Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 075, not a distant past

The time is long, but joyful. In this cave, the little black dragon spent a happy childhood. She had the experience of flapping her wings and hitting a stalactite, and she also had the experience of diving into a pool to catch fish, but accidentally drowning. In these lives, the relationship between her sister and her seems to be getting better and better. The black-haired girl with golden eyes who now looks twelve or thirteen years old is holding this sister, playing with her, grabbing food with her, and spanking her **** twice if she is disobedient, and often holding her to sunbathe. Sleepy, sleep together, hungry, eat together. The relationship between the sisters is really very good. I am afraid that even their mothers are not as harmonious as theirs...

Dilu Hagang, the existence of consciousness is the meaning.

Therefore, when the little dragon grew to a ten-year-old human appearance, and the little dragon grew to a fifteen-year-old human appearance, with the tacit approval of the black dragon, they began to go out together.

They opened their wings and flew into the human town. The two sisters are holding hands and strolling in the streets of human downtown. Occasionally buy some small snacks, feed each other, occasionally do some harmless pranks, and run away quickly when you get into trouble. In addition, they immediately help out when they see someone bullying on the street or hearing something unfair. Over time, these beautiful little sisters have been caught in people's eyes and become female knights with a heart of justice that people have passed on. Some worship began to emerge, and people who felt that they could exist and should exist gradually increased.

This is the source of survival for Dilu Hagang.

However, the younger sisters don't seem to have much awareness about these.

They just live freely, then go shopping happily, buy food, and play everywhere. From the densely populated streets and alleys, eating the delicacies carefully cooked by humans, to the towering snow-capped mountains, grabbing huge beasts and eating raw game, they live very comfortable and happy, without any burden, just simple in life. It only exists in this world...

As time went by, the Black Dragon mother was a little bit uncomfortable with the idleness of these two children, so she transformed into a human form and began to gather those who had a good feeling for her daughters and a sense of admiration, so that they could build a country that belonged exclusively to them. The two sisters seem to be very happy to do this, because in this way, they can better help others. This seems to have become their favorite thing to do in their idle life...

However, this day has arrived.

Seeing the illusion in front of him, Bun suddenly hugged the idiot's waist. The idiot guarded this little girl and continued to look at the illusion in front of her.

On this day, the sky is dim. The wind was violent, lightning flashes and thunder, rain poured down in no time.

A terrifying monster with a body length of nearly 20 meters suddenly descended on the side of this small, almost "village" country.

This monster looks like some kind of reptile. It has no skin, its naked muscles are exposed to the air, and it rots in many places, emitting a stench. The mouth without lips opened, revealing the hard fangs in it. No one knew where this monster came from. The only thing he knew was that as soon as the monster appeared, he opened his mouth, bit a soldier together with the horse under him, swallowed his head and swallowed it. Inside.


The unknown monster attack immediately provoked a counterattack from this small village. But those few fighters had no effect at all, and were quickly swallowed and eaten by this monster. Moreover, those attacks quickly angered this monster, and it began to wreak havoc in this small village, spewing flames from its mouth, killing anyone who saw it. For a time, the flame burned the village, and the wailing and crying sound rang through the sky, bringing endless destruction.

The black dragon sisters naturally went to fight immediately, they turned into a dragon shape, biting the exposed skin of that monster. The flesh without the protection of the hard scale armor was easily torn open with huge openings, and the beast was bleeding for a while. He raised his head and wailed in pain.

It's angry.

For the attack of the Black Dragon sisters, the Warcraft was not very good at first, but after it saw that there were two black dragons in front of it, the anger in the eyes of this Warcraft suddenly broke out! With its huge size, this monster almost easily overwhelmed these two small black dragons to the ground. This pressure, in an instant, determined the outcome of this battle.

Warcraft, roaring.

It opened its mouth and bit her sister's neck fiercely. The huge bite force suddenly folded with anger, the eyes of sister Heilong immediately turned white, and the movement stopped.

The Warcraft did not let go, it kept roaring, opening its mouth, biting the stomach of sister Heilong, and tore it abruptly. Looking at the exposed internal organs, WoW opened her mouth mercilessly and began to gnaw on the internal organs of sister Heilong.

It ate, gulped, and ate like revenge.

Crush bones, tear muscles. The blood of the black dragon was flowing between the villages braving the flames, and Dilu Hagang, as a thing of existence, was swallowed bit by bit. The bones, meat slices, internal organs, not a single bit left, were all eaten by the monster...

The little black dragon was pressed by the claws of the beast, howling in pain. She watched as her sister beside her was torn apart and swallowed, screaming endlessly. However, she could not escape. She was too weak to stand up and fight. I can only listen to the creaking sound of devouring, watching the terrifying monster in front of me eat my sister...

Finally, the sister Heilong was completely swallowed by this monster.

The blood remaining on the ground seemed to be still proclaiming the ruthless fact.

After eating my sister, the skin on the monster body began to heal slowly, and a pair of wings that had been broken off began to slowly grow from behind it.

The little black dragon stared at the "beast" in front of him in a daze, at the same black scale armor and the same golden pupils. In surprise and astonishment, she transformed into the human form of a ten-year-old girl, staring blankly at Warcraft.

After eating the sister black dragon, the monster glanced at the young black dragon under its claws and sneered. Later, it slowly turned into a human form...becoming a fifteen-year-old girl. However, it can be seen from her red body that her skin still has not fully recovered, and the wings behind her have not fully grown.

The little black dragon innocently glanced at the girl in front of him, and his eyes showed the color of seeking protection. But the young girl showed a sneer at the corner of her mouth. Suddenly, she stretched out her hands to pinch the little black dragon's neck tightly, and pressed her on the ground that was stained with blood and flames. When the little black dragon's breath gradually weakened, her rotting human right hand immediately turned into claws, grabbed the little black dragon's chest, and tore it hard...

Blood, splash.

The little black dragon opened his eyes and tears rolled from the corners of his eyes. Pain, but because of the stuck throat, I can't speak.

She could only watch the girl in front of her put her hand into her chest, dig out her heart, sneered, and stuffed it into her mouth...

The color of the flame danced over this small country.

The sound of swallowing and gnawing continued to spread in the air.

With every bite swallowed, the girl's body finally recovered slowly. I don't know how long it took, her body finally healed completely, and her exquisite body curve unreservedly appeared in front of the idiot.

She glanced at the small body with only the remains on the ground, and raised a cruel smile from the corner of her bloodshot mouth.

After that, the girl suddenly let out a dragon chant, and her body was once again demonized. But this time, her image has changed from the ugly lizard-like monster with no skin just now to a black dragon with black wings and hard scale armor! She flew into the sky, and after wandering above the village, she took a sharp breath and spit out a huge fireball directly.

Although, what appeared before me was only a phantom.

But the idiot can still appreciate the scenes that only appear in nightmares.

The black dragon hovering in the sky kept spitting fireballs, pouring all the flames into this small village. She seemed to be extinct, obliterating everything. The flames raged, evaporating all the blood on the ground. In this hot flame, no one, no life is allowed to exist. Cut everything, reject everything. It wasn't until the small village was completely razed to the ground and even the broken walls were burned to the ground, the black dragon roared with satisfaction, and with the pleasure of revenge, flew towards the distance, disappearing into the sky. One side...

The illusion ends here.

The surrounding area became a real king's room again.

But even so, the terrible scene just now still stayed in the minds of idiots and Little Bread. Especially Little Bread, she held the idiot tightly, sobbing and shaking.

That black dragon... who is it?

Needless to say, Idiots and Little Bread certainly know.

She once killed her sisters, and now...not only killing them, but also eating them.

She carried the flames of revenge, and her deep scheming was hidden behind the seemingly harmless and delicate face.

How many times have she been able to do nothing. Even the idiot almost died in her hands, and the bread was swallowed in her belly, almost dying.

The queen of the Black Dragon Empire, the queen who fought fiercely with the stags at that time 40 years ago, and caused countless wars...


Bun stretched out his hand and gently took the idiot's hand. Her expression was lax and depressed. Looks listless. The idiot rubbed her hair lightly, comforting her.

Is the bread acceptable?

Accept the past of the girl who used to cover her with a quilt, cook, and play around with her, always showing a gentle smile? bloody, dark and vengeful past?

"Let's go."

Needless to say anything. It's no use thinking about it now.

The idiot patted the bun on the back and walked towards the exit.

Thinking about these now is meaningless, the only meaningful thing is to follow Mudu's instructions to go to the Crystal Hall. There... there should be an answer to this incident.

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