Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 092, plan execution

092, plan execution

"You wait here."

Here is a song and dance theater. Mi Li looked at the magnificent gate and the endless stream of ticket buyers with excitement in her heart. Could it be...?

"Wait a minute, I'll buy a ticket."

The idiot's abacus is jingle, as long as he enters the musical show, then he can take this opportunity to give Mili a drink with sleeping pills and let her take a nap. During this period of time, I can accompany Walnut instead of running back and forth like now. After Mili wakes up, she will drug the walnuts again, and this will continue until the end of tonight’s cool night party.

After buying the ticket, the idiot motioned Mili to go in to find a seat by herself, and buy some drinks and food by herself. Mili agreed and walked into the opera house. The idiot breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this place, and quickly tore off the camouflage on her face, went around to the back door of the bathroom, got in, and walked away from the inside. come out.


But looking around, there is no walnut here.

Where did she go? ……not

In any case, it seems too bold to speculate about Walnut but go to the opera house. The idiot calmed down and started thinking. After thinking about the location of the public toilet, he immediately spread his legs and walked to a place.

It was the alley where Walnut and herself met tonight. In that dark environment, one could see that Walnut was kneeling in front of the corpses of those small animals, folded his hands, and prayed gently...




The excitement calmed down slightly.

The idiot stared at the girl with a simple expression in front of her, without moving for a while.

Walnut knelt religiously... She faced the dead cats and dogs, her face full of apology and guilt. Only with this kind of prayer can her apology fade a little...

"Ah, idiot. I've waited a long time, so I just..."

Outside the alley, there are busy traffic. But in the alley, it was full of silence.

The idiot didn't say anything, he just stepped forward slowly and stood behind Walnut. Walnut looked at the idiot, with a relieved smile on her lips, turned around, and folded her hands again to pray.

"They...I killed them."

"Although I am very happy tonight, I still can't forget that these little animals were bitten by me personally, and then slowly died of expression."

"I think my expression must be very scary at that time. Just imagine, I can't stand it."

"I don't want to justify my actions... but I want to express my apologies... if I can bear it... if I can bear it again..."

Moonlight and stars cannot fall into this alley. Even if she can't bathe in the light, the idiot feels that this girl still exudes an indelible light.

"Are you... still scared."

Walnut loosened his hands, took up the carcasses of the little animals, and stroked them lightly.

"Maybe afraid, but I always feel that I am not afraid. As long as..."

"…………………………as long as……?"

After Walnut glanced at the idiot, she quickly turned her head, and she never said the latter sentence. As long as you are by the side of the idiot, as long as there is a "monster" who is more terrifying than yourself, you will no longer feel scared. But after all, she could not say this sentence.

Holding the carcasses of these little animals, Walnut pouted and passed by the idiot. Maybe she was worried about whether the idiot would see something from her expression, so she kept her head down. But at this moment, the knot in her heart has loosened a lot. Especially the one that was noisy just now swept away a lot of depression in my heart, which seemed extremely comfortable.

"Okay, let's go to the next location"

Little Bread walked out of the alley, took the little bread hand that had been lying at the entrance of the alley, and said, "Idiot, I am very happy today. In this case, you can just make me happy again. How about we go to the musical tonight? "The Rose of Sololand", the love and hatred of the dark knight and the beautiful princess. "Even if I am in the dark, I still yearn for the light." I seem to really appreciate it now. This is what the Dark Knight said. Let's go see it, okay?"

Little Bread screamed, even if she didn't know it anymore, she knew what the idiot was facing now. The idiot looked at Walnut's simple little chestnut eyes. At night, she didn't seem to have changed at all from before, still so simple, so easy to guess... Faced with such a walnut, would she continue to deceive her?

…………………………………………Of course, we must cheat. Otherwise, oneself would have lost all previous efforts.

The idiot looked at his watch, and now it was time to make an appointment with Quilin to invite Xingli. After weighing it, the idiot finally took Walnut's hand and walked to the reserved hotel.

" brought me to a place like this...what are you doing?"

Stepping into the feasting ***, Walnut became excited. The idiot entered one of the hotels in a familiar way, stretched out his hand, and hissed at her mouth.

"Walnut. Give me an hour."

"Within this hour, I have a very important thing to do. I will pick you up when it's done."

Walnut didn't know what the idiot wanted to do, but she didn't want to just stay like this. It's hard to be able to spend the night by the idiot and lose an hour for nothing. How uncomfortable does it make her?

"Don’t you want to commit crimes or rape? An idiot, as the eldest princess of the Bucks Empire, I absolutely can’t let you go outside with such a factor of instability. Just say it, don’t say anything. Clear, no going out"

"..............................So, do you want to take off your clothes again."

The idiot replied coldly, his voice was so cold that Walnut couldn't help but shrink her neck and stretched out her hand to hold her collar.

"I used to pick your clothes twice. Now this matter is very important. If you insist on coming with you, I don't mind picking your clothes again."

With this sentence, Walnut finally settled down. She swallowed and shrank on the bed obediently, afraid to speak. The idiot nodded and let the bun stay with him, then turned and left the room and headed to the opera house.

"Little Bread, what's the matter with the idiot?"

Walnut looked at the idiot outside the window and asked. Little Bread frowned, and then began to take out the writing board and start writing, telling the idiot how and how to trick her teacher Xingli, and then how to get her into a coma, and then how to do something Say all five and ten. There is no lack of complaints about Quilin between the words.

"**???How can this be?"

Walnut made such a sigh of course, but Bun was sure and nodded heavily.

In this regard, Walnut still remains skeptical. But what made her even more surprised was that Quelin Rooney, who had been missing, was now reborn? This thing is indeed very strange. Therefore, she also made up her mind, she must take a good look at what is going on.

"Do you want to destroy? If you want to destroy it, follow me"

Bun decisively raised the sign, and then immediately pulled the walnut out of the hotel, and walked to the hotel where the idiot had been ambushing in advance. Destroying the idiot's Xingli ** plan is really not to be missed




Ten minutes later, the idiot took out the pears that had been poached from the opera house and walked to the reserved hotel. After arranging the honey pear and giving it to Quilin, who had been ambushing there, he walked towards the market square. At this late night, I came to Xing Li's booth.

It didn't take much time to persuade Xing Li to go with herself. Xingli will not do too many breaches of the promises. After simply clearing the shop and closing the door, the two men walked to the hotel side by side.

Along the way, Xing Li and the idiot did not speak.

Xing Li only calculated her turnover for half of the night today, and yet to the idiot, she hasn't said why she wants to take her to that small hotel. However, idiots can tell. The ribbons beside her were all moving without wind. Obviously, she was very alert to the person who took her to open the house.

But other than that, the two really didn't do anything. No words all the way, directly to the hotel.

"Okay, Mr. Xiaobai."

At this moment, it was late at night. Although the cool party is not over yet, many people can no longer bear the sleepiness and go home to sleep. On this already empty street, Xingli closed the tent and showed a kind smile at the idiot.

"By now, you should tell me what you want to do when you call me to a place like this in the middle of the night? Wouldn't really want to open a room with me?"

There are couples walking in twos and threes around the small hotel. These lovers passed by the two of them and entered the small hotel directly, the meaning was very obvious. Compared with the girls among those little lovers, Xing Li tonight is undoubtedly the most attractive. She was still wearing the short-sleeved strapless and belly button she had seen last time, and her lower body was still boxer briefs with the entire thigh exposed. With the silk scarves winding around her, it was like a fairy descending to the earth.

The idiot didn't answer directly, he glanced at Xingli and immediately walked into the hotel. Xingli finally followed in after thinking about it. The two went upstairs one after another. The idiot opened a door, stood in front of it, and made a request. Xing Li glanced suspiciously at the idiot and walked in.

Inside the room, it was pitch black.

"Xiaobai first..."

But just when Xing Li was about to turn her head, a hand holding Meng*han* medicated towel suddenly stretched out, covering her nose and mouth like lightning. In an instant, Xingli only felt that the sky was dim, and slowly, her soft body was completely limp, gently leaning on the idiot's shoulder, and fell asleep...

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