Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 085, anti-plan

Quilin's smile was full of confidence, and her golden pupils also radiated soft light under the moonlight. Mi Li raised her head and looked at the woman who had been bent over by the Mercury Dragon. She felt an unconscious desire, slowly, rising from her heart...


Mi Li opened her mouth, wanting to tell her story. But at the moment she was about to export, she suddenly remembered who the woman in front of her was!

One of the three sacred dragons, the boarding body of the mercury dragon.

Although Silver helped himself last time, what about now? For yourself, if you really said all the words in your heart to this silver dragon body, which is the same as yourself, is it correct? Still wrong?

"'s okay..."

Quilin had originally put on a smile, but now she heard Mili suddenly refuse to accept her help, she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

"Okay, just talk about it? Why do you hesitate? I'm afraid you won't make it if I eat it."

Mili was a bit normal at first, but after hearing these words from Quilin, she suddenly shook her whole body!

Dragon language) me? me...?!"

As a black dragon, the most feared thing about honey pears is being eaten. At this moment, Quilin accidentally said what she was most afraid of, and Mi Li couldn't help but grab her clothes, shaking her whole body, and she was afraid of tears falling.

Quirine frowned, waved, and said: "What is the mess, talk human!"

"You... do you really... want to eat me? Don't... please... Your Highness Silver! Please... don't eat me... as long as you don't eat me... I'll be a cow and a horse for you... can...just beg you...don't eat me...uuuu..."

Seeing this terribly scared little girl, Quilin really wanted to go up and pat her head. What is eating her? Why do you eat her for nothing? Does she treat him as a meat bun?

However, at the moment Quilin was about to scold, she suddenly stopped. As soon as her eyes rolled, Quilin smiled, grinning, frost condensed on both hands and ten fingers, becoming five pointed claws, and said with a negative smile——

" little girl looks delicate and tender, it seems really delicious~~~? I don't know if I should swallow it alive? Or should it be boiled and fried?"

The existence in Mi Li's body is really too weak, and this duckweed-like helplessness in the wind has already destroyed her self-confidence. In the past, it was because of Little Bread that she was able to get the right to live next to an idiot. But now, this power has been abruptly deprived. The hopelessness of returning to the cabin has made her stop thinking. The only thing that occupies her head is fear and fear.

Seeing such a terrifying look of Quilin, she was even more horrified, clutching the weeds in the haystack, turned her back to Quilin, and trembling. "Don't eat me...Don't eat me..." moaning constantly in his mouth.

For the honey pears that look like this, Quilin thought it was very interesting. Seeing that she was almost scared, she clapped her hands and smiled: "So, don't eat you? Okay, then I won't eat you. But correspondingly, you have to listen to me and help me. If it makes me feel Satisfied, then I will not eat you."

"Yes! Your Royal Highness Silver Dragon...! As long as... as long as you don't eat me...anything...anything I can do! As long as...whoop...don't eat me..."

Quirine nodded in satisfaction. She picked up the scared little girl, dragged her, and walked to her side room. She began to deliberate about how to implement the plan in her heart, thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing. The more I feel that this matter will be completely under my control, without any deviation.


Cool party.

This is a summer festival that belongs exclusively to July.

After the scorching sun during the day has passed, the coolness in the evening will wash away the fatigue of the residents, relieve the heat and tension in their hearts, and allow people to use a more relaxed mood to welcome the next day's work And life.

After the tragic war last year, the freezing winds and sands of the first half of this year, and the rebellion of the evil fire, the financial resources of the Bucks Empire have been greatly reduced. It is obviously impossible to celebrate with fanfare like in the past. Fortunately, this festival itself is famous for its elegance and purity. There is not much noise, only street stalls and juggling artists, and small singing and dancing evenings held in some urban areas. You don’t need a lot of identity to participate in such a cool party. Just bring some money, go all the way, shop all the way, buy all the way, eat all the way, and spend this refreshing festival comfortably.

There are less than three days left until July 15th, when the cool party is officially held.

Various stalls and shops on the street have begun to be built, craftsmen have also begun to rush to make all kinds of small toys, and food shops are also working hard to make new desserts. Although this time there are no goods merchants from other cities in the empire who came to the market, but with a feeling of rebirth, I believe that this time the cool party will not be shabby.

"Well, little idiot, remember our plan?"

On the corner of Market Street, which was scheduled to be a market, Quirine and the idiot huddled in the corner, whispering.

Quirine poked her head out of the corner and looked over there. I saw another member of Rooney's answer-Xing Li, at the moment, she was robbing her small shop there, busying herself. Today, Xingli wears a sleeveless shirt on his upper body, revealing the beautiful collarbone on his shoulders. Maybe it feels too hot. The bottom half of this sleeveless shirt was cut off, revealing Xingli's flat and beautiful belly. At the moment, her lower body did not wear that Sogra skirt, but a very short boxer briefs, which was tightly wrapped around her round buttocks. The pair of slender legs exposed under the boxer briefs, stepping on the sandals, can make people unobstructed, even the pink toenails can be seen clearly, clearly. Maybe it was because she felt that her long hair was troublesome. She was tied into a ponytail and left behind her head, looking extremely cool in this hot summer.

Looking at her family, Kuilin grabbed the corner of the wall and stared at Xingli in a daze. Her eyes were full of surprise, admiration, comfort and relief. Of course, there is still a touch of guilt and guilt, converging in her eyes...

The idiot looked at Quirin's expression and did not answer directly. He waited, waited for Quilin to see enough, and after turning his head, he nodded gently, indicating that he was clear.

"Ah, very good!"

After turning his gaze, Quilin's face once again showed the unforgiving queen expression. She patted the idiot on the shoulder heavily, and smiled: "Remember, little idiot. You are responsible for arranging my little one out alone on the night of the cool night party! Have you chosen the hotel? What hotel is it? "

The idiot took out the key in his arms and said coldly: "The Chicken Claw Hotel on East Street No. 3. Room 201. It is remote and there is no one. The store does not need any documents. The owner is a guy who only recognizes money but not people. , Absolutely safe."

Quirine licked her lower lip, grabbed the key, and smiled. Afterwards, she put the key into her arms and said: "Very good! Remember, after you go in, you must use any means to stun her. It doesn't matter even if it is medicine! If she refuses to drink, you will Use strong! Hehehe, by then...understand?"

The idiot nodded, without any hesitation in his eyes.

"It really is my good student! In that case, let's start!"

Quirine patted the idiot on the shoulder again. The idiot nodded and walked out of the corner. The destination, directly pointed to Xingli who was busy going in and out over there.

The idiot started to attack.

However, the little bread who has been following by is very nervous at the moment.

She really couldn’t bear that her babba completely ignored the friendship of the past so many years, just because this big sister who didn’t know where it came from, she had to treat her good friend Xingli, her good teacher. "! At this moment, she stood beside her calmly, pretending to hang up high on her own. But in her heart, she has made up her mind to absolutely destroy the evil plan of Ba Ba and Kui Lin!

But how to destroy it?

……………………Yes! Didn't Ba Ba ask sister Xing Li to go to the hotel during the cool party? So, just let Baba be hated by Sister Xingli, and let Sister Xingli refuse?

The idea was made, and Bun immediately hugged his hands. Her face still looked as if nothing had happened, but in the palm of her hand, a prominent "road map" had already taken shape, waiting to be launched.




At this moment, it is daytime.

Under the hot summer day, Xingli was working hard, sweating like rain.

After struggling to prop up the roof of the shop, the silk scarf draped on her shoulders slowly lifted up to wipe the sweat from her forehead. She took a sigh of relief, akimbo, looking at the shop that had been hard to build, a faint smile appeared on Jiahao's face. At this moment, she noticed someone approaching behind her, turned her head, and just saw the idiot.

"Huh? Mr. Xiaobai, why are you? What's the matter today?"

The idiot continued to move forward, towards Xingli. As he walked, he opened his mouth and said--

"Xingli, I think..."

It's now!

The bun's eyes were shining, and when the idiot had just taken a step and his toes had not touched the ground, he quickly patted the ground with his hands holding the "road map". It was just that in an instant, a small stone protruded in front of the idiot's left foot that had not yet left the ground! The idiot is not bad, he tripped on his toes naturally, and rushed forward.

"At the cool party..."

The idiot's body rushed towards the shop just built. This is exactly the plan of the bun. As long as Ba Ba completely destroys the shop that Sister Xing Li has finally built up, won't Sister Xing Li be angry?

It's a pity that the idea of ​​the small bread is good. But the goal of this plan is an idiot...

When the idiot was talking, his steps had been drawn in a circle in the air, and he stepped aside. As long as you are down-to-earth, you will be as stable as Mount Tai! Seeing that the bun was not good, he didn't think much about it, and the road map in his hand immediately changed. The place where the idiot was about to settle immediately formed an ice surface, which was slippery.

"with you……"

This time, the idiot really didn't notice. As soon as his foot slipped, he slammed into the bracket of the nearby shop. Xing Li saw a bad situation, and immediately stretched out her hand to hold the idiot's hand. And the idiot also pulled hard instinctively, and at the same time, he quickly hugged Xingli's waist with his other hand, straight, and fell forward...

"Go to the hotel. Would you like it or not."

Shop, it's okay.

In the shop, the idiot crushed Xing Li to the ground, holding her hand and waist with both hands, looking calmly at the body under her, and said this sentence gently.

Xing Liping was pushed down for no reason, she couldn't help blushing as she looked at the face of the idiot who was close at hand. The shopkeeper quickly turned his head, his voice was a little soft, and said, "Go away...Don't press on me. It's not good to be seen by others..."

The idiot originally wanted to let go, but after thinking about it, his hand holding Xing Li tightened even more. At the same moment, he lowered his body even more, his mouth almost touching Xing Li's ear, and said again—

"Xingli, go to the hotel with me on the night of the cool night party, okay? My room is ready, just wait for you to nod. If you don't agree, I won't get up."

Xing Li's face turned redder when she heard the idiot talking like this. The silk scarf on her body was quickly raised, pushing the idiot's chest, and she was also struggling constantly, the two exposed thighs interlaced each other, as if protecting something. Her remaining hand also blocked the leg where the idiot fell on her ****, not letting him go any further.

"You...what the **** are you talking about? Mr. Xiaobai...please...let go of me...or...or I will call someone..."

"You can call. But if you don't agree, I will never let go."

The idiot's eyes were very calm and serious, and he didn't make any compromises to Xing Li's struggle. But for what happened in front of her, Quilin patted her forehead, shaking her head and sighing. The bun was open-mouthed and dumbfounded.

For Xingli, an idiot knows that sometimes you have to use her strong. Because this big beauty with a soft personality is actually very strong and always has his own ideas. If you lie to her around the corners, it is very likely that she will see through, and in turn will be used by her. However, if you make it clear to her from the beginning and force her to agree, then she will definitely keep the promise. Therefore, although the current methods are a bit more extreme, they are undoubtedly the most effective and reasonable.

Sure enough, Xingli couldn't get away, and because of the eyes of those outside the shop who began to feel a little strange, she had no choice but to nod her head, blushing, and said: "I...I promise you! Wouldn't it work if I promised you? Mr. Xiaobai, please let go will cause others to misunderstand..."

Seeing Xingli agreed, the idiot slowly let go. She put her arms around her waist and helped her up. If it were before, Xing Li would not mind the idiot touching her waist. But now, after hearing the invitation he had just invited, Xing Li was obviously resisting his completely naked waist being directly touched by an idiot, and quickly pushed away his hand.

"That...Mr. Xiaobai...what was going on that day? What's the matter...I can't say here, I must go to the hotel? And... still open the room?"

"………………………………I can't say."

The idiot nodded firmly.

"But... if you don't say anything, I will be embarrassed... You see, when it happened to be busy that day, you asked me to leave the shop..."

"When the time comes, I will pick you up."

Not allowing Xingli to say anything, the idiot immediately turned and left. But how could Xingli allow such an unclear invitation? What's more, this is obviously such a "dangerous" trip?

"Mr. Xiaobai, if you don’t say clearly, then don’t blame me for breaking the contract. I promised it, but it doesn’t mean that I am a person who is bound by a promise. Please don’t forget that I am a businessman. Break the contract, break my promise, and go back. , To deceive this kind of thing, I will not hesitate to do it."

The idiot's footsteps had to stop and look back. Dim Mi was laughing at the moment. In its words, it turned out that this "big beauty" was the most difficult one among all people. The smartest, the most cunning, and like an idiot, he likes to play cards out of common sense!

There was no way, the idiot had to turn around and face Xing Li again.

"………………………… Enjoy the cool night, there is a legend."

"What legend?" Xingli held his overly exposed shoulders and raised her eyebrows.

"…………………………On this night, if two people who miss each other can spend the night together and talk to each other under the stars, their wishes will come true."

"What? Why haven't I heard of this legend?"

"……………………I just made up."

"you you?!"

"Xingli, are you...willing to create a new legend on the night of the cool night?"

The idiot looked at Xingli sincerely, with extremely serious and serious eyes. At this moment, Xing Li was also completely stunned. She stopped talking and stopped thinking. She could only stare at the idiot in front of her blankly, thinking about what he said...





From a distance, Quilin snapped her fingers, and the corner of her mouth showed a smile after the plan succeeded.

"Thanks to the little idiot for memorizing these lines~~~! It is worthy of the words I wrote overnight, and it is really lethal to the little guy! But it is a pity, if the little idiot can have a little smile on his face That's even better. Now with such a dead fish face, if others don't know that he has this expression all day long, then he will definitely think he is endorsing."

Quiline is very satisfied with the current progress. Now, everything is complete, just wait until the cool night party begins, everything will be realized in that hotel!

Humming a little song, Quilin left contentedly. For all this, the small bread is in the eyes, but hates in the heart.

She still couldn't accept the idiot's practice, just to repay this woman who didn't know where she ran out, could she hurt others mercilessly? And... or hurt Xingli who took care of her family the most in these years?

But right now, this invitation has become a foregone conclusion. No matter how much I stop it, I'm afraid I will never let the idiot look back. So what should I do now?

What must be done to prevent Ba Ba's poisonous hand from reaching out to sister Xing Li and stop him?

Little Bread held his head, squatted on the spot thinking, thinking...

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her mind, and an idea immediately appeared in her mind. V

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