Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 072, reunion four months later

There are panic and feeble ice sculptures everywhere on the walkway. The idiot advances cautiously, always alert to any situation around him. I don't know if I stayed in the hallucinations for a long time, and the aisles without lights gradually became darker. Look at the time...

Already, it's seven o'clock in the evening.

As time went on slowly, everything in the corridor began to turn dark and dark. After walking along this corridor to the inside of the castle, the surroundings finally turned into complete darkness. Silence...cold...dark...stepping out, all you hear is the sound of cracking ice on the bottom of your feet...

The idiot took out the prepared flashlight from his backpack, gave one to the bun, and held the other by himself. Two faint rays of light pierced the darkness, and circular rays of light passed over the ice sculptures, illuminating the road ahead.

"Ah oh, ah oh..."

Bun tightly grasped the flashlight in one hand, and the light flickered and trembled. The other hand held the idiot's left hand tightly, and moved in fear.

Come on.


There was a sudden soft noise from under the feet, making Little Bread suddenly jump on the idiot's back, and he couldn't let go of holding the idiot's neck.

The idiot sighed, stretched out his hand and stroked Bun's head lightly. At the same time tell her that it was just the sound of the ice under her feet cracking. But Bun still refused to let go, his hands and feet were entangled with idiots, like a koala holding a tree trunk, and he refused to let go.

"Huh... bread, look at me."

The idiot took the flashlight back and shone it in his face.

"I'm here. Don't be afraid. If you are afraid, you won't be able to solve things. Understand?"

Bun moved back to the flashlight, and shone the idiot's face. Looking at the idiot's calm and serious face, Little Bread finally felt better. However, she still refused to come down, just to hold the idiot like this.

Since she likes this, let her go. On my back, at least I can detect her situation at any time.

The idiot shook his head, turned his head away, and raised the flashlight again.

And Bingdiya's face was already close to his face, appearing in front of the flashlight.



Open your mouth, one bite! The idiot took a step back quickly, and his right hand was stretched out without a doubt, and it pierced Bingdiya's right eye! With a stab, the sword body fell straight into the handle. But the Bingdi Fang continued to open his mouth without any reaction. The ice ball in his mouth had already begun to spin, and soon he was about to spit at the idiot who was almost face-to-face!

At the critical moment, the idiot suddenly raised his hand and patted Zhongbing Diya's jaw again, forcing its mouth to shut immediately! The idiot pulled out the sword, drilled under the Bing Di Fang, and cut his neck with a sword. But this was not over yet. After a brief moment of tension, Xiao Bread knew what she should do. She hit each other with her hands, and four fireballs immediately appeared around her body!

These four fireballs drew a square flame frame in the air, which was heavily branded on the body of Bingdifang's missing head. This time, the flame did not explode, but exuded a high temperature, quickly melting the ice layer on Ice Emperor's Tooth!

The idiot was not idle either, he rushed forward violently and hit Bingdiya's body heavily. Only hearing a loud bang, Bingdifang's burning body broke through a wall and fell down the spiral staircase below. The idiot rushed to the hole and watched the burning ball of fire fall from a height, and the moment it touched the ground, it shattered.


Do not.

The shattered snow flakes quickly cooled down, and then, under the light of the flashlight, the snow flakes began to gather again. The idiot knew he couldn't wait any longer, and turned around again to run away. But when he heard the familiar roar again on the spiral staircase behind him, a door of the flashlight illuminated by the flashlight suddenly opened silently, and the idiot was taken aback. After a few thoughts, Get in immediately. With a bang, the door closed.

The roar of Bing Diya went away again, just as before, this monster that was chasing him so hard was blocked by a simple door again. And this time...

In the darkness, a body suddenly plunged into the arms of the idiot. A low sob was also raised in his arms.

The idiot knew who this figure was. I also know why she is still fine in this frozen world.

Because there is a curse on this girl.

One, the curse he personally put.

This curse can protect her, stop her time, and never die, but instead...

But she can only live in the dark world forever.

"You came to save me...Finally...I finally waited...I know...You will definitely come to save me...You will definitely!"

Is it because you are too excited? The voice in the arms sounded very soft. But her body was trembling... trembling with excitement.

"You... big bad guy... big idiot! Why are you... why didn't you come earlier... come on! You are bad... you are so bad! Leave me here... I am lonely... Here...I've been trapped for more than four months...No one can talk to me...No one can come to accompany me...There are either terrible monsters wandering outside or a blizzard...I'm so scared, so really scared Do you know!"

The fear, panic, worry, and fear of the past four months finally found a catharsis at this moment. For her, this is only accompanied by loneliness and cold, and the dark world that can't even be seen by the sun is no different from hell. She didn't wait for the idiot to speak any more, but suddenly put her arms around the idiot's neck, her wet lips pressed tightly...




After the excitement, everything finally returned to calm.

Walnut, who had been left here alone, returned to his senses, looking at the icy face close at hand, and feeling the touch on his lips. She suddenly got a fever, pushed the idiot away suddenly, jumped onto her bed which was already covered with icicles, blushed and turned her head away.

"You... don't get me wrong! I am not because it is you, but because I am so excited! I tell you, even if it is not you, but anyone suddenly appears here, I...I will kiss Yes! So... so you... don't get me wrong!"

The idiot looked around and the flashlight lit up. This room is indeed the princess's room. After a long time, Xiao Bian finally saw the walnut again, and immediately ran up with a wow, and threw herself into the walnut's arms. Walnut was naturally full of joy when she saw the bread, and kept kissing her. After the kiss, she started to complain that the idiot had brought the bun to such a dangerous place, while hugging her, very happy.

The idiot puts the flashlight in a proper place, so that both himself and the walnut can appear in the light. He moved a chair and sat down and looked around the room. Seeing the idiot looking around like this, Walnut suddenly became a little nervous. She stuffed something into the bed, then sat on the bed and said, "Hey, idiot, what is going on? Are you here to save me?"

Of course, Walnut's movement couldn't stop the idiot's sight. However, he didn't say anything. To be honest, meeting Walnut at this moment is not within his schedule.

"Baba is here to find a solution to the problem!" 》

Little Bread raised the sign and smiled. After seeing it, Walnut touched the head of Little Bread and praised it.

"Then, what then? Did you find a way?"


"Oh, that's how it is……"

Walnut looked at the idiot and smiled. Although the idiot said that no solution was found. But as long as she saw the boy here and by her side, at that moment, she felt that it didn't matter even if the sky fell. Although compared with the previous four months, there is no change at all. But as long as he is there, she can be confident and brave enough to face any difficulties!

"Since you can survive here for the past four months, you must stay here until you find a solution."

"Huh? I want to stay here? No! I don't want it!"

When Walnut heard that the idiot was about to leave herself here, she was immediately anxious. Jumped up from the bed, stepped forward, grabbed the idiot's hand, and said loudly—

"I forbid you to leave me here alone! I...I order you, must take me with you! I can't bear such days anymore... Even if I run with you, I... I Don’t stay here!"

"Stay here!"

Idiots rarely speak so loudly. Even the small bread was frightened for a while. Walnut froze for a moment, and stood there blankly. At this moment, Little Bread glanced at the idiot and the walnut, quietly came to the bed, lifted the bedding, and took out the stuff that the walnut was inside.


A crashing sound rang behind her, and Walnut's complexion suddenly changed! She hurriedly turned her head and shouted "No!", then rushed over, snatched the things from Bun's hand and carried them into her arms. At this moment, her expression looked more frightened and more frightened than ever before. It's like a prisoner sentenced to death and taken to the gallows.

And this time, the idiot also saw clearly what Walnut had just hidden.

If there is nothing wrong... those should be medical blood bags. At this moment, the blood in these blood bags has all been emptied.

Take a closer look at the originally luxurious and unusual princess room. If you take a closer look with a flashlight, you can see that the sheets are covered with blood stains, and there is a little blood on the ground and walls. In the corner, there are also many empty medical blood bags.

Not far from the princess' room is the medical storage room. It is full of blood reserves, ready to deal with various serious blood loss injuries.

But the closest kitchen to this room has to be down two floors, very far away...

Walnut, alone in this icy castle, lived for four months...

Four months...

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