Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 054, the reason for sorrow

"Dare to say a word and kill you immediately."

Before the man called for help, the Dark Destruction Dagger had already reached his throat. The man froze for a moment, and immediately covered his mouth, afraid to speak.

"Tell me, Aran Bitron, all the information about this woman."

"You... what do you want to do? What do you want to do to Miss Bitterren?!"

The idiot did not hesitate, and directly gave the man a dagger in the thigh. He drew out the dagger and pressed it to the man's neck with the blood-stained blade.

"I'll only ask for the last time, tell me all the information about Aran Bitron."

"Yes, yes! Please... please brother... Don't kill me... Never kill me! What do you want me to say... I'll just... I'll just say anything!"

The idiot nodded and asked, "Aran, which country is she from."

The man's mouth twisted, and he asked, "Which... which country? This... this... eldest brother... Honestly, I don't know which nationality Miss Bitron is..."

The idiot raised the dagger and was about to pierce it on his other thigh, but the man was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly shouted: "It's true! It's true! I really don't know which country she is from! Song) Miss Ji...her behavior has always been very mysterious! Except for some concerts and public meetings, Miss Bitteron almost never appears in the public! Newspaper and magazine reporters want to secretly *take pictures of her actions , But she was never able to catch her trace! Her agent also kept all her information strictly confidential, and even the fan club could not dig out any of her personal information!"

The man looked at the blood on the dagger, his heart trembled. The idiot listened quietly, and when he noticed that the man had stopped speaking, he forced it again.

"Also. As a public figure, even the king of a country will reveal some secrets. Is it that her secrecy measures are stricter than the king?"

"I don't know! I... I really don't know!"

The man begged for mercy, almost already crying--

"Miss Bitteren made her debut two years ago, and immediately after her debut she conquered everyone with her singing! There are countless people who want to invite her to opera performances and various concert evenings, but regardless of our fans No matter how big the group is, we can never unearth any secret information about the young lady! We...we know that she is about 165 years tall, has a sweet singing voice, and features such as pink hair and pink pupils. I don’t know! Please... trust me!"

Looking at the man's eyes, the idiot knew that this man really didn't lie. After thinking about it, he asked: "Then, who is the agent. Her agent."

"Agent? That...good, good! I said! Brother! Please move this thing...this thing farther away! Good...good..."

"Her agent is not small, have you heard of the Royal Conservatory of Holy Moon? It is the dean of this academy-Thrall? Frentz! A very talented, but ugly, very outrageous music Home! Although talented, but because of his inherent ugly appearance, he seems to have to be a named dean. He is locked in his dean's room all day and will not come out until he meets Miss Bitron! I heard that Aran Bitron He created all the songs that Miss Bitron sang. And all the words of Miss Bitron were conveyed through him. It can be said that...he...he is the person Miss Bitron believes the most!"

"Then this person, where is it now."

"I... how do I know? If Miss Bitterren has come to Salad City now, then this person must have come too! With his looks, he can scare a road wherever he goes!"

After weighing it for a while, the idiot finally let go and let the person leave. The man looked at the idiot, and then at the dagger still dripping with blood in his hand, and finally ran out scramblingly, too scared to look back.


What am I doing...?

The idiot held his head and gritted his teeth. Now as soon as I close my eyes, what emerges is no longer the score of Six Swords, but the young girl standing next to her every night, her ears can only echo her sweet singing...

what's wrong with me?

The idiot smashed his head against the wall, forcing himself to remain calm. But apart from those **** waters, I am afraid his heart can no longer calm down.

However, what the idiot never expected was that this excitement and uncontrollable mood did not last long. Because it was exactly the next day, a fact emerged in front of the entire city of Salad.

That singer...

The girl with a ponytail tied and a cape stepped off the ferry and slowly moved along the road full of civilian areas. When she came to the administrative mansion on Central Island, then slowly kneeled in front of Mudu, and then unveiled the cloak at the beginning...

At this moment, even if it was the ramp where the wounded were all over the place, the moaning sound was lost at that moment. Everyone looked ahead and looked at the girl. The girl was very calm, and after saluting Mudu, she slowly stood up.

"you are……"

Mu Du looked at the girl in front of him. When she raised her head, Mu Du couldn't help taking a step back. Regarding Mu Du's retreat, the girl with pink hair and ponytail stood up and stood tightly on the spot.

As early as this morning after the boat arrived, the idiot had followed. He wanted to confirm whether it was the girl who sang to himself at the dock that night. Now, confirmed.

Alan Bitron. If she was beautiful, the moment of her beauty reminded the idiot of the idiot who entrusted the bread to her on the snowy night ten years ago. Her gaze was a little cold, it seemed to contain a little arrogance, looking at others felt like looking at the air.

"Miss Bittern, I am really glad to see you here. Sing to cheer for our Oath of Faith. I believe that with your singing, all the soldiers of our Bucks Empire will be able to do their best to recapture our The wind blows the sand and works hard."

The cold girl didn't answer, she just leaned slowly. This silence made Mu Du seem a little embarrassed, but maybe because Yalan's beauty is a bit too outstanding, even if he is the king, he has no strength to blame her now, so he can only look at her face carefully and greedily. , But I was afraid that his eyes were too abrupt.

At this moment, a man with a cloak standing next to the girl suddenly stood up about the height of Aran. He stopped in front of Mu Du, and smiled in a negative way: "Your Majesty, Yalan and I will do our best to make full preparations for this concert. As long as we can receive your Majesty’s award, That's the best reward for us. Now we have come to meet each other, in order to let our little singer take care of her voice, so we want to stay in the hotel where we live. Then before the concert starts, hope Your Majesty don't bother us again."

"who are you?"

At this moment, a young man suddenly stood next to him. No one else, it was Dylaw Goodsay. The idiot noticed that he had been observing Aran. When the short man in the cloak said he was leaving, Dai Lao suddenly stood up and stopped Aran's retreat. Point to the man and ask.


After thinking about it for a while, the short man sneered, and unscrupulously pulled off his cloak. Suddenly, what appeared underneath was a face that seemed to have been burned, and two rows of teeth without lips were open like bones. The dwarf looked at Dai Lao in front of him with a little anger, and snorted: "I am Aran's agent. Thrall? Frentz. Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?"

Dai Lao chuckled, he glanced at the beautiful and refined Aran over there again. To be honest, although Walnut can be regarded as a beauty, compared with Aran here, that carefree princess is really inferior. Among the people Dai Lao has met, perhaps only Xing Li can compare with this girl, right?

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Frentz! It's disrespectful. I thought, since the two are rare, why not just stay with us for one night? I want to represent your Majesty and meet the two of you. And, I heard that again. Soon, it will be your sixteenth birthday, Miss Yalan. I want to congratulate you in advance."

Aran lowered his head, still silent. When Thrall heard this, he shouted and said, "My lord Goodsay, what do you mean! I hope you can show respect. From the past to the present, let alone the duke, even if there are many kings. Your Majesty, do not dare to block Aran Bitron's way! Now, please let me go!"

Things suddenly became urgent, and the idiot frowned. He looked at Aran over there, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The singer also just raised his head and looked here. Two pairs of eyes were imprinted in an instant, engraving each other's figure in his mind.

On this side, Thrall was arguing with Thrall. But Aran next to him suddenly took steps and walked slowly towards the idiot. The eyes of the people around all moved with the girl's figure. It didn't take long. When the girl stood in front of the idiot, everyone's eyes also gathered on the two people.

Bread and Knight hid in the corner, looking at the scene in front of them. Let’s not talk about Knight, the eyes of Little Bread looking at the idiot are full of confusion and worry, which is very difficult to understand...

But all this seems to have nothing to do with idiots.

In his dark eyes, Alan's shadow just nodded gently, and then passed him and walked to the lake. After the idiot hesitated for a moment, he also turned around and followed. In the surprise of everyone, the idiot and Aran both got on the boat, the idiot walked to the stern and took the helm, while Aran sat in the cabin.

"How is this going?!"

Dai Lau, who was arguing with Thrall, saw that the idiot over there got on the boat with Aran, and screamed. Thrall turned his head, just took a short glance, then snorted and sneered: "It's a pity, it seems that Aran thinks that it's safer to be with that boy instead of with you."

"This... how is this possible? They only met for the first time today!"

"Oh, who knows."

After all, Thrall also dropped the dumbfounded Dai Lao, Mu Du and other people, and took his bodyguard and his men on board. After waiting for them to get on the boat, the idiot undoubtedly paddled the oars and drove the boat away.

"Hi, sister Bread, are you okay?"

Knight looked at everything in front of him with his usual expression. On the contrary, it was bread, but now he looked flustered. But she didn't catch up. Instead, she lowered her head, thinking about something that shouldn't be possible...




The sorrowful love on the lake is dripping with waves.

After the idiot drove the boat away, he gave the oars to others, and stood alone on the bow of the boat, letting him blow the lake breeze.

He didn't go into the back cabin, nor did he try to lift the curtain to see the beautiful woman inside. And the singer didn't come out, still sitting inside, silent across this small curtain.

Compared with just now, the idiot's eyes looked very peaceful.

He took a deep breath, then exhaled it. The other crew members originally thought he was too nervous or adjusting his thoughts, but they soon discovered that the idiot's expression was very indifferent, and... it seemed that there was an expression of looking away.

"~~I'm just a puppet, just a toy. I'm just a little thing about to be broken, a person who has no choice...~~"

"~~Sixteen-year-old bride~~"

The singing sounded again.

Pass through the curtain and float into the ears of the idiot.

There is a little sadness in the singing, maybe for that girl, her songs will always be so sad?

The idiot continued to stand on the bow of the boat with his hands on his back, listening to these songs. He closed his eyes, and gradually a desire to hear him forever rose in his heart. But it's a pity that this poignant song floated on this same beautiful lake of sad love for less than a minute before being cut off by a hoarse voice...

"Well, Aran, let's sing the new song here."

With the breeze blowing, Thrall, the ugly man, walked out of the cabin, and as he lifted the opening curtain, the singing stopped abruptly. Afterwards, the ship docked, Thrall squeezed out a horrible smile, pointed to the shore, and smiled: "Sir, I am glad to have your help. Now, you can leave."

The idiot looked back, glanced at the cabin, and then at the dwarf in front of him. After a moment of silence, he said coldly--

"Just a new song?"

"Yes, I did it."

"......So sad?"

"…………………………This has nothing to do with you, please disembark."

After that, Thrall no longer discriminates, pointing to the shore. The idiot had no choice but to jump out of bed and then turned around. Watching the ship drifting on the lake, farther and farther, farther and farther... V

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