Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 076, one blow

Leave the king’s room and proceed along the northeast corridor. Looking around, apart from the melting and disappearing of the ice and snow in the king's room, the snow in the castle did not melt at all. And the more you walk, the more you can feel the coldness in the surrounding air.

The black snowflakes slowly rise in this building.

The idiot stepped on these ice pieces and finally came to the door. He inserted the key into the door hole and opened it slowly. With a clatter, a burst of black snow spilled from the crack of the door like being agitated, and blew onto the feet of Little Bread, which made her stagger.

The idiot took hold of the little bread and stared at the black snowflakes blowing from the crack in the door. After taking a breath, he finally put his hand on the doorknob and pushed it away...


Like a discouraged ball, an icy cold air was blown out in the crystal conference hall of Novartis! Even though Little Bread was wearing thick clothes, she shivered coldly and shrank behind the idiot.

The discussion hall with dark blue as the background now feels more like a cold cave buried in the ground. On the ground, icicles are everywhere. There were countless ice threads hanging from the ceiling, which now looked like the strings of a harp. The panicked ice sculptures of the nobles standing around seemed to set off the cold and terror here. Looking inward from the gate, the waterfall that originally blocked the throne has also frozen. Through the thin layer of ice, one can see that there seems to be a person sitting on the throne. At this moment, this person is looking through the ice curtain with those ice blue eyes silently, watching the idiot and the little bread.


The idiot groaned and took a step forward.

But at this moment, the white world around was suddenly dyed with black! The idiot didn't even think about it, he immediately pulled out Dim Mie and stabbed behind him, only a squeak was heard, and the touch of the blade and the blade hit each other.

Black snowflakes are floating in this big room.

Little Bread hurriedly avoided to the side, leaving the battlefield to the two who held the same blade in their hands.

The idiot turned his head slowly while holding on to the dark. The dark pupils have turned into nothingness, without the slightest focus.

And the idiot of the same year who was holding Frost Han Dimie, still wearing a helmet, slowly moved between the idiot and the throne. The blue light revealed under the helmet seemed to contain the deepest chill in the world.

In the air, it was very quiet...

Just like the last time, the two people still stood like this, facing each other.

No one meant to act first, the time of the two people seemed to have stopped forever at this moment, and what was left was the eternity without end.

Do not move……

Do not move…………

In the empty discussion hall, only the black snow flakes were still dancing.

They fell on the armor of the childhood idiot and disappeared. After falling on the idiot, it slowly piled up.

The ice covering the idiot became thicker and heavier little by little. Obviously, these thicker and thicker snow flakes will completely confine the idiot's movements, and at that time, he can only be slaughtered.

The little bread hiding in the dark clenched his hands and breathed.

The silence in front of her was far more worrying than the battle of lightning and flint.

The atmosphere around is too depressing...the tension has suppressed her breath. She couldn't imagine what it would be like if she stood on that court! Perhaps, he could not bear this silence and recklessly attacked the opponent? Maybe you can't bear such pressure and collapse?

In any case, Xiao Bread knew that she would never survive this battle if she changed it to herself. She couldn't bear this kind of pressure, this kind of near-eternal torture. When she thought that her next move might be the key to victory or defeat, she could no longer calm down, and could no longer control her beating heart!

Bun lifted his hands and prayed...

She didn't know what she should pray for. Is it to pray that Ba Ba can win? Or pray that this battle will end sooner?

she does not know.

Behind the ice curtain, the man sitting on the throne tilted his head, leaning on the armrest, and watching.

Through the thin ice curtain in front of him, the man looked at the idiot over there with a slightly dull gaze, and there was no nostalgia or surprise in his icy blue eyes. It's like seeing a stranger who you don't know at all, just like this... watching...

Finally, the black snow flakes filled the idiot's body, turning him into a black snowman.

His eyes were about to be filled with thick snowflakes. Soon, two large snow flakes fluttered, swinging in an irregular trajectory, falling in front of the idiot's eyes, blocking his sight...

At this moment, the childhood idiot moved.

In the slow motion where time has almost stopped, his steps lifted forward, the Shuanghan Dimie held by his right hand also slowly stretched forward, pointing at the idiot's throat, stepping out...

Heimang passed by.

There is no sound... because the sound is too late.

There is no wound, because the cut wound is too late to separate.

Among the floating black snowflakes, the body of the idiot had appeared behind the childhood idiot at some point. His eyes are still out of focus, silent and calm. And the black snow flakes that originally piled up on him formed a trajectory in the air, passing through the eyebrows of the childhood idiot, and continuing to where he originally stood...


Finally, the voice came.

The helmet of the childhood idiot fell at the sound, and a "pillar of blood" composed of white ice particles spouted from the center of his brow.

This childhood idiot made of ice began to slowly decompose, and his body began to regenerate pieces of ice. The Frost Cold Darkness held by the right hand broke at the sound, everything turned into ice particles again, and then turned into liquid, with the countless darkness, disappeared from this discussion hall...

The black snowflakes that began to fall in the air disappeared.

The black crystals in the discussion hall were also completely dispersed.

The white world once again occupied everything here, as if the light after the darkness dissipated, bringing hope and dawn to people.


This whiteness is still so cold.

Do not.

Perhaps this "dawn" is colder and more desperate than the darkness, maybe...


As childhood idiots were wiped out, the ice curtain covering the throne finally broke. The idiot put away Dim Mie, raised his head, looking at the figure slowly emerging from behind the ice curtain.

Little Bread also ran out of hiding, took the idiot's hand, and hid behind him. For the person sitting on the throne at this moment, does she still have a memory of when she was only three years old?

Maybe, she didn't.

However, the similarly beautiful face with Xingli really made Little Bread stunned.

Sitting on the throne is a woman.

She looked only twenty-two years old, and her pretty face seemed to have been carefully carved by the hands of gods.

She stood up and walked slowly down. The cold face revealed the maturity and **** that Xing Li absolutely did not have.

Short blond hair, perfect figure. A white dress woven from ice yarn gently wrapped her body. With every step of her, the slender thighs will be looming through the seams of the skirt, appearing in front of the idiot.

Through the open ice curtain, the woman stood in front of the idiot. She stepped on the stairs, and the ice yarn stopped swaying from side to side as her footsteps stopped. Those icy blue pupils looked at the idiot condescendingly, like a queen...a noble queen who does not allow others to have any blasphemy, dominates this ice city!


Quirine Rooney answered.

Seven years ago, the ghost queen who was seriously injured by an incident and was frozen under the deep lake bottom, at this moment, has once again stood in front of an idiot!




Looking at the old man, she was trying to marry a wealthy family all day long, and even because of this, some unscrupulous Quilin stood in front of her again. The idiot didn't know what to say for a while.

Are you asking about the reason for this change? Or ask her about the injury that penetrated the heart back then?

Still asked her, is Xingli still well? Is it possible to lift the ice from the wind and sand?

The idiot was thinking, wondering what kind of questions he should ask. But just as he was thinking, the high-ranking Quilin slowly bends down, stretched out his hands, and gently held the idiot's face...

Fingers, cold.

It seems that what makes up these hands is not human flesh, but ice.

Just when the idiot felt the coldness that passed to his face, he suddenly realized that something was wrong! But before he could respond, Quilin's fingers had already pressed the idiot's hands in an instant, and the ice immediately gathered on his arms! At the next moment, her hands were the same, and two flying knives made of ice were inserted into the ceiling accurately. The ice knives were connected to the idiot's wrist by ice silk, and he was instantly lifted to the ceiling. At the next moment, Quilin stretched out her right hand, which was covered by the gorgeous long gauze dress, and opened it. In an instant, countless small ice flying knives condensed in her palm immediately, as if being pulled, these little flying knives were accurate. Flying into the air, directly inserted into the idiot's body, nailing him to the ceiling fiercely.

Xiao Bread saw this scene, was so scared that he could not speak. She stared blankly at the countless ice skates in the idiot's body, her body gradually being wrapped in ice. She was speechless, but after the last ice skate was shot into the idiot's body, forming a huge cocoon-like hockey puck on the ceiling, the bun was finally anxious, and quickly stretched out her hands, and the fireball condensed in her palm.


With the flying knife passing by, the fireball that had not yet fully formed in the palm of the small bread was pierced instantly and extinguished. Xiao Bread turned her head in surprise, but what she saw the next moment was a rain of flying knives that was denser than the blizzard just now, flying out from behind the cold woman, drawing countless arcs in the air. All... hit her...

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