Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 073, Dark Blood Princess

In the dark room, only two lonely flashlights passed through the room in disorder. One light reflected the blood stains on the bedding, and the other light shone on Walnut's body. It showed that her clothes had turned into black spots. Walnut is like a cub that has lost its mother's protection, tightly holding the things in his hands, shrinking in the corner of the bed. Her body kept trembling, and her face looked very pale. The faint flashlight in Little Bread's hand seemed to have a lot of fear, and he didn't even dare to turn it around...

The idiot looked at the walnut in the light, watching her fear and trembling. After hesitating for a while, Bun no longer shone the light of the flashlight on Walnut's body, but moved to his back.

"It's not... it's not what you think... that way..."

Walnut moaned softly, and the voice seemed to be begging or wailing.

"I...not...because...too scary...I...don't dare to go too"

With that, Walnut wiped the corners of her mouth quickly as if resisting something. She curled up in the darkness, her tears blurred, and she kept sobbing.

The idiot finally stepped forward after thinking about it. He stood by the bed, and after thinking about it, he was about to speak...

"But... I'm really hungry... I'm so hungry! Do you know it!"

Walnut suddenly turned around, grabbed the pillow behind him and threw it directly onto the idiot’s face, while loudly--

"In your eyes, I must have become a monster, right? What the **** is going on with my body...what have I become? Since coming back from the Sumian Empire last year, I have felt something wrong with me. , I feel... I feel like I am no longer who I was before. I can't even remember when the last time I saw the sun! I...I..."

Walnut cried, covering her face with her hands, her weak shoulders trembling slightly.

"I can't see the sun... No matter how sunny and weak the weather is... Even if it is cloudy, I can't go out... My body can always heal quickly. In the past four months, I have done it more than once. I thought about cutting my wrist. But every time I cut it, except for the pain, the wound will heal quickly!"

"I... I have become... a monster... Isn't it...? One end... who likes to **** human blood... can only live in darkness... a monster..."

Bun opened his mouth and hesitated. After thinking for a while, she stretched out her hand, trying to touch Walnut's hand. But before she waited for the contact, Walnut immediately opened her hand and shrank her body at the same time.

"Don't come near me! I... I am already a monster... I am a... monster..."

Little Bread had no idea what to do, she turned her head to look at the idiot, her face full of worry. This time, the idiot finally put his hand down and pressed her shoulder.

How can an idiot explain what happened to walnut?

Tell her directly that her body has been cursed, at the cost of eternal sunshine, in exchange for her lasting life?

The idiot didn't know what to say, so he didn't give any explanation. His hand just lightly carried Walnut's shoulder, silent. But Walnut felt the touch on his shoulders, and after looking back at the idiot, he finally lost control of his emotions, hugged his waist, and started to cry.

"…………………………If it's unbearable, you don't need to eat blood."

"I... also want to... woo... but... I'm hungry... I was hungry for a week in a row... It's... It's... I can't sustain it anymore..."

Although the idiot wanted to tell her that although she would feel hungry and powerless, there would be no life-threatening danger, but her mobility was temporarily reduced. But these idiots have not been able to say these words after all. Regarding the curse, maybe it would be better to rot it in his stomach.

After hugging for about five minutes, the idiot finally slowly pushed the walnut away. He took a breath, took out the blood bags in her arms and threw them aside.

"............ Tell me what you know."

The idiot said coldly.

"If you know anything about this ice block, you can tell me. Once the dangers in this city are resolved, you can stop worrying about it."

Seeing the idiot's eyes and listening to his voice, Walnut's crying gradually became smaller. She touched the tears in the corner of her eyes, and after thinking about it for a while, she said, "I...I don't know... It's just that all of a sudden, the whole city... is frozen..."

"...During these four months, nothing has been noticed by you."

Walnut wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and after thinking about it for a while, she said tremblingly: "If you really want to's true. It's just...I don't know if it counts..."

"'s very's snowing outside the window all day long. It seems that I am the only one left alive in the entire castle... But recently, occasionally some terrible noises come from the rooms of the father and queen... ...Sounds...really terrible..."

".................. What kind of voice."

"This... I don't know how to describe it... In short, it is a very sad voice... It sounds squeaky, a bit like grinding teeth, and a bit like nails scratching marble. But... But I I'm so scared... and Father's room is going upstairs... I dare not... I dare not go out..."

The idiot nodded, already determined the goal of this mission. He released his hand on Walnut's shoulder, and after winking at the bun, the two of them picked up the flashlights and were about to go outside.

"Wait a minute! Idiot, wait a minute!"

Seeing that the idiot was leaving, Walnut jumped off the bed quickly. She took the idiot by the arm, a pleading voice appeared on her face.

"Take me along...I already...I don't want to stay here alone! Please...Take me along...!"

In response to Walnut’s request, the idiot just threw his arm away casually, his voice cold--

"You are in the way."

Listening to the cold words of the idiot, a little despair began to appear in Walnut's eyes. She stepped forward and grabbed the idiot's arm more forcefully, and said loudly, "No! I won't get in the way! Look...I won't get hurt anymore...So even if I'm stared at by those monsters, you don't have to Take care of me! I..."

Before Walnut finished speaking, the idiot suddenly twisted Walnut's arm and pressed her against the blood-spotted bed sheet.

All around, it was still cold.

The room that was noisy just now suddenly became quiet.

Walnut face up, staring blankly at the face less than five centimeters away in front of her, her complexion flushed.

In this gaze, some tears suddenly overflowed from the corner of her eye. These crystal tears passed over the pale skin that had not seen the sun for too long. The pink lips opened slightly, and the breath exhaled from them was slightly humid and warm, and there was a faint smell of blood...

The idiot looked at the princess who looked at her with teary eyes below her, but her expression was still extremely cold. He stretched out his hand, grasped these weak wrists tightly, and pressed against the bed.


"Woo? Ah! Woo!"

As the idiot shouted, Bread ran over immediately. She patted the bed board, and in an instant, some wood protruded from the bed board, tightly tied Walnut's hands and feet, and fixed her on the bed.

"Idiot? You...what are you doing! Idiot!"

In Walnut's surprise, the idiot slowly let go and walked towards the door again.

"Idiot! Don't go! You... how can you do this to me! Don't go! Don't go——!!!"

No matter what Walnut called, the idiot's footsteps still didn't stop in the slightest. Walnut looked at the back figure that was gradually leaving, and an indescribable fear suddenly rose deep in her heart!

Four months ago, she was here, watching with her own eyes everything that could move was frozen into ice.

In this princess room in the city of ice, she spent four long and cruel months alone...

Now, the person I miss the most has finally appeared in front of me today. But after a short meeting, he will leave to face the unknown and terrible thing!

Can he come back alive?


Will be frozen like everyone else?

Walnut was unimaginable... She couldn't imagine what would happen to herself if even an idiot was frozen. She was worried, afraid, and from the bottom of her heart, she wanted to stop the idiot from leaving... Even if the world is still so cold, it doesn't matter! As long as you can keep the idiot here... to live safely, then even if you want her to become a monster that can only accept blood, a terrible thing that can never live in the sun, that doesn't matter!

As long as... he can be safe... safe...

"Idiot! You must come back!"

Across the door that had been closed again, there was a heart-piercing cry from Walnut.

"You promised me, you will marry me! You must come back! Otherwise...or I will never let you go! Definitely...definitely————!!!"

Bun hesitated, but the idiot stepped forward without turning his head back, and went straight to the stairs.


Walnut's voice has disappeared from his ears.

It was replaced by the light from those two lonely flashlights in the endless darkness.

The idiot squeezed the dark and went up slowly along the slippery stairs. Little Bread also took a flashlight and followed carefully.

With the experience just a few times, the two of them already knew that the immortal Ice Emperor Teeth could be said to be pervasive. It can appear anywhere, and no means can kill it. In a sense, this is indeed the most terrifying enemy.

The idiot proceeded cautiously and slowly came to the room of Emperor Buck.

Since the death of the first emperor, this room has been the residence of the Queen Bucks alone. However, where the mother is now, it is not yet clear. So now, there should be a vacant room.

The closer you get to that room, the idiot's spirit tightens. He almost squeezed his steps forward, avoiding any unnecessary noise. Even the small bread is moving closely. The two big and small people seem to have merged with this frozen world of tranquility, and even the breathing and heartbeat are about to stop...


A sound appeared from the soles of the idiot's feet.

Looking down, I saw that the ice-blue pupils of Bingdiya were grinning in the ice on the soles of their feet. As the light from the flashlight shone on its face, the monster had already poked its head out, opened its mouth, and was about to bite the idiot's foot...


The bun was shocked, and the flame in his hand immediately burst out! The half of the mouth that Bingdifang had just stretched out was immediately melted, and the idiot smashed the remaining part with a sword, and the two immediately rushed towards the king's bedroom in front.

Bingdiya's destroyed head recovered in a flash. It crawled out of the ice, roared, spreading its limbs and rushing directly at the idiot! Little Bread was running away, but she was not careful. The soles of her feet slipped on the ice and she immediately fell forward and fell to the ground with a snap. In this instant, Bingdifang had rushed behind Bread, opened his mouth, and bit towards her.


Although, an idiot once said that he would not save bread when he was in danger. But at this moment, he finally violated his code of conduct. But his forward speed is too fast, and the ground is too slippery. Even if he wants to stop, he can't stop at this moment. He can only watch himself and the bread getting further and further away. Ice Monster's mouth also came to the side of Little Bread, about to close...

"Get down!"

A strong voice suddenly came out from the side, and Little Bread didn't bother to think, and hurriedly stayed on his stomach. When the huge mouth of Bingdifang was about to close, a royal sword suddenly pierced from the side. The sword-bearer did not use the blade, but used the sword body to slam the face of the Ice Emperor’s Teeth. The enormous power, even this terrifying beast, was shaken back and slammed straight back. The wall behind was shattered.

Only then did the idiot finally stop and take a closer look. Who is Mudu? He was covered in blood, the original leather coat was covered with red icy debris, and even a few scars appeared on his face. However, the king still grabbed the little bread, threw her at the idiot, smashed the door of the king's room one step ahead, and rushed in first.

The idiot didn't dare to neglect, and rushed in after holding the bun. In the gap before Bingdifang had recovered, Mu Du closed the door, locked it, and took two steps back.

As before, the monster outside roared again and disappeared. When the roar and footsteps outside the door finally disappeared, Mu Du and the idiot breathed a sigh of relief. The idiot hurriedly put the bun down to check her injury.

"Ooo, oooo."

Unfortunately, the bun has a nosebleed.

The little girl’s nose was unfortunately adorned because of the face landing just now. At this moment, the little girl was crying with tears in her eyes, raising her head, holding the idiot's hand. And the idiot also had to hug her, constantly comforting.

"Huh, it's finally safe. What is the monster?"

The idiot tore off a little cotton from the inside of his coat, stuffed it into Bun's nose, shook his head, and motioned that he didn't know it himself.

"Cough, forget it."

Mu Du held the imperfect royal saber in his hand, came to the idiot, and said, "My boy, your luck is really good. My soldiers have all gone away, and you can hold on to this alone. , It can be seen that the strength is also good. What level of martial skill is yours? Burning skill? Refining the heart? Or... the bone?"

Mudu's saying that the acetabular bone level is already clearly complimenting an idiot. Because generally people like him who are less than twenty years old, even if they are studying in Divine Grace, their limit can only reach the advanced level of refining the heart. Because he saw that the idiot could live for so long, he took the idiot's level strength to a higher level.

It's a pity that now the idiot is all about taking care of the buns, and he doesn't care about Mudu at all. Mu Du saw that the young soldier ignored him and didn't say anything. Because for him, even if an idiot is a bulge, it is just a bulge with a little better luck. You know, although there are not many people with bone strength in this battle, they are not many. Among them, the lucky ones are scattered and missing. With little luck, it has become an ice sculpture. So to Mudu, an idiot is just a lucky guy.

Mu Du looked at the father's room, the idiot's strength problem had been completely forgotten by him. He wandered in this spacious living room, thinking about the past and past of his father. After a moment of hesitation, he immediately took the sword and walked over to the bedroom.

Bun holding his nose is cotton, so perhaps it is not a good breath, her open mouth, kept the ah hum, it seems it is very poor. The idiot rubbed her hair and stood up. Bun opened his mouth, tears rolled around following the idiot, and walked to the next bedroom.

"Father...Is this right...or wrong?"

In the bedroom, Mu Du stood in front of the portrait of Emperor Stag, frowning silently. The idiot looked up, only to see the king of the stag in the painting with a torch-like torch and a majestic expression. As Mu Du knelt down in front of the portrait, the idiot also knelt down in front of the portrait while pulling the bread.

This kneeling is not pure etiquette and respect for Mudu. If I just want to say, this is an idiot, the respect that the king...showed.

After Mu Du was silent for a while, he reached out and pressed a brick under the portrait. In an instant, a small square popped out from below. Mu Du took out a key from it, sighed, and said: "The key is in hand, now let's go to the Crystal Conference Hall. Warrior, if you are afraid, you can hide here. Father's Spirit in the sky will protect you... "


An ice thorn popped out of the square filled with ice, directly piercing Mu Du's neck.

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