Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 090, using the wrong wisdom

090, using the wrong wisdom

Walking on the street in the busy city, Mi Li shrank her shoulders and carefully followed the idiot.

The idiot slowed down deliberately at first, planning to walk shoulder to shoulder with Mili. But after a while, he found that if he walked slowly, the mili behind him would walk more slowly. She always maintained a distance of about five steps behind her, not daring to go beyond.

At that moment, the idiot's footsteps suddenly stopped. Mi Li was still walking with her head down, and accidentally hit the idiot's back.

"Ah sorry, sire..."

"For me, people are only divided into two types."

Mili was stunned, looking up at the back of the idiot, breathing.

"What can be used by me, and the reverse. No matter how beautiful words are used to cover up, let others bring benefits to myself, it will not change."

"His Majesty……"

"If you want to use me to protect you, then in order to achieve this goal, you must also pay enough to make me think that protecting you is not a disadvantage."

Mi Li lowered her head, holding her skirt tightly with both hands.

"As long as there are enough conditions to impress me, you don't have to be afraid that I will drive you away. You don't have to be afraid that continuing to use me will make me dissatisfied with you. The exchange of benefits and benefits, the use of each other to achieve mutual benefit, is My rules of doing things. You should be clear."

Unconsciously, Mili followed the idiot to an open-air cafe. She sat in one of the uppermost corners, thinking a little bit of what the idiot had just said.

"But... Your Majesty, what can the female slave... satisfy your Majesty?... Ah if... if it is a body... female slave... female slave..."

Mi Li's body suddenly became stiff, she shrank her shoulders, her fingers gripped her skirt, her tense palms were sweating.

"Do you think that you can use your body in exchange for my lifeless protection?"

The idiot's voice was cold, and there was no emotion in what he said. Facing the idiot's so coldness, Mi Li's heart shuddered and she lowered her head in fear.

"But...other than... female slave... female slave..."

"What can be exchanged for me to be used by you willingly is something you need to think about. Now, you need to sit here for a while and think about it. I, go order first."

Throwing the honey pear and thinking here alone, the idiot quickly walked to the ordering table over there, grabbed two drinks and walked back to the seat on the other side of the cafe. At this moment, Little Bread is playing with walnut painting, and the two are having fun. After seeing the idiot coming, Walnut quickly stopped her laughter, pretending to be reserved.

It seems that her mental state is really much better.

"Are you back? Why did you go so long?"

The idiot put down the coffee in his hand and brought it to Walnut. The walnut held it, turned his head away, showing a nonchalant expression.

The idiot fiddled with the coffee cup in his hand, but didn't mean to drink the liquid inside. Walnut also knows the habits of idiots, so he just pouted and drank to himself.

Well, if it is not a solid, but a liquid, it seems that you can barely drink it.

Walnut poured a cup of coffee and wiped his mouth. She exhaled, leaned back on the chair, and looked up at the sky. Looking at the twinkling stars in the sky, the color in her eyes gradually became thicker and quieter.

"I don't know why, I always feel that you are completely unsurprised by my changes? Is it because you are born with such a facial paralysis?"

Walnut pushed away the coffee cup, folded his hands, propped his chin, and smiled at the idiot in front of him.


For this question, idiots are habitually silent. Fortunately, Walnut didn't mind, she was used to the idiot's silence, so she didn't ask. Just flicking the rim of the cup with his fingers, and said to himself--

"Leave aside others, even myself... feel that I have become a monster."

"I'm so scared... I am afraid that I will become more and more weird and crazier. I am afraid that someday if I am discovered by my brother and other people, what will I do..."

The idiot patted the bun to explore the coffee's hand and kept listening. After talking for a while, Walnut suddenly felt a little boring. She put down the cup, looked up at the idiot, and slowly said, "Idiot..."


"In your eyes, what kind of...thing am I?"

Walnut's eyes were sincere and expectant. It was obvious that she wanted to know what kind of existence she was in the eyes of an idiot. And the idiot has this question for her...


Suddenly, the action of the idiot hugging Walnut visibly shocked Walnut, and I didn’t know what to do. But after holding it, the idiot’s real action was not an affectionate love story, but a quick walk. He rushed to the interior of the coffee shop. Then, he pressed the walnut heavily on an empty table, bowed his head, and panted loudly.

Walnut had never seen an idiot so excited about herself, and the sudden appearance of this scene made her wonder what to do for a while. Should I resist? Should we go with the flow? Although... Although I don't really hate this idiot, if he really wants to be here... just here...

"No... don't you idiot don't come near me"

Walnut instinctively raised his hand to block the idiot's chest. In fact, her strength could not stop the idiot, but the unexpected movement of the idiot actually stopped.

"........................I'm sorry, I seem to be a little excited."

The idiot straightened up, gasping for breath, it seemed that he had just fallen into a very nervous mood.

"I will go out to calm down, and then come back..."

After all, the idiot didn't wait for Walnut to make any response, and immediately turned around and walked out of the door. At this moment, Walnut was completely stunned, not knowing what to do.

Leaving the empty interior hall, the idiot walked back to the outdoor cafe outside. I saw that Mili was now standing where she was sitting with Walnut just now, looking around in confusion. After seeing Mili, Xiao Bao immediately ran away with the roast chicken wings in his hand, and refused to sit on the same table with her.

"Your Majesty... Just now...?"

"Just now, what happened."

The idiot was sullen. After hesitating for a while, Mi Li finally didn't dare to raise her own question, she could only say: "Your Majesty, the female slave has been thinking about the things you asked the female slave to think about. However, the female slave really can't think of it, except...except... ...Besides, what else can the slave girl make to compensate your majesty..."

The idiot didn't have the mind to listen to Mi Li's words at all. He just glanced at the inner hall over there, then grabbed Mi Li's hand with his backhand and pulled her out.

"His Majesty?"

"Tonight, we will take a good stroll. I'll talk about other things later."

Don't allow Mi Li to refuse, the idiot immediately dragged her away from the cafe. When the two came to a stall specializing in ice cream, Mi Li looked at the colorless ice cream sold there, and her pace was a little slow. The idiot naturally noticed that at the moment, he immediately took two Suras from his arms and handed them to Mi Li's hand.

"I forgot my things in the coffee shop. Buy me some ice cream first, and I will be back soon."

Mi Li nodded, took Sura in a daze, and began to obediently line up behind the teams. After the idiot exhaled, he immediately turned around and was about to run to the cafe.

(Seeing you are busy, you scum on two boats~~~ But, I like it~~~ I have already said that I am not against your promiscuity. How about this, anyway, these two girls today In the evening, the mood is relatively low. How about you just take them to the hotel to open a room? Accompany this in the first half of the night and accompany one in the second half. Or, do you like to change every hour?)

Dimie likes to make jokes, but idiots are not in the mood to make jokes. He came out today just to reconcile the honey pear and the bread. So that my home can be stabilized. But now, not only did that girl run away with the money, but she was also getting annoyed. Really terrible

But there is no way to say anything to let Walnut and Mili spend the evening in a stable mood. For Mili, it is necessary to maintain stability, by the way, to ensure that his air mount will not temporarily deviate. For Walnut, it calms her emotions. As for the reason why she needs to do this...

the reason?


The idiot has no reason. Maybe it's because there are too many reasons, too many.


Entering the interior of the cafe, looking around, where is the shadow of walnut? Suspiciously, the idiot walked out of the cafe. But what made him take a breath of air-conditioning is that Walnut is now walking to the ice cream stall and she is looking around, seemingly looking for an idiot.

(Oh~~ Not good, she will meet that little lizard soon, Brother Playboy, you want speed)

The idiot didn't want to think about it anymore, and rushed up quickly, and immediately before Walnut was about to walk to the vendor, he took her hand and pulled her aside. It just so happened that the ice cream shop's sign was used to cover the two people's figures, and Mili, who was still waiting for the ice cream over there, found it.

"Where did you go? Why did you disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Walnut asked suspiciously, and the idiot exhaled. After thinking about it, he immediately raised his finger and said, "Wait for me, I will buy you ice cream."

"Ah...? This... really... difficult for you..."

"Not difficult. Wait a moment here."

The idiot wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked out from behind the sign. When Mi Li saw him, she was about to scream, but the idiot rushed forward and covered her mouth.


"Don't ask us to have a good date, we don't need to cause too much trouble.

As soon as Mili stayed, her eyes opened wide. She can hardly believe her ears


Coming out tonight...not just for shopping, but as your Majesty admitted...a date?

If you say so...If you say so, the reason why your Majesty didn't drive him away is because...? ? ?

Mili was stunned, and what the idiot wanted was this effect, but when he turned his head slightly, he found that the walnuts over there appeared to be faintly coming out from behind the sign. The idiot was startled, and he casually dropped a sentence: "I am eager to continue waiting", his footsteps swerved, he rushed to the signboard over there like lightning, and pushed in the walnut that hadn't fully stuck his head out. .

"Idiot, what are you doing? Why do you look so busy today?"

Walnut felt a little strange, and wanted to poke his head out of the door.

"Of course I'm in trouble."

The idiot held down Walnut, not letting him probe, and said, "Because...I can't hold it anymore. Can you accompany me to the toilet over there?"

After all, the idiot's expression immediately became extremely uncomfortable. He clutched his stomach, squatted down on the spot, with his legs clamped, as if he couldn't bear it. Where can Walnut see the acting of an idiot? Seeing that his face was pale now, he immediately panicked, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him, for fear that the idiot would be pulled out in the street.

"Idiot, idiot, are you okay? Hurry up, let's go to the toilet hurry up"

In this regard, the idiot couldn't ask for it. He immediately cautiously stepped forward to the public toilet over there. But before he took two steps, a footstep came from behind him, which made his nerves tense again.

"I can't do it, Walnut... can you help me... buy a pair of underwear...?"

Walnut opened her mouth, and then, her face immediately showed infinite worry, but it was so sudden that she didn't know where to put her hands.

"go with"

The footsteps approached, and the idiot gave the walnut a jerky push. In the hesitation, Walnut could only take Sura from the idiot's hand, and ran towards the male clothing store over there like Fei.

"Your Majesty? are really..."

In addition to Walnut, who was also deceived by the idiot was this little dragon. In fact, as usual, Mili is not so easy to be deceived. But just now, the idiot uttered the word "dating" in a hurry, which severely short-circuited her thinking. After hearing the idiot say that she was anxious, she no longer had the thought of queuing up, but immediately ran out, just to see the idiot's "negative" appearance.

"I... it's okay... By the way, Mili, can you help me at the shop over there... buy a set of clothes?"

Walnut will be back soon, and the idiot must fight quickly. He took out three Suras and put them in Mili's hands, with an extremely serious and painful expression——

"Just now, I...fallen."


Mili opened her mouth wide, speechless. But seeing that the idiot was so nervous, she took the money for the first time and rushed in the opposite direction to Walnut. After Mili left, the idiot straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief.

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