Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 053, a peerless singer

Bun lowered his head and said nothing. Sometimes she looked up at the idiot, and sometimes bowed her head in thought. The fact that she was an orphan and the last words the idiot said lingered in her mind.


The idiot noticed the abnormality of the bun. He sighed. It seems that this girl still can't just accept this fact like herself... In this case...

"Nate, you said your parents don't want you anymore?"

The idiot had nothing to look for, hoping to divert Xiao Bread's attention.

Knight was originally happily, but after hearing this question from the idiot, her expression suddenly became tense. The little girl jumped aside and said, "What do you mean? What are you asking about?"

"......If you don't say it, forget it."

The idiot turned away and looked at the street. The group of three people was also a little tired from walking. The idiot chose an open-air tea room by the lake, let the three people sit down, ordered some snacks, looked at the scenery, and mixed up the afternoon time.

"Hey hey hey, do you know?"

Places like teahouses and hotels seem to never lack topics. At this moment, the two people sitting next to the idiot were eating peanuts and happily saying--

"Once the Bucks Commander is elected this time, he will be the military commander of the entire empire! That's not a small status!"

"No? It's just that I don't know who has the ability to take this responsibility. You know, that is a hundred thousand army. If the counterattack of the ice fortress fails, then our Bucks will really be devastated."

"So you see, who has the biggest win this time?"

"Hehehe, you want to make a mistake of me? Don't you know that there are so many eyes and ears outside, and whoever says anything may offend someone invisibly? So, I won't guess, I will only look at the final result."

"Cut, you are really boring."

This kind of news again. Calculating carefully, there are only less than five or six days before the start of the game. In the past two days, the remnants of the Bucks Empire gathered from various towns. I believe it won’t be long before even the uninhabited islands around them will become the temporary bases of the Bucks Empire.

However, this still has little to do with himself.

"Okay, don't talk about this. Uh, have you heard of that?"

"Why heard it again? It seems that all the news you vomit is heard?"

"Hehehe, there is no way, after all, this is big news. Listen to me, don't just say anything~~~"

"Come on, just tell me what the **** is going on."

"Hey, actually... it's Miss Aran Bitron. She... seems to have come to Salad City!"

The man at the next table raised his head and glared at his friend. He seemed to be watching a monster. After a long silence, he smiled and shook his head, and said, "You really love to joke. You almost fooled you into it. Doesn't Miss Bitteron care about studying in the city now? How could it be possible to come to us? Such a small place."

"Don't believe it! I have accurate information!"

The man suddenly raised his voice, fearing that his friend would not believe him, he said loudly—

"Miss Aran Bitron! Now the youngest queen singer on the sad continent! At only 16 years old, she won the glory that many singers can't win in her life. Such a genius girl is now here. Inside the city of Salad!"

The idiot's hand shook suddenly. Little Bread looked at the idiot's face, a little scared, and a little scared and worried.

"Stop kidding, sit down."

The companion pulled his friend down with a smile, and said with a smile: "You calm down. I know you are a fan of Miss Bitlund. I also know that the girl's song is really very good and very beautiful. But you have to master what you say. Mindful. The young lady is surrounded by bodyguards anytime and anywhere, and now the Conservatory of Italian City must have been surrounded by water. How could she be here?"

"Who said that? I saw it with my own eyes last time!"

"Have you seen it with your own eyes???"

"Isn't it?"

The man sat down cheerfully, poured a cup of tea, poured it into his mouth suddenly, and smiled: "Last time I drank a few more glasses on another island, it was too late when I came back. I was alone. Lying on the boat, thinking that I would be dangling and not going home until the day, I suddenly heard a beautiful song!"

The idiot put down the cup that hadn't taken a sip in his hand, and his expression had completely shifted over there. The man didn’t realize it, and said to himself: “At the time, I thought the angel had come. But when I looked up, I found that the angel had really come! Miss Bittron was standing on the lake, being touched by the stars and the moon. Surrounded, singing affectionately there! My God...I have never enjoyed such a beautiful day in my life, it is really the sound of nature! I even feel that even if I die like this, there is no regret!"

His friend smiled and said, "How could a person stand in the middle of the lake? You also said that you drank too much?"

"I said I didn't lie!"

"Okay, even if you really have a case, you didn't miss it. But what can this prove? It proves that Miss Bitlund was here that day, and what about today? That even some small countries ask her to sing depends on the mood The world's top singer who will not come, can you guarantee that she is still here now?"

"This... this... she must be here! You know, this is a resort town!"

"You mean that she stayed in the quiet and stable Yicheng during such wars, and ran to this place where the war is likely to be fierce. She still depends on not leaving?"

"...This...this this..."

"Okay, okay, I'll ask you to wake up to the bar again."

The friend checked out with a smile and left first. Only the man who claimed to be a fan was holding his hair, frowned, and was silent. After a while, he finally pushed the table out of the tea room bored.

The idiot settled the bill without hesitation and went out afterwards. When Knight saw that the idiot was gone, he jumped off the table and prepared to follow, but at this moment, Bun was holding Knight's hand, looked at the idiot in confusion, and shook his head.

"Why, not chasing?"


Bun shook her head slightly and looked at the idiot over there. After the idiot had come down the stairs completely, she pulled Knight and followed him secretly.

The idiot followed the man and walked out of the tea room, following him. Maybe it was his heart that was so upset at the moment that he didn't even notice that Bread was following him behind him. When the man turned into an alley, the idiot immediately quickened his pace to catch up. While there was no one around, he quickly took out the scarf to cover his face, rushed forward quickly, stretched out his hand without hesitation, grabbed the man by the collar, lifted him high and pressed him against the wall. V

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