Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 066, a glass of water

Late at night, the wine was dry.

The bonfire has been extinguished, and all kinds of wine bottles and glasses are thrown everywhere. The drunk people helped each other on the train, sleeping or vomiting everywhere in the warm carriage.

In the latter half of the night, the noise and noise have disappeared. "Tranquility" is a very patient thing. After the noisemaker finally fell, it once again occupied all of the world silently, enjoying the most abundant occupation.

The bonfire on the idiot's side is still burning.

In the desert, you must sleep during the day. Therefore, he is in good spirits, who hasn't touched the wine. He kept adding fuel to the bonfire in front of him, holding a cup of water, sipping one bite at a time.

"You can go back in the car."

Said the idiot.

But Little Bread shook his head. She wrapped the two blankets tightly around her body, slipped into the arms of the idiot, and closed her eyes comfortably. She put her head on the idiot's chest, closed her eyes, and listened to the steady beating heart in this strong chest. Not fast, but very stable. Each moment contains absolute power.

The idiot did not refuse to rely on the bread. He picked up the water glass and looked at the direction of the wind blowing sand. In fact, if you look at it at this moment, you can already vaguely see the gray clouds piled up in the distant sky. Maybe...the snow, it's still going down.

Take a drink, throw a firewood into the bonfire, remove the kettle from the fire, and pour a cup into the cup again. The idiot picked up the cup. It just so happened that someone sat down next to him. The idiot didn't look at it, and passed the cup in his hand to the side.

"Um... uh."

Mu Du shook his head, his eyes lost. He looked at the empty wine glass in his hand, and then at the water glass that the idiot handed over. Soon, he took the cup handed over by the idiot, covered his hand with the hot temperature, and stared blankly at the campfire.

Crackling, crackling.

In the fire, there was the sound of wood burning.

The idiot took out a clean cup again, poured out another cup of hot water, and held it in his arms. After waiting a little cold for a while, he took a sip.


Seeing the idiot drinking water, Mu Du seemed to remember something. He hurriedly raised the cup and took a sip. But soon, he smacked his mouth, his drunken eyes turned around, and he looked at the idiot's focused, dark pupils without the slightest drunkenness.

"These... are water?"

The idiot took off the kettle and handed it directly to Mudu.

"Sober, always more effective than when confused."

Mudu looked at the idiot blankly, as if he was looking at something that he couldn't understand. But soon, he smiled, took the kettle, poured another cup into his cup, and covered it with his hands.

The idiot put the water bottle back on the shelf and pulled one of his backpacks, took out another can of cold water from it, opened the lid, and poured it into the water bottle.

"I'm so happy, at this time... there will still be people who hope to stay awake... You are better than me. Even I... feel that it will be more comfortable to be confused now..."

Mu Du's tears fell again, he wiped his face, held the glass of water in his arms again, and took a sip.

The idiot didn't look at him, let alone answer. He continued to sit here silently, drinking water, alerting to the beasts in the desert, and then waiting for dawn.

Mu Du blew his breath, and after drinking a cup, he took off the kettle and filled the cup. He sat cross-legged on the ground. After thinking for a while, he suddenly took the water glass, took out the crown from his travel bag, and pinched it in his hand.

The crown is still covered with luster.

The beating flames set off against the crown, bringing a touch of solemn beauty.

Mu Du looked at the crown with a wry smile. He shook his head, threw the crown on the ground casually, and said with a smile: "Do you think I am stupid? Because I am a king of subjugation?"

"………………………… Bucks, the country has not yet been subjugated."

The idiot answered coldly.

"At least in that train, there are people who worry about your body and want to persuade you not to get drunk."

"Heh...I know. It's just...I feel failed..."

Mu Du smiled bitterly, looking at the crown on the sand. He touched the beard on his mouth, shook his head, and said, "I have never felt like I have failed so much... Even if you tell me now that I am not the king of subjugation, what will happen afterwards? The wind blowing sand... forget it. , I don’t want to say anymore. Saying nothing makes sense."

The idiot took a sip of water. At this moment, Xiao Bread poked his head out of the idiot's arms, looked at Mudu.

Seeing the little bread, Mu Du smiled. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he took out a small wallet from his arms. After opening, it was filled with photos of Xing, the current princess of the Bucks Empire.

"Come here, take a look, do you know her?"

The idiot took a glance and nodded.

"It's a princess, all the stag people know."

"Hehe, it's my daughter. My dear daughter~~~ how is she, cute? She should be with yours now... well... yours..."

"Bread. Her name."

"Uh... bread?... Forget it. She is the same size as your bread. But if you really want to say it, my daughter should be cuter, hehe."

Mudu now has no madness and decadence. On the contrary, there was a little silly smile on his face. This smile is the same as the silly smile on his face when King Bucks was alive long ago.

"Ah... I don't know how my little baby is now... She should have gone to military training. Counting from the time, when she returned to Fengchuansha, Fengchuansha was frozen. However, I'm not worried at all. Because my princess knows martial arts, but the military training teachers of Divine Grace are all very strong. Therefore, they must be hiding somewhere now, and then wait for me to find her. Ha ha, So, I am not worried at all."

Don't worry about...?

A silly smile appeared on Mu Du's face, but in the silly smile, there was lingering sadness. Yeah... he still didn't know that Xingye was frozen in the windblown sand. Since he doesn't know... Then, let him continue to let him know.

"My little apricot... she is the most beautiful angel in the world... have you seen her, her nose looks like me, isn't it? Haha, my little apricot cares about me very much. Every time I deal with official duties. It's too late. When I fell asleep on the desk, she would come back to cover me and wake me up and go to my room to sleep."

"In order to relieve my boredom, she would also play the piano for me and read to me. I still remember how I was moved when she called out that'dad' at me when she was babbling. I think about it now. I felt like I was about to cry."

The idiot listened. At this moment, he felt the little bread in his arms pull himself. He lowered his head and saw Little Bread smiling, and after yelling "Bab" at the idiot, she lay down on the idiot's chest again, closed her eyes, and giggled.

The idiot picked up the water glass and took a sip. He looked at his reflection in the cup, his dark pupils were soft in the flash of fire.

"Ah... if I can... I really want to create a country where she can be at ease and without any danger. I hope she can be safe, without worries, and without sorrow. There is no need to worry about whether she will die tomorrow, There is no need to worry about every day like now, and live with fear of tomorrow. Now... the only thing I hope is her peace..."

In order to create... a world where she can live safely...

Listening to Mu Du's words, the idiot lowered his head again and looked at the bread in his arms.

Everything is just to create a world where she can live with peace of mind... As long as this is the case, then, it is enough.

Mu Du looked at the photo in his arms, and after a long time, he exhaled, and the tiredness climbed up his brows. But before leaving to sleep, Mu Du still had some questions to ask.

"That...what's your name?"


"Hehehe, don't get me wrong. I just think I seem to have met you before. And somehow... By the way, do you know my sister? It's Walnut. Walnut? Durea? Frihus. Her age. I really want to be close to you..."

"You are drunk."

"Um... Maybe. Then I would like to ask again, do you... know how to martial arts? Two days later, will you participate in the Fengchuansha Raiders?"

"………………………………will not."

"Nothing? Is it martial arts... or a strategy war?" Mu Du looked a little nervous. It seems that if the boy in front of him does not participate in the battle, it will be a serious loss.


However, the idiot still did not answer him. At this moment, Mu Du finally became completely worried. He quickly grabbed the idiot's shoulder and said loudly—

"You... will you betray me? Will you leave me, will you also betray the Bucks?... Will you?!"

In the bloodshot eyes, in addition to alcohol, what the idiot saw was more fear. After thinking about it for a long time, the idiot finally exhaled, looking at the still dancing campfire, slowly said——

"The wind blows the sand, it's my home."

"There are too many important things."

"If you say that your wish is to bring a safe, war-free country to the princess..."

"Then there, it will continue to be my most ideal habitat."

That's it for the idiot. After that, he never spoke again.

However, for Mudu, these seem to be enough. He looked at the idiot, and slowly loosened the hand that squeezed his shoulder, and the dull smile appeared on his face again. He gave a thumbs up at the idiot and compared it. Then he stood up very easily, drank the water, and walked directly to the train. But after two steps, he folded back, picked up the crown, smirked again, stuffed the crown into the bag, carried the bag, and got on the train.

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