Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 052, my parents?

The long-haired girl left.

During this period of time, the idiot's daily tasks were sword practice, sleep, sword practice, and sleep. Every day, his schedule is full, and there is no day that ends so early. Suddenly there was nothing to do, which made him feel a little empty.

Look up at the weather, now, the time has not even passed noon.


Just when the idiot was a little confused, a small figure suddenly passed by him. Then, the little bread ran over and chased him. The idiot took a closer look and saw that the little girl named Knight was rushing to the lake in a hurry, shouting at the place where the long-haired girl had left.

"Sister! Sister! How can you leave me alone! Come back! Sister!"

Bun ran to the girl's side. She exhaled and looked at Knight. She stretched out her hand like a little adult to take Knight's shoulder. But in any case, Knight is also fourteen years old, and Xiao Bian is only ten years old now. Her hand is placed on Knight’s shoulder like this, it does not look like comfort, more like holding She climbed on her shoulders.

"Don't hold me, I feel so uncomfortable!"

Knight shuddered from the burden behind his back, sadness appeared on his face. Little Bread looked at her with some confusion, and after thinking about it, he started to pick up the pen and write on the sign.

While she was writing, the idiot also came over. He looked at the scared little girl who was about to cry, and after thinking about the behavior of the long-haired girl, he said, "Your name is Knight? Nate Saeye?"

When Knight saw the idiot coming, he instinctively flashed back. She raised the sugar cake she was holding in her hands, pretending to be threatening: "Don't come here! I...I'm amazing!"

"...I will take care of you until the master returns."

"Huh? You take care of me? So... will you buy something for Knight to eat?"

The idiot froze for a moment. Originally, he thought that this little girl followed the long-haired girl because of something special. At least, there should be some things that cannot be integrated with the world. But look now, just buying some food can make her obey? That would be too easy to get it done, right?

Just when the idiot was thinking about what to buy for this little girl so that she could gnaw quietly for a day and then waited for the master to come back, unexpectedly the one behind her was suddenly pulled. The idiot turned his head and saw that Little Bread was holding the sign in his hand, and he was angrily. A closer look showed that although the sign in her arms was largely covered, a few words were still missing.

Spicy food.

After the idiot turned his mind, some knew what the little girl was thinking. He touched the girl's head and said, "I will also buy it for you. Just say what you like."

At this moment, Little Bread pounced on the idiot's body, hugged his waist, and rubbed it happily.

Driving the boat, separated the blue lake. The bun was entangled with Knight, and two little girls, one big and one small, were lying beside the boat, looking at the lake. The idiot looked at the sky and rowed the boat. Since he is off today, and his task has changed from practicing swordsmanship to taking care of the child, he should go to several tourist trails and shopping islands to see if there is anything that can make these two little girls happy.

After these days of adjustment, the sad atmosphere in the city of Salad has eased a little. Maybe it’s because people who have been frostbitten can’t lift the ice at all, but no matter how they are frozen, they are not dead. Except for the thick atmosphere on the central island, the other small islands have gradually recovered Normal.

The idiot paddled and watched several fishing boats sail away from the dock of an island. In these days, he really saw the island for the first time. It was an island with a small population of residents. There were a dozen houses sparsely standing on the island, and it seemed that the number of residents would not exceed a hundred. After thinking for a while, the idiot couldn't help sliding the boat there and ashore.

"Huh? Brother, don't you want to take me to eat? Why are you here?"

Netra held the idiot's hand, and since she heard that there was something to eat, she has been holding on to the idiot, as if she was afraid he would lie to her. The little bread is holding Knight's hand, and it seems that she does have a good impression of this young lady.

The idiot didn't answer, he went ashore in silence, and then stood where he had been sleeping for a few days, looking towards the lake. After a while, he walked into the dock. Just in time, I saw an old woman carrying a bunch of fish out to dry. The idiot hurried over.

"Hello, madam."

After seeing the idiot, the old woman glanced at him sideways and said, "You are not from this island. From the outer island? What's the matter?"

"I want to ask you if there is a beautiful woman with pink hair and pink pupils on this island who can sing very well?"

Little Bread was stunned, because from before to now, she had never seen an idiot interrogate a person in such a tone. Generally, for a woman, an idiot will always emphasize her figure, visual weight, physical characteristics, defects in various parts of the body, and other factors that can directly describe the other person's appearance. But idiots generally don't say such conclusions as "sing well" and "very beautiful" based on subjective feelings.

(What's wrong with Ba Ba?)

Little Bread's face was full of confusion, looking at the idiot, but the idiot did not notice, but quietly waited for the answer from the old woman.

"Young man, who are you? A stranger, why come to ask us the young beautiful girl here?"

The old woman's question is normal, but the idiot can't answer it for a while. Yeah, why did I come here to ask that girl? She has absolutely nothing to do with herself, why did she... come to ask her whereabouts?

Since the old woman didn't answer the idiot's question, he naturally didn't need to answer. It's just that the question and answer just now, but the idiot's heart was puzzled, so he turned and left with this question...

Why... I want to ask her whereabouts?

Get on the boat, paddling. Watching the bow of the boat keep moving towards the small commercial island over there, the doubt in the mind of the idiot became deeper and deeper. However, don't think about things you don't understand. After all, many things in this world are not something you can know, right?

"Wow~~~! A lot of food! I want to eat this, ah! And there is, and that! This marshmallow, that grilled squid skewers! I want to eat each one, each looks good Eat!"

As soon as he landed, Knight showed a kind of excitement that was a little more naive than Bread. Although Xiao Bian was educated by an idiot, he seemed a bit precocious compared to his peers. But compared to the fourteen-year-old Knight, it seems that her ten-year-old sister is just like an older sister.

The idiot didn't know the relationship between Knight and the master, but he didn't need to know either. His only task now is to look at this little girl, and then pay for the food that makes her drool. The buns were originally quite calm, and there was not much demand for those foods. But when faced with spicy food, her mouth drooled only more and her attitude became even crazier.

"Well! It's delicious! It's delicious, brother, you can eat too~~~"

Knight took a bite of the red bean paste in his hand and blushed with happiness. She held up the shortbread that she had bitten into, and held it to the idiot's mouth.

"I will not eat."

Facing Knight, the idiot kept only the most basic politeness and tactfully refused. But when Little Bread saw Knight's behavior, a small mouth covered with chili sauce began to bulge. She immediately raised the spicy grilled cabbage skewers in her hand, which was also stuffed into the mouth of the idiot.

"I won't eat it, you can eat it."

The idiot's attitude towards bread naturally softened a lot. But Xiao Bian looked at Knight next to him, and couldn't help but remember the way the idiot asked the girl just now. Somehow, a feeling of suddenly facing a challenge from a powerful opponent suddenly spread from the bottom of her heart. With this feeling, she did not shrink back, but forcefully raised the spicy roasted cabbage in her hand, insisting on an idiot to take a bite.

The idiot frowned and looked at the red chili sauce and chili powder in front of him, and he couldn't tell that it was a cabbage. But looking at Xiao Bian's attentive attitude, after hesitating for a while, he finally bent down, opened his mouth, and gave a light bite.

The heavy and rich taste spread in the mouth of the idiot. His face was sullen, and he fell silent.

The bun pinched a bite of spicy roasted cabbage, and the winner's smile appeared on his face. She grabbed the idiot's left hand and put her whole body on it. Then while walking, he ate the thing in his hand with relish.

"Your relationship... looks really strange."

Knight looked at everything in front of him and said--

"You two, say you are brothers and sisters, but they are not very similar. They are father and daughter, but the age is wrong. Hey, you sister’s apprentice, what is the relationship between you two?"

The bun smiled and raised the sign, still writing a wrong spelling on it-

"Ba Ba"


Knight froze for a moment, then smiled--

"It's Dad, right? It's a spelling mistake. And, how could this brother be your father? Your age is simply wrong?"

The bun stayed for a while, and his expression looked a little dull. On the contrary, Knight still said without knowing the importance--

"From your age, you are just brothers and sisters at best? So what about your parents? Bread, where are your father and mother? Where are they?"

From childhood to adulthood, Little Bread has always lived with an idiot. She has never thought about it, and will not think about her biological parents. From the time she was sensible, she felt that it was only natural for an idiot to be around, and that she was her closest and closest relative. Regarding the issue of parents, she has also seen too many people without parents. So I didn't care too much about myself.

But now, after Knight asked such a question, Little Bread remembered.

My parents...who are they?

With doubts, Bun turned his head and looked at the idiot beside him.

But the idiot looked at her in silence without speaking.


Bun raised his head and groaned softly. This moan was very light, like a pitiful, homeless kitten, seeking mercy from others.


But to the look of expectation, the idiot did not answer. If you say that Xiao Bread's life experience is just an ordinary person, and he is just ordinary picking her back, then he will definitely not be stingy, and he can tell the facts casually. After all, he is also an orphan, and he has always been in this identity since he was a child. So I didn't think there was anything I couldn't say.

However, her identity is the "Holy Son" of the Key Organization.

Although ten years have passed, who can guarantee that this organization has stopped searching? In recent years, the key organization's actions have become larger and more prominent. The strength of this organization has also begun to exceed the imagination of idiots. And now, the only person in the world who knows that the baby girl called the Son of the Year is bread is only himself. Since there is only oneself, then simply bury this secret in my heart forever.

Seeing that the idiot didn't answer, Xiao Bao gradually became anxious. She pulled the idiot's clothes with a little fear, and raised her head, her eyes showed a little watery feeling. It seems...she is about to cry?

"........................You have no parents."

On the streets of this busy city, the idiot said straightforwardly. His words blinded Knight, who was laughing next to him, for a moment, and also stunned Little Bread for a while.

"But no matter what, you are my family."

The idiot said, knelt down and gently stroked the dull face of Little Bread, his voice was cold, but he said firmly--

"I am also your forever family. I will always protect you from harm."


Xiao Bread nodded slowly, not knowing whether she understood it or not. The idiot didn't say much anymore, he straightened up again, took the little bread, and walked down the afternoon street.

This girl should be acceptable.

To live in this world, you have to learn to accept many things.

Just as she had accepted her own living environment decisively back then, she should also be able to accept her own identity at the moment.

An orphan.

With the death of both parents, there are no other orphans in the world.

The smile on Little Bread's face disappeared for a while. She no longer eats the spicy roasted cabbage in her hand, but silently follows the idiot's footsteps and walks forward. Knight felt a little awkward in the atmosphere, she stuffed the food into her mouth, and after swallowing it, she immediately took the hand of the bun and smiled—

"Well, I said, it’s really not a bad thing to have no parents or anything. Like me, my parents don’t want me, but I live very easily and at ease. Some parents in this world still What’s not needed is good, since they don’t care about us, why should we miss them again? Just like me, I live with my sister now, isn’t it just as good?" V

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