Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 065, the snow-covered road ahead

(To shut up.)

No matter how beautiful Anmie said, it now touches the "pain" of the idiot. Therefore, any of its proposals can only usher in the fate of being rejected. After Dim Mie was stunned for a while, he snorted. Leaving a sentence "I love learning but not learning, I don't like to teach yet~~~", I closed my eyes and ignored the idiot.

Regardless of the idiot, Mudu who returned here again, he frowned immediately after hearing the total number of troops reported by Dai Lao. Strength is everything, and the huge number of people is enough to make any strategy disappear invisible. What's more, now that the evil fire and others have strong ships and cannons, if they really want to kill all the people in the Bucks Empire, it is simply easy.

"Evil think..."

"Hey, wait a minute. The relationship between me and you is already between the king and the king. Why do you directly call my name?"

Mu Du forcibly endured a mouthful of blood in his stomach, and after a while, he muttered: "Then...King Dark Deer, what do you... want?"

Xie Huo sneered and said: "It's very simple. Today, the Dark Deer Empire has just been established, and I don't want to massacre my former vassal country as soon as it is established, so that the anniversary of the founding of the nation will also become your large-scale memorial service. If you think about me and brother, I won’t kill you anymore. But although you can live, I still hope you can leave this Salad City immediately. Leave, the territory of'my'."


Hearing these last words, Mu Du couldn't help but yelled. But Xie Huo didn't wait for him to scold him, and immediately laughed--

"From now on, the Dark Deer Empire will take over all the territories of the original Stag Empire. From the wild mountains in the east to the edge of the death desert in the west. From the Forbidden Sea in the south, to the Golden Beach in the north, all of them will be included in the territory of my Dark Deer. So, how can you, the king of the stag empire, dominate my territory? So now, please leave the city of Salah and get out of my territory. Otherwise, I will immediately declare us on the charge of violating the territory. Officially entered a state of war!"

The idiot lowered his head, thinking. The territory mentioned by evil fire is exactly the border line of the Buck Empire. If all these places belong to Dark Deer... Then the stag... Doesn't it mean the country is subjugated?

"Are you... on purpose?"

Mudu's fist was squeezed, his nails almost embedded in the flesh.

"What's the difference between your approach... and the complete destruction of the Bucks...?!"

"No, no, don’t get me wrong. I said, if you want to be a brother, I’ll leave you a way out. I will keep you the capital of the wind blowing sand. This most solid city is the last of the Bucks Empire The territory of the country. That place is freezing cold, and I don’t want it. Since you care about him so much, you can get it yourself. I don’t mind."

"What are you kidding?! Do you want me to use more than three thousand people to attack the sand?!"

"Oh, I don't care how many people you use. Anyway, didn't you intend to get it back? Also, the Lord Duke next to you should take the lead and take the responsibility, right?"

"you you……!!!"

"Hahaha, rest assured, I believe that the Lord Duke next to you will be able to succeed. However, it does not matter if he is unsuccessful. Among those people next to you, there will eventually be someone who will help you save the wind and sand. . But can you find him, can you reuse him... Hehe, it depends on your own ability!"

Mu Du was already furious, and Dai Lao was also gritted his teeth at the moment, and the expression in his eyes looking at Xie Huo could no longer be described by hatred alone. For these repeated insults, Dara Goodsey swears that the gentleman will take revenge, and it will not be too late for ten years. One day, let this person who underestimate the price!

The idiot naturally heard Xie Huo's words, just as before, he still didn't react at all. Even when Xie Huo's eyes looked over here, looking for something, he deliberately hid behind the crowd and was not seen.

Xie Huo didn't find the person he was looking for. But think about it, forget it, it shouldn't be possible for that person to betray with him...In the wind and the sand, he has too many things to do, and it is impossible to go with him. That being the case, if you have fate in the future, let's meet again.

"I just hope that the next time I meet will not be on the battlefield..."

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about?"

"Ah, it's okay."

Xie Huo wiped his nose and avoided the courtier's inquiry. Then, his gaze became severe again, facing the crowd of less than a thousand people in total, he said aloud--

"Now, all the people in the original wind and the sand are requested to evacuate all of the city of Salad within a week. Those who violate the order will be regarded as aggression, and there will be no mercy!"


Guru, Guru, Guru.

The wheel of the car made a noise on the ground. Carrying those heavy things, slowly drove forward.

A week's time passed in an instant. The evacuation operation also proceeded quickly under the threat of the Dark Deer Empire.

The white flag of the stag with head raised was lowered from the flagpole of the administrator of the central island of Salad City, and the flag of the black bowed fighting stag was raised at this moment.

At the same time, the Dark Deer Empire announced with great fanfare that within a week, the Buck Empire split, and the news that the Dark Deer Empire took over more than 99% of the Bucks' territory immediately spread throughout the sad continent.

Some people are sad about this news, and some sigh. Others were smiling, others cheered.

But anyway, this has become a reality. The rise of the Dark Deer Empire and the only thing left in the Buck Empire that was frozen and yet to be rescued became the biggest news on the sad continent. Become everyone’s post-dinner talk.

Nearly a month ago, 10,000 people in the Bucks Empire escaped from the wind and sand and took refuge in the city of Sarah. Among these 10,000 people, nearly one third are wounded. During this evacuation, many wounded had to stay. In addition, many people saw that the bucks were exhausted, and they didn't want to follow Mudu back to the wind and sand that didn't know if there was any rescue, so they all rebelled and returned to the nationality of Dark Lu. And the Saracheng soldiers who originally counted a thousand people by Dai Lao were also naturally included in the dark deer, and the more than 500 militiamen also defected.

In the end, there were only a few people who were still loyal to Mudu, plus the 2,000 private mercenaries in Darauna, and the total was just over 3,000, and they embarked on the road to Fengchusha.

Are things impermanent?

Sometimes things are so impermanent, making you feel funny, but dumbfounding.

The mere three thousand people boarded the magic train to the periphery of Fengchuisha in batches. Looking at the starry sky of the desert, Mudu really felt like they wanted to laugh.

Time has entered June.

After this wind-blown sand rescue (suicide) journey is over, will this June be the last June for everyone on the train?

This, I am afraid only God knows.


The lonely magic train speeds through the desert.

Unlike the magical train that went to the wind and blowing sand in the past, the joy of going home is no longer in the car.

This time, here is a group of poor people who have been kicked out of their homes, who are already homeless, and don't know if they can survive the next moment.

Tonight, the train stopped.

Because in two days, the train will see wind and sand. In order to make precise preparations, the train tonight needs a break, and all passengers above need to make adjustments. Including Mu Du himself, he is also the person who needs adjustment most now.

"Take out all the wine!"

In the moonlight, on the desert. Mu Du took off the crown on his head, threw it into his travel bag at will, and then took out a bottle of dark beer from it.

Seeing Mudu's appearance, other courtiers and civilians did not dare to neglect, and they took out the alcohol they took out from Shala City. Although, these wines have been bad enough to mess up.

"Okay! Tonight, we are going to have a party in this desert! Tomorrow we will have a good night's sleep during the day, and at night, we will attack the wind and blow the sand! Come, all the adults will come down to me, all Give me... drink!"

The children were left in the car by their parents, and the others got out of the car, holding up their glasses, sitting on the cold sand, drinking these ugly dark beer.

The bonfire ignited, and from the sky, countless warm spots appeared on the vast desert. Beside these weak flames, the homeless people were sitting around them, holding their wine glasses silently and drinking mouthfuls.

The idiot also found a remote place to sit down. He took the wine glasses brought by others, and passed them to others as if they were passed. Afterwards, he took out his cup, poured out the water he had prepared, and drank slowly.

Little Bread also held the cup and looked at the idiot. Is it infected by the surrounding atmosphere? The little girl's expression was full of worry. The idiot touched her hair lightly, pulled up the blanket, wrapped her body, and hugged her tightly.

Mudu poured one cup after another, and finally, he simply threw the cup away, directly raised the bottle and poured it into his mouth. Seeing this scene, Dai Lao just sneered without responding. But some loyal old officials next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly stepped forward and persuaded: "Your Majesty! should drink less! Drinking like this will hurt your body!"

How can Mudu listen to people's advice now? He pushed away the old courtier and said loudly, "Drink to death? You rude fellow, are you cursing me to die?! I'm dead, you can go to the betrayer, right?!"

Some of the sound of persuading wine in the surrounding area immediately stopped and became silent.

"Your Majesty... Subordinates... Where does this mean? Subordinates just..."

Not allowing the courtier to continue, Mu Du directly drew out the sword on his waist and directly pressed it against the opponent's chest. At this moment, the veteran was immediately terrified. His hands were constantly shaking, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't even dare to speak.

"Don't think I don't know, everyone here actually wants me to die!"

Mudu seemed to be drunk. He stared, and the hand holding the sword began to tremble because of the alcohol.

"Every one of you... every one of you is not convinced by me, right?! That's right! I really don't have any talent for governing the country. I can only fight! Each of you feels that I inherited it only because I was the eldest son The throne, in fact, I don’t have this ability at all! Right?! You all think that the evil fire guy is actually the most talented. This throne should be inherited by him, right????!!!!"

The veteran can only shake his head, dare not say anything, dare not move. The people around saw that Mu Du was so angry, and knew that once they persuaded him, the next one would immediately become themselves. Seeing that the situation was not good, several people rushed to Dai Lao next to him, wanting to ask Dai Lao to persuade. But Dai Lao pushed the glass and shook it a few times before he fell drunk. As for whether he was really drunk, or was too lazy to care about the King of Bucks who had lost everything, it was unclear.

"One year... only a short year!"

Mu Du's hands were shaking, and his body was shaking. His eyes were filled with tears of grievance that were usually invisible, and his voice was full of choking. Xiao Bread pulled the idiot's arm, and motioned for the old courtier who was shaking with the tip of the sword. After taking a sip from the water glass, the idiot nodded gently.

"Last year... My father was assassinated and I was ordered to ascend the throne when I was in danger. Then, before I had any preparations, the Three Kingdoms War of Aggression broke out! I led the nation to fight the enemy and defend my father The land left...but...but this is only a year! Only a year after the death of the father! Where is the Buck Empire? Where is the Buck Empire now? The fourth largest empire on the sad continent, now it is There are only more than three thousand people left, with a force of less than two thousand, and even no place to live?!"

"What's wrong with my management? Where did I go wrong? Why did it become like this in just a year? Am I a dull king? Am I a ignorant king? Why do I try so hard to protect the stags left behind by my father, but the sky just wants me to be a king of subjugation?!"

No one can answer this question. Because this problem is too heavy and too difficult. No one can understand Mudu's mood at the moment. He spares no effort, keeps working hard, working hard, working hard. The reason is actually very simple. He just wants to guard the stag... guard the legacy left by his father and protect this beautiful country that has finally emerged from the chaos of years of war. But even though his wish is so simple, now, it is so difficult to realize it...

He threw away the sword, lifted the courtier on the ground, and patted the dust off his body. The old official didn't quite understand Mu Du's meaning, and still trembled and didn't dare to move. After Mu Du took the clothes for him, he picked up two wine bottles and stuffed one of them into his hand. Then he touched his wine bottle with his own wine bottle. Without saying anything, he looked up and started drinking. Up.

Wine can make people forget their troubles.

Alcohol can also make troubles deeper.

The originally gentle silver moonlight looked a little bleak at the moment. On the vast desert, the wind blowing is so cold...




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