Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 064, split

The sudden appearance of the ship left Mu Du speechless in surprise. After staying for a while, his only feeling was that countless anger came directly from his stomach.

Because of the facts before me, I was too surprised. With the help of binoculars, he clearly saw the figures of many nobles who had promised to come to cheer.

These nobles with heavy soldiers...should have no surprise allegiance to him, and now in his name, the soldiers obeyed by the trusted Duke Dai Lao! They... They dare to...

betray? ? ? ! ! !

"Evil fire? Frie Hughes! No, you are not entitled to the name Frie Hughes at all! How dare you betray? Actually... You betrayed the country that your father had worked so hard to build? Bucks!!!"

Because he was too excited, Mu Du affected his injuries. He immediately coughed loudly, but he was in his early forties, now he looked very old.

Dai Lao stayed where he was, not knowing what he should do. However, his mind moved quickly. After hesitating for a while, he immediately went up to support his king. Constantly massage his back.

The people on the island looked at the well-groomed fleet, all staring at each other, at a loss. Bun is also holding an idiot tightly, with a look of fear on his face. The idiot immediately covered her small body and was silent.

"Betrayal? How dare you tell me the word betrayal? King of the Bucks Empire, you too overestimate yourself?"

The evil fire on the flagship over there had a sneer, condescendingly, and said in a contemptuous voice: "You are a self-righteous, self-assertive king. Do you really treat everyone else as an idiot? As a fool? What is meant by taking everything All of the troops are concentrated, and then choose a leader, and then lead the troops out? Such a ridiculous method, it is not because you can agree to it, but also because of the "Duke Goodsay" beside you who is trusted by you and whom you trust. Come out!"

Dai Lao's expression changed, and his eyes that had always been full of confidence immediately became flustered.

"Your idea should be to take the orders of the King of Bucks to gather all the remaining Bucks. Then, you pretend to be fair and hand in a trial decision. In that stupid mess After the King of Bucks approved, you then used various conspiracy methods to win this decisive battle, and you justifiably control all the forces of the Bucks Empire. Become a true one person, above 10,000 people! Isn't it? !"

Dai Lao didn't dare to answer, but there was obvious panic in his lowered eyes.

"The plan is good. Well, I mean, on the surface, it's good. But, Duke Goodsay. You would have imagined that it was too simple. In your eyes, the soldiers came. The nobles and generals who help each other must be brainless tools, right? As long as the Buck King says something, they must do something, right? But you ignored it. You ignored these people after they were suddenly declared to have lost their military power. That kind of feeling. Many of them are veterans who have experienced many battles. Many of them have spent a lifetime to accumulate such military exploits and merits. Some of them even participated in the Black Dragon War 40 years ago. Now, just because of a word from the king who does not have long eyes, all the troops and all the power will be handed over to you, a little Maotou who is just in his early twenties?"

Dai Lao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked up. Looking around, there are indeed many old people wearing armor and white hair and long beards on the flagship. Although these old soldiers are already nobles, they haven't compromised the true qualities of their soldiers. But now, the eyes that they looked at themselves and Mu Du were very repulsive and resistant. Not to mention the etiquette towards the king and the duke, I am afraid that even the most basic respect is gone.

" people! You are all...cough...but all of you are the father's most loyal subordinates! Because of betrayed together?!"

Mu Du vomited blood at the corner of his mouth, but he held back his inner consternation and shouted at the meritorious veterans. I'm afraid he still can't understand in his heart, why is this?

"Your Majesty... No, now, you should only be called the King of Bucks."

A nobleman who was about forty years old took a step forward, and after a salute to the leading evil fire, he stepped past him and stood at the forefront of the flagship.

"The King of the Bucks, it is not that we want to betray, but you are forcing us to betray. My ancestors of the Kalo Danlun family have played for the Bucks for five generations. I myself have participated in many foreign battles in the Bucks Empire. Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s talk about the recent years of the Black Dragon Empire’s annihilation war, the Death-Mian Empire’s invasion war, and last year’s Three Kingdoms encirclement and suppression war. Every time, the men, women and children of the Carlo Danlun family are at the forefront. The great kindness of the emperor was not enough to reciprocate. But even if I serve the country like this, what I get is your betrayal."

"You must know how high your administrative efficiency is. You are authoritarian and powerful, and you can't listen to any advice from others. You insisted on doing your own way, and even announced that you would send troops to counterattack when this kind of time should best let us rest and rest. Sha? Send us to die? Compared to you, His Majesty Evil Fire was as early as the prince. We knew he had extraordinary political and leadership skills. Only with your Majesty can we continue to survive. Otherwise, even this time If you survived, you may be ruined inexplicably in the future. This kind of life is not what we want."

After the man finished speaking, he turned around without being humble, and after saluting the evil fire again, he returned to the line. Although there was only one person speaking, it seemed that this person's words should have already represented the aspirations of all the members. This betrayal, seeing... is already inevitable.

"Hey, do you have anything to say? Then I'll continue. Mudu, you must be very strange, how did I instigate these subjects of mine? It's actually very simple, just find each of them to have a long talk, Xiao By reasoning, moving with affection, analyzing it with profit, anyone can be moved. After all, no one will put his head on a cutting board where a knife will fall at any time. And you, Dai Lao? Duke Goodsay. As I said just now, you probably didn't consider these people as human beings at all, so you didn't even consider their ideas. So, this is why your plan failed this time!"

Because of Xie Huo's words, Dai Lao knew that his plan was really completely stranded. And he also knew that after all he had too little experience, and after all the tactics on paper were actually used in the actual application process, he still suffered defeat.

Perhaps, he can win Mudu's trust.

But in the confrontation with Mudu's chessboard, he was completely defeated.

Thinking of this, Dai Lau couldn't help showing a look of disgust. In this world, few people can embarrass him. There seemed to be someone embarrassing him in swordsmanship before, but this one should be dead, and he no longer remembers it. Now, Xie Huo actually embarrassed him again in tactics? !

Let him, who has always been hailed as a genius...whether it is Chi or Wu, the person who walks in front of everyone... embarrassed?

A hateful look shot out of Dai Lao's gaze and threw it directly at the evil fire over there. Xie Huo saw it naturally, but he just smiled slightly and didn't care.

"Duke Goodsay..."

Mu Du said softly.

"Your subordinates are here. Your Majesty, what's your order."

Dai Lao took back the hatred from his face and regained his piety.

"We now have forces that can be many more."

Dai Lao was taken aback, and immediately retreated, calculating the strength of his troops. After a while, he immediately returned and whispered: "My Majesty, there are 1,000 defenders in the city of Sala. Among the refugees who have escaped, more than 500 are registered as militias. Plus the forces that can be commanded by the subordinate families. Two thousand thousand five hundred people..."

Three thousand five hundred, yes one hundred thousand.

Victory, no more words are needed.

In the crowd, Dimie opened his eyes slightly and glanced at the hundreds of warships, hehe sneered. This sword was originally intended to taunt twice. But before the words rang in the idiot's mind, it suddenly changed its mind and thought of something more interesting.

(Human kid, didn't you easily kill more than a thousand people last night? You murderous madman.)


The idiot did not answer. What happened last night was a kind of inner pain for him. This kind of pain will support his "love affair." But in peacetime, idiots don't want to take the initiative to bear this "pain".

However, Anmie did not have such empathetic kindness. In other words, deliberately making idiots uncomfortable is one of its jobs. So, even if it clearly felt the instability in the idiot's heart, it still sneered and said--

(Is that feeling cool? It feels like killing people? So, are you interested in challenging more difficult? For example... 100,000 soldiers who have experienced battles?)

(……………………I don't like your jokes.)

(Oh, it's a really funny joke for you now. You are a weak mess. Like this mere 100,000 troops, let the death knights come and you can solve them in three or two. It's easy. But What about you? What do you have? Or, do you plan to take the lead every time in the future, and rush to the battle first?)


(Hey, look, I have allowed you to learn the fourth sword. So should you adjust your taste? The fifth It’s not a love affair with a thousand people killing, but a hundred thousand people The troops instantly turned into powder...the power of the fifth prison!)

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