Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 077, treasure

Five seconds later...

Little Bread's body, pushed by ice skates, formed an ice sculpture in the corner of the Crystal Conference Hall. It's just that in an instant, everything that can emit heat here becomes a perfect ice artwork.

The idiot who was sealed in the ice cocoon had no reaction to the encounter with Little Bread. His eyes are still hollow and void, still looking forward silently. Is he powerless to break through this thick ice cocoon? Or……

The ice queen dropped her hands, her extremely cold and beautiful face still showed no expression. She turned and walked slowly onto the throne. But just when the shattered ice curtain is about to reunite...

"Hmph, it's you. My'artwork', your actions are really fast and swift, making such a big noise, how should this'savior' like me clean up?"

The door opened. Appearing in this crystal discussion hall was Dai Lao with a gold giant sword pinned to his waist and a relaxed but not negligent smile on his face.

This should have been regarded as the only "alive" expedition member in the castle seemed very relaxed. There was no wound on his body, and his expression looked extremely relaxed. He didn't even take a look at the ice cocoon on his head. Instead, he strode into the hall and unceremoniously came to Quelin, who was facing away from him, with his hands behind his back.

"You don't want to think about it because of whom you were able to recover from the dark bottom of the lake? But you didn't use it for me. Instead, you made such a big noise. Why, now you still want to be me Throw it back into the lake again, is it frozen again?"

Quirin was silent, then slowly turned her head. The icy blue pupils exude a striking force. But for these, Dai Lao looked straight without fear, and the deterrence contained in his eyes was no less than that of Quilin.

Suddenly, Quilin shot nearly a hundred ice flying knives behind him, directly stab at Dai Lao in front of him. But Dai Lao let out a cold snort, and with a retreat, the Holy Sword Vatican was already firmly in his hand. Suddenly, those fast-flying ice skates played like slow motion in Dai Lao's eyes. He moved between the flying knives and the flying knives with great ease and dialing, which seemed effortless. Until all the ice skates were pushed away by him, he suddenly accelerated and rushed forward, and he came to Quilin in an instant, and his hand holding the Vatican was also turned, and gently hit Quilin’s with the hilt. There was a sneer on the belly and the corner of the mouth.

"Beauty, haven't your sanity yet recovered? Still don't remember who you are? Or do you attack like this? But then again, your attack is much weaker than when I dug you out from the bottom of the lake. The power or the speed of the flying knives, the number... less than one-third of the original?"

Quirine still said nothing. She is like a puppet who doesn't know how to speak anymore, and she can only react to Dai Lao's attack.

The slender and white palms turned over, and the two flying knives were immediately held in Quilin's hands. She raised quickly, but Dai Lao moved faster and backed away quickly. At the same time, he pulled out the Vatican and waved it in the air. Before the two ice skates were completely pulled out, they were broken into ice chips.

"Well, I don't have time to play with you, beauty."

As a noble nobleman, it was impossible for Dai Lao to attend Quilin's class when he was a child, so his tone did not show the slightest respect for the elders, but was full of frivolous teasing.

"Whether you are really stupid or fake, I want you to immediately release me from the frozen state of the wind and sand. Otherwise... Seeing you such a beautiful beauty disappear into this world, but it will make many people wonder whether it is good or bad. The man is heartbroken."

Quirine ignored her. She split her hands, held eight flying knives out of thin air, raised them, and flew towards Dai Lao.

Looking at these slow flying knives, Dai Lao pushed them away again with great ease. But this time, the sword in his hand did not change to a hilt, but directly held the sharp blade of the Vatican and rushed directly!

In an instant, it pierced Quilin's abdomen.


Only, just a moment. Quilin's body shattered, and the broken ice enveloped Dai Lao's body.

The Vatican still maintains the posture of the stab, but Dai Lao's body has been frozen.

There was still a light smile on his face, and his disdain and confidence were still on his face. It can be seen that he hadn't even noticed that his body had been paused, thinking, and at this moment was plunged into the almost eternal freezing...

The broken ice flew back and gathered on the throne again. With the gathering of icy debris, Quilin's figure resurfaced again. She was still wearing that ice gauze dress, sitting on the Ice Throne, her eyes looked at Dai Lao, who had been completely frozen below, and she was silent.

At this moment, the entire discussion hall has fallen into true silence.

Here, there are nobles who have been turned into ice sculptures everywhere. Dai Lao was also frozen before the throne. Little Bread is in the corner, frozen in ice, and an idiot...

He was in that tall ice cocoon, looking down below. However, it seems impossible to even move it...

The quiet world seems to continue...

This cold and silent time, when will it be considered the head?


However, with the sound of the door, the final moment of this battle seems to have finally come...

"What you did is really good. My old friend, Silver."

A little girl of about twelve or thirteen years old smiled and opened the door and walked in. Her black hair was tied with a bow, and her innocent and innocent golden pupils were inlaid on the natural face. The little girl carried her hands on her back, walking towards the Frozen Throne step by step. After reaching the center of the proceedings hall, she stood firmly. Looking at Quilin above the throne, she only sneered.

The ice curtain ignored the little girl, but quickly re-stitched it. At the moment when the ice layer was completely covered, the girl who once called herself Helen Edward suddenly let out a dragon roar! The huge sound wave instantly shattered those ice curtains, presenting Quilin's body completely in front of her.

"You are very weak, the dragon of the source of life. It is really admirable for you to freeze the entire city in order to hinder my'existence'. However, you have to freeze everyone and be careful not to let the people inside. If you die, you have to separate your strength to attack any intruders. This has lasted for more than four months. Even you, must be tired?"

Quilin, who was sitting firmly above, did not answer, and the icy-blue pupils looked down from a height without any emotion. Helen didn't seem to care. She gave a cold snort, and suddenly, she let out a roar again! A huge fireball formed in front of her in an instant, smashing the remaining ice curtain, and blasting directly at the top of Quilin!

A shield-shaped ice shield immediately appeared in front of Quilin. The fireball spread immediately after the impact and failed to injure her. However, Helen’s purpose seems not to be to attack Quilin. Those scattered sparks brought embers to the wall behind the Frozen Throne. Even after being blocked, the power of these embers is still terrifying, and they will force that side. Many holes were smashed into the wall. As the tiles and ice layer peeled off, an ice coffin in the wall finally emerged. And in this ice coffin is no one else, it is another black dragon who is also Dilu Hagang——

Honey pear.


The ice coffin fell from the brick wall and hit the ground behind the throne. This huge impact was transmitted to the throne, even Quilin, the expression at this moment finally appeared a little loose.

Helen looked at the ice coffin and the honey pear in it. A cruel smile and the satisfaction of getting her wish rose from the corner of her mouth. She stretched out her hand, pointed at the ice coffin, and said--

"In order to limit your own strength, what you did was really thorough. Why, it's not uncomfortable to use this woman's body to restrict myself? Also, the Bingdiya and the little swordsman who were embodied in your own image were also taken Those two children were defeated separately. Silver, let me tell you, if you still refuse to come out of this woman's body, how can you fight me with your current strength? Ha ha ha, come out. Even if you come out of those It doesn’t matter if people are completely frozen to death. Come out and let us have a good time. After all, we haven’t played against each other for more than a thousand years~~~"

The melted snow and ice turned into water, dripping from the throne. Subsequently, it quickly evaporates under the effect of residual heat. Quilin on the throne continued to look at Helen without making any movements. Finally, Helen stopped talking. Two black plump wings slowly stretched out behind her, slowly flying towards the throne. Speed... is getting faster and faster!

Quirine suddenly raised her right hand, and hundreds of ice-blade flying knives circled immediately beside her! These flying knives quickly stab at Helen who is coming over, and are about to prevent her from approaching!

However, Helen didn't care about these ice skates at all. She let these flying knives that once iced idiots and bread hit her body, and her little right arm suddenly turned into black dragon claws, breaking through the knife formation and directly jamming the neck of Quilin over there. With the huge impact, even the seat behind Quilin was knocked down, and the whole person was lifted and pressed directly on the wall behind the throne.


Long Xiao, from Helen's mouth.

A huge ball of fire formed in front of her mouth again, and she vomited out without any scruples in the face of Quilin who was close at hand.

This ultra-close-range fireball blasted on Quilin’s face abruptly, and a huge explosion sounded, blasting a big hole in the wall behind the throne! The walls of the houses about a hundred meters long were all shattered, and when you look around, you can even see the world of snow outside!

Quirin was hit by this head-on, and the situation was naturally not much better. Even with the silver in the body to resist, her face was still stained with dust and her hair was slightly scorched. As for the ice gauze dress on her body, it melted quickly at this moment, and most of it was torn.

"Humans are really weak creatures."

Helen sneered and continued to hold Quilin's neck, flew back to the center of the discussion hall, and lifted her high.

"Silver, do you know what I hate about you? You are an old-fashioned person who always likes to stick to the rules and dare not go beyond the thunder pond. No matter what you like to do according to the oath, that's why you put yourself in such a bind."

Bloodshot spilled from the corner of Quilin's mouth. She kept struggling, scratching the dragon's claws holding her neck with her hands, but how could the hard scales be broken by human fingers?

"Look at how weak this human body is. In order to limit your strength, you are parasitic in this person's blood. Also in order to protect her fragile body, you must be distracted to protect her body after being weakened. If the fireball was replaced with a full form of you just now, it wouldn't be taken seriously, there is no problem with it!"

"Hehehe, you don't want to interfere with the history of the third-order creatures, do you? You took great pains to stop me. But now, the battle of these four months is finally about to come to an end. With your failure, I Victory as an end."

Helen raised her hand and threw Quilin to the ground. Quelin who hit the ground began to cough loudly, and blood was constantly pouring from the corner of her mouth. Helen didn't pay attention to her anymore, because for her, silver, who would only stick to the rules, was not her opponent at all. Now, there is only one thing she needs to do, and that is to bring the girl who dared to betray her to her eyes, and then tell her, what is the cost of betraying herself...?

Helen walked into the throne room, pulled out the ice coffin that contained Mili and stood in front of him.

Mili in the ice coffin seemed to be asleep, her eyes closed, she seemed to be completely unmoved by external things. Helen sneered, raised the dragon's claw, and slammed the ice coffin!

The broken ice flew away.

However, the ice coffin itself was unharmed.

There was a little surprise on Helen's face. She turned her head and glanced at Quilin, with a touch of admiration and contempt at the corner of her mouth. Afterwards, she raised the dragon claws again, clutching the ice coffin wildly. For a time, the ice fragments scattered, and the seemingly indestructible ice coffin was slowly worn down at this moment, and soon the honey pears in it would be exposed...

"My dear daughter, I finally saw you."

Helen muttered to herself as she grappled, revenge and greedy eyes from her golden pupils.

"You made me find it so hard. It's been so many years... I finally found you again! I have been thinking about it for so many years... in order to eat you alive and let you taste it, you treat me What the other two daughters did! Now...this moment, it's finally here!"

The dragon claw dug down, but suddenly, the crushed ice that was about to be peeled back piled up again. Helen froze for a moment, then turned her head to look, she saw Quilin stretch out her hand with difficulty. Under the control of her palm, the ice coffin quickly recovered and became indestructible again.

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