Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 056, secret love

"~~The red flowers that slowly open are covered with the bright lake~~"

"~~ Can the promise and love of this life be exchanged for the waiting for the next life?~~"

"~~Is it right? Or wrong?~~"

"~~This love that can never come true, right?~~"

"~~Still wrong?~~"

The singing came to the ears.

The idiot slowly opened his eyes, just as before, and the surroundings had entered a total darkness. From the perspective of the moon in the sky, it should be early morning...

He turned his head, and a pink-haired girl with a side ponytail was standing beside him. It was so close, it seemed to smell her fragrance.

At this moment, the girl is holding her hands and closing her eyes. Two lines of tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, across the flawless face, gathered on her chin, and dripped gently...


Falling into the lake, a ripple was raised.

The girl was still singing, shedding tears, singing slowly. The idiot turned his head away and continued to look at the lake in front of him. He didn't ask or move. He just contributed the feeling of the whole body just to welcome the beautiful singing.

Gradually, he heard what the girl song was referring to. She sang the lake of sorrow and love, and the lyrics were created according to a legend of this lake.

"~~A distant look back, and an unusual heartbeat was born~~"

"~~Are you here? Rowing a boat, galloping on the shining water~~"

It is said that a long time ago, even before an era, when the Lake of Thousand Islands was still connected to the sea, there was a beautiful country, and the country was in charge of a beautiful princess.

"~~ I stand at the top and simply look at you. But why do you work so hard just to meet me again?~~"

The princess fell in love with an ordinary civilian boy. Regardless of the disparity in status and wealth, the boy tried hard to meet the princess. However, due to the relationship between status and status, the princess endured her inner pain and decided not to meet the boy again. In order to stop the boy, the princess even sent someone to lock the boy up and go to death row. In order to become a princess who has the courage to control a country, in order to become a unique empress, she endured the pain in her heart and did what others thought was the most right thing at the time.

"~~ Please, don't struggle. The thorny road between us, please don't cross~~"

"~~How do I know your pain? I only ask you, don't struggle~~"

In order to win over other factions in the country to contribute to her unsettled position of queen, the princess decided to marry a noble boy on the day of enthronment. But on the day of the wedding, the civilian teenager escaped from prison and broke through numerous obstacles. Under the gaze of all the people, he rushed to the wedding hall. But when he came to the princess, his back was already full of arrows, and the wounds on his body were too numerous to count.

"~~Is it right? Or wrong?~~"

The princess hugged the boy's body and looked at his **** body with heartache.

"~~ Is this love that can never come true right? Or is it wrong?~~"

The bright red blood fell down the suspended wedding platform and into the sea below. As if the whole sea was crying for it, the sea was instantly dyed red.

"~~The red flowers that slowly open are covered with the bright lake~~"

"~~ Can the promise and love of this life be exchanged for the waiting for the next life?~~"

The princess who thought she was cruel was heartbroken. The tears she shed also turned bloody, mixed with the blood on the juvenile's corpse, and fell into the sea. At that moment, Poseidon was also moved by this feeling. In an instant, the sky fell apart and the country that was originally an ocean was surrounded by the continent, leaving only the thousand islands to continue to exist. Formed the current lake of sad love.

"~~Is it right? Or wrong?~~"

"~~This love that can never come true, is it right?~~"

"~~Still wrong?~~"

The singing voice is curvy, still so beautiful.

It's just that no matter when you listen to it, there seems to be some slight sadness in her singing. Is it because she is also intoxicated in the world of singing, or...

The singing stopped.

The idiot opened his eyes, and the lake in front of him was still dotted with stars. He turned his head, the girl standing next to him still closed her eyes, tears in her eyes. After staying for a while, she finally turned around and seemed to be leaving.


For some reason, the idiot spoke suddenly.

The girl's footsteps stopped, she turned her head slightly, and smiled at the idiot. That face was pale.


"The lake will be red again?"

Before the idiot could speak, the girl suddenly spoke. The idiot was stunned by her question.

"I... can't understand."

"I have a reason to be involuntarily."

After that, the girl stopped talking. She strode forward and left, the idiot hurriedly stood up, trying to catch up. What he didn't expect was that the girl's footsteps were so fast that the idiot could only watch her slender body quickly go away, and after turning a corner, disappeared.

The lake...will it be red again?

This question remains in the heart of idiots. He hesitated, but also suspicious. A simple question just tortured him all night.

Why is the lake red again?

This is just a legend. In fact, in addition to hearing this legend, he also asked a little bit during this period of time. Not only are some people who have done a little research on history or the old residents here, so far, no one has ever seen the lake red. For decades, even hundreds of years, the lake water here has remained the same, as blue as the sky.

However, the next day, the idiot came to the bulletin board of Central Island, and after seeing the large poster on the bulletin board, he thought about what happened before. He finally understood the problem.

——I have...involuntary reasons. ——

On the poster, in addition to the Bucks Leadership Trial to be held two days later, there is also a recruitment notice.

——The lake...will it be red again? ——

In addition to having all the power of the Bucks and shouldering the heavy responsibility of counterattack, the winner of this trial can also marry a sweet wife. And this woman who committed herself to marrying the Bucks winner is no one else, but the number one singer in the mainland——

Alan Bitron.


"This is simply unreasonable!"

Standing by the bulletin board, the idiot watched and listened. Here, some people could not bear this fact, and shouted loudly.

"Why does Miss Aran marry the winner of the trial? In this case, what should be done if the winner is a seven-year-old man? If it is a playboy, what should be done?!"

Although the idiot was surprised, his thinking was more rigorous. He naturally asked other people's questions, but he was thinking about the reasons for the most frequently asked questions.

She has an involuntary reason?

What is the reason?

Thinking about it carefully, the Bucks Empire now is no better than before. Although the surrounding countries are still afraid of dead soldiers and have not launched aggression, as a big country, now it can only gather a small number of 100,000 troops, and the capital is still frozen. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to say that the Bucks Empire is a good place to shelter. That being the case, why does that girl...the girl who once shed tears beside her, now wants to marry the winner? The reason...what is it?

"No! I can't just watch Miss Aran become the plaything of those dudes and nobles! I have to sign up too!"

"Hey! Are you crazy? This trial is not a friendly match, regardless of casualties! You don't know martial arts, go to death?"

"Don't stop me! I must not watch Miss Aran walk this way unexplainably!"

The people next to him are still making noise, but the idiot has already begun to act.

His destination is not other, but directly to the administrative office of the official residence. It is already crowded with people who want to sign up temporarily. The idiot squeezed in hard, pushed directly away those who were yelling in front of the registration officer, and slapped the table with both hands.

"I want to sign up."

Yes, sign up.

Then, win.

Kill all the competitors, eliminate all those who compete for her, and reach the top. In this way, apart from himself, no one can value her more than himself... after all, the strength is in front of him.

Maybe it's because the idiot's eyes are too cold. The registration officers were stunned for a while. And the sound of the idiot hitting the table heavily also suppressed the surrounding sounds. In an instant, the noisy room immediately became silent.

" want to sign up?"

"Yes, sign up."

The registration officer was stunned for a moment. They didn't dare to touch the idiot's eyes, so they only bowed their heads, and then handed over a piece of paper, saying: "That... that's okay. Let me talk about it first. It's not just a competition of force, but also a competition of intelligence. Let's not talk about intellectual warfare. In the armed battle, the death and injury are ignored...

"I know. Sign up for me."

"That... that's good. Come on, here is your registration form, write your details here, and then..."


Just as the idiot took the registration form and was about to write, suddenly, Dai Lao appeared in the corner of the room. He glanced at the idiot, then sneered, and said, "Why, looking at your posture, it turns out that you, a little beggar, have the courage to participate in this competition?"

The idiot didn't answer, just picked up the pen, ready to fall.

"I said it slowly, didn't you hear?"

Without warning, a golden sword was suddenly inserted into the registration form, pulled one by one, and destroyed it. Dai Lao looked at the idiot condescendingly, his mouth was as cold as ever.

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