Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 083, the ghost queen-rebirth!

This day, early morning.

The idiot slowly removed the bandage on his body and looked at the injury on his chest. New skin has grown and scarred. Except for his own footsteps and a little vain, everything is as usual.

Bun held the bandages and looked at the idiot with a smile on his face. The idiot breathed out slowly, stroking this little girl's head. Whether it is love or praise, it has been expressed...

At this moment...

"Master! Master!"

Outside the door, Tolan ran in in a panic. After hearing his report, the idiot didn't even have time to wear his shirt, and dashed out of the room. Little Bread and Toran followed behind, following the idiot out of the cabin, and along the bridge made up of branches, rushing to the nearby cabin.

Pushing the door open, the idiot saw at a glance the Quillin who sat up on the bed with surprise and doubt in his eyes. Those eyes... are no longer ice blue, but restored to the same golden color as Xing Li.

"here is……???"

Quirine seemed to feel very confused about everything in front of her. She scratched the back of her head, and she didn't quite understand the surrounding environment. But when she saw the idiot and Tolan breaking into her room one after another, her first reaction was...

Could it be... I was abducted? ! Or is it because of my beauty that two young boys finally couldn't stand my temptation and started to attack me? !


Quelin leaned on the wall, clutched her collar tightly, while gently biting her lower lip, making her look like a pitiful little woman. Although I don't know who the two boys are in front of him, although the face of the boy with the naked upper body is covered by hair, he can see that the face underneath is very handsome. And the boy next to him who is dressed in men's clothes but looks beautiful like a girl is also unparalleled! She couldn't help but feel the mood of wanting to **** these two handsome guys.

However, facing Quilin's dress, the black-haired boy in front of her didn't have any color of being confused. He looked at himself as if he was looking closely. After a while, the boy suddenly knelt in front of him on one knee, lowered his head, and made a soft voice in his mouth—

"Teacher. Welcome, come back."


Quirine was stunned. She couldn't accept this title for a while. Because she only educates students in the Early Childhood Department and Primary School. What is this little handsome guy who looks close to twenty years old...? ? ?




"what did you say------?!"

After hearing that the idiot reported herself to her family, Quilin's beautiful face split exaggeratedly, and she opened her mouth unreservedly, looking at the boy in front of her again.

"You are an idiot?! That kid...little Maotou...little facial paralysis idiot? And I...I was...seen by years?!"

No matter how surprised and how incredible the conclusion is, the idiot nodded silently, confirming this fact again.

It didn't take long for Quirin to remember what happened at the bottom of the lake that year. She blocked the little bread, but was seriously injured and was about to die. Then, Principal Campa suddenly appeared, freezing himself completely. Then...and...

Quirine held her head in disbelief, and the feeling of time suddenly became weird for her. Seven years... I didn't even know anything and was sealed for seven years? ! I think at that time, Cai was frozen voluntarily with the idea of ​​being able to get out of the ice for a year or a half! But now... seven years have passed? This means...this means--! ! !

"I'm already, am I close to thirty years old? My youth is the most precious...the most beautiful youth that can hang a beetle-in-law... just like this, I didn't even see it... just slipped through my fingers Up?!"

The idiot looked at Quirin's current expression, not very understandable. However, he still wanted to calm Quilin's thinking, so he wanted to persuade him.

"Teacher, these seven years..."

"Seven years! Seven years!!! I... I was 29 years old before I knew it?! I don't know anything, I haven't enjoyed anything yet! I haven't even interacted with some super rich Kaizi talked about a vigorous relationship and got all the family property of the other party! After that, I...I'm 29 years old?!"

The idiot felt that he couldn't suppress Quilin a little. After hesitating for a while, he decided to continue persuading.

"Teacher, congratulations on your safe return..."

"Give me back my youth!!!"

Quirine suddenly raised her hand, and in her palm she actually shaped an ice flying knife out of thin air. She shook it casually and said loudly: "Big monster! Principal Campa! My precious seven years have been so wasted by you! What do you want me to do? What should I do in my next life! Could it be handsome? Will a wealthy Kaizi look after a 30-year-old woman?!"

The ice skate plunged into the wooden house, and in an instant, the place where it was inserted was covered with frost. Quilin naturally noticed this abnormality while she was excited. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the palm of her hand. After thinking about it, she once again gathered the power of her fingertips, and another unique ice flying knife appeared in her palm.

"I actually... can create a flying knife by myself?"

Compared with Xingli, Quilin was of the type who couldn't listen to people at all. In a blink of an eye, she left the idiot behind her head, divided her hands, and immediately clamped a total of eight flying knives between her fingers. With her hand, these ice knives flew up and down in the room obediently. This kind of action is really incredible for Quilin, who was only at the training level in the past. And when she got out of bed, she suddenly realized that her body was unexpectedly light. After jumping directly from the window to the ground, she was completely fine. She laughed wildly and ran out of the grove excitedly, wondering where she went crazy. .

Xiao Bread probed her head at the door, she looked at the idiot, and then at the disappearing Quelin over there, and ran over to ask. But the idiot gently stroked her head, beckoning her not to ask anything.

On this day, the cabin continued to spend as usual. At night, the ghost queen who had been rushing outside for a day with excitement reappeared in the grove. To the towering platform, she jumped, stepping on the tree trunk with her feet, and instantly frozen. When she sprinted up again with this step, the ice was lifted, and the other foot that stepped on the trunk also froze. In this way, she quickly "walked" to the cabin, opened the door with a bang, and appeared in front of the idiot and Bun who were eating.

"Awesome! This feeling is really unprecedented!"

Idiot and Bread raised their heads, and they felt like they had never seen Quilin's dress now.

Originally, the ice gauze dress on Quilin also melted with the thawing of the wind and sand, so during this coma, all she wore was the clothes Tolan took from someone else’s hanger. The style is very old, just to cover the body, it doesn't need to be pretty.

But now, Quirine is wearing a white shirt over her upper body and a black vest. In the second half of his life, wearing a pair of trousers, the whole person looks very refreshing. The tight waist set off her perfect figure, and she looked extremely charming.


Little Bread stared at Quilin, who was sitting next to him talking to himself. It seemed that he couldn't understand how the penniless Quilin had this beautiful dress. However, she did not ask. Because there are always many things in this world that are not convenient for others to know, especially those things done by those who are capable, right?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh level has my current strength reached? The powerhouse, and, may have broken through the final bottleneck, reached the Burning Soul?"

The idiot knocked the bowl in front of the bread, and the girl finally recovered from her loss, holding the soup bowl again, and eating dinner.

Quilin didn't care about idiots, she took out a set of cutlery from the closet and placed it in front of her. Then he ate it unceremoniously. It can be seen that the ghost queen is really hungry, and in front of her former students, she does not pay attention to the appearance of her food.

"Oh, ahhhh."

Little Bread pushed Quilin at the right time, raised the sign, and wrote "Please be more reserved, teacher". But seeing this sign, Quirine was very pitiful and hugged the little girl's body, and said sadly: "It's so pitiful...bread. It's been seven years, hasn't your throat been cured? So pitiful... It's so pitiful... Don't worry, sister I have the strength today, and I will get you some more dragon tongue tomorrow!"

Even though she knew that Quilin's behavior was no different from that of a real bad guy, Bun even reached out her hand and compared it with a good luck gesture.


Hearing the cold call of an idiot next to her, Quilin turned her head and looked at him. After answering, she stretched out her hand and immediately touched the idiot's hair.

"Well, you really are that little idiot back then. Your hair is still messy, like a hayloft. What's the matter?"

"…………………You don’t want to go back and have a look? Look at your relatives."

For Xingli, who has been taking care of herself for seven years, the idiot felt that she should reunite the family as soon as possible. But what he didn't expect was that after just mentioning his relatives, Quilin, who was still smiling, immediately put on a frosty face.

"Look at her? Look at my little guy? Huh...hehehe...hehehehehehehehehehe——!"

The idiot couldn't help putting down the knife and fork in his hand, and staring at Kui Lin in front of him in a daze. But before he asked, Quilin's palm had begun to condense frost, and some things called envy and jealousy also immediately climbed onto her beautiful face.

"What the **** is she?! Isn't she deliberately mad at me? Her face is beautiful, her character is gentle, and her martial arts is gentle! Why do you men not have eyes all around? She turns? Does each of you have a disease? Have special hobbies?! But I don’t care about this completely natural beauty* girl?!"

Needless to say, Quirin must have ran into Xingli while strolling outside. In fact, if you look at the clothes on her, you can probably guess which commercial street she has visited. And in front of Xingli's booth...they are in an endless stream all year round. Although there are people who purely want to buy things, but in order to look at Xingli, make her smile at herself, and touch her finger when transferring money, it is definitely not a minority.

And this feeling of being surrounded by men, like a star holding the moon, is the wish that Quilin has always dreamed of, but has never been able to achieve.

"Those **** men...those who don't have eyes! Oh, oh...little idiot! Let the teacher hold it! Sure enough, only my lovely student in this world still thinks of me, and I am beautiful The touching'sister' is already intoxicated by those men, and she has forgotten my sister at all! Uuuu-!"

Although the idiot is now nineteen years old, Quirine doesn't care. Just like to the little idiot who was only eleven or twelve years old, he opened his hand directly, pulled the idiot directly into his arms, and hugged him tightly.

Bun was drinking soup, when she saw Quirin suddenly holding her arms in her arms, she jumped nervously. She quickly jumped off the chair, ran over to grab the idiot's clothes, and began to desperately pull the idiot out of Quilin's arms.

It's a pity that once Quirine is immersed in her "sad" world, she doesn't even ask about other things. Regardless of how the bun pulls, Quirine will not let go. Why are the faces of Quilin and Xingli so similar, so beautiful, and the body is so good, but Xingli is always surrounded by people, but the men around Quilin always run when they see her? At this moment, Xiao Bread felt that he somewhat understood the reason.

"! The more you think about it, the more upset you get! Hey, little idiot, do you remember what you promised me back then?"

Finally, the idiot was freed from Quilin's arms. He quickly retracted, not daring to put himself under the control of this ghost queen.

"..." After thinking about it, the idiot shook his head.

"Huh! You forgot?! Didn't you promise me? After I lift the ice, will you let all the beautiful men in this world gather at my feet and welcome me to heal?"

The idiot was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, it seemed that such a thing really happened.

"But you didn't do it?"

The idiot looked around, and when it came to men, there was only oneself. Although it was possible to call Tolan in the side room, but at best it was only two people. Thinking that he hadn't been able to satisfy the teacher's last wish before Frozen, the idiot couldn't help but lower his head, showing a rare shame.

"Forget it, forget it. I didn't elaborate on the number and quality of men at that time, and I was wrong. However, since you didn't meet my request seven years ago, then I want you to help me Meet my request in seven years. How about, idiot, agree or disagree?"

The idiot thought for a while, and finally said the same sentence after listening to the request.

"Oh, if I make you nervous, am I going to hurt you?"

Quirine shook her head with a cruel smile on her lips. Those terrifying eyes...the name of the ghost queen that nobody wants!

"In fact, it's very simple. I just can't understand the arrogance of my little family, and dare to be surrounded by those men every day, and spend every day happily. So, I want you to do something for me, kill and kill. Her prestige. By the way, all the men who still have illusions about her give up!"

To put it it bullying Xingli?

The idiot lowered his head and started thinking. To be honest, Xing Li has helped herself a lot in the past seven years, and it is really inappropriate for him to frame her suddenly now. But the idiot has more guilt for the Quelin in front of him. The thought that she had been frozen for seven years for no reason in order to save herself and the bread, the thought of not wanting to frame Xing Li also began to shake slowly, and finally collapsed...

"...Teacher, how to deal with her."

The determination was made, and the idiot's expression became extremely cold and ruthless. Seeing this facial paralyzed face appeared again, Quirine snapped his fingers and hummed twice with his nose.

"How to deal with her... I have it. Don't the men who circle around her look at her pure? Don't they all think of ways to touch her body? In that case, I will completely destroy her. The pretentious reserve and purity standing up among those men!"

"Little idiot, **** her."

"With the strength of the two of us, she can definitely be fainted. Then, we will take her to the hotel, and you will push her hands on her, by the way, I will take pictures of her by the way! Then, I will take pictures completely. Spread it out! At that time~~~! Humph! I want to see how she can remain pure in front of those men!"

"Go, little idiot. As a sister, I allow it, so you don't have to worry about anything. Just take her to bed, strip her clothes, and act instinctively! Sister, I allow it!"

Act according to instinct...?

The idiot's brows were slightly frowned, looking at Quilin in front of him, feeling a little puzzled for a while. However, when Quirin asked the idiot again if she disagreed, the idiot had no time to care about what was instinctive, and nodded quickly.

In this way, a sinful alliance that is ready to extend the defilement and uncleanness to the starry who still doesn't know it is formed at this moment. With an idiot nod to join, Quirine seemed very satisfied. She laughed loudly without any feminine restraint. Although the voice sounded very nice alone, it could be heard from Quilin's mouth, but it could be heard as the roar of the devil in hell.

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