Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 094, solve problems

094, solve problems

One minute……

Two minutes...

five minutes……

Ten minutes passed.

But Walnut still stared at him, not even trying to breathe in, or appearing in a coma.

Walnut was in a state of mental stress at the moment, so she didn't notice her own abnormality. But the idiot was strange, and immediately started thinking. Within a second, he understood the reason.

Walnut will not die.

In other words, she will not die from asphyxiation.

Therefore, although she usually breathes, this breath is no longer a "decision" condition for the survival of life. So even if she held her breath, she might only feel a little discomfort, but she would never inhale and exhale again because she could not support it.

In other words, the immortal curse that an idiot placed on her now becomes an obstacle that can't faint her at all.

(Hahaha, human boy, what should you do if this is interesting? Do you want to start the fourth prison immediately and faint her?)

It is obviously impossible to launch the fourth prison in order to keep the walnuts from chaos. After the idiot thought about it, the idea was settled. He released his hand, and before Walnut was about to make a big noise, he pressed her against the wall. At the same time, he took out the rope from the "props" drawer beside him, and tied Walnut's hands and feet with his backhand. Carrying the walnut that could no longer resist, put her in the corner.

"Idiot **** pervert, let go of me...or else I...I'll take you to court to punish you for a justice trial, have you heard this devil?

The walnuts were yelling. Then... let her yell.

Anyway, this kind of shouting in this hotel is never rare. Black shop, what is there? Moreover, the medicine he gave to Xingli was enough, and she was not afraid of being awakened at all. As for the small bread outside...

Forget it, that girl is already ten years old, and her ability to protect herself is pretty good. She can take care of herself without staring at her all day.

Walnut kept yelling, constantly condemning the idiot's bad behavior. But for idiots, these painless condemnations are no different from the wind. After handling the walnuts, he went to bed again, lay on Xingli's lower body, stretched out his hands, and took off her pants without hesitation.

", your beast...the beast----"

The scene before him was too "terrible", and Walnut didn't know whether it was angry or ashamed. In short, his face flushed. Now, Xingli over there only has a pair of white underwear and a pink tube top. All the skin other than that is exposed under the idiot's eyelids. His mature and curvaceous figure can even see Walnut. Can not help but envy it.

It's just what happened next that made Walnut more difficult to execute. I saw the idiot take out a pair of white pantyhose from the side, then gently lifted Xingli's leg, touched her small ankle, and put the stockings in.

Next, Walnut didn't even know what he was scolding. Her brain had been severely short-circuited, and she could not believe what was happening before her eyes. It's just that from the moment the idiot touched Xingli's thigh, she kept cursing, calling the idiot beast. Seeing such intimate skin-to-skin contact between the two, she even rushed to bite the "big pervert" heart. But the idiot seemed extremely calm at this moment. He helped Xingli wear pantyhose on his own. When it reached the end of his thigh, he stretched out his hand to touch Xingli's buttocks and asked her to lift her waist. In this action, Walnut was so angry that he couldn't even scold him. But the idiot is still calmly putting on Xing Li's pantyhose, relaxed.

" beast, why didn't I see it before? You beast... beast..."

Putting on the tights, the idiot began to help Xingli wear the nurse's tight skirt that could barely cover anything. Then there is the nurse suit. After that, he put two white bracelets on Xingli's wrists, took the nurse's cap, and put it on her. After putting on like this, the idiot exhaled and wiped the sweat from his head.

Xingli has finished putting on her clothes, so let's take a shower before Quilin comes.

The idiot thought so. After looking at the unconscious Xing Li and the tied walnut, he turned around and walked to the next bathroom.

There was a splash of water in the bathroom. After Walnut confirmed that the idiot was really taking a bath, she moved again. She wriggled on the ground like a caterpillar, and finally came to the bed. But no matter how she pushed Xingli, she was unconscious, without any reaction. Those long eyelashes cover her eyes, what kind of dreams are she still doing?

No, I can’t rely on her, I can only save myself

Walnut began to wriggle again, crawling to the "prop" drawer over there. After finally straightening up, she found candles and matches inside. After gritting her teeth, she finally erected the candle and lit it. Afterwards, he leaned his hand on the candle flame.

The flame burned to the skin and felt some pain. Walnut gritted his teeth and just stood up. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. She didn't expect the idiot to take a bath so fast. Within a few minutes, the sound of water inside had stopped. Walnut was anxious and had to bring his hand closer to the flame. Finally, the rope was burned. Before the idiot inside came out, Walnut immediately untied the rope on his feet. Then, with anger, she took out an electric stick from the drawer, rushed to the open door, faced the figure gushing out of the steam, and smashed it...



Bun kept tapping the door outside, but although she could hear the scolding of walnuts from inside, no matter how she screamed, no one answered. As time goes by, she is also tired. The little guy stepped away from the door, looking at his two red palms, whistling.

what should I do now?

Little Bread looked at the door before him and hesitated.

Should we directly use "power" to blast the door open?

A ball of fire condensed in the palm of Little Bread, looking at the door. But after hesitating for a while, she finally decided to give up.

No, there is compensation for breaking someone's door. If you encounter a black-hearted boss and ask for hundreds of thousands of Sura for a door, it will be endless. Moreover, the door was indeed broken by oneself, and I am afraid that if someone is really looking for reason, I can't tell them. In order to settle things down, Ba Ba might still lose money in the end. In this way... In this way...

Will my pocket money become less? As soon as the pocket money becomes less, chili sauce... my chili sauce

No, you cannot destroy the gate. This kind of sabotage can only be done in secret, and it must not be done in an open manner. How can you be worthy of the teachings of Baba?

After figuring it out, Bun finally squeezed out the fireball in his hand. She is satisfied that she can remain calm at the critical moment, and fully consider this kind of thinking of chili sauce. But is there any way to get in without breaking the gate?

Little Bread was thinking, she frowned, turning in circles. She obeyed the idiot's teaching very much. There is nothing in this world that cannot be solved, only people who can't think of a way. There must be a best solution to deal with anything. The key is whether you can think of the answer.


Unfortunately, this question made Xiao Bread think crazy, but she still did not find the final answer. Just when she was scratching her pink hair in annoyance, the door of the room next to her suddenly opened. It was no one else who came out from it, but Mili with sleepy eyes and a puzzled face.

"Ah... Your Highness?"


The moment he saw Mili, the phantom shot immediately appeared in Xiao Bread's mind. She instinctively jumped backwards, making a point with her hands, and the fireball reappeared in an instant. In the face of Mili, she is now completely facing the battle, and there is no possibility of compromise.

Mili was also taken aback after seeing the bread, but when she wanted to speak again, she was completely alert.

Seeing such a small bread, Mili's heart sank in an instant. Her complexion became gloomy, her hands drooping weakly. At the corner of the eye, a little splash began to gather...

"Yeah... Your Highness, you... definitely won't like me... You have seen my past... so ugly... evil past..."

On a happy night, Mi Li thought she would not cry again. There were happily cool nights everywhere outside, but there was a tear on the corner of her eye.

she cried?

Little Bread stared at the tears on Mi Li's face and stayed for a while. To be honest, she herself didn't know whether she hated or liked Mili. She sees how Mi Li has treated herself well in the past few years. But this sister's past experience also made her feel fear.

She wanted to accept Mili again, and didn't mind any of her past. But the image that swallowed alive was like a tarsal maggot, always lingering. Makes her unable to accept the existence of Mili...

"His Royal Highness, slave girl... I see..."

Originally, Mi Li had some hope from the idiot. But under the look of Little Bread in front of her, she finally knew that her home was finally lost...

"The female slave will leave... far away... away from His Royal Highness. From now on, the female slave will never bring any shadow to His Royal Highness... Your Royal Highness can't see the female slave, and you don't need to think of the terrible female slave again. The past...that...swallowing the same kind...swallowing sisters...the past..."

Wiping away her tears, Mi Li resisted her strength and walked past Xiao Bread. She didn't know where she was going next, and she didn't know if she would be caught by her mother immediately after she left the idiot's side to eat it, and become a nutrient for her mother to restore her body. But no matter which ending it is, it is already doomed. She will never live in this woods, nor will she live in this wind and sand again...

The bun stared at the mili away blankly, and the flame in his palm slowly went out. Looking at sister Mili's sad back, should I go up and stop her now? But what happens after you stop? What should I do? accept? impossible...

Mili went away, and the bun stood, but could not move. Although she likes this sister very much, this contradictory fact that she cannot accept fills her mind. Now, she can only let things develop and let Sister Mili leave...


The hand of Mi Li who was about to leave was caught by the other hand.

And the owner of that hand is now drinking canned beer very freely, without the reserved and gentleness of being a beauty. She wiped off the foam at the corner of her mouth very casually, pulled Mili, and smiled: "What's wrong? It's this time, where are we going?"

Mi Li wanted to break free, but couldn't break free after a few tries. She only whispered: "I want to... leave."

"Leave? How can this be? The teacher hasn't said how to break up after class?"


"Stop it, come with me."

Quirine drank the beer and threw away the can. Later, she put a paper bag hanging from her arm on the little bread hand over there. Looking inside the paper bag, there were beer, drinks, and various snacks, filled with a bag.


"Why do you say so much? Come over, the teacher must educate you well today"

Without any distinction, Quilin dragged the two people into the room where Mili had just come out. After entering, she seemed to be a little drunk and looked left and right, as if she seemed to be in the wrong room. But she didn't think about it, so she closed the door and sat on the floor of the room, pulled the pear and the bun, and sat down beside her.

"Come here, let's have a banquet... I always feel as if I forgot something... Forget it, no matter what, you have to eat too"

It seemed that Quilin had completely forgotten the things in the next room. She took out a can of beer and two cans of soda from the paper bag, and handed them to honey pear and bread. After opening a sip, she said drunkly--

"Well, you two girls, what's the problem? Tell me. Don't worry, don't look at me like this. My job as a teacher is to solve students' questions."

Mili originally didn't want to say it, but she couldn't be tempted by Quilin's constant questioning. Looking at the bread over there, she also had an expression that she didn't know what to do. After hesitating for a while, she finally said the matter.

Mili said in detail. Moreover, without reservation. From when she was Diluha to when she ate her own sister, to the fact that Xiao Bao couldn't accept her "existence", all things were said. Quirine was listening while drinking, perhaps because she was drunk, so there was no surprise on her face.

Finally, Mi Li's words are finished. Quirine closed her eyes and slowly analyzed. The room was shrouded in silence for a while...

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