Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 084, the League of Evil

Little Bread took a breath of air for the evil alliance that appeared in front of him. Quirine was only two or three years old when she was frozen, and she didn't remember her at all. But for Xing Li, that's her teacher! Seeing that Ba Ba actually wanted to **** his friend, his own teacher, opened his mouth wide, but in his heart, he secretly made up his mind.

(Absolutely not allow Ba Ba to mess around with Sister Xing Li! So... in this case... No! No Ba Ba! That is really terrible! Don’t... But... But but... Ba Ba... He Xing Sister Li's...combination? If the two of them go to bed...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Normal development should still be maintained with Sister Xingli, and super friendship should never happen! Absolutely? Right? No? Yes!)

Xiao Bao's face changed repeatedly in just a few seconds, sometimes sad, sometimes happy, sometimes dreamy, sometimes resolutely shaking his head. In the end, she suddenly raised her head, as if she had made some firm determination, and the "worried" idiot and Quilin who were staring closely at her had already decided in her heart to protect Xingli.

"Okay! So do it for today, little idiot, your house is pretty good. I didn't expect that the broken house seven years ago has become such a magnificent tree house now? Okay, very good! It’s very comfortable to live in. , I'll be babbling for a few more days!"

In fact, Quirin didn't know that the traitor name from the Rooney family had been removed, and the family environment had improved a lot because of Xingli's hard work. She thought that her home was still that broken apartment, so it was not a strange thing to like the tree house here for idiots.

After the agreement was over, Quilin stood up shaking her head. Maybe she thought these idiot-fired dishes tasted good, she then pulled out an ice skate and put it on a large plate of cold dishes, took it up easily, smiled, and walked out brazenly. For her behavior, Dimie couldn't help but sigh--

(Although her beauty can be regarded as one of the best in this world. But if the ghost queen really wants to marry, it may really be just a legend.)

The idiot listened to Dim Mie's evaluation, and the only answer was no answer. At this moment, Quirin suddenly turned her head and looked at the tree vine door over there, and said: "By the way, I have been very strange since just now. Why is this room used?"

The idiot glanced at the tree vine door, then at the bun. At this moment, Quirin had come to the Shuteng door and dialed with her hand. Those vines were not very strong, and she pushed them away in three or two strokes. The haystacks, various scrubbing utensils and the wardrobe on the side immediately attracted her attention.

"Oh? It turned out to be a room? But..."

Quirin glanced at the room. There was everything in it, but there was no bed. Instead, there was only a pile of hay that had almost rotted away. Retracting his head and looking outside, there are two beds, one big and one small, obviously belonging to an idiot and a small bread. That being the case... Then who is living in this room?

Doing what you think is Quiline's character. She strode in immediately, and after looking around, she noticed that it was a girl's room. Pulling open the closet, there are also fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls' clothes hanging inside. Obviously, it is not something that only ten-year-old bread can wear now.

"Hehehe, Jinwu Cangjiao, oh~~~?"

After seeing the clothes, Quirin patted the idiot's shoulder hard, a smirk appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"But it's okay! This has nothing to do with the fact that you need to **** my good girl? Sister! Let your little girlfriend rest assured!"

Idiots know that the best answer now is not to answer. Therefore, he also nodded silently, no longer said extra words, respectfully, and sent Quilin out of the room.


After the door closed, Little Bread puffed his cheeks and raised the sign angrily.

"Are you really going to attack Sister Xingli? ! Do you really want to do this and that to sister Xingli? ! 》

For this question, the idiot does not want to answer, and there is no need to answer it. He owes Quilin too much. If he can compensate with such a thing, even if there is such a huge resistance, he must fulfill Quilin's first wish after being reborn!

The bun screamed, shook the sign, yelled and protested. However, these have no effect on this cabin. The stars are rising, the moonlight is swaying, everything becomes tranquil...


Quirine yawned, stepped on the slightly swaying rope ladder, and walked to her room. But after walking a few steps, she suddenly jumped out of the air, raised her hands, and inserted the two flying knives intertwined into the branch, freezing into ice. She slowly descended along the ice silk in her hand, and then took a step, easily came to a weed pile, and squatted down.

"As my bad student woman, why are you staying here?"

Quirin smiled and looked at the little girl shivering in the haystack with a smile. At this moment, she seemed to have lost the indifferent and indiscreet in front of the idiot just now, but put on a mask again—

Teacher's mask.

Carefully, caring for the honey pears in the haystack.

The cold moonlight shot down obliquely, and silver light spots entered the haystack, shining on Mi Li's body.

She curled up and looked at Quilin in front of her with some fear. After sleeping in the grove again for a month, her body gradually became weak. Malnutrition made her body thinner and her clothes were a little broken. There are holes cut by small branches in the woods everywhere.

Having lost one of the two remaining existences, just this has made her languish. It's like a drowning person holding only the last fragile driftwood in his hands, weak and desperate in the process of crying bitterly waiting for death...

Quirine stretched out her hand and gently stroked the trembling body. She touched Mi Li's hair, feeling like she was touching an abandoned kitten. With long years of teaching experience, Quilin actually showed great patience at this moment, showing her "gentleness" and "consideration" to the fullest. After the kitten's eyes began to blur, she just said softly--

"The clothes in that room are all suitable for you. So, can you tell me, are you abandoning it because of my **** student? Or...some other reason?" V

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