Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 057, family

"What's the matter? Don't you know Miss Yalan very well? Why do you still need to come to the test and become her husband?"

The idiot finally raised his head and looked at Dai Lao coldly. Dai Lau made no show of weakness, his eyes full of provocation.

"I am not familiar with her."

"Unfamiliar? If you are unfamiliar, Miss Aran will go on board with you in front of so many people?"

At this time, those around finally recognized that the idiot was the young man who boarded the boat with Aran that day. Some voices of dissatisfaction and jealousy also rose from the surroundings. In an instant, the number of people on Dai Lao's side suddenly increased.

The idiot did not answer, but reached out to the registration officer again and asked for another registration form. But when the sign-up officer hesitated, Dai Lao immediately shouted--

"No! You beggar, sweeping the streets, why don't you think about your identity? You have no money and no rights. Even the clothes on your body are ordinary, full of patches. Besides, you are not only playing a little clever. Besides, what else can you do? You are just a rubbish. A **** like you still wants to stand on the same stage with my duke and compete?"

"……………………………………………………………………The rules say that anyone can sign up."

"Haha, what a pity, the rules are exactly what I proposed."

Dai Lao picked up the registration form that the registration officer had originally intended for the idiot, raised it in front of the idiot, and tore it open.

"Now, I have decided that anyone in this world can sign up. But you are the only one, you can't. Because you don’t have this qualification, you don’t have the honor. , Why can a thing that cannot be on the stage stand on the same stage with all of us? Understand? Idiot. I tell you now, don’t you? Have this? This? !"

After all, Dai Lao tore off the registration form and raised it casually. The flying piece of paper fell on the shoulder of the idiot, and when he exchanged his cold eyes, it also exchanged the laughter of everyone around...

In this way, the idiot was driven out of the administrative mansion. He had not even obtained a qualification, so he had to leave.

He has been standing outside the door of the administrative mansion, waiting from day to night, but until the deadline for the final registration, the officials inside did not give him a chance to register. After that, he immediately went to his original dock and waited from night to day. Until her eyes were red, the girl never appeared again.


Facing the rising sun on the last day, the idiot stood on the dock, squeezing the darkness in his hand.

Snow began to float in the air... These black crystals pierced this fragile spring and brought the deepest cold back to this world.

——Will the lake be red again? ——

"No, the lake will not be red anymore."

After a night of calming down, the idiot's pupils slowly spread. He squeezed Dimie and flicked it, and the black light that he pulled out flashed with pitch-black frost.

"I will never make the lake red again."

After talking to himself, the idiot immediately jumped out of the boat and slid the ship to Yanwu Island in the upcoming trials today. In order to accomplish all things, he must be there and make things happen!



When the idiot was rowing to Enmu Island, the long-haired girl who had been watching from a distance finally couldn't help but sighed.

"Awu? Ah hum ??? !!!"

With the girl's sigh, the bread next to her was crying anxiously. She quickly grabbed the girl's sleeve, kept her mouth open, and let out a sound.

"That is not a love affair, not only a light love affair, let alone a dark love affair. He is now stepping toward death!"

The girl frowned, but the oath restrained her and prevented her from acting.

"Nate knows, I know what that brother wants to do." On the court, the only thing that didn't matter to him was Knight laughed, "After being refused to sign up, he must be trying to get in? Of course, this behavior is Not allowed. So the only thing he has to do in the end is to be an enemy of everyone present. Hehe, he will be an enemy of a country~~~ Moreover, it is still upright, not evasive. That one hundred thousand army It should have all arrived, right? By that time, one enemy is one hundred thousand...Wow! Big brother is so mighty!"


After listening to Knight's words, Bread cried out in a hurry. Her tears and snot all flowed out, and she was constantly shaking while holding the girl's sleeve. But the girl had a cold face, without any intention to save.

"This is his own experience. I have no right to interfere with his thinking. I have said this many times."

"Yeah, yeah, bread, why don't you just go with me, why do you want that brother who is bent on looking for death? And he has nothing to do with you, neither is your'Baba' nor your brother, more Not your relatives. There is absolutely no relationship between the two of you~~~ In this way, you and your sister will go together, so that we can have multiple companions on the road. Okay?"

Knight said this easily, but Bun was stunned. She stared at Knight blankly, and the words "not your relatives" seemed to have taken root in her heart.

Not a relative...?

Not your brother... let alone "Baba"...?

No blood relationship, no... relationship...?

Knight looked at the bread, chuckled, stretched out his hand, and grabbed her hand: "Come on, come with us. Also, that brother doesn't want you anymore, doesn't he? He only needs the singing sister. . For her, he doesn’t even care about you. What does such a person still miss? Come, come with us~~~ My sister and I will take care of you, and we will never let you leave you alone and leave you alone ."

Hand, reach for the bread, grab it.



But it was opened by a ten-year-old bread.

The breeze passed by, blowing the hair of the small bread.

This little face lifted up, and besides tears and snot, those emerald-colored pupils showed incomparable perseverance and determination at this moment.

Not a relative?

Not your brother, let alone "Baba"?

No blood relationship? So, there is no relationship at all?

If this is the case, what about before? When he is lying in Ba Ba's arms, let him comb his hair. Kick off the quilt at night, Ba Ba re-covered himself. When he did something wrong, Baba spanked without any scruples. In all kinds of times of crisis, continue to protect oneself...

How could could it be totally okay? !

Not a relative?


But, just like what Ba Ba said!

We are... family!

The bun stopped crying. Her eyes became extremely cold, and the calm and thinking inherited from the idiot began to activate. She no longer begged the girl, but turned and jumped on a small boat next to her, making a circle with her hands in the air, and the water around the boat became restless.

Yes, Ba Ba and Bread are family members! Maybe now, Ba Ba doesn't want himself, and he is indeed alone. But if this loneliness is because Ba Ba is already in danger and is involuntarily...

In the past, Baba had saved bread many times. So now this time, it's the bread's turn to save Ba Ba!

The water splashed, and Knight couldn't help taking a step back when he saw it. Because the power emanating from Little Bread was so weird and terrifying, it made her untenable for a while and fell to the ground.

"Wait a minute, bread."

Bread turned her head coldly when she heard the girl yelling. There was no expression in the emerald-colored pupils, but she maintained a simple "look", watching the long-haired girl.

"Count me out. For you, I will break my vow once today."

The girl took out a piece of paper from her arms and wrote a line. Afterwards, she folded the paper into a paper crane, and as soon as she blew it, the paper crane flew to the hand that agitated the strong power of the bread. When the bread opened, there was no expression on his face, but after nodding at the long-haired girl, he put the piece of paper into his arms. Then, she patted her hands back, and a wave immediately rolled up on the surface of the water, like pushing a boat, pushing her quickly toward Enmu Island.

"Nate, you are too much."

"Hehe, how can it be effective if it is not so exciting?" Knight scratched the back of his head and smiled.

"Okay, let's go."

Watching the bread leave, the girl gently patted Knight next to her. Bai Lang lowered his head, held her back by the collar, and lifted her up.

"Huh? Go? Sister, now?"

"Yes. I broke my vow and believe that ‘she’ must be dying happily now. She has a reason to trouble me. If you can avoid it, try to avoid it."

Knight snorted and said, "Really, why can't you two sit down and talk about it? I like my sister, but I don't hate the'master'. If you two can understand each other, If you give it a step..."

"Hehe, if she could understand the feelings of'painting', we could talk about it a long time ago. What about you? Don't you want to go home? Your father, mother, and your sister-in-law. They must I'm all worried about you."

Nai went too far: "Cut, don't mention it! Okay, I'm going to leave~~~ Anyway, follow my sister, wherever I go."

The girl smiled and jumped on the white wolf in her arms. After glancing at the Yanwu Island and the stage on the lake that had been built in the center, the White Wolf gave a long roar, turned around, and left the lake.


What kind of romance will you practice?

Or, in the end, you will never be able to practice, waiting for your results, after all...


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