Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 091, two peerless masters had diarrhea in the toilet

091, two peerless masters have diarrhea in the toilet

(Hehe, one is to buy underwear, the other is to buy a full set of clothes. Do you want to play this time difference? Interesting, interesting)

interesting? Idiots don't find it interesting. Just to prevent the two girls from seeing each other, I spent five Suras just now. However, in order to ensure that my money is spent on the blade, the idiot is still planning to go to the Walnut Club, which only buys underwear, according to the plan. And, think of a way to dry her in another place, and then come back to meet with Mili.

of course. , The wishful thinking of an idiot is played like this. However, at this time, it is really not as good as the sky. I didn’t know where to go, but now with greasy hands, I hurried to the side of the idiot and grabbed it. His clothes.


Xiao Bao's expression was painful, she clutched her stomach, and kept pulling the idiot to the bathroom over there.

Obviously, this little girl must have eaten her stomach. And she has no money and can't enter the public toilet. Seeing that the little girl was about to vomit fire in a hurry, the idiot had to drag her, ran to the public toilet over there quickly, paid for it, and let her in. But when the idiot wants to get out of it...

"Large, one person."

The idiot dropped an Inel casually, picked up the paper on the table, and hid in the toilet without hesitation.

Not because of other reasons, but because of being there, Walnut was holding a gift box in his hand, and a set of undisassembled clothes was clamped under the blurred armpit, and they met outside the toilet.


"It's you?"

The two people saw each other at the same time, and their familiarity with each other immediately brought them together. Walnut looked at the refreshing summer dress on Mi Li, and Mi Li looked at the obviously man's coat on Walnut, and then looked at the gift box in the hands of the two people... For a while, both seemed to understand something.

"I didn't expect to meet Her Royal Highness the princess here. Why did you come out?"

Mi Li is in a good mood now, so her tone is very polite.

"Hahaha, it's nothing, just come out and just stroll around. It's you, the suit you are holding in your hand...haha, are you here to give it to your boyfriend?"

Mi Li's face was happy. She held this suit and smiled and nodded: "Yes. What about you, Princess princess? The gift box in your hand...Plus, tonight is the cool night...Ah, Are you also interested in someone?"

Walnut blushed when she heard Mili say the person she liked, and quickly waved her hand: "Say...what do you say...what person you like...we are just...normal friends"

"normal friend?"

"Um... Well... Although it's normal, it's not very normal. He said tonight to stay with me all night~~~"

Mi Li smiled and said, "Princess, please be careful. If that man says to stay with you all night, you must be careful of his bad intentions."

Walnut's complexion changed, and she said coldly, "Miss Mili, what do you mean? You mean, isn't he a gentleman?"

Mi Li waved her hand, changed the clothes in her arms and took it in one hand, and said: "Where is it. I didn't mean that, but I hope you will be careful, princess. After all, not every man in this world can be like me now Compared with the man who is dating. He admitted to dating me today~~~"

For Walnut, the idiot is now her spiritual pillar. How could she allow her spiritual support to be so degraded by Mili? What makes her man better than her own idiot? In this world, is there still an idiot even more idiot than that idiot?

"Miss Mili, this is not yours anymore. You don't even know who my boyfriend is, how can you make such an assertion? Say it, you have to stand firm~~~Willing to be with me tonight The man, but a single-handedly, saved the entire world-famous hero. His strength may not be comparable to my brother. What's more... Haha, Miss Mili, your boyfriend. "

Hearing such remarks, Mi Li started to feel a little angry. What kind of hero, isn't it the Dai Lao? Goodsay, the princess dare to move that Dai Lao to her majesty's head?

"Oh, that's a coincidence. My boyfriend is also a world-famous hero. He is so strong, I am afraid that he has entered the realm of soul burning that ordinary people can't imagine in the definition of mankind. And my boyfriend is very handsome and very chic. The room is full of the charm of the king"

Walnut sneered, covering his mouth, and said, "What's this? My boyfriend looks at the entire Bucks Empire. I'm afraid he can't find a comparable opponent. As long as he does it, even the sky is It can be shredded, and the earth can step on it."

The corner of Mili's mouth twitched, and she replied in no way: "Ha, isn't it tearing the sky? My boyfriend can swallow the whole world with just one mouth. If he wants to, it won't be a problem to destroy the whole sad continent. In comparison... Isn't the boyfriend of your Royal Highness the princess who came to approach you because he wanted to plot your princess' identity?"


Walnut's eyes widened in an instant, and she held the gift box in her arms tightly and was speechless for a while. However, she recovered her mind after all and said--

"Is your boyfriend really that strong? If he is so strong, why don't you call him out? Let him and my boyfriend try?"

"Compared, who is afraid of whom? After my boyfriend comes out of the toilet, I will tell my boyfriend to beat your boyfriend all over the floor to find teeth." Mi Li didn't care about it and started talking nonsense.

"Huh? Your boyfriend is in the toilet?... Heh, isn't it a diarrhea? See you running out holding this suit in a panic... Could it be..." Walnut covered her mouth and laughed twice. , "Your boyfriend... diarrhea, pulled on his pants?"

Mi Li's face turned red in an instant, but she was unwilling to show weakness, her eyes rolled, and she instantly shot back——

"Oh, my boyfriend is just a little unwell. Then, what about you, your Royal Highness? You just walked out of the men's underwear shop? And you were so flustered. Also, you just said'also' in the toilet. .. So to say...hehe, your peerless boyfriend is also having diarrhea, and is still pulling on his underwear. Does it have to be changed?"

The idiot was hiding in the men's room, pulling the upper transom to look outside. For the questions and answers of these two girls, he could only pat his face, and had nothing to say.

"Ha, do you mean that there are two powerful people squatting in that toilet now that are capable of destroying the world? Who are you lie to? It was intentional, you must have said this deliberately, so as to find steps for your boyfriend under."

"What does it mean to get down the steps? Even if he has diarrhea and is lying on the ground, he is definitely stronger than your boyfriend." Walnut fought back.

"Then... then even if my boyfriend is stretched soft, weak, top-heavy, he will never frown in the face of your boyfriend's challenge." Mi Li blocked the problem.

"Humph, even if my boyfriend falls asleep, his combat power can also set off a mountain, let alone diarrhea"

"Even if my boyfriend died of diarrhea, he can climb up from the **** and wipe his **** again and then smile again on the whole sad continent----"

The more they talked, the more outrageous, the walnut and the pear began to sharpen their needles. Their arguing voices also began to grow louder, gradually arousing the trend of onlookers around them.

Idiot think about it, if these two girls continue to quarrel like this, tonight will definitely not be pleasant, but what should I do now? Go out by yourself? Although it is not what I thought, once the double date with two boats is exposed, the consequences may be beyond my control.

While hesitating, Little Bread sighed with relief and walked out of the women's toilet. After thinking for a while, the idiot rushed to the door, called the girl over, and said something in her ear. Although the bun was still a little confused, he didn't think much about it. Instead, he directly raised his hands and patted the idiot on the face.

Over there, the two girls are still arguing about whose male friendliness. And the content of the competition has become "my, he can chew the glass bottle", "my boyfriend doesn't eat, he can fill his stomach just by eating iron sand" these infinite content went up. In the midst of the noise, a fat-looking man suddenly appeared next to Mi Li and reached out to hold her.

Suddenly by a strange man, Mi Li must resist. But before she opened his mouth, the fat man covered her mouth and dragged her back two steps.

"it's me."

"Uh... Your Majesty? But... what you look like..."

"This is mud. I don't want to appear in front of Walnut. It would be embarrassing."

When Mili heard it, she was a little sad at first, but she soon understood the idiot's "embarrassment" and smiled: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty. Princess Walnut already has a boyfriend, and that boyfriend will be with her tonight. Well. Can you stop leaving and have a fight with her boyfriend?"

Through the mask, the idiot stared at Mili coldly. At this moment, Mi Li finally knew that she was wrong, she lowered her head and stopped talking.

After Walnut saw that Mi Li's boyfriend turned out to be a fat man with a shameless appearance, a sense of victory immediately emerged in her heart. But she is the eldest princess, and she can't ridicule others in front of them too much. So she just accepted it and stopped talking.

"His Majesty……"

"Let's go."

The idiot took Mili and left quickly.

"No... I mean..."

"Say what."

"Your... wet pants... don't you need to change them?"

Mi Li picked up the clothes in her hand and handed it to the idiot with some worry. The idiot looked at these clothes and took it. Afterwards, he shook his head and said, "It will be fine when it is done."

"Did...Did it?"

The idiot did not answer this incredible conclusion, but quickly pulled Mili away. He waited for a long distance before he put the clothes in Mi Li's hands.

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