Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 089, the scum action

In the alley, the light is dim.

As the line of sight slowly adapted, the idiot finally saw the person under him. No one else, but the princess of the Bucks Empire—Walnut, who has already burst into tears and kept sobbing.


The idiot looked at Walnut, and after a long...After a long time, Dimie retracted his arm, and then released the hand that was pressing Walnut. As soon as Walnut was relieved, he immediately raised his hands and beat the idiot's chest desperately. The tears of grievance were also unrestrained at this moment and vented...

"Idiot, you big idiot, big villain, you already know, right? You already knew that Brother Xie Huo betrayed, right? But you kept hiding from me... People don’t tell me that I hate you... I hate you oooooo..."

Walnut desperately beat the idiot's chest, weaker and weaker. Finally, she finally got tired, lying on the idiot's chest and burst into tears, tears soaking the idiot's chest.

It wasn't until Walnut was completely tired from crying that the idiot held her shoulder and pulled her away from her arms. He lowered his head and saw Walnut's face and body, there were blood stains everywhere. And on the ground deep in the alley lay the bodies of several kittens and puppies. Looking closely at Walnut's arm, her wrist was covered with burn marks.

At first, Walnut lost control of his emotions when he saw the idiot pass by. But after noticing that the idiot began to look at her body and the corpse of the cat and puppy over there, she was suddenly terrified and quickly reached out to cover the idiot's eyes.

"Don't look please... don't look... count me please... idiot... don't look at me now... I... I'm not... I'm not a monster... I'm not... No... monster……"

Walnut's voice choked. The idiot raised his hand and held her palm. The girl was shocked after the hand was suddenly held. She did not resist the idiot's power to pull her hand down. Finally, she presented her blood and animal hair body before the idiot's eyes.

"I'm not... a monster..."

Walnut was groaning... the voice was like despair in the abyss of hell.

After thinking about it, the idiot patted Walnut's face gently to wipe the bloodshot from the corner of her mouth. Afterwards, he asked Walnut to wait here for a while, walked out of the alley by himself, took a bucket of water by the well over there, took out a prepared towel, and gave it to Walnut.

"Wipe clean."

Walnut took the towel and finally nodded. She wiped away her tears and put the towel in the bucket. But when her hand was about to touch, the burned wound touched the water, and she immediately retracted her hand in pain.

The idiot was watching and seeing that Walnut couldn't reach out his hand, he finally walked over and soaked the towel himself and wrung it out. Afterwards, he covered Walnut's face and gently wiped the blood from her face.

The idiot's movements were very gentle, although his face was still cold and his expression was not visible. Walnut was crying before, but when she felt the rare gentleness of the idiot at this moment, she couldn't help but laugh a little. Maybe it was because she felt bad to cry and laugh in this situation. After laughing, she wanted to put her face in crying again, but she couldn't pretend it.

The idiot looked at Walnut's current expression of wanting to cry and laugh, and shook his head. He re-soaked the towel, scrubbed it, and wrung out. Gently touched Walnut's hand and wiped off the water for her. When the towel touched the burned area, Walnut couldn't help but shrink, his expression very painful.

"As long as you keep your strength and rest for a few days, you will heal."

The idiot felt the pain of walnut, so he didn't wipe it. Walnut withdrew her hand, somehow, after some physical contact just now, she always felt that the pain in her heart seemed to be relieved a lot. It seems that in front of this idiot, it doesn't matter what you become.

"You... how do you know... I will be healed after a few days of rest?"

The idiot did not answer this question. He took off his coat and put on Walnut in turn to cover the blood from her. Walnut lowered her head, pulled her coat, and felt the warmth inside. A sweet feeling rose from her heart, making her face flush.

"Next time, you can't run away."

According to the soldiers outside, the animal carcasses in the alleys, and the sunburn on the hands of walnuts, the idiot easily came to the conclusion. Walnut raised her head and looked at the idiot, her face seemed a little unhappy.

"I...why should I listen to you? I am a princess, where did I escape? It's just...just..."

The idiot stared at Walnut closely, and Walnut was shocked by those unshitting eyes, his eyes softened. She turned her head away, blushing and said: "I...just too bored in the castle...come out to care about me..."

Half of this sentence is true. So Walnut felt that he was not lying.

The idiot sighed, took Walnut's hand, turned and walked out.


Walnut blushed, and was involuntarily dragged out of the alley by the idiot. Looking at the soldiers around, she quickly pulled up the hat behind the idiot's clothes to cover her face and lowered her head.

"Where do you... take me...?"

"Send you home. Otherwise, your brother will have more work."

Upon hearing the words of the idiot, Walnut hurriedly backed away. The idiot felt Walnut's struggle, turned his head and looked at her. From her horrified and uneasy eyes, she knew exactly what she wanted to say.

"I... I don't want to go back"

In front of the idiot, Walnut began to stubborn involuntarily. After thinking for a while, she looked at the lively shops around, thinking that tonight is a party to enjoy the coolness, her voice trembled and said: "Can you...can Tonight..."

The idiot watched the princess, and the pulling force slowly disappeared.

(Human kid, what's the matter? Hey, don't tell me that you have to change your mind. Actually, we are already a long time late? Is that little female lizard already anxious?)


(Hahaha funny, funny. There are so many messy burdens on you. You cursed her to save her. You gave her as infinite life as you. She will always stay at the age of 17 for eternal youth. Speaking of you Only gifts for her, not debts. So, what are you thinking about now?)

(………………Dark out.)


(You don’t seem to be telling me what to do.)

(Hahaha, yes, I don’t have any other hobbies with this sword. I just like to see you, a guy who always fights against me, encounter problems and embarrass. Now this problem... what should you do? Hehe, This is a very classic multiple-choice question. Compared with this problem, any dangerous puzzles in the past are so insignificant)


(You have two choices now. The first is to abandon our night princess and to accompany our little female lizard who is already very fragile and still fearful. The other is to abandon the little female lizard and turn to Accompany the Walnut princess, who is already on the verge of collapse. Man, always face a variety of choices. Now, your choice is here. Who to choose? Who do you want to accompany to spend tonight in this romantic coolness Yeah? Hey, interesting, really interesting. You scumbag, let me see the wisdom that you scumbag can show at this critical moment. Who to choose? I believe you should have counted it now, right?)

(…………………Dark out.)


(I should have said that what I dislike the most... is to listen to your orders.)

After solving the **** eye in his mind, the idiot looked at the expectant look of Walnut in front of him, and nodded gently. But the walnut who received this promise was crying with joy. The loneliness and loneliness of the past seem to be irrelevant at this moment, even if you are a monster. She threw herself into the idiot's arms, pulled his clothes, and started sobbing.

"Well, you are tired, sit down first."

The idiot held the walnut and went to the open-air cafe beside him and sat on his seat. At exactly this time, the bun over there came over with five skewers of roasted meat sprinkled with paprika in each hand, and when he saw the idiot and walnut, he was taken aback. Seeing this, the idiot called the bun over.

"Bread, stay here with Sister Walnut. I'm going to order some meals, let's take a break first."

When Xiao Bread saw walnuts, his first reaction was that his strategy was successful. She smiled and nodded, then sat down on the seat, happily eating the barbecue in her hand. After seeing the small bread, Walnut couldn't help but feel more at ease. He didn't think much about the idiot's request to leave temporarily, so he nodded and agreed.

After levelling the walnuts, the idiot strode towards the fountain over there. I saw Mi Li was still waiting there, but it was obvious that she probably thought she had been let go, and she looked very lonely and depressed. After the idiot breathed out, he cheered up and walked over and called her name.

Mili, who had thought that idiots would never come again, was startled and turned back immediately. After seeing the idiot, she hurriedly stood up from the edge of the fountain, bowed to the idiot, and said in fear: "Slave...respectfully welcome your majesty... your majesty..."

The idiot nodded, turned around, and said, "Let's go for a walk."

"Yes Yes."

Sweat began to roll off Mi Li's forehead. She looked at the back of the idiot wearing a vest, and followed in fear. The pot had exploded in her mind, and all kinds of torture and humiliation had begun to devour her spirit, causing her scared feet to tremble. ()V

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