Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 060, we are... family

(Why... are you attacking me, bread?)

(Once the nurturing grace of the past ten years is broken, is it your merciless attack in exchange for it?)

(Ah... so it is.)

(The rats in the sewer have never owned anything. In the past ten years, I have been too extravagant. I was so extravagant that I thought I could protect you forever and watched you grow up... I was so extravagant that I thought you would never Will fight against me!)

(Now... I know, I was wrong.)

(Since it's wrong, then, from now on, renew, correct, correct, right.)

Idiots are serious.

His pupils have lost their focus, driving the body just to kill the enemy.

The black sword aimed at was definitely the heart of Little Bread. He wants to kill her... Regardless of whether this little girl has been raised for ten years or not, once she attacks herself, the best solution is always only one word——


The sword fell from a high altitude. Fast...but slow is like slow motion.

The bun was weeping, lying helplessly on the ice, looking up at the sky. At the last moment, what caught her eyes was that ruthless and decisive sword...



Dim out, plug in.

Blood, splash.

The idiot looked indifferent and looked at his body very calmly...

Looking at the little girl with blood on her chest, for a long time, staring at...


"What the **** am I..................What am I doing............?????????!!!"

Three bright moons hung in the sky, shedding silent silver brilliance.

Under the clear sky, the idiot stood on the ice, looking a little excited.

His right arm, which was entangled in chains, still held the hilt tightly, but his left hand, with even tighter strength, firmly grasped the iron-shaved blade.

His fingers were cut, and blood dropped along the sword, dripping on the chest of the panic-stricken Bread. Because of forcibly stopping the stab just now, the five fingers of his left hand were almost cut off by the sword! But even so, his gaze still didn't pay attention to his fingers. Instead, he looked at the buns that were already crying and dripping with tears and nose.

(What am I... doing?!)

The idiot didn't care about the injury on his hand, and threw it away, leaving it to retract its right arm. After that, the idiot immediately stepped forward to help the little girl who had been hit hard by the crushed ice on her stomach, and her expression was extremely alarmed.


Little Bread's mouth was bloodshot, and his mouth was muttering, speaking the word in an inaccurate tone. The idiot was stunned for a moment, but he was holding her and immediately jumped from the broken ice, climbed straight along the cliff, and jumped back into the fighting arena. He hurriedly went to find some medicine for injuries, and began to apply the wound on Little Bread's belly.

"B... silly beep... woo..."

Little Bread was lying on the medical bed, watching the idiot who had returned to normal, his eyes open with a smile. Her complexion looked weak, and her fingers were weak. The little girl who used to like to bounce around is now lying on the bed like a dying doll. Looking at these, what is the feeling in the idiot's heart, and who can understand?

The idiot sits on the edge of the bed, holding the small bread hand in both hands, kissing and watching. The original ruthlessness finally dissipated at this moment, in exchange for a touch of confusion after waking up.


"Don't move, take a good rest."

The idiot stopped the bread from getting up and put the quilt back on her. Afterwards, he held his hands and sat in a position, looking at the bun with concern, as if he wanted to wait for her to fall asleep.

However, the bread didn't mean to sleep in the slightest. She struggled, her pale lips trembling slightly, as if she wanted to say something.

However, she cannot speak.

So weak, even if she wanted to write, she was powerless at the moment.

However, the idiot gradually understood what the girl wanted to say through the shape of her mouth.

[Are you awake? Ba Ba

The idiot lowered his head without answering.

Are you awake...?

Sober...Are you...

Yeah, are you awake? Indeed, it is time to wake up.

If you are not awake, what else will you do from now on?

But, even though he was awake, Aran’s face and the sad singing still lingered in his mind for a long time and couldn’t leave...

Even if he is awake, but at least once asleep. It is impossible to assume that nothing has happened, and it is impossible to treat the feeling in your heart as nothingness, right?


The idiot suddenly felt that he understood the pain in his heart. After waking up from sleep, although I will no longer indulge in the illusory love and sweetness, the sober cold wind is so biting and sad...

[Bread... Believe in Baba. As long as it is babba, it will definitely be able to do it. for sure……】

The bun kept her mouth shape repeatedly, but she was too weak now. Weak people just move their mouths, and they get tired and sweat. Upon seeing this, the idiot hurriedly stopped the small bread and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Bun felt the idiot's touch, and a slight redness appeared on his pale face. She took out a piece of paper from her arms, handed it to the idiot tremblingly, and the idiot took it and opened it. I saw only a simple name written on it-

Dilu Hagang.

Fist, squeeze tight.

At this moment, everything is clear.

The idiot threw the piece of paper into the nearby fire, watching the piece of paper turning into pieces with cold eyes. After the pieces of paper were completely burned, he took a deep breath, wrapped his left hand briefly with a bandage, and then walked to the door.

"Ah! Ah!"

The idiot turned his head, anxious appeared on Little Bread's face, desperately squeezing his mouth——

[Baba...Baba! That singing sister... really can't save it? She... really can't save it? 】

"...Is it really a good thing that she was saved by me...?"

For the bread's answer, the idiot only left such a sentence. After getting this answer, Xiao Bread finally knew the end of the matter. She smiled weakly, lay back on the bed, and moved her mouth—

[Baba, this time, it's bread... Saved Baba. 】

"......Ah." The idiot turned around, looked at the bright moon outside, and slowly said, "Sleep well. Tonight, you will have a good dream."


Xiao Bread closed her eyes, fatigue and pain, let her quickly fall asleep.

The idiot strode out of the infirmary after confirming the snoring of Little Bread. Now, the competition in the martial arts field has reached the final stage, and Dai Lao is having the final duel with another person. But at this moment, the idiot has completely lost interest.

Because he already knows that the real stage tonight is not in this martial arts field, but in the floating above the lake of sorrow and love--

Diva stage.


What is love?

Rowing the boat, watching the waves break through the galaxy-filled lake, the idiot began to think about the questions he had asked himself before.

In the past, he didn't understand love very much, naturally, and he couldn't understand love very much. However, according to the descriptions in the book and in various musicals, it should be to love each other until death, hope that the other person will live better than himself, and hope to be with each other forever...this type of it.

Until tonight, the idiot had always thought so, so when he saw Aran's mood rise, he also thought he had finally mastered it.

He learned romance, and naturally learned the fourth sword.

If there are no deviations, it should be what the master said, a bright love affair full of compassion, gentleness, generosity and kindness. Because no one in this world will be more kind and forgiving than men and women in love. This should be a bright romance.

But... what does the sword intent of the fourth sword say?

In order to show love to the beautiful princess, the devil destroyed the world, and finally forced the princess to death.

Love to kill you.

Love to destroy you, but all this is so necessary, so inescapable. In order to achieve the goal, even if it is to set off the strong blood and blood, it will not hesitate, even if the hands are covered with blood, there is nothing to fear.

Dark romance?

Master...It seems that I am really sorry. My disciple, I am afraid I will disappoint you again, and embarked on the opposite path to your arrangement...




Soon, the boat rowed to the edge of the lake stage. This stage, which can accommodate a thousand people, is full of people at the moment. The idiot stood on the periphery, only the spotlight flickered in the center, and a beautiful voice came from it.

No matter how many times you listen to it, it is so beautiful...

The idiot closed his eyes and listened for a while again. After opening your eyes, all you can see is the cheers and obsessions of the thousands of fans on the platform. After taking a final breath, the idiot raised his right hand, a chain, raised his right arm and plunged directly into his chest.

The third prison, launch.

Quietly, the idiot's right eye turned bright red. He didn't say anything, nor did he make too much noise. After feeling the power hovering in his body, he slowly stretched his hand into the lake, let the chains extend out of his arms, unknowingly, surrounding the entire platform.

After all this was done, the chain on the idiot's chest was pulled out and retracted. The other chain was immediately raised and inserted into his neck. When closing his eyes and feeling the fusion of the blood in the body with this dark power, the idiot took out the mirror he had prepared long ago and faced himself.

Nebula opened his right eye.

The idiot looked at himself in the mirror, and stared at himself with the right eye of Nebula in the mirror. After silently casting a curse, Nebula's right eye quickly rotated, and then calmed down.

At this time, the brisk singing voice rose again. The idiot's right eye returned to black, and he listened silently for a while, the original cold and ruthless eyes seemed a little lonely at the moment, as if saying goodbye. But soon, he knew he could not go on like this. Therefore, he jumped directly into the lake and followed the various pipes under the platform to the control room under the center stage. Soon, he got in through a water compartment door in the control room. He moved his steps lightly and followed the sound. Soon, he came to the central control room.

Use the dark extinguisher to open the lock and push the door open. What appeared inside was Thrall, who was playing with many instruments. The idiot took advantage of the moment he turned his back to him, and rushed in, reaching out his hand to cover his mouth, and the black long sword had penetrated his throat in an instant.

Thrall struggled a few times, staring at the idiot behind him almost incredulously. However, after all, he still couldn't scream out. With the flow of blood, his body gradually lost its power and turned into a pool of speechless objects. After the idiot swung away the blood on the blade, he glanced at the equipment in the room again, turned around, and left along the same path.

On the stage, the scorching cheers and beautiful singing remained the same. The idiot climbed out of the water, onto the platform, and squeezed into the crowd. I saw that Aran, who was singing a melodious song, was wearing a white short skirt, which was somewhat dignified, but somewhat playful and charming. She still doesn't seem to know that her agent has been killed. She continued to hold the microphone and sang happily, passing the beautiful singing into everyone's ears...

The idiot stopped moving.

Although he clearly knew that if he didn't move, he continued, and only death was waiting for him. But at the end of this last, he still didn't move. He was immersed in the beautiful singing, looking at the girl's smiling face, listening to her energetic voice. It seems that this moment will continue forever...

"Thank you, thank you everyone..."

I don’t know how long Aran’s song finally finished. The live music also stopped. She hugged Mike and looked at the fans around her with tears in the corner of her eyes, looking at those expectant eyes.

"I am very happy tonight...this last night, I can let everyone hear my singing again. I am so happy...I spent the dreamlike three hours just now...I even think... …I have nothing to regret in my life..."

The idiot lowered his head, and compared to the cheers around him, he was the only contrast.

"However, no matter how happy the time is, it is now finally over. Now, I want to use this last song to say goodbye to everyone. This is my famous song, and here, I also want to make this last one A song, dedicated to everyone. Please listen..."

""Only Your Singer""

The music slowly rises, with a little sad music.

All these more than one thousand people were silent, intoxicated by Aran's singing.

The idiot also shook his head silently. He knew that this last moment had finally come. What should be done, and finally done...

Stepping on this song that he had heard several times, the idiot turned and walked out of the crowd to the edge of the platform. When the phrase "sing for you" sounded...

The idiot pulled out Dimie, stretched out his left hand, covering the mouth of a fan at the extreme edge, and poked his right hand through the man's heart.


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