Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 067, breaking into the wind and blowing sand

In the hot June, in the daytime, this dead desert should have turned into hell.

Most creatures must fear the hot sun and boiling sand. This piece of scorched hellland, which rejects all living beings, will faithfully perform its duties and drive everyone to a cool shade, making everyone sweat and painful because of the heat.

"Hey! Put on more clothes! Put on the brazier! There are still there, and keep the windows warm! If it freezes and cracks, we'll be done!"

At this moment, it is not late at night, but noon.

Snow is floating in the sky that should be too hot.

Gray clouds filled the sky, and white hexagonal crystals slowly fell from the sky. What is reflected in the crystal is the magnificent city of ice that is still shrouded in ice——

The wind blows the sand.

Two days later, the stag people who transported the remaining three thousand people have gathered. They looked at the castle that had driven them out, and missed the family and friends in it. But they also know that this is definitely not a sad time, and what awaits them will be a hard fight. An unsuccessful... a bitter battle of benevolence.

The bonfire raged **** the frozen sand. The weak flame was forced by the severe cold and seemed to be extinguished at any time. Those non-combatants stayed in the car, and those with combat ability followed Mudu to get out of the car, wrapped in leather jackets, pulled up weapons, and did the final preparations before the attack.

"All right……"

White gas spit out from Mudu's mouth. He wears leather gloves, holding his royal sword, and looking up at the wind-blown cliff standing in the ice. After letting out a deep breath, he waved his hand.

"All the soldiers who are willing to fight for the Bucks...Assemble!"

Those who were making the final preparations heard their king's order and immediately brought their luggage and weapons. More than 2,000 fighters from the Goodsay family, more than a hundred civilian mercenaries and militiamen. A total of two thousand two hundred and thirteen people. These people wrapped their coats tightly and formed a square array, standing in front of Mu Du.

"Warriors, I know that today's battle will determine the fate of all of us. And I also know that our battle this time may still end in failure!"

"But, I believe each of you knows. Now in this city, there are our families and our friends! They are waiting for us, waiting for us to save!"

"Severe cold, what is it? At this moment, the heat of the wind and sand will melt the cold air!"

"More than two thousand of us will become more than two thousand suns, melting all the ice covering our heads!"

"Our battle today will be eulogized forever by our descendants. This is not a war of aggression, nor a defensive war, but a thorough battle launched to save our own family and save all the people we cherish. The battle of salvation! Not for the stags, but for the wind and sand, our blood will be hotter than the sun!"

Mudu drew his sword and held it high. After a year of vicissitudes and setbacks, his face is already covered with beards. At the age of forty, he seems to be more kingly than before. His eyes revealed perseverance and bravery, as if he would no longer fear any hardships. Looking at this look, those who were still a little disturbed immediately dispelled the fear in their hearts, and also drew out their weapons one after another, shouting loudly--

"It's hotter than the sun, hotter than the sun——!!!"

Strong and tragic shouts reverberated in this vast frozen desert. The old and weak women and children left in the train, with tears in their eyes, watched the only remaining team slowly walk towards the wind and sand. People closed their eyes and prayed, blessing their safety, and wishing them success...

However, just as everyone was praying in a low voice, a little girl suddenly opened the car door and jumped down. Before others could stop it, the cold air rushed in, forcing the people inside to immediately pull the car door and through the glass. But look now, there is still the shadow of the little girl in the snow-filled desert?


Xiao Bian ran to the back of the expedition team and reached out to hold a militiaman's hand. The militiamen lifted their thick earmuffs slightly, revealing a pair of pupils that were colder than the surrounding air. He looked at the soldiers over there who were preparing to melt the city gate, and immediately squatted down, put the shoulders of Bun, and said, "You shouldn't come. Go back."


Bun shook her head decisively. She opened her hands, and the surrounding snow flakes began to converge towards her palm. After a short while, two small **** were formed.

"I want to help! 》

After demonstrating his strength, Little Bread raised the sign and chuckled.

The idiot frowned, shook his head, and said, "Too dangerous, go back."

"Baba, don't forget, I was able to tie you in a short time! 》

The corners of Little Bread's mouth turned up, looking very proud. But this is also of course, to be able to draw a tie with an idiot who shows off his murderous intent in a short time, and this strength is enough to make her proud.

"...I was forced to beat, the kind of tie that almost couldn't fight back?"

Little Bread pouted when she heard the idiot's retort, and immediately became unhappy. She stretched out her hand to hold onto the idiot's clothes, as if she would go in no matter what.

"I want to help Ba Ba! Ba Ba, why don't you believe me? ! 》

Looking at the words on the sign, the idiot lowered his head and pondered.

Indeed, the strength of this girl does seem to be a lot stronger. And...Anyway, I was able to pull out from the illusion of the singer again, thanks to her help. This means...

Unknowingly, the bread has changed from the little girl who always had to be protected by herself... into a little guy who can already be alone?

The idiot was shocked. Looking at the bread, there was an elusive expression on his face. I always feel that not long ago, she could only snuggle in her arms and seek her own protection. But in a blink of an eye, she was already so old, she could help herself in turn...



The idiot reached out and stroked Bun's hair lightly. Little Bread chuckled, moved his head over, let the idiot touch it. Looking at this little girl who is holding herself and constantly acting like a baby, the idiot breathed out gently, and finally nodded.

"Bread, no matter how much you have been affected by walnuts before, but now I want to say a word, you must keep it firmly in mind."

Bun was stunned for a moment, and I didn't know what the idiot wanted to say, so he nodded blankly.

"In this world, one's own life will always be only one's responsibility."

"Maybe someone will tell you that once you have been violated, you will have some way to recover the loss. But these are all afterthoughts, all of which are completely non-existent. Once you and me fight together, then you have to Take care of your own life. Because when the time comes, I may not have the energy to protect you. It is more likely to see you in danger, and I will give up to save you in order not to let the two of us fall into danger together."

The smile on Little Bread's face disappeared. Instead, it was serious and serious. The emerald-colored pupils turned into the same calmness and rationality as an idiot, and nodded.

"So, no matter what you do, you must think about it. Don't save people for no reason, and you should not be alone in danger if you don't know anything. You must pay attention to self-protection anytime and anywhere, because only you can protect yourself. Only then can I have spare energy to do other things. This is not a musical fantasy, this is reality. In reality, you must have a sense of danger. If you were suddenly stabbed like the last time, if it happens again, waiting for you It may be real death."

Little Bread nodded again. From the idiot look in her eyes, she already understood. This little girl is really silly when she is okay, just a stupid girl who likes to swim in the chili sauce. But the wind and rain she has experienced is enough to transform her into a sewer rat whose thinking and calmness are no less than an idiot. This is the most gratifying thing for idiots.

Seeing the bread nodded, the idiot really agreed to his peers. Over there, the huge fireball has risen again, melting the passage. Following Mudu's order, Dai Lao has already taken the lead as the leader to follow.

A troop of more than two thousand people moved slowly through the passage, Dai Lao was the vanguard, walking in the forefront, and Mudu was in the center of the team. The idiot took the bun and walked at the end of the line. As soon as they entered the passage, the weather became even more severe. Everyone pulled up their coat masks and snow-proof goggles, pulled out their swords, and walked forward cautiously.

The idiot and Little Bread also pulled up their masks and followed the team. An hour later, this channel was opened again without any surprises. The frozen city that had appeared in front of the idiot more than two months ago also appeared in front of the idiot again at this moment.

In the city, it is quiet.

Everything is the same as three months ago, without the slightest change.

The snow is still floating. There is still a thick white carpet on the ground. Long icicles hung from the eaves, sharp, like monster fangs. The "ice sculptures" beside the road are vivid, showing the last moment before time stops.

Idiots mingled in the crowd and looked around warily. It is indeed no different. But... what about the black dragon?

That girl named Helen Edward... She who is the black dragon incarnation of Dilu Hagang... Now, where is she?

"Okay! Now, everyone listens to the order, and we act according to plan! Duke Goodsay, you arrange it."

Preliminarily unharmed, Mu Du immediately transferred the command to Dai Lao. Because he knew very well that he was indeed not an expert in control of all battles. At this time, it was better to hand it over to Dai Lao, who has many commanding experience.

Dai Lao nodded and began to distribute the tasks of each team according to the number of people. The idiot was listening quietly, but Xiao Bread suddenly pulled his sleeve and pointed in a direction...

The idiot looked in that direction, and for a while, he knew what Bread wanted to say.

In that direction, there are the losers who entered the castle last time. Among the frozen people, there are Kolo from the Goodsay family, Lilo from the Nolius family, and...

Mudu's daughter, Xing.

After the idiot was silent for a while, he finally nodded. He and Xiao Bao walked in that direction carefully, no matter how much they wanted to confirm, their pace was not the slightest fast, but maintained the most stable and safest speed to move forward.

"Hmm... Next, the tenth team..."

Dai Lau was looking at the plan he had set, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed the idiot and bread who had left the team. At the moment, he immediately asked.

"Over there! Don't leave the team without authorization, have you heard it!"

Mudu also turned around and saw the idiot and bread. However, now he has forgotten the experience of having a long conversation with this child when he was drunk the day before yesterday. For the idiot's arbitrarily leaving the team, he only frowned, showing great dissatisfaction.

Dai Lao snorted, and immediately asked two people to catch the idiot back. The two people got the order and rushed over quickly. But before they rushed there, the footsteps of the idiot and the bread had stopped...stopped in front of some ice sculptures.

The lifelike ice sculptures still stand.

The traces of panic and fear, as well as the expression before time was stopped, were perfectly preserved.

Looking at these ice sculptures, the two people forgot to catch idiots, but were stunned. After a while, they screamed loudly and ran to Dai Lao and Mu Du respectively.

Idiots and Bread continued to stand in front of these ice sculptures, staring at them. Mudu and Dai Lao ran over quickly after a minute. Dai Lao's complexion was normal, but Mu Du's complexion was already gray, and his lips trembled.

After seeing his daughter being frozen in ice, Mu Du finally couldn't bear the pain. With a snap, he knelt in front of his daughter who was holding a sword and wanted to protect other students, opened his hands and hugged tightly. This ice sculpture.

Dai Lao frowned and glanced at his sister Kolo. He didn't show how painful and sad, but after seeing Mu Du next to him so sad, his eyes rolled, he hugged Ke Luo's ice sculpture, and wept loudly. The feeling of sadness seemed to be even stronger than Mudu.

In the cries, everyone was silent. The bun gently walked around Liluo's ice sculpture, reached out and hugged her clenched fist, and nodded secretly.

"My daughter... Apricot... Don't worry... Father will save you... This time... Father will save you... Definitely... Definitely!!!"

After Dai Lao cried for a while holding the ice sculpture of Ke Luo, he walked to Mu Du and knelt down and began to comfort him. Finally, Mu Du was persuaded and stood up.

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