Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 093, catch the **** in bed

093, catch **** in bed

In the room, the idiot supported Xingli who was leaning on his shoulders. She is completely asleep now, and all the ribbons on her body are now hanging down, without the slightest movement.

The door closed with a snap.

The idiot hugged Xingli's waist, hugged her and walked to the bed over there. After laying her down on the soft bed, Xing Li groaned softly, and his whole body relaxed and lay down.

The first step has been solved. The idiot pulled up the ribbons connected to Xingli's clothes, untied them separately, and threw them beside the bed. Next, there was the sleeveless off-shoulder shirt on her. The idiot reached out and touched the button on her chest.

Hand, press down.

The tentacles are very soft. After a little hesitation, the idiot slowly touched the button and untied it. From the half-naked neckline, you can clearly see the white skin inside. To the touch, it was almost as smooth as gelatin.

The idiot unbuttoned one by one, and after the subsequent one was unbuttoned, he stretched out his hand and lifted the blocking cloth. What emerged from the bottom was a tube top made of pink fabric, towering high in front of the idiot's eyes.

Maybe it was because she felt that her chest was getting cold, Xingli let out a grunt, her hands involuntarily blocked her chest, turned over, and fell asleep. The idiot stretched out his hand to untie the last tube top, but after his hand penetrated Xingli's hands, he could only touch the softness there, but couldn't untie it. Since he didn't take a lot of medicine, in order to prevent Xing Li from waking up before the scheduled time, he could only give it up.

Pop, pop, pop.

There were several orderly knocks on the door.

After hearing the knock on the door, the idiot walked to the door and opened it. Quirin outside smiled, looked at Xingli who was lying on the bed inside, then looked at the idiot.

"how about it?"

The idiot let the door open and let Quilin confirm it herself. Quilin rubbed her hands, ran in quickly, sat down on Xing Li's side, stretched out her hand, and gently stroked her cheek. Her hands sometimes followed Xingli's small face and touched her fair skin. Sometimes she touched her long, wavy blonde hair. This sister looked at Xingli in this way, the expression on her face that was full of mischief gradually turned into tenderness and longing...

"You really grew up..."

Quirin touched Xingli's face and looked at her as if she was looking in a mirror.

Xingli fell asleep, she might have felt someone touch her face and moved a little. With this movement, Quilin couldn't help but withdraw her hand, as if she was afraid of breaking her. After she was sure that Xing Li was still asleep, she stretched out her hand again and stroked Xing Li's face.

"Little guy, when we were separated, you were only 13 years old... Unknowingly, 7 years have passed... You have grown so big now. It's like... 7 years ago was last week. You... have grown up..."

The idiot watched beside him, silent. Quirin didn't mind either, but continued to stroke Xingli, eyes full of tenderness and attachment.

"Cute little guy, he turned out to be more beautiful than my sister, and more popular than my sister? Did you know that my sister is so envious, so jealous? Now you are very charming and charming. Twenty years old. But my sister is already a thirty-year-old woman~~~"

Quilin reached out her hand lovingly and gently pinched Xing Li's nose. Xingli had difficulty breathing, but she didn't reach out to catch, instead she opened her small mouth, inhaling and exhaling in her sleep, her pretty face turned slightly red, like sunset.

"Hehe, sure enough, it's still my little Xingli. I used to secretly pinch your nose like this, but instead of waking up, you just breathe with your mouth open. It's still like this now. Have you changed this habit? Hehehe~~~"

Seeing Quirin playing Xingli over there, the idiot stepped forward after getting the right time.

"Teacher, can you wake her up."

Quilin was still smiling, but after hearing the idiot's words, she was suddenly startled. After thinking about it, she shook her head resolutely.

"How can you... wake her up? After waking her up, didn't she just see me? Seeing me... my sister who hasn't changed even her appearance after seven years?"

Quirin's face looked a little scared, she reached out her hand to hug Xingli, buried her face completely on her chest, and said with great worry——

"I don't know how to explain that these seven years are like a dream. I can't just meet her like this... absolutely can't"

The idiot lowered his head.

It was not that he could not understand Quilin's mind. If you suddenly see a big bread after being frozen for seven years, I believe you will not be able to accept it. A few years ago, he had been sealed in the bottom of the deep sea for half a year. After only half a year's time, I will be scared and hesitate when I see the bread again, for fear that she will not recognize herself after seeing herself, just wanting to just watch from a distance like the current Quilin. Now, I'm afraid it is still a bit reluctant to ask Quilin to ignore everything and meet Xing Li directly.

However, things have to be resolved.

Moreover, from the moment Quilin proposed to "**" Xing Li and brought her to this place, letting them meet alone, the method has been decided.

"Teacher. In this case, how about making her shy first."

The idiot turned and walked to the closet next to it and pulled it open. It was filled with various costumes. Although the owner of this hotel is unscrupulous, he is very unique in his "interest". The wardrobe is full of attributes such as swimsuits, nurses' clothes, maid's clothes, and princess clothes. Specially for men and women who come to "play" to choose by themselves. It is precisely because of this that idiots choose this hotel that is not cheap.

When Quirin saw those unique costumes, she looked at Xingli again, her scared expression instantly lighted her, snapped her fingers, jumped up from the bed and touched the idiot's head, and laughed without restraint: "Excellent. Little idiot, good job, that’s it. We help her change into a set of clothes that will make her feel very shy when she wakes up so that she won’t ask me questions first, I can take over at that time Take the initiative. Well, very good, very good little idiot. If I were still a teacher, I would definitely give you credits hahaha"

Now that it is decided, act immediately. Idiot and Quilin began to choose in front of the closet, wondering what kind of clothes to wear for Xingli, who was asleep over there. After choosing, the idiot took out a set of bikinis and gave Quilin an evaluation.

" This... doesn't feel good, right? It's too revealing. My little one is not a ****."

The idiot nodded, put down his bikini, and picked a one-piece swimsuit that resembled a school swimsuit.

"I said...little idiot, do you have a special hobby for swimwear? Do you like to wear this kind of thing for my little starry?"

The idiot didn't even think about it, and immediately hung the one-piece swimsuit back. After a while, he took out a set of mini skirt school uniform.

"This...? Although it's interesting, it doesn't feel very embarrassing..."

The next set, leopard print tight skirt.

"It's slutty...but it still doesn't feel very good. It doesn't go well with my Xiaoxingli."

Throw it away, and after careful selection, an evening dress with the back almost exposed to the hips.

"Yes, it's not bad. It's a pity that the skirt is too long to show Xiao Xingli's legs. Her legs are very beautiful. Next set."

Next set?

Sorry, there is no next set. It's useless for an idiot to choose anything, so just stop and let Quilin choose. Quirin also knew that her requirements were too high, and after a haha ​​smile, she picked it up on her own. After a long time, she took out a set of costumes from the inside, and happily raised it in front of the idiot.

"This is the temptation pink skirt nurse costume haha, I must lose Xiao Xingli's face and help her change it"

The idiot nodded and took this suit. He originally thought that Quilin would help Xingli change with him, but he didn't expect Quilin to just hand over the clothes to the idiot, then took out the wallet from the idiot's pocket and walked out the door swaggeringly.


"Ah? Ah, I know I know. It’s just that I’m not used to changing clothes. And it’s very troublesome. Little idiot, please, I’ll come back after a couple of turns. At that time, you must help her. Change your clothes"

After all, this irresponsible teacher threw everything on the idiot, and ran out to drink beer and barbecue with the idiot's money.

In the room, only the idiot and Xing Li, who was unconscious, remained.

Beside Xing Li, it was the nurse suit.

The idiot looked at Xingli, and then thought about the teacher Quilin who looked a lot like her. In the end, he could only sigh helplessly and start working.

Since you want to wear it, wear a full set. The idiot looked at this nurse's outfit. From the inside out, the outfit was quite complete. If you really want to change, then first change from this white pantyhose.

Thinking about this, the idiot took out some **** from his arms again, wiped it on the cloth, and let Xingli breathe in. At this moment, she completely relaxed, and her hands covering her chest also dropped softly. After resolving her resistance, the idiot stretched out her hand, lifted Xing Li, and took off her upper body shirt. After that, his hand also naturally stretched out to her lower body, grabbed the boxer pants, and was about to pull down...

Outside the hotel--

Little Bread turned around with walnuts, and finally came here. Looking at the sign of the inn, Little Bread exhaled, and Walnut wiped the sweat from his head.

"Huh, that idiot is really amazing. He turned around and disappeared. Bread, are you sure it's here?"

"Ah woo"

The bread nodded heavily. A very confident and determined smile appeared on his face. Walnut nodded and was about to walk in. But at this time, Quilin suddenly walked out of it, flipping through the idiot's wallet in her hand, and rushed towards the market over there happily.

"Ah... isn't that an idiot's wallet?"

Walnut was stunned, but at this time Bun was busy pulling her in. Walnut didn't have time to think about it, so she could only go in with her, and even the individual went directly to the second floor and came to a room door.

"Is it right here? The idiot."

Walnut asked cautiously, Bread nodded with certainty after taking a look at the house number. With this girl's guarantee, Walnut rolled up her sleeves and looked at the door bitterly.

Well what does that mean? Leave me alone in another hotel, and you run over and fool around with the Rooney family? If it’s someone else, it’s okay, but you... but you are actually fooling around with Xingli Rooney? This is simply something that cannot be allowed

Idiot, I won't let you fall further. I want to stop you before you do anything terrible

After making up his mind, Walnut took a deep breath. On the other hand, Xiao Bian took out the key she copied privately from her arms and handed it to Walnut. Walnut gritted his teeth and quickly stuffed the key into the key gap, twisted it, and quickly opened the door.

"Idiot what are you doing............???"

In the room in front of me, the light was ambiguous and tender yellow.

On the wide bed, lying almost naked, the body was beautiful like a star carved by the hand of a god.

Her hair was messy, her eyes closed tightly, and her expression at the mercy of her was obviously hit by the fuck. And the person who applied this layer of sex...

Idiot, lying on Xingli who was unconscious.

His hands, holding Xing Li's pants, have already, pulled down a little...


The bun was behind Walnut, so I didn't see the situation inside. But just when she poked her head from behind Walnut to see what happened, Walnut suddenly pushed her out of the door, and at the same time closed the door heavily, locking the little girl who hadn’t figured out what had happened. Outside.

" you you you you--------idiot"

The scene in front of me was simply unbelievable Walnut even thought that his eyes were going to be blinded at that moment. But when the idiot saw Walnut suddenly appear, he immediately loosened Xingli's pants and bounced off the bed. Afterwards, he took up the sprinkled cloth in one hand, rushed to Walnut like lightning, and pressed the cloth to Walnut's face.

Walnut was taken aback at first. She knew the idiot's methods, so she closed her breath for the first time. Her body was pressed against the door by the idiot, looking at Xingli, who was immobile on the bed, the resentment in her heart increased immediately, and she kept hitting the idiot on the chest with her hands.


Outside the door, there was a constant beating sound of small bread.

But the walnut inside the door is hard to protect by itself.

The only thing she can do now is to stop breathing, and then stare at the idiot with anger and hatred. Although this can't change much, it's better to stare at this guilty man more than to just mix in.

Idiot, just clutching like this. Wait, Walnut's coma...

This chapter was uploaded by 16 book friends

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