Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 061, your singer

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful country.

In this beautiful country, a beautiful princess lives.

The beauty of the princess is famous all over the world, and everyone in the world is fascinated by it. She has become everyone's dream lover, and many people swear not to marry a princess in this life.

The princes of neighboring countries, the heirs of wealthy merchants, and the noble nobles. All kinds of people lined up, holding incalculable treasures in their hands to beg for marriage, hoping to get the favor of the most beautiful princess in the world and marry her gracefully.

The noise in the world has alarmed an ominous place, and also an ominous thing. The demon in **** heard about the beauty of the princess and came to observe. But after that meeting, even the devil couldn't help but fall in love with the princess.

However, the princess can marry anyone, but it is absolutely impossible to marry the devil. The devil does not want to be strong, but he wants to prove that in this world, he is the person who loves the princess the most. To prove this, he led a group of demons in **** to the world and launched an unprecedented massacre.

The devil destroyed the continent, just to win the princess's favor.

He used his actions to prove that he is already this

The person who loves the princess most in the broken world.

The world is barren.

The princess looked at the world full of flames and cracks, and the country that was full of energy was turned into ruins at this moment, with bones piled up everywhere.

The strong princess did not cry. When faced with the devil’s question, she simply told him...

Yes, you are indeed the person who loves me most in this world.

The devil was happy. After working hard for a long time, he finally got the princess's affirmation. This simple sentence proved that his hard work was not in vain and everything was worth it.

When the demon was happy, the princess came to the edge of the ruins. She had no tears, no sorrow, but still with a smile on her face, jumping from the towering ruins.

But the devil can only watch his favorite princess and draw a shooting star in the sky...


Meteor, across the sky.

The dazzling starry sky is the dream of how many people? Under this starry sky is filled with all kinds of praise, all kinds of blessings, all kinds of joy, and hope...


Sword, pulled out from behind that fan. Blood spurted out and flew into the air. However, in this lively joy, I am afraid that no one has responded to this. They are still immersed in the singing of Aran, the most beautiful singer in the world, and swaying from side to side with the music.

The idiot put down the corpse in his arms and walked towards the next carnival person. Just like before, the blade pierced through the back without the slightest pain or torment. With the beating of the singing, the movements of the idiot are also full of strange rhythms. Cover your mouth, pierce, pull out, put down, next. Keep looping, keep repeating. Enveloping from the outside to the inside, proceeding in an orderly manner.

"~~Can you hear me? My voice~~"

Aran held the Mike in one hand, and her light body swayed gently on the stage. Her graceful figure was full of feminine beauty and charm.

The idiot pulled Dim off, and his wrist began to turn. After he sighed softly, a sword dance that was completely different from the previous swordsmanship burst from his sword. His steps are like walking through the crowd, and the dark blade gently brushes everyone's throat, using his last tolerance to treat the dead souls under these swords.

~""~~I used to not dare to hope, but now, I am singing here~

Aran stretched out his left hand and waved to the cheering crowd in front of him. There was a joyful smile on her face, and her lips opened and closed gently, stimulating the atmosphere of the audience.

The floor of the auditorium began to become wet, some corpses slipped off the floating platform, and the blood dripped into the lake...

The idiot's figure turned into an afterimage. He shuttled among these people, taking the lives of these people directly with the shortest and most direct actions. The blackness faded under the moonlight, sparkling with blood. It seems so holy and solemn...

~""~~With impossible magic, I finally realized my wish~

Move quickly without touching the ground. The lonely shadows circled around the outside of the crowd and swallowed inwards. His movements are light and compassionate, and he doesn't have the coldness of the previous killings. On the contrary, he is more like assimilating these people, using the purest red liquid to assimilate them... with his sword.

Aran raised her hand and closed her eyes. With the climax of the singing, she stopped dancing, stood still, and sang the sentence loudly...

"~~For you~~"

With the palms down, the girl’s eyes shone with luster, and the moving voice and wonderful melody constructed a dreamlike reality...

"~~ And singing~~"


When the singing finally stopped and the music temporarily entered a low ebb, someone finally noticed the strangeness behind him. Accompanied by this exclamation, the eyes of the remaining less than eight hundred people were all focused on one point. And the idiot, bearing the sight of all these people, slowly pulled the sword from the neck of someone who was holding it...



Secret love is officially launched.

Looking at the panic-faced civilians, the idiot raised the dimness, and the afterimage reappeared, directly inserted into the crowd, where the sword rose, blood was splashed, and the blood sprayed to the sky covered the bright moonlight and raised it. The red mist also makes the world look so bright red.

These people began to panic and began to want to escape. But when they ran to the edge of the platform, a thick iron net made up of chains rose into the sky, enveloping everyone. Whether it's the staff, ordinary fans, or the singer, all... are surrounded.

The idiot's expression did not change, he just stabbed every sword calmly, faithfully fulfilling the essence of the fourth sword romance "good at moving with less to more". Seeing that the audience couldn't escape, some people finally shouted and rushed to fight back. The battle is also triggered on this stage.

The music...not stopped.

Of course, because Thrall, who was in charge of the music, was dead.

The dance... did not stop.

Alan’s face was smiling, she walked slowly on the stage, the blood and death rising in front of her could not make her expression move. As the music gradually strengthened, she suddenly threw the microphone in her hand under her feet, and the sudden smoke immediately enveloped her body. The smoke dissipated in less than a second, but Aran, who reappeared on the stage, had already put on a blue leather skirt. She opened her hands and the smile on her face was still the same as Mike in her ears. Her singing also continued to rise.

"~~My waywardness, can you hear me?~~"

The idiot kicked the two approaching people away, passing through the narrow gap between the two rows of people that could only allow kittens to penetrate. With the disappearance of the afterimage, the necks of those two rows of people cracked and bleeding flower. Against the girl’s moving singing, the timing was very good.


The idiot straightened up, followed the "love affair" in his heart, and once again stabbed a sword in three directions behind him. However, after one of the fans was pierced in the neck, he grabbed the dark and extinguished. The gap at that moment gave the others an opportunity. Two fists fell on the face and chest of the idiot, huge and terrifying. His power knocked him into the air and landed directly on the stage.

With a snap, the idiot fell on the stage just beside Aran's feet.

Aran smiled, hands on her hips, twisted her waist a little, stretched out her fingers, and pointed in front of-

~""~~Even if I will disappear one day, I want to convey this to you~

The idiot listened to the song, stood up again, and exhaled. It seems that those fans didn't mean to rush to the stage. The idiot didn't look at Aran behind him, but after gazing at the starry sky, he closed his eyes...opened them, and rushed into the crowd of more than 700 people left.

Love...what is it?

Amidst the dancing afterimages and the violent attacks of those fans, the idiot is suffering from physical pain. His mind has no chance to think about this issue...


"What's the matter? Berserker, I and the idiot are still on vacation, why are you here?"


"What do you cut? Isn't it troublesome to find an idiot? Come on, I'll be listening."

"It's a pity, deceiver. I'm not looking for an idiot, but you. The bard told me that in the future I will team up with the singer to complete the task. I thought about it, it was you and the singer before. But. I don’t know anything about the singer, so I want to ask you, so that I don’t understand each other in the future and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.",

? "Heh, I can't think of ~~~ The dignified Berserker would come to ask me, a weak little girl, for advice.


"Okay, don't get angry and sit down. Just talk about the singer. As long as you can go and team up with the singer happily, it means that I don't need to regroup with him. Don't worry, I will take me I tell you everything I know, and I promise to make your team successful!"


"This guy is amazing! Be careful, everyone!"

Some fans also carried installation tools such as hammers, files, etc. Some bodyguards who were in charge of maintaining law and order also took out their swords and rushed towards the idiot. The idiot rushed forward without fear. When the opponent struck with a sword, the idiot's body turned into an afterimage, and the idiot circled around in his hand. Instead, it was inserted from the back of the opponent's neck, and when it was pulled out, it stabbed. Another bodyguard, no slack. But obviously, in the face of so many enemies, it is impossible for him to know everything. Before Dim Mi was pulled out, a fan holding a hammer jumped up with blood-red eyes, holding the hammer, and hitting the idiot on the head without hesitation, making a loud pong.

The idiot didn't care about the echo in his head, and quickly backed away. The tip of the sword pierced the hammer holder's heart and pulled out quickly. Blood splashed all over him, but a blood stain also slowly ran down from his hair...

~""~~This is really the first and last love~

The singing was curling up, the idiot turned around in place, and Xia Lan broke out. After piercing through the bodies of the fans who came around, his body became blurred again and rushed into the crowd.


"What a joke, it was not because you were weirdly refusing to team up with the singer, but you always ran to us. In the end, the master had no choice but to arrange me for the singer? Why did you take it for granted? Like?"

"Okay, I know I know! Don't get angry, okay? Leaving the team without authorization will count me wrong, I apologize. But if you really want to say it, the singer herself is wrong, his behavior is so weird, who can always be with him By your side?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! You just said...'him'?! The singer has always been wearing a cloak, so I have never seen her look like, and I have hardly heard her say anything. But you said...'he '???"

"Oh, I didn't expect it? Why, do you think that the master has a title and puts on "Ji", then that person must be a woman?"


The idiot's feet were held by two people, and there was a pause, causing him to take another punch in the face. The idiot's nose bleeds immediately, his body swayed a little because of the tremendous power, and his vision became a little unclear. With a strong desire to survive, he shook his hand and severed the wrists of the two people who had died, and at the same time raised his foot and kicked the one who hit his door. In order to avoid, he leaped high, kicked his two wrists off his feet, held the hilt upside down, directly inserted a fan’s Tianling Gai, and nailed him to the ground fiercely. This sword, the idiot's power was so great that the floating platform couldn't help cracking and then collapsed.

Under the cracked floating platform, it happened to be the central control room below. I saw Sarna's body curled up on the ground, lying in a pool of blood. Seeing this, regardless of the fans, the bodyguards all exclaimed--

"Master singer?! Master singer is dead! Master singer is dead——————!!!"


"Thal?! You mean that dwarf? That dwarf who often nests in the room to adjust various guiding stones? You said... he is the real singer?"

"Why did I lie to you? Why, do you think the singer must be a beautiful woman with a beautiful, beautiful singing voice? It's a pity, that guy is indeed a singer. This is absolutely forbidden."


The idiot drew out the sword, and simply retreated to the edge of the floating platform, leaning on the chain net with his back, and pinching it under his armpit. Those fans, look at me, I look at you, yelled, and started a continuous wave of *.

~""~~Maybe I am stupid and slow, I can’t understand the songs you wrote for me, and can’t hear the subtext behind your jokes~

The storm of summer blows. After a while, it kept devouring those enemies who dared to step into the storm domain. After smashing dozens of people's bodies into crumbs, he suddenly rushed out of the rain of blood and the fragments of flesh crumbs that had not yet completely fallen, and the afterimage opened again, passing in front of the eight people, and sending eight pillars of blood on it. sky.


"But... he's a singer? What, does he sing very well? Or... he is actually a female dwarf?"

"Just kidding, the uncle is indeed a man! And his voice is hoarse, not at all unpleasant. Originally, I wondered how could such a guy be a singer? Why did the master give him such a title? But I have been in contact with him for a while After that, I finally knew why."


"Because he is not the singer in charge of singing. He is the person in charge of'making' the singer."

"Making a singer?"

"Yes. To put it more popularly, he is responsible for controlling a cute girl behind the scenes and letting the girl sing in front of others. That girl is completely unconditional, fully agreeable, and obeys his orders without any resistance."


The idiot stepped on the shoulder of a man whose throat was pierced and bent down and jumped high. Seeing the last guard, the sword in his hand was inserted directly through his right eye. Accompanied by the sound of piercing, he jumped again vigorously, a back somersault, and leaped to the other side of the round stage. During this short resting time flying in the air, he looked at the girl below...

The girl turned around, spreading her hands to the sides. At the same time, the smoke rose again. After the smoke disappeared, she had put on a pink strapless skirt and white boots. The original side ponytail was tied into a braid. She just used such an energetic dress, smiling on her face, and continued to sing.

"~~I might just hurt you blindly~~"

The idiot closed his eyes.

~""~~A stupid girl complains to others about your lack of gentleness~

Falling down, darkening the front and back, passing through the chests of the two crowded together and pulling out. He stepped on the two people who were slowly falling down holding their hearts, carrying the illusion of their bodies, and rushed out again...


"He controls a girl? How to control it?"

"Why, I'm interested? I also want to be like that uncle, having a girl who obeys her own words and will never resist?"

"Uh... Stop talking nonsense! How is it possible?"

"Hehe, in fact, even if you are interested, you can’t do it. Because you don’t have the ability. It’s like finding a girlfriend. Everyone knows what to do, but not everyone can do it. Just like You red hair, aren't you?"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! idiot! Take care of you girl! You don't care about me, you can fight!"

"Hey, don't don't! I'm sorry!"

"Hmph, count you acquainted. Then I will ask you, that singer...I mean Thrall, is there any point in controlling a girl to sing?"

"Oh, meaning? Listen well, if you really want to fight, you berserker may not be the opponent of the singer's fan club!"



With a roar, the eyes of several fans were finally completely occupied by bloodshot eyes. Their arms began to thicken, and their bodies became thicker. As if there was a chain reaction, the remaining five or six hundred people all made this kind of roar one after another, and their voices went straight up into the sky, as if even the faint clouds would be broken through.

The idiot knew that the most critical moment had finally come. He slammed the dark to remove the bloodshot from the sword. When a fan was just about to roar, he suddenly rushed, the blade pierced the throat directly. But this slightly reckless sword also paid a lot of money. The twenty fans split into two, pushing each other's shoulders, and slammed into the idiot from left to right. The idiot was taken aback and immediately drew his sword, but he had no time to retreat, so he could only immediately lift the sword to pierce the throat of the person at the front of the two formations. But the next moment, the people behind are like two huge rocks, sandwiching the idiot fiercely. The huge impact caused a bone crack in the idiot's chest, and a mouthful of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

The violent impact made the idiot lose the ability to fight for a while. Even after everyone was separated, he softened his feet and fell to his knees. The two violent fans stepped forward, grabbed his hands and directly lifted them, and slammed them to the ground. The idiot spit out blood, and the bones all over his body seemed to be rattling. But it was not over yet, the two people raised their hands vigorously and threw the idiot into the sky! After that, two more violent people stood on the shoulders of the two people. When the idiot fell feebly, the four sturdy fists raised directly and hit the idiot's face, chest, waist and lower abdomen at the same time. The idiot's body withstood the blow abruptly, and flew out like a cannonball, slamming against the chain net, making a rattling sound. Accompanied by that sound, it was still that beautiful, without the slightest murderous singing...


"Undead... Soldier?"

"Yes. That dwarf didn't know what he thought, and he could invent this method. He composes the music that the girl he controls to sing. These songs match the girl's voice and seem to be exciting. The role of the central nervous system. It can increase the strength of people several times, and they no longer fear pain or death. Whether it is speed, strength, or response, they will all go to several grades. For example, if one is not at all A person who knows the slightest martial arts, after the baptism of these songs, may be able to display strength no less than the acetabular level in a short time. Think about it, if the girl has hundreds or thousands of fans, wouldn’t it be counted Hundreds, thousands of warriors who have the strength of the bones and are not afraid of death?"

"This...this is also... terrible, right?"

"Huh, I'm talking about ordinary people without martial arts. If the person who is stimulated by singing is a person with certain strength, the power that can be exerted may be even more terrifying. Even if it is invincible, I am afraid it is nothing. What a great thing."

"Hey, hey, this is great! In this case, why not let the singer sing for us? In this case, isn't our strength..."


"Why is it impossible?"

"I ask you, would you be willing to be controlled?"


"Controlled by singing and voice."


The idiot grabbed the chain and gasped. He could feel the dull pain in his chest. It seemed that the ribs had been broken and the internal organs had been beaten and bleeding. Regarding the injury, it was already very serious.


It's not over yet.

Before these remaining six hundred people all fall, this battle... is far from over!

The idiot endured the pain and took a forcibly, then he let go of his hand and let himself fall. The violent people have been waiting here for a long time, and they raised their fists again, preparing to hit the fallen idiot head-on. When the idiot fell, his body began to spin rapidly. The black tornado was also blooming in mid-air, directly shattering those enemies who dared to invade the storm domain.

"~~I only know how to sing~~"

The idiot listened to the moving voice in his ears, but his eyes still maintained the final calm. When those people gathered, his body flashed, and the figure had appeared outside the encirclement. When the berserkers turned their heads, a blood hole burst into their chests, and blood flew into the sky. There is no time to rest, let alone a little distraction, the idiot’s footsteps have already popped out, his sword is inserted into a person’s face, and his left hand is simultaneously grabbing the face of another violent. Under his huge thrust, these two The individual was pushed back by him. The others behind them fought hard, and everyone's body became stronger. Until the idiot couldn't push anymore, he pulled out the Dark Destroyer. Before the blood had time to squirt out, the afterimage had already appeared, and his figure also shuttled through the gaps of these people one after another. Blood flower.

~""~~From before to now, if I can’t continue singing, I hope my singing can stay in your heart~

Keep in mind...

The idiot closed his eyes and jumped up. He poured strength on his feet and stepped on the ground fiercely. A berserker was kicked directly, and his body immediately became bloody. The huge force tilted onto this broad platform, causing it to tilt slightly. Those raging violators fell to the ground without paying attention for a while. Taking advantage of this gap, the black blade once again harvested dozens of chaotic souls, dyeing the platform even brighter red.


"Controlled by singing...what do you mean?"

"It's very simple, that is, if you want to exert this powerful force, you must accept the baptism of singing with all your heart, and give up both your body and mind. In this case, you might not even care who you are. No matter what the singer says, you will do it. You won't have any resistance."

"Hahaha, this is impossible! My willpower is very firm. Want to charm me? How is it possible?"

"How can it be impossible? If you say that your heart is overflowing with the meaning of ‘love’ for that girl, no matter how firm your willpower is, it’s useless."


The platform was restored, and the violators stood up again. At this moment, his body was already scarred, and his strength began to be somewhat weak. He was breathing heavily, and when those people were about to rush over, he swung his sword and slashed towards the floating platform. The huge floating platform was immediately shredded. He stepped on it again and the floating platform burst. Many people swayed and fell into the lower part. In the lake. The idiot stepped on the heads of those who were poking out and leaped to the opposite side. The moment he landed, his figure once again disappeared from the eyes of those people, and the illusory afterimages shuttled like lightning. Before the wound on the neck of the person in front of him opened, the neck of the person behind was already pierced by the darkening.

"~~Even if the world is destroyed tomorrow~~"

Suddenly, the idiot staggered. This is evidence that he is starting to lose strength. Because of this pause, a berserker picked up the sword dropped by the guard, shouted, and penetrated the idiot's abdomen without hesitation. Blood overflowed from the corner of the idiot's mouth again. He quickly pierced the heart of the violent with his sword, but before he could pull the sword out, another violent slammed into his shoulder and hit him again. On the stage, the bleeding idiot was sent to the brightly dressed and still singing in front of her like a puppet...



"Yes, love. That is love, the love of men and women. Thrall is indeed a genius. Generally speaking, it is not so easy to control a person's thinking. However, he used the voice of a girl to stimulate the listening. The brain seems to allow the male's brain to have feelings for the girl. So for anyone who is recruited, his heart only raises a sweet feeling, similar to love at first sight."

"That's it? This can be controlled? That would be too ridiculous! Love at first sight? So how come those controlled men can't think about whether this is possible?"

"If you are in love at first sight, would you still wonder if your love at sight was fake? It's just a joke! If you like it, you like it. If anyone starts to think about whether their love is fake, then from the beginning There will be no such thing as'love'! Do you understand it?!"

"Good, good, you say, you continue to say."

"Huh. Listen. Once a man gets the trick, he will have a feeling of admiration for the girl in his heart. This is all genuine, no different from ordinary love between men and women. Or rather, it may be even hotter. Not necessarily at all. People who indulge in love are blind and stupid. Therefore, those men may unconsciously want to take care of that girl and care about that girl. As long as the girl says anything, they will try to do it. I can’t see her being sad, I can’t see her crying, I can’t bear her being wronged, and just want to act for her well. So basically, it can be said that the singer didn’t instill the commands directly into the men’s minds through the voice of girls, but just Simply let them like that girl, and then they will unknowingly just listen to the girl's voice."

"It's terrible..."

"Oh, this is terrible? Tell you, the more terrifying is yet to come! Do you think it's over after you make them like girls? As you listen to more and more songs, men will gradually have hallucinations. And bad Yes, these hallucinations are directly combined with reality. For example, in reality, girls directly take a sip from a glass of water on the table. But in those male hallucinations, the girls may pester them and then ask them to mouth to mouth Give yourself water. Although the result is also drinking water, the process may be completely different."

"That means..."

"That is to say, a man who has a hallucination will gradually lose the distinction between reality and hallucination. What's worse is that he will think that all of this is reality. He thinks that the girl is in intimate contact with him. Gradually he falls into love. The abyss is sinking deeper and deeper, unable to extricate itself."


~""~~The only thing I can do is to sing for you~

The platform is torn apart. The round stage where the girl is on is still intact.

In front of her, the ground was already dripping with blood. Countless corpses were lying in a row.

Shouting, roaring, and fighting one after another, the air has already turned red, and what enters the nose is full of pungent blood.

Facing these, Aran is still singing...singing...

She shook her head, revealing the most beautiful smile in the world. Turned around, and put on white swimsuit in the smoke, showing her perfect figure.

The idiot lay at her feet, tired and scars made him almost unable to stand up, his whole body was already weakened, even the hand holding the sword could not be pinched.

Behind his head, the familiar and unfamiliar singing melodiously. Hearing these songs, he even felt a little to give up. Give up this constant fighting... Give up to get freedom. Anyway, being immersed in this love... doesn't seem to be a big deal... is it?


The singing filled the air, but another voice rang in my mind.

The idiot raised his head, his previously slightly confused eyes calmed down again. He supported Dim Mie and forcibly stood up. He clutched his aching chest and gritted his teeth hard. Obviously, his time is running out, he sure that the time is up...before he can support it...finish it!

Holding the sword, the idiot swayed, and once again rushed into the crowd of more than 300 people.


"Hey, Xuelian, tell me, if... if I accidentally get hit, how can I get rid of it? You have to tell me... you have to tell me! I want to partner with Thrall!"

"Um... Generally speaking, it can't be relieved. Because if you want to relieve it, it means to completely break away from love. But for no reason, who will break away from love? And the other party is the best girl in the world, and gentle , And will only be nice to you and can sing. I really can’t imagine anyone who wants to take the initiative to leave after being recruited.”

"But but! Then...really there is no way?"

"Speaking of ways... it's not completely impossible. Since you can't escape from love, you can only destroy the girl and make your love partner no longer exist."

"What?! Killing?"

"Oh, kill? The question is, can you kill?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, you can't kill that girl at all. Even if one day, you know that you are hallucinating. But the feeling of love is really real. For the person you love, you How can it be possible to do it? Moreover, killing her does not mean that the feeling of love can be eliminated. Although this feeling arises from an illusion, it is a genuine feeling. It will always linger in people’s hearts. It’s like first love. Even if you kill that girl, this bitter love will still exist. Moreover, if the love is destroyed by yourself in the end, I can hardly imagine the trauma left in my heart. Once After doing it, I am afraid that I will suffer this kind of pain for a long time. I don’t know anyone who can be a killer if he knows these things. Go and destroy your first love. ."

"Hmm...hmm? Destroyed?"

"Ah, what I want to tell you now is another secret about this girl. I ask you, what kind of girl do you think can have the most perfect beauty and the most moving singing voice in the world?"


"I don't know? Then I'll tell you, that girl is actually..."


As the number of people dwindled, those violators began to dare to jump onto the stage. When a berserker stepped on his companion's shoulders and jumped high and pounced on the idiot, the idiot turned the sword and quickly took a step closer, and the blade pierced the berserk's heart directly from the abdomen from bottom to top. After a sword, the idiot immediately drew the sword, planning to meet the remaining enemies.



Suddenly, the idiot's sprinting steps stopped. He turned his head and saw the man whose heart was pierced swayed and walked towards Aran who was singing in a sloppy pace. The idiot was shocked and immediately gave up the pursuit and quickly retreated. When the corpse was about to press on Aran, he stretched out his hand for the first time, grabbed his collar and pulled him away.

"~~Just for you~~"

It's a pity that a drop of blood still bounced from this corpse and flew towards the girl in a swimsuit...

""~~For the only love in my life~~

Aran opened his hand, looked at the idiot with pink eyes, and smiled. She seemed to have not seen the drop of blood at all, neither hiding nor flashing.


The drop of blood passed through her body and landed on the floor behind her with a soft "pop".

The idiot threw away the body and stood silently in front of the girl. Watching her continue singing. There was no hesitation or surprise in his eyes, he just stood there silently, listening...looking...


"A man-made phantom. Thrall, a dwarf mechanic, through the guiding stone, made up a doll that is completely intangible and has only appearance. Even those singing voices make the sound of the vibration through the guiding stone. ...... How do you escape from this illusory but unforgettable love?"

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