Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 088, shopping around?

After Mili left, Quilin opened the door. She looked at the idiot, pretending to be very angry, and said, "Little idiot, what do you mean? Did you forget that you are going to spend the night with my beautiful sister tomorrow night?"

The idiot stood up, turned off the lights, and said, "Teacher, I will follow your plan. Please rest assured."

Quilin was taken aback, and suddenly became embarrassed. She scratched the back of her head, smiling awkwardly.

"Ha... this... it doesn't matter. I don't mind so much~~~ Actually, I don't expect that much... You kid, you already know what I am thinking about?"

The idiot stood in the moonlight without speaking.

Quirin snorted with her hands on her hips, and said, "Okay, okay, I don’t care as long as you keep the agreement. Cut, although you know that your little guy’s brain is moving fast, this kind of secret seems to be no secret. It's really uncomfortable to hide your feelings."

The idiot shook his head and said, "I am not omniscient and omnipotent. It's just that the teacher, you have given too many hints and behaved too abnormally."

Quirine walked to the side of the idiot and leaned on his shoulders: "Hey boy, are you still poor with me? Forget it, don’t talk about me. Little idiot, as long as you plan your actions tomorrow, then No problem. Xingli should be fine, but you should pay attention to Xiaomi Li."


"Yes, just pay attention. Tomorrow, wear a little chic, don't pull out this patched dress again. I will also help Mi Li to dress up well, let me tell you, I find that I seem to have mastered some The martial art of'Ning' is different from the little guy Xing Li. Her Ning is cloth, and mine is ice flakes. I seem to be able to use ice silk to make clothes. Waiting for tomorrow, you are prepared to be surprised."


Quirine patted the idiot's shoulder vigorously, then turned around and left after laughing. But when she walked to the door, she suddenly remembered something and turned her head back and said: "By the way, little idiot, have you spent the cool night party with other girls in previous years?"

After thinking about it, the idiot looked at the bun over there.

"I'm not talking about bread, I'm talking about other girls the same age."


Quilin slapped her mouth and smiled: "That's it, that's good. After all, such a holiday is a good holiday for talking about love. Although there are no mandatory rules, one man and one woman only need to be in such a Walking side by side on the streets at night is enough to explain many things."

Quilin stretched out her hand and flicked the idiot's forehead, and continued: "So, you have to pay attention. Xiao Mi Li's emotions are very fragile now, if she sees you and other girls appearing on the gorgeous night market streets of Naliangye, It's enough to make her misunderstand a lot of things. On the other hand, if your other friends see you walking with Xiao Mi Li, they can also cause a lot of misunderstandings. So let's say... Well, what am I saying to you? Are you not a real playboy, a scum on several boats? So, that's it, I'll go back and help that girl dress up."

Quilin walked into the tree and vine house, picked a few summer clothes in the closet, shook his hand at the idiot, and left the tree house.

The idiot came to the window and watched Quilin drag the pear out of the grass and back to her room. After everything around him calmed down, he was finally able to return to his bed, put on the bedding, and went to sleep...

Cool party...?

Maybe it is a good time to let the girl of bread eliminate the resistance...


The sun rose, and as soon as the morning sun climbed up, it brought a scorching heat to the windblown sand.

The coolness of the night was instantly driven away, leaving only the flames of the day burning the city.

However, even so hot, there is no problem for the festival. This is the first festival after Fengchusha has recovered. Although the prosperity of the past is no longer there, it still retains the seven-point taste, telling people the joyful atmosphere of the festival.

Early this morning, the idiot got up as usual, and after freshening up, he went out to work. Whether it is a holiday or not, this is his scheduled itinerary, and no difference is allowed.

In the afternoon, the buns also rose. She put on her little apron and stepped on the stool, holding a pan in one hand and an egg in the other. With a flick of her finger, a flame immediately rose from the bottom of the pan. She poured the oil, knocked it with her hand, and broke the egg into the pan. After the idiot came back from work, a simple table of dishes had been cooked. After placing two knives and forks, the idiot and the bun simply ate dinner.


Seeing how the bun kept eating, the idiot spoke.


"The one who teaches you how to cook is honey pear."

The bun was taken aback and looked at the food in his hands. She pouted, not knowing what expression to make for a moment.

To be honest, Little Bread didn't hate honey pears to the point of death. And even now, she also likes that sister Mili who often accompanies her when the idiot is away.

However, she just couldn't accept it. Unable to accept the fact that Mili once ate her two younger sisters. She couldn't believe that such an inhumane thing was done by someone as good as Sister Mili. But if you really want to say that honey pears are good, when you were young, there was a shadow of being attacked by honey pears. These contradictory thoughts were intertwined in her body, making her wonder whether she should like Mili or hate it.


The bun lowered his head and pulled the food bit by bit. No way, it seems that it will take some time for her to accept. The idiot looked at the clock on the wall, and after three or two of them had finished pulling the food, he changed into the patch suit on his body and put on the clothes that walnut gave him before. Although it is not old, it is decent enough anyway.

"Baba, are you going to harm sister Xingli? 》

Bun also put on a skirt and raised the card in his hand.

The idiot shook his head, touched the little girl's head lightly, opened the door and walked out. Little Bread snorted and became more determined that she must destroy the idiot's determination to date tonight. But before that, she still has to laugh, and she must laugh until the idiot can relax completely to herself, so that she can surprise her in one fell swoop. He is embarrassed in front of others

So, Little Bread smiled. And he took the idiot's hand very diligently. The idiot didn't doubt that he had him, let her drag him. These two people, one big and one small, are so intimate and walking towards the predetermined market...




Is it because of the festival today? There are so many soldiers on the street... how come there are so many?

On the market square where colorful lights hung in the air and music can be heard from the streets and alleys, the idiot had this question.

In any case, such a human arrangement seems a bit too much. Although there have been such arrangements in the past, they are usually only on major festivals, such as the birthdays of royal family members or the holy eve. On the cool night, there has never been such a manual arrangement. Moreover, the current Bucks should be seriously underpowered. Looking at this battle... it looks like they have sent all the soldiers in the entire palace. Could it be that……?

The idiot's brows frowned slightly, and a terrorist attack had begun to form in his heart. But looking at the expressions on the faces of the soldiers seemed very relaxed, as if they were on duty while wearing armor while visiting the night market. Only occasionally looked up and looked around, it really didn't look like to prevent terrorist attacks.

Could it be...I'm really worried?

After thinking for a while, the idiot shook his head. In the stag empire now, there is only one wind blowing sand. What can be attacked by such a small country?

Lifting his head, singing and dancing on the market square rise to the level. The small vendors on both sides of the road were full of people. Music is being performed on the platform in the center of the square, and a drum band is beating on it at the moment, bringing the surrounding atmosphere to a climax.

The idiot was walking down the street, and Little Bread followed him. Soon, the two of them arrived at their destination, next to a fountain. From afar, you can see the idiot's playmate tonight, waiting there.

Mili tonight is wearing a light blue dress. The sleeveless dress is very suitable for summer refreshing. She wears a red ribbon knot in her hair and a white bracelet on her wrist. It seems that it is made of ice silk. There is a little lace at the end of the cyan skirt, and it seems that Quirin's craftsmanship still can't completely make a dress like Xingli, but it is not bad to be able to make such a decoration.

Mi Li sits alone by the fountain. The delicate and beautiful girl and the fountain form a stunning scene. Many passing pedestrians couldn't help but look at Mi Li, making her even more frightened, and quickly lowered their heads to play with their skirts.

(Hey, let's go, scum to live up to your reputation as a bulldozer, let's go)

The idiot nodded and walked forward. But Xiao Bian was a little confused when she saw the honey pears over there. Just when she was about to ask, a pungent and spicy smell suddenly came from a roadside stall next to her. The girl's nerves were immediately broken and she turned quickly. I went too far and drooled in front of the barbecue booth over there.

The idiot tidyed up his clothes, coughed, and slowly walked towards the restless Mili over there. But when he walked in front of an alley...


Suddenly stretched out his hands in the dark alley, took the idiot's left arm, and dragged him inside. The idiot did not hesitate, and immediately pulled out Dimie with her right hand, stomped hard, and in turn pushed the owner of those hands to crush the opponent on the ground in the alley, Dimie quickly pulled up, and placed it on the assailant. Throat.

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