Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 069, a distant memory

"Squeaky! Squeaky————!!!"

It’s a pity that you will lose for a long time. An inverted triangle on the back of the ice wall suddenly pierced a sharp thorn. Because it came from the lower part of the back, neither the idiot nor the bread noticed. Balance, along with the broken ice path, fell from the air. As if to wait for this moment, the ice wall, which was almost as thick as a city wall, immediately shattered, turning into an avalanche and rushing in the direction of the idiot, intending to bury him alive.

In midair, the idiot had already seen the avalanche like a crack in the back that day when he turned over. He glanced ahead and saw the road in front of him clearly. After thinking that the terrain of the wind and sand was gradually sinking from the surroundings to the middle, he slammed a chain, grabbed a broken long slab ice path, grabbed it, and stepped on the sole of his foot.

The avalanche made a bang behind him. The idiot stepped on the remaining ice road, gently and skillfully landed on the snow, sliding forward like an arrow from the string. The little bread behind him could almost feel the snowflakes ejected from the avalanche, but looking back, the huge natural force remained less than half a meter away, and he couldn't catch up with the idiot.

Bun took a breath and turned his head. But as soon as she turned her head, the sight in front of her made her scream in fright! Nothing else, just because in the front, several inverted triangles have already formed, waving the spikes, it is about to stab the idiot!

The speed is too fast and the idiot can no longer speak. After touching Bun's hair lightly, he lowered his body further. In an instant, the closest two inverted triangles had already swung out spikes. When it was inevitable, he immediately stepped on the end of the ice skateboard under his feet and leaned back. The four spikes were almost from him. Wiped it against her face, throat, chest, and abdomen! After avoiding the blow, the idiot quickly pulled up the backward stance and returned to a straight line. The darkness of the right hand was also formed at this moment, with the passing speed, splitting the inverted triangle in half from the middle.

Little Bread was excited when he saw the idiot avoid it. She cried out in excitement! At this moment, another two inverted triangles gathered in front, and she immediately raised her hands, and a fiery red flame ball was formed. When the tentacles of the inverted triangles were just swung out, the fireballs were launched immediately, slamming into their spikes forcibly, not only melting them, but also focusing on the inverted triangles, and the heat quickly melted them.


Little Bread is happy, but unfortunately, he has reservations about this idiot. Because the ramp here is trembling, for no reason, let two fireballs explode on this snow-covered road. What will happen?

Behind him, the huge avalanche came closer. And when the idiot passed by, the snow under his feet became unstable. The avalanche became bigger and bigger, and even the snowfields in front of the idiot began to slide!


When the bun saw him, he knew he had done something wrong. She shrank herself, lying behind the idiot with a look of guilt. But idiots don't have such a good time to rest. He kept adjusting the ice skateboard under his feet, leaning forward and backward, looking for the easiest area on the already fragile slope. It's just that it's not over yet, those endless inverted triangles have appeared again, and the nearest one even appeared directly in front of the idiot. The meaning is obvious, that is, to forcibly block the idiot and make him lose his balance!

At the moment of the moment, the idiot stepped on the back of the ice skateboard, tilted it up, and leaped at the same time with the ice skateboard, and the body flew like this. The inverted triangle on that end could only watch the idiot pass over his head, and then he was swallowed by the avalanche.

"Woo woo woo ————!!!"

The front is already the sideline of the noble district, and further ahead is the royal district. But what's bad is that the noble district and the royal district at the end of the road are not connected by any road. What separates the two areas is a towering wall! If you hit it directly like this, you would definitely hit a crush! Even if you want to turn your head, but the avalanche behind you is close at hand, as long as you turn your head, you will definitely be buried alive!

Little Bread looked around anxiously, and soon a bridge in front of the road immediately attracted her attention. But the problem is that the bridge is still more than 100 meters away from the wall, and the towering wall is more than 20 meters away. Even if it can jump with it, it is absolutely impossible to jump over.


While being anxious, the idiot suddenly reached out his hand and touched the back of the bread's head. Bread was taken aback, knowing that he had to calm down immediately. Sure enough, as soon as she calmed down, the method immediately popped out of her mind! She nodded hard, the idiot knew, and she lowered her body with all her strength, and slid straight toward the bridge at a speed that was almost as if cut apart by the wind!


The idiot jumped hard and the ice skateboard flew up the ascending ramp of the bridge! In that mid-air, idiots and bread are like flying birds, leaping toward the towering wall, close...close!

Unfortunately, the distance is not enough! Only after flying over 70 meters, the skateboard began to descend. At first sight, the city wall changed from under the feet to level with the line of sight, and then to his head. Sure enough...Is it impossible to make a leap?


Suddenly, the bun suddenly hit each other with palms and stretched out to the sky! When the idiot heard the voice behind him, he didn't even think about it, and threw the chain directly into the air! In the midair, countless snow flakes quickly gathered and solidified into a huge block of ice! Relying on the moment when the ice cube stayed in midair, the idiot violently used centrifugal force to throw himself upward again! In just a moment, the ice cube fell from mid-air, and the idiot immediately withdrew the chain, turned over in the air, and fell directly to the other side of the city wall. The bun saw the right time, pressed his hands down again, and thick weeds grew out of the original snowy ground. After the idiot rolled in the air for several consecutive times, it fell on the grass like a cat, with it spreading around. The overwhelming green grass was the loud noise from the city wall behind him, and the sound of the few remaining pieces of snow falling over the city wall and falling behind the idiot.




Before long, everything will be quiet again.

After a brief boom, those green grasses were once again frozen and withered by the cold.

In this royal estate, there are no inverted triangles and no monsters. Yes, there is only the same peace as before...

The idiot straightened up, pulled the ice ring off his body, and put down the bun behind him. Little Bread clutched his heart, as if he had not been able to escape from the thrill just now. The idiot looked around and made sure that there was no danger before squatting down and patted the snow on Bun.


The little girl's face was red.

She was gasping for breath, her expression aside from excitement, she was also a little bit proud.

After all, this was the first time she used her own power to play with Ba Ba, and she used it so skillfully. How can this make her unhappy, how can she not be excited?

Because of this success, she raised her head, giggling, waiting for the idiot's praise. The idiot did not live up to her expectations, touched her hair and rubbed it gently. After receiving the compliment, Little Bread smiled. She hugged the idiot, rubbed her face in the idiot's arms, and kept screaming in her mouth.

However, the rest time is always so short. Not only idiots know this, but some other people also know it.

While Xiao Bian was enjoying the idiot's praise, at the wall on the other side of the royal courtyard, the door suddenly opened with a creak, and dozens of soldiers rushed in from there, surrounded by Mudu and Dai Lao .

"Those monsters... are those things that freeze everyone up?!"

After running into the temporarily safe royal courtyard, Dai Lao hurriedly ordered all the soldiers to close the gate. Maybe it won't work at all, but An Xin feels that there will be a lot more, right?

"My Majesty, no matter what, we have successfully entered the royal quarter. If the subordinates remember correctly, there are two places where the ice block occurred that day. One is the lake in the northeast, and the other is this castle. As long as we solve the secrets in the castle, I believe we will be able to rescue them all."

Mu Du let out a breath, although he was worried about his daughter, but now, there is no other way. Following his order, the soldiers rushed to the castle gate and pushed it open.

"Well, Duke Goodsay, you can go in with me and see what is going on."

Dai Lao chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, please go ahead. Your subordinates are here to see if these triangular monsters will appear again, and I will give you the post."

"Um... well, I hope you can come quickly, we are waiting for you."

After all, Mudu led everyone into the castle. And Dai Lao, after watching Mu Du's figure disappear inside the door, the corners of his mouth... showed a sneer.

Flying snow is still, cold, freezing people's hearts.

Dai Lao lifted the cloak and goggles on his face and removed the mask. He stood proudly between the wind and snow and sneered.

But Idiot and Little Bread stood not far away, looking at Dai Lao, not knowing what he was going to do.

"To be honest, I was really surprised."

Suddenly, Dai Lao spoke. He aimed at the idiot, sneered twice, and said.

"Although you don't know where you ran in from, but being able to survive successfully shows that your luck is really good."


"The damage caused by this blizzard is really serious...Although it is different from my plan, there should be only one ending."

After speaking these words inexplicably, Dai Lao glanced at the idiot again with cold eyes, and then walked to the open door. After the idiot was silent for a while, he followed with a little bread. Soon, Dai Lao walked in. Seeing him turning around to sneer at the idiot, although contemptuous, he didn't mean to close the door. Therefore, the idiot did not suspect that he was there, but walked forward closely...


But at this moment...

The idiot immediately retreated back! Immediately afterwards, a huge paw fell from the sky, slamming on the spot where the idiot stood just now! Then, a huge beast covered in ice white appeared in front of the idiot!

this is impossible! Bing? Emperor? Tooth——————? ? ? ! ! !

Looking at the huge white beast, the idiot was surprised, Bread was surprised, and Dai Lao was naturally surprised. But after a short surprise...

The corner of Dai Lao's mouth raised a sneer again. Gently, shut the door...


In the empty royal garden, only idiots, bread...

And that, the sixth-level beast that should have died as early as seven years ago——


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