Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 074, the bread is prosperous

At that moment, Mu Du's pupils widened, and an unbelievable look appeared. This change is too fast... so fast that people can't react at all!


A moan, as the crystallization formed, emanated from Mudu's mouth. Following the ice thorn, a paw protruded from this small square. Immediately afterwards, the lingering Bing Difang leaned out of this small square, opened the ice blue pupils, and the corners of his mouth showed a grinning smile.

"Go to...conference...hall...!"

The ice cover spread rapidly, and Mu Du looked at the idiot. At the last moment, he threw the key in front of the idiot while pointing to the northeast. Soon, his body was completely frozen, like his daughter, turned into an ice sculpture that won't melt.


Bingdifang, who had originally thought it would not appear in the room, finally appeared at this moment. The idiot grabbed the bread, and the first decision was to leave immediately. But I turned my head and saw that there was a thick layer of ice on the surrounding doors and windows! And the Ice Emperor Tooth didn't wait for the idiot to turn his head over, the ice-made claws had already rushed over, intending to completely culminate this prey that has never been hunted!

There is no way to avoid it, now... is there only one battle?

The idiot set up Dim Mie, and when he took that claw, the ground under his feet instantly cracked. After Xiao Bao fled to the side, he immediately shook off that arm, turned around and walked around Bingdiya's back, and with a sound of insects, he cut off one of its forelimbs and caused the monster to fall to the ground.

But... war? How to fight?

Faced with this monster that was resurrected from ice and snow immediately after being injured, how can we fight it?

The idiot didn't wait for the wound of Bingdifang's forelimb to heal, and immediately grabbed its neck, and directly inserted Dimie, from the chin to the belly, tearing its belly abruptly. The shattered icicles scattered, the idiot didn't care about it, reached out his hand to grab the cracked stomach, and tried his best to open it, exposing the frosted internal organs. Little Bread knew it, and immediately sacrificed a big fireball and stuffed it directly into its belly. However, it didn't explode, just the continuous heat that melted and evaporated Bingdiya's body.

However, this is only a temporary imperative. The fireball stuffed into its body will eventually be exhausted. At that time, should we stuff another one in?

The idiot jumped away, facing the constant evaporation of the body's periphery, but the monsters filled with snowflakes were helpless. At first sight, the fireball stuffed in by the bread was about to disappear, and its body was about to return to its original shape again. And this battle will continue like this, with no end in sight. Has the battle continued?

Xiao Bread hid behind the idiot, facing the infinite rebirth of Bing Diya, she was also anxious. But at this moment, she suddenly caught sight of the portrait of the first king, and in a flash, an idea suddenly popped out of her mind.


Bun screamed, and she grabbed the idiot who wanted to go forward and cut her face with excitement and tension. But time is running out, this girl has no time to write down the thoughts in her heart, she can only make constant gestures.

Of course, idiots can't understand such unstructured gestures. However, after a moment of silence, the idiot finally decided to believe this girl.

Yes, trust her. Because he remembered. This time, the bun is not the object of his protection and care. It was a soldier who was born and died with him. Since she is a member of the vertical stone master, let her come once.

Although it wasn't clear what the bread wanted, the idiot nodded and backed away. Little Bread giggled, even though it sounded a little dull with her nose blocked.

Little Bread exhaled and stood in front of the idiot. She covered her nose, opened her small mouth, and hummed twice. Facing the Bing Difang who had almost completely recovered over there, she took a deep breath and...put it out.


Bingdifang rushed up instantly!

Xiao Bread raised his hands in an instant, and the golden shield was formed in an instant, completely blocking the Bing Difang. The huge impact shocked people's eardrums, and the bun gritted her teeth, standing hard, inherited from the idiot's stamina and endurance, so she just didn't take a step back.

After blocking Bingdi's teeth, Bun immediately opened his hands and drew a circle in the air. In an instant, the golden shield in front of her changed from an oval shield to a flat square. At the same time, five huge golden route patterns appeared in the upper, lower, rear, left and right directions of Bingdiya! These five roadmaps kept pressing toward the middle, and the Bingdifang in them seemed very painful. It kept hitting everywhere, but it could not break through those roadmaps. Seeing, these road maps slowly pressed Bingdifang into the golden plane, and after the light disappeared, the golden plane turned into a beautifully carved rectangular picture frame. In the frame, there is the Ice Emperor Fang with its teeth and claws, constantly roaring in it.

The idiot raised his brows, admiring the solution of the small bread. But this was not over yet. Although trapped in the painting, Bingdiya did not stop. It kept hitting from the inside to the outside, and after a few times, it could even stretch out its paws again from the painting, ready to rush out.

When the bun saw it, his hands slid in the air. With the movement of her fingers, many golden lines emerged out of thin air. These lines followed Little Bread’s finger, and immediately rushed towards the painting, forming a dense gold-colored chain net. It looked like the ice emperor tooth was trapped in a prison in the painting. Can't get out.




The roar finally disappeared slowly.

The Bingdiya in the painting also gradually stopped moving and completely turned into a painting in prison.

The bun took a big breath and fell to the ground exhausted. Seeing this, the idiot hurried forward to lift her up and hugged her in his arms.



With cotton stuffed in his nose, the laughter of the little bread sounded distorted. However, she was still smiling. After seeing the idiot hugging herself, she raised her fingers with difficulty and made a victory gesture.

The idiot nodded at this girl, this time, this girl really contributed. However, seeing the idiot's approval, Dim Mie was a little unhappy.

(Cut, let’s talk about it, isn’t it just a seal? What's the difference between this and the fourth hell? Human kid, if you are willing to use my power, you can do this as well. Where is the trouble?)

Of course the idiot wouldn't care about this long-winded magic sword. Seeing that the idiot ignored him, Dim Mi snorted and continued--

(Okay! I don’t care! Now one is resolved, and changes have occurred. You are busy yourself, just keep shutting up my useless kitchen knife and enjoy your honor as a chef!)

An Mie was right. After Bingdi Fang was sealed, changes did indeed begin to take place. The frost in the room began to melt quickly, and the melted liquid also evaporated, and a bright and clean bedroom of the king appeared before the eyes of the idiot again.

However, Mu Du's body is still an ice sculpture, without the slightest change.

The idiot picked up the key and exhaled. Now, Bingdifang has been resolved, and the only enemy...should be only the armored boy who resembles himself and the black dragon that is missing. Anyway, let's go to the Crystal Conference Hall first. There, you should have the answers you need.

The idea was decided, and the idiot immediately pulled up the bun. Take her away. But at this moment...

The room disappeared.

Instead, it was the huge cave and the huge black dragon lying on its head.

The illusion appeared again...

The idiot stopped. His gaze changed from a little relaxed to cold. After a brief period of thought, he still did not reject these illusions, but looked at it coldly...I don't know whether it was real or fictional.

In the cave, I don't know how many years have passed.

Every day, the black dragon gently licked the egg he lay, and his care was very obvious. Even with it, it cared for the little black dragon, and often used its tail to sleep with them.

Is this maternal love?

The only one belonging to this black dragon...maternal love?

In this kind of warmth and warmth, time flies quickly. Finally, the little egg moved and shattered. The giant dragon stretched out his tongue and gently licked the broken eggshell. The little black dragon also flapped his wings and watched nervously at the birth of the little life inside.

After a short while, a smaller black dragon broke through the eggshell and hatched. The squeaking squeak sounds a bit harsh, but to the two black dragons, it is a sound like the sound of heaven...

Little Bread looked at the family happiness of the Black Dragon family, stretched out his hand, and tightly pinched the hand of the idiot. The idiot noticed the little girl's hand and, in turn, pinched her.

The following days are warm repetitions day after day.

In order to take care of this newly born little life, the black dragon often flies out of the cave. When he returned, there were always many dead animals in front of the young black dragon.

It eats a lot and grows quickly. Soon, this little black dragon has already begun to flap its wings, and its agile golden pupils are fully opened, appearing very dexterous. Although it is not very good at flying yet, it can already rely on the black dragon and sister to act like a baby.

Next, this little black dragon also learned the first lesson of existence, humanization. She has short black hair and two cute dimples on her red face. She looks very cute when she laughs. Watching her rolling around or trying to stand up and flap her wings and fall down will always result in a warm smile from her sister and her mother.

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