Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 055, the invisible crack

The day of selection is getting closer and closer, even in such a difficult time, the city of Salad has begun to become lively.

The water of the Lake of Sadness has not been quiet these days. On the lake, there are all kinds of boats everywhere, and the joyful atmosphere is self-evident.

In addition to the selection, there is one more thing that has been scorching the start of preparations in the past few days. In order to provide the singer with the best concert stage, and to cheer up the remaining soldiers of the stag, Mudu began to build a large concert platform in the middle of the Lake of Sadness. Of course, if only relying on the current financial and material resources of the Bucks Empire, it would be impossible. But that's okay, the musician, Aran Beatron's agent and composer seems to have prepared everything. In the past few days, all kinds of spliced ​​floating boards have been rushed in, and they have been erected out of thin air in the middle of the huge lake. In just a few days, this circular stage with a capacity of more than 1,000 people has slowly taken shape. Looking at this courage, people have to sigh that the appeal and financial resources of the top singer in the mainland are indeed unparalleled.

Unlike the past, it’s not about hanging up high. This time, the idiot took the initiative to join the ranks of volunteers. He closed his upper body, helped to carry wood and floating boards, or went into the water, took a screwdriver and dived under the platform to tighten the screws for various fixation. For this kind of unpaid work, he did not complain this time, and he took every step very seriously, and he couldn't be more serious.

But for his seriousness, one person saw in his eyes, and his face was full of worries...


In the evening, the idiot was **** the screws on the panel. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his expression was extremely focused. He didn't even hear the cries of Little Bread.


Bun raised his hands, the water under the platform rose up, splashing an idiot face. At this time, the idiot's movements slowly stopped. He turned his head and saw Little Bread standing on a canoe, looking at himself.

"……………………………… Why are you here. Go back."

The cold voice entered the ears of Little Bread. Although the voices of idiots were cold in the past, this time, Little Bread was stunned. She stared blankly at the idiot who lowered her head to work, suddenly puffed up her mouth, picked up the oars on the boat, and knocked directly on the idiot's head.


The idiot's right arm did not move, only a soft noise came from the air. The oar was broken in half before it caught the idiot's head.

"......Bread, you...attack me."

The idiot's movements stopped again. He turned his head and looked at the little bread, his dark pupils were full of coldness and ruthlessness. Seeing these eyes, Bun was scared, and she took a step back, but after thinking about it for a while, she still boldly dropped the half of the oar and raised the sign in her hand.

"what happened? Why did it suddenly change? In the past few days, even my sister did not participate in the training. What happened to you? ! 》

The idiot glanced, and his expression was slightly silent. In the past, Xiao Bao always brought a "Bab" on the sign she wrote to herself, but this time, she didn't write it. Such a brand without any title looks a bit awkward.

"…………………………I know what I am doing. Going back, I will be back to normal after this singing is over."


"Go back! I won't say it a third time."

Bun opened his eyes, staring at the idiot in front of him. Those eyes were like looking at a stranger. After she was sure that the idiot's eyes were absolutely serious, the little girl suddenly... cried.


"Stupid beep! Ouch silly beep! Stupid beep——! Stupid beep————!!!"

Bread cried and jumped back into the boat with tears. She picked up one of the remaining oars, her small body holding the big oars, rowed hard, and drove the boat off the floating board.

The idiot stared at this little girl, watching her alone holding a boat and sliding on the wide lake, and her heart trembled. But when he wanted to drop the tool in his hand and jump into the water, the foreman over there said a word--

"Hurry up! It's not long since Miss Bitteren's concert. It's on the night of the selection event! If we follow the current schedule, we will never be able to play! If you are interested, I hope you can stay and work overtime!"

Stage construction work...the schedule is tight.

The idiot looked at the little bread that was going away, then looked at the work in his hand, and fell silent.

That girl... should be able to go back by herself.

Although the lake is wide, this distance should be considered a workout for her. After all, apart from vertical stone strength, her arm strength is not strong. And this side...

If the work cannot be completed, then her stage can be...

After thinking about it, the idiot finally made a decision. He ignored the little girl who was gradually going away, and did not bite her lower lip again, trying to prop up the figure of such a big oar on the water, but continued to squat down, screw on the screw, and walk to another. The engineering ship on one side took over the other floating boards and started other work.

Bread...what's wrong with her?

While working, the idiot was thinking about this problem. But in the distance, far away from the stage, the long-haired girl was standing on the bow of a small boat, looking at the almost invisible idiot with concern.

"What happened to that brother?"


Faced with Knight's question, the girl was sad, and slowly shook her head.

"No, it can't be concluded like this. The Guangming romance I taught him should not be deviated. His expression is indeed very gentle, and he knows that his subordinates are merciful when he starts. This is the evidence that his sword has not deviated from the Guangming romance. .just……"

Netra wore the girl's sleeves and said worriedly: "Sister...just...what?"

"...I am a little worried. Looking at his appearance, it can be said that he is still on the road of bright romance and learned to forgive and compassion. But I am worried that such an expression may also represent where he is currently born. What a deviation. If this continues..."

"If he continues to follow the second path, in the end, there will be only two paths."

"Either, it’s death. Either... it’s at the last minute to comprehend the ‘dark romance’."

The girl's fists were squeezed, her teeth clenched tightly. If possible, how much she wants to just rush forward like this, and then give the child a big drink to correct his deviated path. However, she does not have this power.

She swears that she cannot change the decisions of others as she pleases. This vow is to bond myself and the goddess who knows no good or bad. But this oath also made her unable to reach out and pull when she watched the idiot walk on the completely opposite path.

Is this... your decision? moron……? Is it a sunny love...or...

Falling into the deepest darkness is enough to destroy everything, and even my love will be ruined...

Secret love?


No matter what, the idiot felt very happy.

This kind of mood has never been before, this kind of complete happiness, intoxication. Even though his face is still cold because of habit, he himself knows that he actually has such a little bit of happiness in his heart.

Seeing this gradually taking shape, his heart was full of pride. Perhaps because of his infinite energy, he did not sleep for three consecutive days and three nights, and he was constructing very efficiently. These days, he alone can be worth twenty workers. Almost one-tenth of the entire water stage was built by him alone. Seeing his efficiency, even the lighting engineers, sound engineers and the like were stunned and full of praise.

Finally, in the afternoon three days before the official performance, the whole stage was finally set up. The magnificent round concert stage is in the center, and then there are auditoriums all around, enclosing it. The various lighting and smoke mechanisms on the edge of the stage are all set up. Next, the professionals will come to rehearse and make fine-tuning.

"Excellent! Miss Aran’s stage is over! Everyone! Six hours before the start of Miss Aran’s concert, everyone came to gather here to show respect for our Miss Aran! If so Who won’t come, we immediately fired that person from the fan meeting and asked everyone to spit on him. Did you hear that?!"

Almost half of those responsible for setting up the stage are fans of the singer. With a drink from the foreman who was also a fan, everyone raised their hands and cheered. Looking at the wide water stage, the idiot nodded his head. To be honest, he was indeed exhausted if he hadn't slept for three days and three nights. If possible, he now hopes to get a good night's sleep.

"Hey, that person, you."

But when the idiot was holding the towel and was about to leave, Thrall, who had been paying attention next to him, suddenly spoke and called him.

"......You call me."

"Of course it's called you. You..." The dwarf musician looked around and said, "I ask you, what is your identity? Look at your actions, it looks like a veteran fan. But why didn't I have a club list before? Have seen you in China?"

The idiot was silent. He lowered his head and looked at this short dwarf who didn't feel inferior at all. After a long time, he said, "I am not a fan."

"Not a fan? Who are you? The last time Aran was on the boat with you, did you know where you were? You were blatantly contradicting Duke Goodsay! And, you seem to be with the Bucks The royal family is very familiar. Who are you?"

Suddenly, the idiot's eyes returned to coldness, staring at the man, coldly said: "How do you know that I am familiar with the Bucks Royal Family."

The dwarf froze for a moment, turned his head, and after a while, he said: " do I know? It's strange, what are you doing with me?"

The idiot thought for a moment, and immediately became enlightened. The only contact he had with the Bucks royal family these days was the day he just woke up. That day, he said a few words to Xie Huo and entered the administrative mansion with him. Having said that...

This person did not arrange eyeliner in the civilian area at that time, or at that time, he was already mixed in.

So now, here comes the problem. What is he asking this question for?

"I have nothing to do with the Royal Bucks."

The idiot said--

"Only a few occasions, served only when they visited in the microservices."

"'s like this...ah. It's okay! It seems that I am just being nosy. It's okay! Don't take it to heart, ah."

Thrall looked at the idiot, with a slightly disappointed expression in his eyes. Then, as if he had lost interest in the idiot, he turned around and didn't even bother to say the words to let the idiot go. He got on the speedboat next to him and left.

The idiot did not leave until Thrall left completely. He is very tired these days, and he doesn't bother to think about the problems. Now, he just wants to quickly find a place to have a good rest. As for the concert and the selection contest three days later... which one to participate in, it is self-evident.

As the sun sets, countless dazzling golden snakes are shining on the dazzling lake. The cloudless sky seems to be wishing the success of the upcoming event, and everything seems extremely normal.

The idiot returned to the pier, and the fishermen gradually returned. He drove the boat to the side corner and jumped ashore. When the night fell completely and the surroundings returned to the original tranquility and tranquility again, he sat in his original position again, lowered his head, looked at the rippling lake, and slowly closed his eyes. In the time before he fell asleep, he thought about what he should look back on. After thinking for a while, he felt that he should think again about the relationship between Fourth Sword, after all, he had escaped so many days of class fun.


The sword of forgiveness and mercy...

The sword of mercy and symbiosis...

There is no killing intent, only a touch of affection, gentle and generous, just like the swordsmanship of the afternoon sun...

Among the six swords, the only sword technique that can never kill the enemy...

In the melodious thinking, the idiot finally slowly fell asleep.

In his dream, he danced his love affair again. But this time, his actions overlapped with the action of the doll in the impression. Suddenly, he felt that he somewhat understood what a relationship was. That kind of sweet feeling spread in my heart, permeating his no longer cold, gloomy sleep...




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