his master will come on stage without any surprise. Then, practice the fourth sword battle, which lasted until 7 or 8 in the evening. It is the end.

During this time, the idiot has practiced very hard. But he still couldn't change the habit of directly acting as a killer without showing any affection after seeing any gap. No matter how much he tried, he still couldn't be merciful to the people he didn't want to kill. Because past experience told him that showing mercy to others' subordinates is always cruel torture to himself.

What's more, he can't die. Not only to protect his own life, but also to protect the bread... He must not allow himself to have any mercy on his enemies. Killing is always the simplest and most fundamental solution.


Whether it is the black dragon entrenched in the wind and sand, or the key organization that entangles itself like a nightmare. As long as you kill them all, you and Bread... are safe.

Hard practice makes the idiot almost exhausted every day. His opponent is a girl. If he wants to keep up with the girl's speed and strength, he must spend more energy than ever before when he is facing the enemy, concentrate on it, and absolutely not allow himself to make any mistakes.

But every day, after the practice, he would row a boat, facing the moonlight and stars, to the island, to the pier. He would always sit in the same position, holding a sleepy bun, and closing his eyes. Then, as if there was a deliberate arrangement, every morning... there will be a sixteen-year-old girl with a ponytail, pink hair and pale pink pupils appearing, standing next to him, making a soft voice. singing.

Day, day, day after day. Such days are slowly continuing, and it seems that nothing has changed, but in fact...

The sword stabbed the long-haired girl's neck. Just when the girl frowned and sighed slightly, the sword drew a circle in the air, suddenly turned, and pierced the girl's wrist holding a branch. This change was obviously too sudden. The long-haired girl was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly turned her wrists to prepare for it. But what she didn't expect was that the idiot's movements suddenly coincided with the fourth sword in her memory at this moment. His movements no longer became so fast, so swift, but a leisurely stroke in the air. The circle walked around behind the girl at an incredible pace.

Seeing this, the girl finally laughed. She did not dodge, nor did she try to block. But quietly waiting for the sharp sword to rest on his shoulders.

"What changed you?"

The girl threw away the branches, carried her hands, looked up at the cloudless sky, and asked with a smile.

"…………………………I haven't changed, Master."

The idiot withdrew his hand slowly, and Dian Mie fell into his wrist.

"No change?"

"………………Yes. Because I know that you will not pose a threat to me, and I can't kill you. In so many days of fighting, my fighting spirit may have been consumed, so I tried I want to slow down and I don’t want to assassinate you."

"The fighting spirit... has been consumed..."

The long-haired girl turned around and looked at the idiot with some speculation and doubt in her eyes. But the idiot was uncharacteristically. He didn't look at the girl, but looked away and stopped looking at his master.

"..................Really? A peace of mind is very important. After all, the sword maker of the year really wanted to use the sword technique to kill countless enemies in the early stage, but at the beginning of the fourth sword, he also deliberately Want to keep a part of your own humanity. Very good, no matter what your reason is, a calm heart, a heart that is not arrogant or rash, even a heart that cannot be seen on the blade of a sword, is indeed very important."


The long-haired girl nodded. Today, she unexpectedly did not continue. Instead, she waved to the White Wolf and jumped onto its back.


"Let's stop here today."

The girl sat on the back of the white wolf and said condescendingly——

"After so many days, you need a complete rest. At present, your fourth sword has some preliminary scale. I don't want you to forget this feeling because you are too tired."

"Go and take a good rest. Regarding those people who are blowing the sand, you can take care of it, or whatever, it's up to you."

After speaking, the white wolf jumped off the island very quickly. This time, the man-wolf didn't use the boat anymore, but the white wolf's limbs were scattered, and he sprinted directly on the water surface. In the blink of an eye, he didn't know where to go. V

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