Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 086, the curse of eternal darkness

After a busy day in order to welcome the festival, the dark night was finally repainted.

The tired wind blowing sand people returned to their homes one after another, enjoying warm food and hugs from their families.

This is really the most common situation. During this dinner time, anyone can wait by their family members, eat meals, talk and laugh with each other, and end this hot day.

Yes, night... seems to always symbolize the end of the day.

But in the towering white castle, night, for a certain girl, just symbolized the beginning...

The cold moonlight fell from the end of the sky and shone on the balcony. A young girl was wearing a thin white long dress, leaning on the railing, her little chestnut eyes looked at the dark street below, her expression...but it was a little bit miserable.

"Another's started."

Facing the night breeze, Walnut straightened out her loose hair. Her gaze also looked in the direction of Divine Grace, at the invisible woods, lost in thought...

"His Royal Highness, are you up?"

Outside the door, there was a knock from the maid. After hearing this, Walnut hurriedly arranged her skirt, returned to the room and sat at the table. In the light of the lit candle, she said softly--

"Come in."

The door opened.

Two maids walked in with the dining car. After seeing the walnuts, one of the maids smiled and stepped forward and said: "Princess, you shouldn't wear such a thin dress and just blow the wind outside. You will have cool virtue."

Catch a cold?

Walnut couldn't help but smile. She spent four months in the icy days without catching a cold. What is blowing now?

"Okay, your Royal Highness, please have a meal."

The maid brought the food from the dining car to the table, opened one by one, and the hot food appeared in front of her eyes.

Looking at the food, Walnut swallowed her saliva. She pinched the knife and fork, but before eating, she still asked: "By the way, is the relationship between Xiehuo and Mudu okay? Since the castle was restored , I only saw Brother Mudu, but Brother Xiehuo never came to see me. They... They won't quarrel again, will they?"

The two maids looked at each other, and in order to hide their embarrassment, they hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at Walnut. Fortunately, Walnut's observational power was really weak, and he didn't notice the obvious unnaturalness of the two girls. Instead, he sat at the table and tied his napkins.

"Ah~~~~ Ah. I wish I could one day be able to eat with my brothers again... I haven't eaten with those two idiot brothers for a long time. Since I got this kind of day and night After the strange disease..."

Looking at the big meal in front of him, the smile on Walnut's face gradually became lonely. If it's winter, she might be able to get up early to catch the six o'clock dinner while the sun goes down early. But it was summer, and she had to stay in bed completely, only to get up late at night when it was completely dark. To fall asleep very early in the morning is really a torture.

Picking up the wine glass and taking a sip of soda, Walnut looked at the two maids next to him. With his eyes rolling, he suddenly put down his knife and fork, went forward to grab the two, and laughed—

"Okay, okay, come hurry up, sit down, and we will eat together. I have to trouble you to give me food every night at that night. It’s really hard for you. Anyway, the chef has done so much. If you can’t finish it, wait I will have to transport it by myself later, it is better to eat together."

The two maids were startled and waved their hands quickly and said, "No, no, no! Your Royal Highness, how can this be? We... how can we sit with you in such a humble identity?"

"Ah, what's the identity? Sit down and eat!"

No matter what, Walnut took the two girls and forced them to the table, and personally took out two plates of knives and forks and placed them in front of them, shocking them to stand up quickly.

"Sit down! If you don't eat, then I won't eat either, letting you be scolded by my brother. How about, you choose the same!"

Those two maids look at me, and I look at you, and finally sat down slowly after hesitating.

"Don't be so restrained." Walnut cut a piece of steak and put it on a maid's tray, then cut another piece, and smiled while cutting it, "In fact, you are helping me like this."

"My work and rest time is different from yours. Most of the time, I can't go out of town, and I can't find someone to chat like before. The whole night, it's dark, I can only lean on the window sill and look outside until the sun About to rise, go back to sleep in the bed."

Although Walnut said with a smile, the two maids still couldn't bear to look at Walnut's complexion. At this moment, Walnut has cut another steak and placed it on the second maid’s plate.

"I'm really happy that you can stay with me here... Talking to you and listening to you talk about interesting things outside is now the only entertainment I can get. Sometimes, I really I envy you very much. I envy you... I can walk in the sun so easily... and I..."

The knife and fork in his hand stopped in an instant.

Walnut looked at her hands, her heart could not help but feel sad.

"And I... But I can only live in the dark... My brother wants to manage such a big Bucks Empire... This month only came to see me once... And that idiot... Not even once... ……nothing…………"

Putting down the knife and fork, tears began to condense in the walnut's eye sockets. Slowly, a tear fell from the corner of her eye...

The two maids looked at each other again, with unbearable expressions in their eyes. What can I do? Who dares to tell the truth? Tell the princess who was originally lively and cheerful and always likes to jump in the sun, tell her that the stag has split, and that her two brothers have turned each other into enemies? Is the kind of scene where the family gathers together for a meal again that she expects, is it never possible?

"Oh...I...what's wrong with me? It's okay,'s okay...Come on, let's eat. If you don't eat will be cold..."

After all, Walnut finally picked up the knife and fork again, cut off a small piece of his own steak, and stuck it with a fork. But looking at this half-ripe steak, her movements stopped for a while.


The maid asked worriedly.

Walnut frowned, looked at the steak in her hand, shook her head, and smiled reluctantly: " assured...this time...I can definitely..."

As he said, Walnut closed his eyes, resisting the strong nausea, and put the meat into his mouth.

The feeling of meat is very rough.

Walnut knew that this was not the chef's problem, but her own problem.

During this period of time, she has worked very hard to correct her sense of taste, but in those four months, under the limit of being alone, the experience of living only on blood for three meals a day occupies her like a nightmare. Heart.

She knew that there must be something wrong with her sense of taste.

Is it because of frostbite? Or is it the psychological trauma caused by loneliness and terror? In either case, Walnut knows that his mouth has become numb, and he can no longer taste the delicateness and flexibility of meat, nor can he taste the freshness and crispness of vegetables.

Among the only medium-cooked beef cubes, what she tasted the most was the rough meat quality that made her hard to swallow and a nauseous feeling of vomiting. And the only thing she can taste at this moment in her sense of taste is...

The smell of blood.

Only the **** smell, the **** smell attached to the beef, the salty, sweet feeling, spread in her mouth...

Stubbornly resisting vomiting, Walnut finally swallowed that piece of meat. She looked at the remaining beef on the plate, and she wanted to cry.

What kind of monster has he become?

You can only taste the smell of blood... This feeling keeps torturing the walnuts, pressing on her heart like a mountain.

She hates this kind of self, not only hates, but also hates!

However, she still has to persevere. Hold on until your sense of taste is restored again...

Until I no longer only taste the taste of blood. As long as you persevere, I believe that everything will be restored to the original state, and I can eat these dinners again, and maybe I can also gnaw left and right with a chicken leg in one hand. long as you have time...just as you can get used to the smell of blood in the ice and snow, you must be able to regain your taste! And one day, my physique afraid of sunshine will surely heal, and I will become a normal person again!

"The princess... If... I really can't eat it... Let's get some chicken and duck blood soup for you?"

In the eyes of others, walnut's favorite dish has inexplicably turned into this ordinary chicken and duck blood soup. Compared with other carefully cooked foods, only this dish can be eaten up by walnuts.

However, Walnut rejected the maid's suggestion.

"No... I must... eat it... because in the future... I will have to have dinner with my brothers... I must... I must get used to..."

Suffocating the nausea and vomiting, the walnut cut off a piece of meat again, shaking, and was about to deliver it to his mouth. Her tears trickled down, and this was no longer a pleasant meal, but a total torture.

Finally, a maid next to her couldn't stand it anymore. She immediately stepped forward, hugged Walnut's hand, and cried: "Princess! You don't need to force yourself so much anymore! Because...because... Your Majesty and Evil Fire... They... They already..."

"Totally... split!"

Walnut was stunned. She stared at the maid in front of her blankly, and what came in her ears was the details of the evil fire's rebellion. Although the other maid kept holding the maid away from her, she didn't want to say anything, but the maid didn't care about anything, she just told all the facts!

"So, Your Royal Highness, you don't have to force yourself anymore! Your Majesty...The day when your Majesty Evil Fire will have dinner together... is always... always..."

Because of the long time no sunlight, Walnut's face has become very pale. But at this moment, her complexion became whiter, as white as confetti.

Her hand holding the fork trembled, and her small chestnut pupils began to loosen. All of a sudden, collapse, panic, fear, tension and many other negative emotions flooded into her heart, destroying her heart that was not too strong.

" Brother Xiehuo... he won't..."

Walnut smiled, trembling. She looked at the beef at the end of the fork, and the corner of her mouth raised a miserable smile.

"As long as... as long as I work hard enough... I will definitely be able to eat with my brothers again... as long as... as long as I can recover... can... heal..."

In the midst of weeping and wailing, Walnut opened her mouth and forced the piece of meat into her mouth. then……


The intense nausea finally made Walnut no longer able to support it. She bent down, and the acid in her stomach was vomited out instantly.


"His Royal Highness! You... are you okay?!"

The walnut's hair was scattered and his eyes were dull. With the support of the two maids, she looked at the sour water on the ground and watched the two pieces of meat just eaten being spit out intact. At this moment, she finally couldn't hold it...

"Let go of me! You guys... let me go!"

Walnut shook his arm and pushed the two maids away! Afterwards, she suddenly grabbed the knife on the table and pointed at the two girls with a twisted expression.

"I'm a monster... In your eyes, I must be a monster, right?! Dad doesn't want me... My brother doesn't want me... The sun doesn't want me... Nothing else! I'm a monster... In your eyes, I am a terrible monster! Right!!!"

Walnut danced with a knife, but now the two maids were frightened. They hurriedly spoke out to persuade, but Walnut had completely ignored it, just shouting, shouting out all the depression in their hearts! The two maids had no choice but to persuade them in front to attract Walnut's attention, while the other moved behind Walnut.

"His Royal Highness, please calm down!"

The maid in front of her yelled, and the maid behind Walnut suddenly rushed forward and grabbed Walnut's hand holding a knife. But now Walnut doesn't care about anything. She is crying, crying bitterly, not only did not let go of the knife, but also struggled hard!



Finally, the knife was bloodshot.

The maid who snatched the knife screamed and fell backward. She clutched her shoulders, blood flowing from her fingertips. Seeing that she had hurt someone, Walnut, who had been on the verge of collapse, recovered for a while. She looked at her hand and the blood on the knife in her hand...

"What am I doing... what am I... doing?!"

Sober, returning to Walnut's mind for a while. She quickly threw away the knife in her hand and called out loudly. Before the people arrived, she hurried to the injured maid's side, and she stretched out her hand to help hold her in a panic.

"You... are you okay? I'm sorry... I'm sorry! I... I am really... sorry!"

Seeing the walnut return to normal, the maid smiled slightly and shook her head.

"It's okay, Your Royal Highness. Compared with your pain, my little injury is really nothing."

"Where is it a minor injury? You are bleeding, bleeding!"

"Really, the wound is not big."

The maid spread out her hand and showed Walnut. Indeed, the knife only cut through a layer of skin. Although it looked bleeding, the blood almost stopped flowing now.

Seeing that the wound was not deep, Walnut breathed a sigh of relief. When the other maid turned back and looked for towels or something to stop the bleeding, Walnut accompany the injured maid and kept apologizing. The maid also smiled, shook her head and said it didn't matter.


While apologizing, a sweet scent came into the walnut's nose unconsciously.

She couldn't help but glance down, looking at the wound on the shoulder, and at the bloodshot dripping from it.

Warm blood...different from the frozen blood drunk before, this hot and fresh...

Walnut's voice stopped.

Her eyes were fixed on the maid's shoulders, smelling the fragrance, the hunger in her belly that hadn't been produced for a long time, but now she didn't know why, slowly...slowly...raised up ...

"That...the princess?"

Seeing Walnut staring at her wound, the maid was a little strange, so she asked.

"Ah...nothing, your wound...does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Then... I'll help you **** some dirty blood and deal with it later... OK?"

"Huh? That... I'm tired of princess..."

"No, no trouble... no trouble... trouble..."

Walnut's expression became dull, and she slowly lowered her head, her lips close to the maid's wound. As if enchanted, she slowly opened her mouth and posted it.



This salty...sweet taste...this is even more delicious than fine steak...feel...

The maid looked at Walnut, but gradually, there seemed to be something wrong with her shoulder. At first, Walnut just licked lightly, but when she got to the back, she actually began to **** her wounds? Because of her strength, it even hurt her.

"Long... Princess?"

The maid began to resist, but Walnut was clutching her shoulder tightly.

"The princess...the princess? Your Royal Highness the princess!!!"

Fingers, still grasping tightly. The suction in the mouth also began to increase. When the blood was no longer sucked, the maid even felt that Walnut started to bite her wound with her teeth? ! The pain is immediately aroused!

"Princess! Help! Princess... Your Royal Highness Princess Long!"

At this moment, the other maid finally realized that something was wrong, she rushed over, grabbed the walnut, and slammed her away! With the strength of the two, Walnut's mouth was finally removed from the shoulder of the maid, and she, too, fell heavily to the ground.

"His Royal Highness! What happened to you?!"

The maid clutched the injured maid's shoulder, hugged the frightened little sister, and looked at Walnut in horror.

But Walnut, his eyes widened at this moment. She looked at the scared maid over there, and then at her hands, feeling the **** smell in her mouth...

At this moment, tears rolled from the corner of her eyes again. Walnut finally couldn't restrain herself, and ran into the bathroom in one breath, and began to cry...V

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