Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 070, the ice labyrinth

The huge ice beast roared at the front of the castle. With every roar of it, the surrounding snow and wind will intensify. The restless blizzard slapped on the face, causing pain like a knife cut. Just facing it face to face can already cause great psychological pressure on ordinary people.

But... what's going on?

Bingdifang is dead. I killed it myself. On that day, after several hardships and dangers, he expended a lot of effort to kill this monster in his nine lives. After that, the dragon made by that head of water pierced through every broken body, and it would never be resurrected.

But now...what is this thing standing in front of me?

It's useless to think about it anymore. Faced with such a monster, the only solution now is to kill it again. The self seven years ago can do it, then the self seven years later can of course also do it!

Bun curled his neck and ran to the side. She originally wanted to avoid it, but just as she moved her steps, the eyes of the Bing Diya immediately shrouded Bread's body. The huge monster roared and rushed over immediately. The huge mouth that looked like a tiger with two huge fangs opened, aimed at the small bread, and bit down fiercely.

If Bingdi Fang doesn't move, the idiot won't move either. But once Bingdifang moves, the speed of the idiot will be faster and stronger! At the moment when this mouth opened and was about to cover the bun, the idiot's figure appeared on the monster's mouth as if it were moving instantaneously. With a wave of Dim Mi in his hand, it directly cut the corner of his mouth and pulled it hard. With a clatter, Bingdiya's mouth was immediately torn open.

The broken ice chips flew away, and the huge impact generated by the sword swing pushed Bingdifang back. Xiao Bao had already found a tree to hide behind. She showed her head from behind the tree again. What she saw was Bingdifang roaring back, and the idiot jumped up instantly after swinging the sword, her hands clasped and darkened, heavy. Slashed Bingdiya's neck!

This time, there wasn't even the remaining clatter, the idiot had already put away the dark, and Bingdiya's head also slid down from its neck and hit the ground, agitating a cloud of snow.


The idiot exhaled, stood up slowly, and withdrew Dim Mi. Then, he walked to the bun...

What I saw was the abnormal change reflected in Xiao Bread's horrified pupils.


A heavy claw blow hit the idiot's back abruptly. The unexpected pain made the idiot feel bored for a while, and the whole person flew a full 30 meters to the side, and only stopped after two consecutive rolls on the snow. Although the pain was painful, the idiot didn’t suffer much injury, but when he looked up, he saw the snowflakes gathering around Bingdifang’s neck. Within a moment, these snow flakes reunited into a head. And the head that was cut off by the idiot just now was decomposed and turned into ordinary snow flakes.

Can't kill? !

This thought flashed through the idiot's mind and immediately became synonymous with terror.

What is the scariest thing in this world? That is death.

But if there is something that can't die at all, isn't it the most terrifying existence? !

The newly-grown Bingdifang shook his head, grinned, and let out a roar again. A violent blizzard spouted from its mouth, forcing the idiot. Even if an idiot stabilized his figure, his feet retreated one after another, pulling two deep ditches on the ground.

Seeing that the idiot started to accumulate snow flakes on Xiao Bao's body, and the whole person was about to be buried by the snow, in a hurry, she could no longer hide by herself, but raised her hands and quickly gathered a huge fireball. She ran out from behind the tree, screamed at the monster, closed her eyes, and threw the fireball above her head.

The scorching fireball exploded on Bingdiya's body, ice flakes splashed, and the blizzard in Bingdiya's mouth disappeared. As the smoke dissipated, Bingdiya's right leg and half of his chest were blown away abruptly! The horror of its might, even the bun stayed for a while.

But, it's too early to be happy. Even if the head is cut off, even if half of the chest is blown off, but in this ice and snow, those snowflakes have once again filled these vacancies. There is no weakness... For something that will not die, no matter how powerful an attack is, it will not cause any harm to it!

The Bingdi Fang regained its original shape, and the color of his coat remained shiny. It turned its neck, its blue-and-white pupils stared at the idiot and the bread, suddenly, it raised its head and roared at the sky! After a while, an icicle fell from the sky and plunged straight into the ground in front of the idiot. Within two seconds, this rain of icicles as thick as a human arm began to fall unscrupulously.

The rain of icicles is too concentrated, too dense, and the idiot knows that there is no way to avoid it. He rushed to Little Bread decisively, and Little Bread knew that the situation was urgent, and slapped his hands, one point, and the golden shield immediately appeared above the two, welcoming the frantic rain of icicles.

A huge icicle plunged into the snow and made a loud noise.

Being in this violent impact sound is like being in hell.

Bun held up the shield with difficulty, although there was no damage, but watched the icicles fall from the sky, and then made a squeak on the shield, spattering. Looking at these, the bread that had never tried to use this kind of golden shield for such a durable defense gradually became a little timid, and the hands raised up slowly fell.

"Hold it!"

At the moment when the golden shield was about to disappear, the idiot suddenly shouted out.

"Bread, hold on."

Bun whimpered twice, and finally, she nodded and raised her trembling arms again. With her move, the golden shield appeared perfect again, and the icicles continued to smash on the shield, but they could not penetrate.

Finally, Bingdiya's roar stopped. The icicle rain also disappeared. At this moment, the idiot immediately picked up the small bread and rushed towards the monster in front of him without hesitation. Seeing the prey approaching, Bingdiya immediately raised his right paw and aimed at the idiot to take a photo. The idiot turned sideways and avoided danger. After that, he suddenly slipped and slid under the belly of Bingdiya. When he reached the tail, he rushed forward again and rushed directly to the gate of the castle.


For an unkillable enemy, the only thing you can do is escape! In any case, the entrance to the castle is far from that big. With the current size of Bingdiya, if you want to enter, it is absolutely impossible.

Break through the door and jump directly in. A wide walkway appeared before him. The idiot didn't want to look back, and immediately dashed forward along the walkway. Sure enough, the huge size of Bingdifang really couldn't enter from the door, but it roared at the door again, and ten ice cones immediately appeared at the front end of the sharp mouth, like an arrow from the string, it shot straight at the idiot.

The lasing cone of ice is very fast, and the idiot can't avoid it, and leaned forward very simply. I only felt the strong wind blowing over my head, and the ten ice cones slammed into the wall one after another, piercing the throne facing the door severely. After avoiding the idiot, he immediately stood up, turned around, protected the bread, and pulled out the dark.


Bingdiya stood in front of the gate, only a small part of his huge body could be seen at the moment. It lowered its head, and its ice-blue pupils stared at the idiots and bread in the royal corridor, with snowflakes in its mouth.

Perhaps, it also knew that its body couldn't enter this door at all. After staring for a long time, this monster finally slowly withdrew. After a roar, he left in front of the gate.




Bun grabbed the idiot's clothes, his eyes full of panic and fear. The time that her strength can be maintained is really short... After Bing Diya left, this little girl finally couldn't hold it, grabbed the idiot's clothes, her feet softened and collapsed.

(Oh, interesting. The monster that was once killed has now become immortal and reappears? Human kid, if you insist on refusing to use my power to solve problems, and always simply think that six swords can solve everything , Then I’ll wait to see a good show.)

The idiot held up the bun, reached out his hand, wiped her tears from the corner of her eyes, and patted the snow flakes on her clothes. After Xiao Bian sobbed, he fell into the arms of the idiot again, seeking protection.

(…………………………If you have time to watch the show, it is better to tell me what's going on.)

(Do you want to know? Unfortunately, I am in a bad mood right now. If you are willing to use my power for the next battle, then I will tell you.)

(Then you don't have to say it.)

The idiot's answer was simple. He pulled up the bun, recalled the path of the castle, and opened a door beside the corridor.

(You!...... Huh, I'm not angry. Why am I angry? Being angry with you kid is totally asking for trouble. Okay, I'll wait. Anyway, I'll be entangled with you in my life, we can take it easy Come on, anyway, there is time, right?)

After that, Dim Mie closed his eyes angrily and stopped talking.

With a clear mind, the idiot took the bread to a reception room. At this moment, everything in the reception room was frozen. There was a thick layer of frost everywhere. He pulled a sofa and cut it open. Fortunately, the inner side hasn't frozen yet, and it looks pretty waterproof. The idiot pulled up the leather of the sofa, lit the fire, and threw it into the cold fireplace. Once the fire was about to go out, he would chop up some furniture or cut off some skins in the room until the fire in the stove finally started to burn.

The bun snuggled next to the idiot, watching the fire in the fireplace. She stretched out her hands from time to time to let the faint flames warm her palms.

The idiot flicked the fire to prevent it from freezing. But in addition to these, his mind is constantly thinking.

What should I do next?

This freezing event seems to have a great connection with "her". He was convinced that the figure he saw last time before he passed out was definitely "she".

But the question is, why did "she" freeze the whole wind and sand?

Is it to resist the black dragon who calls himself Helen Edward?


Not sure.

So good, now I ask a question that lies ahead. Next... Where should I go?

From the highest level of the castle to the basement, the width and grandeur of this castle cannot be described by words alone. What should I do in this vast castle? Where to go and what can be done to resolve this incident?

.................. Between the thrones, the Crystal Conference Hall?

Indeed, Dai Lao once said that the Crystal Conference Hall was the center of the second ice closure. Moreover, King Mudu and Dai Lao should also be heading between the thrones. Saying like this...

Okay, the first destination is decided. Let's go and see between the thrones. It would be great if Dai Lao and King Mudu had settled the matter before they arrived.

The idea was decided, the idiot looked at the bun. Bun smiled, stretched out his warm hands that had been baked, and pressed them to the idiot's cold face. The moment of contact made the little girl scream, and he hehe retracted her hands.

"Let's go."


Looking at the faint flame that was almost extinguished, the idiot shoveled a block of ice and covered it. After preparing, the two of them walked out of the room, following their memory, towards the crystal conference hall in the center.




This... really bad.

The idiot is not very familiar with this castle, and he has only visited the conference hall once. But when he followed the original path, a huge ice wall in front of him was no accident in front of the idiot. Prevented him from moving forward.

No way, try another way.

The idiot turned back and walked in the direction of the hall from the other road. Unfortunately, another road that seemed likely to pass was also frozen. When he left again, the idiot had gradually lost his way in this labyrinthine castle. Although he was able to follow the mark he made and return to his original position, it seemed impossible to enter the Crystal Conference Hall.

So now... what should I do?

Looking at the huge ice wall in front of him, the idiot frowned slightly. Could it be that you have to dig out the ice piece by piece by yourself? If that's the case, I guess it won't take much time for myself to be exhausted.

Little Bread looked at the ice wall, and after thinking about it, a ball of fire was raised in his palm. But the idiot stopped her anyway. It takes a lot of strength to melt such a thick layer of ice. Physical strength is very important now. If there are ice cubes all the way from here to the conference hall, the bun will definitely get tired quickly.


Little Bread called. After thinking about it, the little girl suddenly raised her head, held the idiot, and pointed her finger at the top of her head.

"……………………what's up."

Little Bread quickly turned the sign behind and began to write. Then, she held up the sign...

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