Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 082, after the ice broke

The crystalline wind blows the sand, like melted ice cream.

The once icy cold wind gradually turned into a gentle and cool warm wind under the June weather.

In the lake, began to accept the accumulation of snow water. The river channel that pierced through the wind and sand also began to rush, passing under the bridges.

In the night, the renewed wind blowing sand began to cheer. Old people, children, men, women, civilians, soldiers, mercenaries, soldiers. All kinds of people are thrilled watching this gradually melting and rejuvenating world. They sang, danced, and hugged each other. Then they all raised their heads and looked up at the castle towering high in the middle of the wind and sand.

"Your Majesty! Mudu? Long live your Majesty Frederick!"

"Long live the Bucks Empire!"

"Long live the wind blowing sand————!!!"

This night belongs to all those who walked out of the death pass.

They looked at Mudu, who was standing on the external booth of the imperial palace, and looked at their king.

Their king’s faces were filled with smiles again. His torn clothes and beard did not damage his image, but added to his majesty for the country and the people. He waved at the crowds crowded into the royal quarters, tears in his eyes. Looking at the joy of these people, my heart has not been calm for a long time.

At this time, Dai Lao walked out from behind Mudu. Holding the crown in his hand, he knelt beside Mu Du under the admiration of thousands of names. The priest on the side took the crown and respectfully brought it to Mu Du's head. At this moment, the entire royal family was applauded! The tears from the corners of Mu Du's eyes finally couldn't be restrained and flowed down. But at this moment, he took the hand of Dai Lao beside him, walked side by side in front of everyone, and raised his hand high.

"Thanks to Duke Dylaw Goodsay for his active performance. It is precisely because of the Duke's brave performance that the peace of wind and sand can be exchanged. I am here, thank you, and the hero who saved our Buck Empire!"

Dai Lao smiled and knelt in front of Mu Du again. After the salute, he turned around, faced the boiling crowd outside, waved his hands, enjoying the savior's due treatment.




Outside the boiling royal quarter, a girl, supporting a seriously injured boy, walked **** the slippery road that had just melted the ice.

Idiot, and the honey pear holding him.

Although the chest injury was temporarily suppressed with the power of An Mie just now, An Mie was right. This time, the idiot was really hurt very badly.

Once the battle was over, his spirit slackened, and an indescribable sense of fatigue and powerlessness immediately enveloped him.

His body was scarred.

The injury that could no longer be aggravated left the idiot in a semi-conscious state. Every step takes him a lot of energy. When he gets to the back, his whole body is almost pressed on Mili, allowing her to carry herself and walk in the direction of the divine grace...

By his side, pedestrians kept passing by him, rushing to the royal quarter that was already full of people, cheering onlookers and praising their heroes. Because there are too many people going to the royal family, the walnut that is holding the idiot is going backwards and can hardly walk. Accidentally, he ran into a big man who was going forward.

"No eyes! Get out! Don't stop me from seeing the hero!"

The big man still had snow water stuck to his body, raised his hand, and rudely pushed the idiot Mili. Because of her support, Mi Li couldn't resist, and her body was slightly pushed away. She looked at the big man rushing to the royal quarter, her eyes flushed, and she opened her mouth and shouted—

"Hero? What hero! The real hero is here! Right in front of your eyes!!!"

The sound of water was rushing, but the big man had already run away and disappeared. The people around didn't take Mili's words seriously, smiled, and ran away. Faced with the crowds constantly flocking to the royal quarters, Mili was in tears and had to retreat to the dark alleys aside with the idiot. Seeing these people almost running, she walked out and walked in the silence. On the streets of people...


A person, but waiting there. What she held in her arms was not someone else, it was bread.


The semi-comatose idiot has blurred vision. He raised his head with difficulty and shouted out these words.

The little bread in Quilin's arms saw the idiot, and immediately struggling to jump down. But when she was about to rush to the idiot, she stood still and looked at Mili beside the idiot.

"Uh...Hall...Your Highness..."

Mi Li looked at the bread, her eyes dimmed involuntarily. She couldn't help letting go of the hand holding the idiot. But as soon as he let go, the idiot fell forward, and she had to stop him immediately.

"Let me do it."

Beside Quilin, a man with the same blue eyes walked out. Death knight-Toran. Perhaps it was because he had no body temperature. At this moment, he appeared to have more ice chips than those passersby. Especially on the light blue long hair, the stars of ice reflected light under the moonlight, as if he painted the most beautiful stars on his soft long hair.

Tolan mixed the idiot from Mili's hand and supported him. Seeing the idiot who was now in a semi-coma, Tolan felt uncomfortable. He lowered his head and said, "Master...I'm really sorry...If the subordinates weren't so careless...Really...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

The idiot did not answer. It should be said that he no longer has the power to answer. He can only rely on Tolan like a puddle of mud. Mi Li looked at the exhausted idiot, wanted to reach out, but didn't dare. Looking at the small bread next to him, the bread looked scared, shrinking behind Tolan, looking at the honey pear in fear.

"Human, I recognize your strength and your achievements. Now, I want to return this woman to you."

Quilin spoke, soft light radiating from the aqua-blue pupils. The pretty face still maintained the coldness just now, without any emotion.

The idiot slowly raised his head and glanced at Quilin hard. Quirine spoke again and continued--

"After seven years of healing, her injuries have fully recovered. Now, I will return this woman to you. Hopefully, we will never meet again from now on."

After all, wisps of white gas emerged from Quilin's seven orifices. The damp smoke slowly gathered in mid-air into an invisible dragon, and after staring at the idiot, it slowly dissipated. And when the smoke completely dissipated, Quirine seemed to have lost support and fell slowly to the ground. Although Mili didn't know Quilin, at this time, she only had to step forward and help her, following Tolan, bread and idiots, slowly, towards the divine grace... towards the little wood... …

The night ended in the noise.

The stars are thousands of miles away, and the bright moon is in the sky. The name of the hero who rescued the stag was spread throughout the sand, and Dara's heroic and invincible posture was praised by everyone. Although no one saw how he defeated the ice queen, his battle story was constantly depicted and enriched. That handsome appearance, noble status and the status of saving the country and the people once again attracted the attention of all young women. The current head of the Goodsey family has well-deservedly assumed the noble status and reputation of the Duke.

In addition to praising Dai Lao, Feng Chuan Sha Nei also held a grand banquet to celebrate this time the victory of the Feng Chuan Sand battle. At the banquet, Mudu personally walked off the throne with a wine glass, and gathered with everyone who entered the royal quarter to eat and drink. Use mutual comfort and support to alleviate the psychological trauma caused by the disaster, and also to use a more gentle way to tell everyone in Fengchuansha that the evil fire has rebelled, the stag empire has split, and most The fact that the territory has been taken by the emerging Dark Deer Empire...


Time, turn to July.

The dazzling and scorching sun fell on the sand that had been frozen for too long. People even think that the cold of the past four months is not fake.

In the grove, everything seemed to be back to its original state. The branches continue to spread, and the leaves that missed the germination time grow rapidly as if to compensate for the lost time. In the woods, birds sang, insects sang, and various natural sounds intertwined. The splotchy sunlight penetrated the leaves that hadn't filled the gaps, making patches of light on the mud.

Didn't... change?

Do not.

Even though it looks the same as in the past, the changes are actually appearing.

The first one was the leader of the hermit knights who had vowed to follow the idiot and saw his master, deviated. She has come back.

The idiot didn't know if she was sealed by ice or escaped from the city during this time. But after she came back this time, she just took a look at the idiot and went back to her room to pack her things. Then, she stretched out her hand and shook the bandaged idiot before leaving the grove. Where did the head of the regiment go, is to stay in the dark place where the wind blows and direct the hidden current? Or have other plans? Idiots don't know, and have no interest in knowing.

The second change is Quilin lying in the tree house deviated from the original. Since being carried back by idiots, she has been in a coma without any signs of waking up. The idiot didn't want Xing Li to worry about everything, so he didn't tell her either. I plan to wait for the moment Quilin really wakes up before telling her.

The third change...

Honey pear.

She did not stay in the tree house again. Nor did he enter the rattan house next to the idiot's room. Since she knew that there was no support for her existence in Little Bread's heart, she once again retracted into the grass in the grove. When I was hungry, I picked up nuts on the ground to eat, and when I was sleepy, I curled up and got into the uncomfortable weed pile, enduring the bite of the mosquito.

She knew that since Bread no longer considered her existence for granted, the qualifications to enter the tree house had been forcibly deprived of her. forever and always……




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