Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 062, just for you... and singing...

The idiot clutched the sword wound on his stomach and turned his head silently. Even if the singing behind him is so touching, how painful and sad that place in his heart is, he... is destined to continue to do it and finish everything.

Over there, the battle on Enmu Island should have ended, right?

Who won?

No... this question has no meaning for idiots. The only thing that makes sense is now, his own sword... and the less than two hundred people left in front of him.

He exhaled, and blood ran down the corners of his mouth. In the face of these berserkers whose combat effectiveness is still at its peak, the only thing he can do is take a step...

In this battle, he has no choice. If you don’t want to be enslaved, if you want to get rid of this bondage, the only thing you can do is destroy everything...

Including this nostalgia in my heart.



"Yes, it's an illusion. In addition to being good at creating music, Thrall is also good at mechanics and force technology. He made an illusory girl and named her. Let her be on stage according to her own will He danced up and made various movements. Then, he fiddled with the guiding stones to make them make the sharp sound of a human female."

"This is simply a magical skill! Guide stone... can this kind of thing be done?"

"Cut, make a fuss. As long as the road map is correct, what can the guiding stones do? But to be honest, I am also quite surprised. You think, he just used those guiding stones and fiddled with them a few times, and the guiding stones can actually speak. , You can sing. Coupled with the image of that girl, what is alive is a beautiful girl who can sing and dance. What a miracle."

"It's not a real person...not a real person? By the way, if it's not a real person, then as long as someone destroys the device, it won't work? It's not a real person anyway..."

"You are stupid, how many times have I said it? Although you are not a real person, there is nothing wrong with your feelings. Even if you know that you are not a real person, even if you know that the love in your heart comes from being charmed, the feelings are in your heart. It has been aroused. Who can ignore his feelings so easily? This is equivalent to opposing yourself."


Fireworks bloomed above Enmu Island.

The quiet sky was stained with a little noise at this time.

Bun was awakened by the sound of fireworks exploding. She rubbed her wistful eyes and dragged her tired body. After a short sluggishness, she walked out of the bed wrapped in sheets and came to the window.

On the lake, the fireworks blooming in the sky are reflected.

Across the lake, the remote island in the middle of the lake is looming in the shadow of light. A long way away, what happened to the situation above? But through this far distance, the only thing that can be seen is still tranquility...


The bun pinched his hands, his palms were full of sweat.

(Baba, you must come back... Don’t leave the bread... Must... Must... come back...!)

Little Bread prayed here, and on the floating stage over there, the idiot's face was stained with blood.

He gritted his teeth and pulled the sword from the throat of a corpse. In this battle, all he used to kill the enemy was a stabbing that cost little effort but was the most efficient. This way of fighting naturally saves a lot of energy compared to using a sword to cut it. But even an idiot, after so many consecutive assassinations, finally felt tired. When he drew his sword, he felt like lead was poured into his fingers.

But between life and death, others will not care what you think, whether you are tired or not. Seeing that the movements of the idiot were a little slow, those who seemed crazy but acted very delicately immediately swarmed over. They lifted up those sturdy arms and grabbed them. The idiot gritted his teeth, blood splattered where the blade flashed. But his movements are finally getting more and more inflexible. At the last moment, a berserker dodges the idiot's life-threatening sword, quickly walks behind him, and presses his left shoulder and arm with his backhand and presses hard. One pull!

With a cluck, the idiot's left arm made a crisp fracture. The severe pain invaded his body, but he didn't even make the sound of opening his mouth. He immediately raised his right leg, drew an arc in the air, and hit the violent's temple with his heel directly, smashing his head. Kicked.

Severely wounded, the idiot couldn't handle it, and finally retreated. After separating the violators a certain distance, he retracted Dim Mi, held his fractured left hand, and pulled hard. The clatter that rang again was still crisp and sweet. He was panting, blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, and the sword wound on his stomach was consuming his life. Although the left arm is attached, it is already numb and unable to move. Looking around, it is the scene of more than a hundred strong violents rushing to him...

(Will you... continue to sing?)

At that moment, time seemed to stop.

The idiot's gaze passed through the crowd, and landed on the girl who was still standing on the stage, putting on a black lace rolling skirt, holding the microphone in both hands, and whispering softly. The stage under her feet has also been stained red with blood. The girl is wearing those black round-toe shoes, stepping on the most perfect red carpet, chanting, singing...

No one can answer the idiot's question. Whether it is Aran or himself.

Since there is no answer, it means there is an answer. After the idiot took another breath, stepped on the moving and sad song of "Red Lake Sad Love", and plunged into the angry crowd again...


"A deceiver, if you really want to do what you say... In case, I mean in case. In case someone can really ignore the feelings in his heart, in order to gain freedom, want to break through the charm... Then this person Thrall must be killed and any equipment related to that phantom girl must be destroyed, right?"

"You think it's that simple?"

"Huh? Why, isn't it?"

"I had this kind of thought before. Although this kind of charm is terrible, it shouldn't be a big problem. Just kill everyone who can kill it? But when I tell Thrall proudly When I was able to crack the charm of his Phantom Diva, the dwarf started to laugh at me."


"Laughing contemptuously. He said to me that, if you don’t say anything, no one would be willing to destroy his heart’s beloved personally. Even if there is one, then that person would kill himself and destroy the instrument. Escape from the charm."

"Why is that?"

"I asked the same way. As a result, Thrall told me that he had received a blood from a long time ago. It is the'dragon of existence' that enjoys the name of immortality, has eternal life, and will never be destroyed. ——The blood of Dilu Hagang."

"Dragon blood?! How did he get such a precious thing?!"

"Who knows. He wouldn't say anything to ask him. He only told me that in addition to delivering the charming singing voice, he also incorporated the power in the blood of these dragons of existence into the singing. Even if one day, he is killed and the instrument is destroyed, but as long as there are people in a certain range who care about the phantom singer and do not want to let the lover of his dream disappear, then even if he loses the aid of the instrument, the singer’s The charm still exists in everyone's minds and will never disappear. This is the final revenge that Thrall, who has died, can perform against the person who dared to destroy his plan."

"Hey...If this is true, wouldn't it be...real...invincible?"

"You can put it this way. If you want to crack the charm, then no one will miss the singer again within a certain range. This requires everyone to decide to forget her. But in fact, this is simply impossible. ."

"Then kill. Kill everyone beside the singer."

"Ha, that's simple. Thrall is always protected by a guard of less than a hundred people, each of whom is a loyal fan of the Phantom Diva. Moreover, no matter where Thrall goes, there will be many. Fanatic fans keep up. In order to strengthen his belief, Thrall has shown love and care for these fans. When the number is large, it can reach five or six thousand. Think about it, you have to take the responsibility of actively destroying this beloved one, but also Destroy your dream lover with your own hands. In the process of execution, you have to face an army of more than a thousand fans with more than bone strength, and kill all these thousand people. Berserker, even you, Do you think you have this ability?"

"this and that……"

"So, you had better be careful when you team up with Thrall this time. As for the phantom singer he made, it doesn’t matter if you want to take a closer look when she is not singing, but if she really sings , I advise you to flee immediately with your ears covered. Otherwise, if you become a berserker who fights purely for a non-existent woman, and get stuck in a quagmire, my former partner may be a little sad. "


"~~Can you hear? My voice~~"

"~~With the help of magical magic, I am singing here now~~"

"~~Maybe I'm stupid and slow~~"

"~~Just for you~~"

"~~and singing~~"

The sound of fighting on the stage of a thousand people gradually faded.

The singing, which was almost covered up by the noise, now reoccupied the night sky.

The idiot has no idea, this is the first time she sang this song. Since he pierced the musician's throat with a sword and ended his life, Aran was like a phonograph, repeatedly repeating the two songs "Your Dancing Girl" and "Red Lake Sad Love".

what is the reason?

The idiot may know, but maybe not.

But all of this doesn't matter anymore. The only thing he can do now is to continue standing here, thrusting the sword into the throats of raging fans after another.

The hands are numb.

The blood stained on the body has already cooled down and condensed


But his thoughts have never calmed down, and his thoughts have never been able to calm down. Even though he wanted to make his thoughts as numb as his hands, but under this singing...In front of the girl who sang over and over, his heart could not be quiet.


The lonely roar sounded like a badly wounded beast lying alone in a trap of despair.

The quiet platform of a thousand people is now full of corpses. The only one still standing, there are only more than twenty people left.

The idiot's left arm was fractured, his right leg was cut open, and the sword wound on his stomach deprived him of his life, exhaustion and overdraft pinched him tightly, making him unable to move. Now he, like a poor puppy, can only barely stand with the help of Dim Mi who inserted into the floating platform. I believe that in a short time, this last reluctance will also disappear.

"~~Just for you~~"

"~~and singing~~"

Turning his head, Aran's eyes were facing right here. She looked at the idiot with a smile in her eyes. Her outfit changed from one set to another, and now she was wearing the same pink dress she had when she first met the idiot. She closed one eye playfully, put her finger in front of her lips, and gave a soft kiss. Afterwards, she opened her arms and danced a graceful dance, her slender figure, reminiscent of the most beautiful angel...

"You scumbag who defiled Miss Aran's concert! Don't look at Miss Aran with such filthy eyes!"

A violent shouted and rushed forward. The idiot shook his body, suddenly pulled up when he was about to approach, turned around in place, and wiped the blade from the back of his neck. Accompanied by the strange part of the violent head, the idiot was finally exhausted and fell to the ground.

Weakness, weakness, pain, numbness.

Many unfavorable feelings gather in one body, and even the strongest body will always be dragged down.

The idiot lay on the ground, watching the last violent rush forward. They weren't overwhelmed by the idiot's terror at all, but instead rushed forward without fear and opened their hands.

He knew that if he was caught this time, he would really be dead.

In that case, do you want to untie the curse and let yourself fully accept the sweet singing?

With these people who don't know martial arts at all, can display such a strong power, then, if you also surrender to this singing, will you be able to... survive?

The idiot was thinking.

But after a while, even the power of his last thoughts gradually disappeared.

His vision gradually blurred, and the blood on his body was almost drained. The surrounding world began to twist and deform, and even the music that still sounded... began to distort...

"I really...thank you all for coming to my concert this time."

The music continued... but it was not singing, but Aran's chanting.

The idiot turned his head in a little surprise, and saw that the girl was holding the Mike, standing upright in the sound of music, her expression a little lonely.

Ah... Is that the final word? Is it because the guiding stone used as a driving force is almost exhausted, so I automatically jumped to the concluding paragraph...?

"I know, you must have a lot of questions and a lot of things to say. Actually, I know... I know what you want."

Aran clutched his chest, a little sadness appeared on his face.

"As a singer, I am very happy. Because on my way forward, so many people always care about me and love me. With your care, I can walk here step by step and use my singing To bring happiness to everyone."

"Actually, this is really amazing. I, who has nothing, can make a sound. I, who is not beautiful, can stand here openly. Just like what I sing in my song, this may really be one A magical magic. A beautiful, but short-lived magic like the sound of a twelve o’clock bell.

Aran lowered her head, her eyes glowing. After a while, a teardrop slid down her face.

"Thank you so much...really...thank you so much..."

"I am your only singer...I only sing for you..."

"I like everyone very much... Even if I do disappear one day, I will try my best to remember everyone... I am stupid. The only thing I can do for such a stupid person is to repay you with singing..."

"I'm the singer..."

"A girl who can only sing."

"One... will always belong to you... the singer..."

Finally, the violators rushed over. They grabbed the idiot's arm, grabbed his leg, some people picked up the sword, picked up the hammer, all the killing intent has been gathered! Concentrating on this blood-covered young man, I gave him the final blow...

"kill him--------------!!!"

The last afterimage, at this moment, was launched.

At that moment, the last discordant noise on the platform also ceased.

As the red blood mist fell, the idiot had regained his feet on the stage at some point, standing in front of Aran.

There was blood flowing on his sword, and the blood was gradually absorbed by the closed pupils. Slowly, the pupils opened. But at this moment, the idiot could no longer hear the excitement of this magic sword. All he saw in his eyes was the girl, her voice, her face, and the...the tears on the corner of her eye.

"Your Diva", which she has sung countless times, still lingers in her mouth.

But perhaps because the consumption of the guiding stone is too huge, Aran's image has begun to be a little distorted, and the singing voice is not as round as before, and it has become intermittent.

The idiot stood in front of her silently, watching Aran slowly walk towards him. The girl was smiling, gently holding the idiot's face in her hands, and singing softly to him. After a brief "contact", she jumped back mischievously, turned around in a circle, stretched out her hand, and reached for the idiot.

On the platform, it was extremely quiet.

The fireworks in the sky had already stopped, returning the black and starry sky to the world.

The clear moonlight fell, illuminating the dead bodies. Their blood gathered together and slid off the gradually collapsing platform. Many corpses also slid down the platform and merged into the lake with blood.

Finally, the guiding stone responsible for music in the control room ran out. The sound of music resounding through the platform ceased.

The guiding stones responsible for all kinds of lighting have also turned to ashes, and the stage was lit up by the spotlight just now. At this moment, the world was returned to darkness again.

On the empty stage, on the stage without lights, the only lighting is the silver moonlight. In the light of the moonlight, Aran smiled and danced. Even without the accompaniment of music, she was still singing, singing...

What is love?

Idiots didn't know before, but now they don't seem to understand.

He couldn't make a sensible and calm judgment about this feeling, as if a thousand words were not enough to describe this feeling.

Destroy everything with your own hands, and kill the beloved in your heart with your own hands. Is this love?

Or is it...this only one's own, dark romance?

The breeze blows away the smell of blood and the mist.

On the clean stage, Aran's figure was sometimes obvious and sometimes illusory. Her movements are no longer so smooth, and gradually, she slowly stops moving. The singing voices hovering in the silent night also seem to be tired, tired, and drifting...Leave the last ray of heavenly sound to this world...

"~~You are my first...and"

Aran stopped dancing, put her slender fingers on her chest, and lowered her head.

When she raised her head again and slowly extended her right hand...

Tears, against the moonlight, slide down from the corner of her eyes...

"……………………………………You exist."

The idiot slowly raised his hand and took her right hand.

"Now, you are free. You don't have to be restricted by anyone anymore, you can sing freely."

Aran's right hand turned into silver powder and slowly disappeared. She looked at the idiot in front of her, the tears in the corners of her eyes and the smiles in the corners of her mouth reflected each other.

"Regardless of the cause. I practiced the fourth sword because of you. I will not hate you, nor will I blame you. On the contrary, I will miss you. Even if you will never be reborn through my thoughts , But in my heart, you are always alive and always...exist."

Aran's arms, shoulders, and body slowly turned into powder, shining against the moonlight.

She is just a phantom, and of course the phantom cannot hear any sound.

For the idiot's confession, she just smiled blankly, but the tears in the corner of her eyes still flickered...

"~~You are me... the first time... and the last time... in love~~"

"~~I only do it for you~~"


The silver powder scattered.

I was blown by the wind and landed on this sorrowful lake.

The severely flooded control room finally began to pull the platform down. The idiot quickly jumped onto his original boat, sat down and looked at the building that was once regarded as a stage by a girl, and sank.

Everything is quiet.

There was no loud noise, as if even the moonlight couldn't bear to disturb the tranquility.

The powder against the moonlight fell on the lake and merged with the stars. The idiot looked at the lake that had regained its calmness, and at the shining starlight...

——Will the lake be red again? ——

With the breeze blowing, the sad love lake, is it red now...

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