Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 063, the rise of the Dark Deer Empire

The idiot lay on the boat, looking up at the sky.

The injuries on his body have been so severe that blood and water flowed all over the boat.

Are you... dying?

It's also... After suffering such a serious injury, he would have died a long time ago as an ordinary person. If you say this, you shouldn’t forcefully get rid of this charm, and obediently become her singing slave, okay?

(Hehehe, not good, of course not good! If you become the slave of that illusion, what should I do? I don't want to watch you clinging to a non-existent woman all day long and being stunned.)

The dim blood pupils opened, smart and cunning. It chuckled twice, and the chain on its right arm slowly crawled to the wound on the idiot's body and wrapped it tightly.

(Before I changed it, I wouldn’t take the initiative to help you heal your injuries. But tonight, I’m very satisfied. The blood of more than a thousand lives is really delicious. It seems that my cutting edge will not need to be sharpened for a long time. .)

The blood slowly began to stop in the place where the chain was bound. At the fracture site, the chain is also punctured with fine needles, and all parts of the body are connected carefully and meticulously. Gradually, the pain of the idiot finally subsided. He took a deep breath, looked at the reflection of the lake water to the sky, looked at the blood-red color, and slowly closed his eyes.

(Human kid, you did a really good job. Although I was a little unhappy about not mobilizing me, but roughly, I will give you ninety points for your action today! If you had this kind of courage earlier, there is still need Sneak in? Who would dare to fight against you and kill them all, just like today, wouldn’t it be good?)

(……………………………………To shut up.)


(………………I do not want to talk.)

Xuetong opened in excitement, sneered, and glanced at the idiot. Then, An Mie sneered twice.

(Well, I won’t bother you, okay? I’m in a good mood today, so I will rarely shut up. Remember, in the future, when you encounter this kind of mass murder, you have to use my power completely. Remember!)

The idiot didn't answer. After Dim Mie snorted twice, she finally closed her pupils slowly.

The lake is rippling, let the lake push this boat away. Although I don't know if the fact that Aran will marry the champion of the trials is a fact or just an illusion in my mind, it is better to leave here as soon as possible. As for the bread...just wait until tomorrow morning, recover a little by yourself, and then pick her up...

too tired.

These days, illusion or reality? Even though he is free from the charm now, the idiot still doesn't know what happened in the past fifteen days is true and what is false. Such days made him feel tired, but what made him more tired was the little silver light that had just fallen on the lake. He just wants to go to sleep now, maybe in his sleep, he can forget all the past fifteen days...

The idiot closed his eyes, and as the ship swayed, he felt that his spirit was finally loosening from this restraint. After a while...

One person jumped up from another boat that was about to sink, and landed on the boat of the idiot.

The idiot didn't open his eyes or speak. He just lay down like this, relaxing. And that person just looked at the idiot, and then at what was supposed to be the floating stage.

"The lake... has turned red."

Sigh softly, without any

The anger was not surprised. As if very understanding, the man nodded gently. He pulled the cloak behind him to wrap the bleeding wound on his waist. Lowering his head, the little chestnut pupils looked deeply at the lying teenager, and smiled slightly.

"You are the first person I missed."


The idiot did not move. In other words, he has no power to move.

"More than a thousand people... You can almost be comparable to an army. If you really want to be an enemy of us, to subdue you, I am afraid it will be more than just letting that girl stop talking about justice. difficult."

The idiot closed his eyes and still ignored it. Is he asleep? Or is it still awake now? Just can't stand up?

"Huh......I won't hold you back to why you did it. Because I know that not everyone thinks that the right behavior will be considered correct by others. Many times, even I don't know something. right or wrong."

"But no matter what, I still did it. Whether it is right or wrong, leave it to future generations to comment. Haha, just like a dad, as a man, when he is able to accept praise, he must have the courage to bear the sins. And infamy."

The wound on the figure's waist was still bleeding.

He smiled, covering the wound, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still so unruly. Looking at the lake, he took a deep breath and wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Although I know that my request is unreasonable and compulsory. But I still want to ask you."

"If you have the ability to save the wind and the sand, I hope you act as soon as possible. Even if it is not for other people, it is for my sister who can't see the sun. Besides..."

"This request is somewhat unreasonable. I hope you can take care of my brother. He has burdened himself with too many responsibilities and obligations. If this continues, he will be crushed one day. I don't know you can help him. To what extent, but... take care of him more or less for me, don't let him be killed by others easily, okay?"

The boat drifted away from the center of the lake and came to a deserted island. The habit of insects sings from the island, and the breeze is blowing, bringing a touch of comfort.

The figure looked at the idiot who closed his eyes and showed a hearty smile again. Afterwards, he jumped onto the island and quickly ran to the other side of the island. Before long, a small boat that had been prepared for a long time drove over and picked him up. Slowly, the boat disappeared into the night and disappeared...

From start to finish, the idiot is lying down without any movement. Did he hear these voices of figures? If he hears these requests, what choice will he make?

Except for himself, no one else knows the answer.




Early the next morning, the idiot slowly straightened up.

He glanced at the blood on the boat, pierced the bottom of the boat with a sword, and let it sink to the bottom of the lake. He checked his body and confirmed that all the wounds in his body had indeed healed initially, except for the slight fatigue caused by the loss of blood. The fractured left arm has also regained consciousness. Although it is not convenient to move, it should be no problem as time goes on.

The idiot sneaked into the home of a resident, stole a few pieces of clothes, changed the blood clothes on his body, and washed his face before rowing towards Yanwu Island. It was also when he landed on the island that two big news immediately reached his ears.

One of them is the news of hundreds of floating corpses floating on the Lake of Sadness. Singer Alan Beatron’s concert overnight was thrown into the pool like a loud thunder, blowing up waves. Aran's agent, the body of Thrall the dwarf was quickly found, but the body of the talented singer was not found. Some people say that the singer escaped smoothly, and some say that the murderer held the singer hostage. There were different opinions, and people were panicked for a while, and everyone was worried about Aran's safety.

However, with the emergence of the second incident, the fact that more than a thousand people died overnight in the lake of grief became less important immediately. Just at the end of the trials last night, Duke Della Goodsey lined up the crowd, ascended to the throne of champions, and reached out to take over the seal of military power. As the second prince of the Bucks Empire, the evil fire? Suddenly he drew out his playing cards and stabbed him behind his brother, the current Buck King!

Under all eyes, Mu Du was caught off guard and was scratched by the evil fire poker. But Mu Du is not a mediocre hand after all, he drew out the saber that he had never left for a while, and instantly wounded Xie Huo. Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Xie Huo immediately ran away, knowing that he was far less powerful than Mu Du. Since he escaped without a trace in an instant, it was obvious that he had planned for a long time, and this assassination was not a temporary intention.

The idiot listened to the whispers of the people on the street, and the rumors were all over the sky for a while, and the people who were worried about the future of the Bucks were also surprised, not knowing what to do. Amidst such rumors, the idiot returned to the infirmary of the martial arts field and opened the door...


The bun screamed for joy and threw into his arms. This little girl hugged the idiot's waist tightly with both hands, and her head was also close to his stomach. After hugging tightly, Xiao Bread's body began to tremble slowly, and before long, the tears had soaked the clothes on the idiot's chest.

"Don't cry. I'm back to normal. Don't cry."

The idiot reached out and stroked Bun's hair lightly. In addition to the usual coldness in the dark pupils, there is also a rare gentleness.

Little Bread cried for a long time before removing his head from the idiot's belly. She raised her head, pulled the idiot's clothes, and kept sobbing. The idiot squatted down and continued to stroke her little head, after exhaling...

"I, it's okay. It was you who saved me... bread."

There is no more verbal communication, because for them, language is no longer necessary. Bun reached out his hand again and hugged the idiot's neck. And the idiot also patted her back and back gently, hugging her tenderly.

They are family members... Since they are family members, when one of them does something wrong, the other side will come forward to stop it. Before, it was an idiot who came to save the bread. This time, bread saved the idiot. As long as we continue to support each other in this way, we should be able to get through even the dangerous predicament.

only because……

They are family members.


The idiot took Xiao Bao's hand, slowly walked out of the martial arts field, and boarded the boat to the central island. In addition to him, many large and small ships also sailed out of the various islands to the central island.

For nothing else, just because this trial is over, Mudu will fulfill his promise and hand over the 100,000 troops left in the Bucks nation to the winner of this trial—Duke Dara Goodsey. .

The idiot came here for nothing else, just to confirm what was true and what was false in the past fifteen days.

Therefore, when Dai Lao, wearing a victor's cloak, walked onto the red carpet, enjoying the welcome of the crowds on both sides, the idiot deliberately rolled out of the crowd, rolled in front of Dai Lao, and raised his head.

Dai Lau paused for a moment, but his eyes looked strange at the idiot. Except for a little disgust, there was not the slightest dullness and stubbornness that prevented him from signing up that day. And it seems that he doesn't seem to remember the idiot. In fact, it is right to think about it. The last time the two of them formally met face to face three or four years ago. For Dai Lao, the current idiot is probably just an insignificant beggar, a strange civilian who has been forgotten.

The idiot was picked up by Dai Lao's guard and pushed back into the crowd. And Dai Lao is still stepping on the red carpet, enjoying flowers and blessings, and gradually walks towards the simple throne built in front of the administrative mansion. There, Mu Du sat there, wearing a crown, looking at Dai Lao very satisfied.


"Let's go."

Facts have confirmed that in the real reality, he has never had any conflict with Dai Lao because of Aran. On that day, Aran left with him. The reality is that he got on the boat alone. When I went to the administrative residence to sign up, I was afraid I just stood there for a while and left without a sound...


Bun raised his head, worry flashing in his emerald pupils.

"I'm fine."

The idiot touched her head again, the older and the younger held hands, turned around, and slowly left the crowd, left the glorious military power granting ceremony, and returned to the darkness...


But when Dai Lao took over the seal symbolizing military power from Mudu's hand, there was a deafening cannon from a distance! Everyone was taken aback, Dai Lao took the lead to react, and immediately got to Mudu's ear and said something. Mu Du's complexion changed, and he immediately rushed to the shore holding his sword. Others followed their king and flocked to the dock.

The fact that appeared in front of him not only caused Mu Du to take a breath of air, but even Dai Lao, who originally thought he had won all the military power, couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring blankly at the lake in front of him.

I saw hundreds of large and small warships moored in the deep waters of the Lake of Sadness, and the soldiers on the ships were heavily armored, and each one showed a determined look.

"Aren't those... all my warships? It's the one hundred thousand troops! But could this happen?!"

Mudu was stunned.

He looked at the flag flying on the flagship headed by.

The pattern on the flag is still a stag. But unlike the original white stag of the stag empire, the stag on this flagship is black, with its head bowed and its antlers raised, ready to fight. Which country's flag is this? Why is it so similar to the Bucks flag? !

"Mudu? Frihus!"

A shout came from the flagship. Mu Du hurriedly took the telescope that Dai Lao handed over, and saw the person who stabbed him last night, now standing upright on the bow of the boat, wearing a crown...? ? ? ! ! !

"You are not qualified to be the King of the Bucks. Starting today, I, Evil Fire? Frederick Hughes officially declare war to you! At the same time, I also officially announce to you that the'Dark Deer Empire' is officially established today! From now on, The relationship between the two of us will no longer be brothers, but the reciprocal relationship between the king and the king! You foolish lord, have you heard clearly!!!"

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