Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 081, the snow...melts

Facing the fireball leaping towards the bread, the idiot paused for less than a third of a second. Then, he turned his head and did not care about the bread, but once again pulled the ice dragon, urging it to fly straight up.

He knows the strength of bread and the calmness of bread at this critical moment.

She is a mouse.

Like myself, I know what I should do and how to be a sewer rat.

The mice in the sewers will never be brave for a while. In this gap between survival and death, if they are not completely sure, they will never take action.

And once it is shot...

You will never miss it!

Bun calmly raised his hands, the "Road Map" rotated, aiming at the fireball that rushed. Like an anti-aircraft gun, another fireball ejected from the road map, directly facing the coming fireball. With a bang, the fireball exploded in the air and returned without success.

Dragon language) How can it be possible?! The power of can the power of humans be equal to my breath?! This girl...who is this girl?! What she uses is definitely not the vertical stone power of this era. It's not like magic before the last era!"

Dragon language) Who is she... on earth?!"

In the chaos, the black dragon's fireball began to shoot indiscriminately, but no matter how she vomited, the bun over there would move her wrist, as if after an accurate calculation, it would hit a small fireball and detonate it. Without this worries, the ice dragon flew faster and came to the black dragon in an instant. The idiot jumped along and rushed towards her belly.

"Shang, after the also learned Xia Lan, right?!"

The enemy approached, and the black dragon stopped breathing. She waved her wings and patted the idiot. Facing the large-area wing attack, the idiot really caught Dimie under his armpit, and a black storm appeared in the air, cutting the wing abruptly.

"Huh, sure enough!"

Heilong had seen idiots fight, and knew that he could only use the first three swords of the six swords. After his own wings were cut off a small mouth, taking advantage of the gap when Xia Lan ended, the giant claws immediately swung down! The target is not an idiot, but the ice dragon. The idiot, who was in mid-air and was in a state of stiff moves, was caught off guard. Seeing his only mount, the Ice Dragon, was hit by the black dragon on the back, his whole body instantly shattered and turned into snow water.


Walnut, who was watching over there, couldn't help covering his mouth and yelled out loudly. With the blur of the broken ice, it also means that the feet of the idiot...

No more support!

The idiot looked at the soles of his feet and his body began to fall. The bun over there was shocked, but at such a distance, she couldn't help it at all! I can only watch the idiot fall, fall...

Do not!

The chain, pulled from the idiot's wrist, instantly entangled the black dragon's claws! After a circle in the air, the idiot suddenly let go, lifted his body high, and flew right above the black dragon!

Final blow……

If this blow is not hit, then waiting for yourself will be the abyss.

The idiot's right eye faded from red at this moment, turning into darkness and depth again. His pupils were nothing, holding the sword, and he was in the air, but there was no slightest tension or panic. He just watched quietly... at himself, falling towards the black dragon that was already ready...

"Humble human, you have nothing to do. Now... die!"

The black dragon turned his head in midair, and a fireball shot directly at the idiot who rushed over. Since the fireball is launched outwards, even if the bun sends out the fireball, it will not catch up. And in the midair that can't jump, even if you are an idiot, I am afraid you can't avoid it...

Facing the fireball that was getting closer and closer, the idiot's heart was extremely quiet.

He closed his eyes and let out a breath...Some thoughts also began to appear in his mind...

That song...

That dance...

The tears without image...

And, the lake of sad love dyed red...

The fireball is about to touch itself. But at this moment, the body of the idiot turned into an afterimage!

In the midair where it is impossible to turn around, he just went around in a circle, avoided the fireball, and landed on the black dragon's back gently and skillfully! Before the black dragon was surprised...

The afterimage has already begun to surround her.

The sound in my ears... is full of screams.

The black dragon's body gradually distorted in mid-air, and the afterimage of the idiot was like a black chain, completely entwining her huge body.

In this chain, blood was splashing and the wound expanded. The tall black dragon seemed to be stuffed into an ice crusher. There was no way to avoid it. He could only watch the remnant figure walking around his body, opening one wound after another.

Finally, a wing was cut off abruptly. The black dragon's body also fell from midair.

As it descended, the afterimage broke off the other black dragon's wing, cut off her tail, and cut off one of her hind legs. The red liquid was vented in the air like rain, and accompanied by the black dragon's painful roar, it was covered with wind blowing sand.


The black dragon, at this moment, fell heavily in the royal garden, causing a huge shock. And those afterimages gathered quickly before touching the ground. Thousands of figures regrouped into one, and the last sword fiercely pierced the black dragon's right eye.

Long Xiao, at this moment, slowly turned into nothingness...




"Whirring whirring……"

The idiot looked at the black dragon at her feet, she was still alive. Slowly, the body of the black dragon began to shrink and became the twelve-year-old girl again.

She looked at the idiot in horror, panic and fear appeared in the remaining left eye, and tears also flowed from this eye.

"Your Majesty... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... please... please forgive..."

Moans and pain came from that little mouth. The idiot gasped, listening to the begging for mercy from this young voice, slowly... drew out the sword that pierced her right eye...


Into her throat.

Unplug, plug, unplug, plug.

The idiot kept repeating this behavior. He slashed this naked little body vigorously, using all his strength to crush it.

The internal organs were dug out, and the bones were chopped up. All of Helen's limbs were removed by sharp blades, and even her head was cut off from her neck by Dimie, and then split into two with a sword.

Idiot crazy?

No, he is calm.

Because of his calmness, he must continue to perform such crazy actions.

Because he didn't dare to forget that this one in front of him was not an ordinary life!

Dilu Hagang——

The dragon of existence, the immortal, the immortal dragon!

(Alright, human kid. It's useless.)

The idiot gasped, but Dim Mie yawned easily and said--

(Diluhagang will not die. Unless you can kill all the people in this world, all animals, all fish, and even all bacteria, otherwise, as long as there is life "existence", she can continue to exist As a female dragon, she is fundamentally different from that little female lizard. It can be completely killed by cutting it, burning it, and eating it.)

The idiot's movements finally stopped. He looked at the debris at his feet and thought about it.

(Then...what to do.)

(Oh, no matter what else she can do~~~ Seeing that she was injured so badly this time, it would definitely take several years to recover without her daughter. Of course, you are also now. She can be sealed. But based on your current physical condition... Hey, after the seal is over, you will die from exhaustion.)


(What? Have something to say?)

(………………………… You, at all, did not intend to solve her all at once. And just now, you deliberately made me say the wrong thing, right?)

(Hahaha! Human kid, you are too nervous. I'm stupid, did you forget? How could I make you say the wrong thing on purpose? I was unintentional, really, really unintentional! You see Is my sincere look?)


(Cut, don’t believe it. But well, I don’t want to just seal this female lizard like this. It’s true. Hey, she owed me so many years, how could she let her sleep somewhere on her stomach so easily? We want her to continue to live in this world. Then after she recovers, we will cut her up again. After recovering, we will cut her up again and again and again. Only in this way can she understand the pain I have suffered. And torture. Only in this way can the hatred in my heart be solved.)

(……………………She, where did she offend you.)

( don’t know! This female dragon used me to floss her teeth! You said, my dignified dark kitchen world's most treasured kitchen knife was used by her to floss her teeth! Is this a shameful shame?!)

(………………………… You say, I will believe your reasons.)

(Oh, whatever you want! Anyway, things are resolved now., it's the wind and sand of the Bucks, and it's back.)

The idiot raised her head, and the next moment she saw Mili falling from the sky, she threw herself down and hugged her. In her sobbing and trembling, the temperature around her began to slowly rise.

The clouds and blizzard covering the wind and sand disappeared. Reveal the three bright moonlight. Under the moonlight, the entire wind-blown snow began to melt, and the snow on the house also disappeared. The pedestrians on the road fell one after another, looking at the melting ice and snow on their bodies, standing blankly. You look at me, I look at you.

The grove began to melt, and the people who had been frozen inside also regained consciousness.

The three little girls, Xing, Ke Luo and Liluo, also watched the snow on their bodies turn into water. After shaking for a few times, the snow disappeared.

Mudu in the king's room was also unblocked, and after a short pause, he immediately rushed to the crystal discussion hall.

In the hall, the ice on Dai Lao's body also melted. He was taken aback for a moment, but soon he saw the ice coffin on the ground that had not completely melted, and the Vatican in his hand, with a smile on his face. The nobles around were also thawed one after another, and all they saw was Dai Lao in the middle of the hall. When Mudu came in panic, Dai Lao held the golden holy sword in both hands, saluted respectfully, and then stretched out his hand to the throne that was thawed, and smiled towards Mudu...

The snow covered the wind and sand for four months, tonight...

melted. (!)

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