Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 087, the promise of the cool party

Hearing Walnut's call, the soldiers finally arrived.

They saw the maids with blood on their shoulders, and saw the horrified eyes of the maids, pointing to the bathroom. When they were about to rush in, Walnut walked out tremblingly. There were drops of water on her face, and her eyes looked very loose. The soldiers looked around, and after confirming that no assassins were found, they asked. But Walnut drove everyone out with a brainstorm, closed the door heavily, and refused everyone's condolences.

Get into the bathroom and turn on the water.

Under the warm water, Walnut looked very lonely.

She covered her face from time to time, opened her mouth, and washed her mouth with the hot water. However, she knew. Although the **** smell in the mouth can rush away one day, the inexplicable "hunger and thirst" that stays in one's consciousness and in one's body is difficult... to be removed...

"Brother... Brother Mudu... Brother Xiehuo..."

She hugged her shoulders and squatted in the bathroom, letting the water drip.

"Father... what should I do... after all... should I... what should I do..."

The sound of water has been lingering in this silent room.

Walnut, holding his body, let out a desperate cry...


"Do you know what happened to the princess?"

"Know? Know what?"

"It's that the princess seems to have changed now, becoming... uh... how do you say? It's becoming a bit scary."

"Oh, I also know about this. I heard that after the wind blows and the sand is thawed, some people go to the princess's room to clean up, but the princess's room is full of blood stains, it looks really terrible."

"You said... Will the eldest princess get any sickness? This kind of blinding situation... and, I heard that the eldest princess attacked the maid who served her last night. Thinking about it now, it's really scary... "

"Hey, don't chew your tongue too much, or don't care about anything, don't ask anything. It's better not to pass this matter to your majesty's ears, your majesty has been upset enough recently."


"Oh, having said that, what's the matter with this letter in your hand?"

"Letter? Oh, hehehe, it's okay. It came in from outside. I heard that it was a ten-year-old dumb girl who insisted on giving this letter to Her Royal Highness Princess. Although the brothers outside prevented her from entering, But the letter still agreed to deliver it to her. It should be the child from the orphanage that the princess had previously helped."

"Well, that's fine. It's good to make Her Royal Highness happy, and read the children's letters."

With that, the two soldiers had already arrived before Walnut's room. After they nodded to the maid at the door, the maid at the door turned and patted the door lightly.

"His Royal Highness, are you up? Here is a letter from you. Would you like to read it?"

The door slammed for a long time, but there was still no echo inside.

The two maids and the soldier looked at each other, because it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Walnut must have been awake at this time. However, she hasn't responded even now...

"His Royal Highness, please forgive us for being rude."

The two maids drew a dagger from under the skirt, opened the door separately, one left and the other, and rushed in harmoniously. They patrolled the room quickly, checking every corner, and soon they returned to the door of the room.

"Report to your majesty."

The maid moved the dagger behind her, pointed at the open window and the rope tied to the window sill, and shook her head—

"Princess Walnut, it's gone."


July is when the divine grace is on holiday.

Moreover, after encountering successive sudden changes, it is still uncertain whether the school will start smoothly in September. So within this sacred grace, everything is black and light, and even the street light that can be used to light up the night has been extinguished at this moment.

In the small forest, the window of the tree house exudes a soft yellow light.

The idiot was holding the book and slowly watching under the light. Behind him, Little Bread was already lying on the bed, asleep.

After reading the book for a while, the idiot raised his head and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. At this moment, it was close to midnight. He closed the book and put it back on the shelf. Then he turned off the lights and walked to his bed.

In the darkness, there was a knock on the door, but it sounded softly...

So late, who is it?

In the dark room, only the moonlight leaking from the leaves acts as a little light. The idiot was silent, and in his silence, the knock on the door outside sounded again. But this time, the knock on the door seemed a bit impatient. In addition, there was a little bit of icy cold from the gap in the door, completely icing the gap in the door.


The idiot sighed, walked over, and opened the door. Quirin stood in front of the door grinning, holding an ice skate in her right hand, and a horrified honey pear under the armpit of her left hand. After the idiot opened the door, she walked in with a grin and put the honey pear on the ground. , Sat in a chair for himself.

"Light up."

Quirine said, and after being stupefied for a while, he walked to the side to light the light. The dark cabin immediately became bright.

"Okay, my work is complete, then the next thing is your life."

Quirine patted Mi Li on the shoulder and smiled.

"Come on, little guy."

After that, Quirin turned and walked out from the door. After Mi Li cast her eyes for help, she gave her a thumbs up, and quickly slipped out of the room, squatting outside the door, eavesdropping.

In the room with only one small light on, only Mili and the idiot were left. The bun still doesn't care what it is, and sleeps there. Seeing Bread's laid-back sleeping face, Mi Li was nervous for a while, and finally decided to bow to the idiot before turning around and fleeing.

"If you don't say it clearly, the matter will not have a result"

Mili was against the door outside, and she didn't care if the people inside heard her own voice, exclaimed. This shout also made the honey pear inside flushed, and had to return to the idiot's face.

The idiot looked at the little female dragon, and after a moment of silence, she sat sideways on a chair. After hesitating for a while, Mi Li still lowered her head, not daring to look at the idiot's face, and stayed away from the sleeping bread over there, not daring to approach it.

"Your Majesty...I..."

"You stay by my side and one day you will attract your mother again."

Without waiting for Mi Li to finish her words, the idiot took the lead to speak——

"Besides, you used to depend on me all the time and refused to leave, just to use me as your shield to stop your mother, right?"

Everything was seen through, Mi Li bit her lower lip, her shoulders trembled and nodded.

"Your Majesty... I'm sorry... the slave girl... the slave girl took advantage of you... and made your majesty... get into such a big... trouble..."

".............................. Do you think I will be angry?"

The idiot's face was cold, and he couldn't see what his expression was, or whether he was happy or angry. Just like a talking sculpture, no one can guess her mind.

After hesitating for a while, Mi Li finally threw a plop, and knelt in front of the idiot: "I'm sorry, except for your majesty's side... The female slave really doesn't know where else to go to the female slave to know... It is a crime to use this fact of your Majesty. Thousands of death... female slave... female slave... woo woo..."

The idiot stared at Mili in front of her with a sullen face and looked at her crying. Although Mi Li knew that women's tears were completely useless to her Majesty, he would never show any mercy to herself because of his tears. But she still couldn't restrain the fear in her heart at the moment, sobbing.

"Shut up."

The idiot spoke coldly, and even the right to cry was not left to this girl. Mili was frightened, and after looking at the sleeping buns over there, she finally stopped her crying slowly and knelt on the ground, waiting for the idiot's punishment.

"Your Majesty... Female slave... Female slave already knows... Your Majesty will definitely punish female slaves... As long as your Majesty speaks... Female slave... Female slaves will definitely endure... Whether it's beating or scolding... or even cutting female slaves... The female slave won’t have any resistance... The female slave only asks your majesty... Just asks your majesty to continue to let the female slave stay with her... Don’t... don’t drive the female slave away... Please... Your Majesty...

".............................. Until now, you still want to continue to use me, right."

"Your Majesty? Female slave..."

"Yes, still not right. Answer."

Mi Li lowered her head, she didn't know how she should answer this question. After thinking for a while, she finally managed to endure the fear in her heart and nodded gently.

(Ha, the expected answer. Human kid, you are so bad to see you crying this little female lizard. People are still young and can't stand your casual play~~~)

The cynicism of Dim Mie is always so ugly. After commenting on the idiot's behavior for a while, it spoke again, saying--

(So, you didn't plan to chase away this little female lizard early in the morning, did you?)

In silence, the idiot nodded.

(Hey, smart judgment. I just like your bastard. Indeed, the big female lizard before smelled this little female lizard, and you were also used. Ah, yes, for You may be disgusted with the fact that the female lizard came to find you wrong, but I am very happy. This, whatever you think~~~)

(Now, you have defeated the female lizard once, and she has remembered your appearance, so it is impossible to guarantee that she will not come to you for revenge after she recovers. If ordinary people encounter such things, they must Will try to throw away this little female lizard, this hot potato. But for you, once you throw her away, one day you will be weakened when you face the big female lizard again. Anyway, things have happened. Resentment and complaining are meaningless at all. Instead of putting an unsightly color on this little female lizard, what you should do now is to treat her a little bit better, lest she is too stressed because of self-blame or because she is wrong You are too scared to approach you. In this case, once a danger occurs, she will not be able to help you in time, and your aerial combat effectiveness will definitely be weakened.)

An Mie was right. With Mili in her current state, it would be very hard for her to be as gratuitous as before. And if Xiao Bread still has a grudge against Mili, he cannot be said to be too stable for his own group. Therefore, we must find ways to quickly resolve the fear of honey pear and the loathing of bread. Without talking about anything else, I'll just say that it's not clear how many years later Black Dragon Battle II will appear. Without certain cooperation, the idiot doesn't want to accept her challenge directly.

"Honey pear."

The idiot spoke, Mi Li raised her head in a panic, tears on her face.

The idiot was condescending, looked at him coldly, and said--

"If I say, I forgive you. You, don't believe me."

"Ah... female slave... female slave believes in female slave... absolutely believes"

Mi Li's eyes were still mixed with panic. For the idiot, she not only failed to relax, but became even more nervous.

That does not work.

Sure enough, she still had to think of other more suitable methods to relieve her tension and fear.

Just as an idiot thought, he suddenly remembered the cool night party that would be held tomorrow. An idea was settled immediately, and he said--

"Mi Li, tomorrow's cool night party, you and I will act together."

Mi Li lowered her head and said, "Yes... Your Majesty... Female slave... What are you doing for your Majesty?"

"......You don't have to do anything. We just walked around and walked around the shop streets."

Mi Li's head suddenly lifted, she could hardly believe she looked at the idiot at the cool party, two people walking around together? This...what kind of situation is this?

Quilin hiding outside the door was covering her mouth and smiling. Regarding the idiot's proposal, she secretly raised her thumbs up, and at the same time knocked on the door gently, asking Mili to immediately agree.

"Your Majesty... just... walking around? Or... patrolling?"


"Ah... the female slave knows... the female slave will not ask again tomorrow... the female slave will act with your majesty... at the cool night party... together... act..."

After Mi Li agreed, the idiot waved her hand and told her to withdraw. After some inexplicable Mi Li hesitated, she finally did not go to her room. She backed away from the tree house, climbed down the tree house in front of Quilin, and got into the weeds. It can be seen that she is obviously afraid of the cool night party tomorrow, and is afraid of how tortured she will be tomorrow.




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