Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 071, illusion? fact?

boom------! ! !

Suddenly, the ice wall cracked! A huge paw directly grabs the idiot! The idiot didn't bother to look at the sign, but immediately backed away holding the bun!

Halfway through his claws, he finally couldn't move forward again. With a little unwillingness, this paw slowly retracted into the ice wall. Immediately afterwards, the terrifying face of Bingdiya emerged from the ice wall. The blue pupils were staring at his prey, and the sharp teeth were biting together, seeming to be tickling the prey that he couldn’t grasp over and over of.


Little Bread shrank behind the idiot, but the idiot stared at the Bing Difang inside the ice wall, fully guarded. At this moment, the Bing Difang in the ice wall suddenly rushed forward, and slowly came out from the ice wall! Although its figure is no longer as huge as it was outside,... it is about to come out... to this narrow corridor with not many empty spaces to escape!

Without further ado, the idiot will never wait. He directly picked up the bun, turned and ran. After turning a corner, he heard a roar from the corner. Then, the ground under his feet began to vibrate, and something seemed to be rushing over. The idiot didn't care to confirm, but kept climbing up the aisle. What's bad is that the sound of footsteps behind him is still chasing after him! That distance is so close, as long as a corner, it seems that the unkillable monster can catch up!

How to do? How to do? !

The idiot carried a little bread on his back, slammed open door after door, and climbed up the castle in a panic.

Could it be that there is really no way for me? Really only rely on the power of "prison" to solve this monster?

……………………No, don't give up. Be calm. The power of this sword can be used as little as possible. The more you use it, the more it will be eroded! If you want to continue to be rational... If you don't want to have the feeling of being controlled by the sorrowful love of the lake again... Then you must not touch anything and use the power of the sword at every turn!

The sound of chasing footsteps behind him still continued. With every footstep and roar, the entire castle seemed to vibrate! After going up a magnificent spiral staircase, the idiot came to a crossroad. But when he stood at the crossroads and hesitated for a moment...


At the intersection on the left, a figure suddenly flashed past and entered a room over there. The idiot didn't have time to think about it, and immediately followed him up, opened the door and rushed in. With a bang on the backhand, the door closed.


The idiot closed the door and stepped back. After a while, an angry roar immediately rose from the door. Shake off all the ice chips in the crack of the door.

Idiot and Bread held their breath and looked at the door. The heavy footsteps still lingered outside the door... The low breathing sound continued to penetrate through the cracks in the door.

It's just outside.

The idiot held Dim Mi and stood in front of Little Bread. The Sword of Sorrow has been posed, even though he knows the weapon is of no use to this monster, it is still ready for battle.


There was a loud impact on the gate. Then, an ice cone pierced the gate.

Bun shrank behind the idiot, tightly squeezing two fireballs with both hands, nervously speechless. But the cone of ice stuck in the door melted full, and immediately afterwards, the icy blue pupil of a beast appeared in the broken cave, staring at the idiot and bread inside.

After a long time... the ice pupil disappeared. Together with the Bing Difang outside, all seemed to disappear at this moment, as if... it had already gone.

Bun let out a breath, and his feet were a little limp again. And the idiot's tight muscles also relaxed. He took the little girl's hand and gave her a support.

But why does this monster leave like this?

Does this door look so strong?

For these questions, idiots cannot find answers. However, when he turned his head and planned to look for the figure who had just entered the room, what he saw was...

(…………………Dark out.)

(Huh? Human kid, what's the matter?)

(What do you see before your eyes.)

(Huh? Isn't it just a broken house... Hehehe, that's it. Interesting, really interesting! Illusion, isn't it?)

An Mie was right. It was indeed an illusion that appeared before the eyes of the idiot. Moreover, it is still a somewhat incredible illusion.

Because at this moment, what appeared before his eyes was not a room. It's a...large stalactite cave...wide and dark, with the ceiling and bottom of the cave almost hundreds of meters high!

And in the center of this cave, and in front of him, a black dragon was lying there, eyes closed, as if... sleeping.

(Cut, just a small illusion. Human kid, after you were brainwashed by that doll singer, don’t tell me you will be addicted to other illusions. Your mood should be complicated that time? So organic But take advantage of it. But this time, this illusion appeared when you were the most sane and the most defensive. I believe that with your concentration, if you insist on not seeing these illusions, you should not be troubled. .)

The idiot closed his eyes, calmed down, and opened again. Indeed, the illusion began to disappear, and the frozen room also appeared faintly. But just when the hallucinations were about to disappear completely, he suddenly changed his mind and accepted them. In an instant, the room disappeared again, and the huge cave and the black dragon in front of him immediately appeared to be vivid.

(Huh? Human kid, what do you mean? Deliberately accept hallucinations?)

The idiot didn't answer, he just held the small bread hand tightly, and at the same time squeezed Dim Mi, vigilant around. Seeing that he didn't answer, An Mie snorted, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

The black dragon in front of him was lying on his stomach. But soon, it raised its head and flapped its huge wings.

It seemed that it seemed very disturbed. The mood is very restless. At this moment, another black dragon flew over from the cave, which looked like he could hold it in his arms, and fell beside the huge black dragon, gently licking the huge black dragon's face.

However, the huge black dragon was too irritable. It ignored the little black dragon's kindness, swinging its head, knocked the little black dragon aside. At the same time, it stood up, its tail was raised high, and its whole body was shaking violently.

At this moment, the idiot saw clearly. At the base of this black dragon's tail, a white egg was slowly ejected by it.

It is in production.

But this process seems to be unusually slow. With such a huge body, it has struggled for a long time for this egg that is only the size of an ostrich egg, and it has not been discharged smoothly.

In the hallucinations, the idiot didn't know how many hours he was watching beside him. Maybe an hour, maybe a whole day has passed. That egg is now a source of pain for this black dragon. No matter how hard it tries, most of the egg remains in its body, unable to give birth.

The little black dragon coiled around the huge black dragon, and kept screaming. She kept flying to the other side of the cave, hanging some small fish or animals and placing them next to the dragon's mouth. Seeing that the dragon refused to speak, the little flying dragon finally landed and slowly transformed into a five or six-year-old girl with golden pupils and black hair. Naked, she ran to the pool on the other side of the cave, scooped up water from a bowl made of leaves, held it, and ran back to the dragon's mouth.

Childbirth is hard.

Such turnings were repeated, and the dragon kept standing up, getting down, flapping its wings, and rolling hard. But no matter how hard it worked, the egg could never come out completely. Just like that, I don’t know how long it took, how many days, weeks, months, years? It was trapped in this cave, suffering and struggling for the egg that could not be born smoothly. As for the little black dragon, he was always by the side of the dragon, serving tea and water, eating and drinking, inseparable.

Such efforts finally came to an end one day. On the last night when I don't know how many days I have been tossing, the black dragon suddenly raised his head and roared in pain! The egg that had troubled it for a long time finally came out completely! Seeing this scene, the little black dragon immediately flapped its wings and hovered beside the black dragon excitedly. And the black dragon was also exhausted and lay his head down, fatigue and a little relief appeared in the golden pupils.

The little black dragon turned into a human form, ran behind the black dragon, picked up the dragon egg still stuck with blood, and returned to the black dragon. Although the black dragon was tired, he gently stuck out his tongue and gently licked the blood from the dragon egg. It looked at the human form of the little black dragon, and then at the egg in its arms, its tail raised, and it surrounded both of them in its arms, gently, licking...




Phantom, it's over here.

What appeared in front of the idiot's eyes was already that frozen and broken room. Take a closer look, there are no figures here. But the door was open at the other end of the room, which seemed to lead to another corridor. If that person really rushed in from here, he must have left from there.

Little Bread seems to have seen the phantom just now. She pulled the idiot's hand, not quite understanding. The idiot shook her head and motioned to her not to ask anything. Because even he himself didn't quite understand.

(Human kid, what do you see?)

(………………Black Dragon, Dilu Hagang’s childbirth.)

(Oh? That must be very exciting. Because the female lizard is not a simple little lizard, but an existence recognized and accepted by the world. Once it exists, it will not die, from the chaos of nothingness It must be very hard to be born in the middle of the world~~~)


(Haha, good, fun! I won't bother you. Think for yourself! But now, our destination should have been confirmed? The figure should have gone out just now. Why, are you still not catching up?)

No need to darken the reminder, the idiot knows what to do. He probed outside the door, looked around, and then poked his head out after confirming that there was no danger. Went out.

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