Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 095, educator

095, Educator

"In other words... Bread, do you feel unacceptable about the fact that Xiaomi Pear ate your sister? You think it is cruel and inhuman?"

After thinking about the bread, he finally nodded.

After seeing the bread nodded, Quirin suddenly laughed. Bread didn't know why Quilin laughed, and he was a little confused. After laughing, Quirin drank the beer in her hand, took out a sandwich from the bag, took a bite, and said--

"Bread, do you know the colorful beetle?"

After thinking about it, Bun shook his head.

"Well, I will teach you a lesson in biology today. Colorful beetles, a kind of first-class monster. They live underground, and their maturity period from egg to adult is ten months. They belong to a desire to attack humans. A relatively low-level Warcraft."

"This kind of beetle lays eggs in the spring and can lay nearly a thousand eggs at a time. But how many of them can really mature before laying eggs?"

Little Bread frowned and wrote "Five or Six Hundred?" on the sign. 》

"Wrong. Those who can really become adults are probably only single digits."


"Besides, don't think that so many other bugs were eaten by other monsters or died naturally. Most of them actually died because of their cannibalism."

"After the eggs are laid, the parents of the colorful beetles will stay in the cave and take care of all the eggs indiscriminately. Then after a week, the eggs hatch. The first batch of approximately 100 larvae will be born. Dad and insect mother will isolate these larvae and guard them again. But they are guarding now not to take care of the eggs behind, but to prepare to eat. From that time on, a larva is born and they will eat One. Until all the remaining larvae are eaten up, there will be no one left."

"It's cruel, isn't it? But there is a reason for this. In order to confirm that its offspring is better, the colorful beetle has carried out a large-scale deletion. The most viable larva is found among a large number of eggs. But Because they lay a large number of eggs, they themselves will not be able to bear it, and taking care of their children without eating or drinking for a week will be quite tired. Therefore, those larvae who cannot win the survival competition will naturally become adults. food."

"However, those more than a hundred small insects did not win right here. They will accept the food brought by the adults as they grow up. But if they want to eat food, they must be stronger and more able to squeeze than other siblings. Go ahead. Over time, those bugs that are weak will be starved to death. And their corpses will naturally become food for other bugs."

"Just keep weeding out, weeding out, weeding out again, in the end, a dozen bugs will stand out from the competition. Excluding the number that is eaten by other predators after leaving the nest, those who can finally survive That's just a few."

"Little Bread, after listening to the introduction of the colorful beetles, do you think they are cruel and inhuman?"

Bun shrank her shoulders. Although Quirin's expression was very kind, she was still a little frightened. Finally, she nodded.

"Yes, there is no humanity, cruelty, eating your own brothers and children. But Little Bread, think about it, you use the moral concept of'people' to evaluate other creatures. This is not in itself unfair to them. ?"

The bun was taken aback and looked up.

"In nature, such creatures that survive through cannibalism are not rare. You only have to go to the library to check, and I'm afraid you can find many. Although they cannibalize each other, they are unexpected. Accepted by nature, accepted by this world. The world recognizes their behavior and the legitimacy of their actions. Existence is reasonable. This is the iron rule of this world. It is not controlled by human will, nor Change for people’s moral values."

"Maybe, Xiao Mi Li did eat her own sister. But her behavior is the same as other creatures in nature, and it is reasonable. Didn't she hurt her whole body when she ate her sister? In order to heal, For the sake of nutrition, she made such an action. Because of this, she can continue to survive. This world is so fair, little bread, can you accept such fairness?"

At this moment, the small bread completely raised his head. She began to re-examine the honey pear in front of her, and she was also thinking about what Quilin had just said.

Existence is reasonable.

Is it correct to use human morality to evaluate Dilu Hagang?

When Xiao Bread was thinking, Quilin smiled again and said: "If you still don’t understand, let’s think about it in another way. Xiao Bread, you are now using human morality to measure the emperor Xiao Mi Li. Lu Hagang. Then let’s change it and use Xiaomi Li’s Di Lu Hagang’s moral values ​​to measure humanity and see if it’s fair."

"Xiao Mi Li, you mean, as long as you think you should exist, you are immortal, right? That is to say, the morality of your Dilu Hagang is-all humans should think that I should exist And respect me and love me."

"Then, apply this morality to human beings. If someone publicly declares that everyone except him should believe in his existence without reservation, Little Bread, do you think this person's morality is normal?"

In a short sentence, Little Bread was like an epiphany. Her eyes suddenly lit up when she looked at Mili again, there was no hostility in her eyes at all. On the contrary, the intimacy and trust she had once again emerged from her eyes.


Yes...Different moral values, using one's own morals to measure others, isn't this a kind of self-righteous violence?

When the small bread smiled happily and pounced on the Mili over there again, the eyes of Mili were also full of tears.

Her black wings spread out, and she hugged the bread in her arms tightly. Laughing and rubbing with her. The pillar of "existence" that was missing in my heart is now treed.


Bun put his arms around Mi Li's neck and kept rubbing against her chest. Mili cried and stroked Bun's hair. In joy, she raised her head and looked at Quilin with blurred tears, and said excitedly: "Sister Yinlong...thank you...really...thank you... "

Quilin waved his hand and said, "What sister Silver Dragon? My name is Quilin, and Quilin Rooney replied. If you really want to thank me, how about introducing a few rich handsome men for me? Huh... all of a sudden Seven years have passed. Those handsome guys must have been married, right? But if you find someone in their early twenties, I think that the other person is five or six years younger than me, and he was still a little hairy kid with no hair. Interested..."

Mi Li nodded, tearfully said: "It's... Teacher Quirin... I... I'll go to beg your Majesty... Idiot... see... what good candidates..."


Quirine squinted and was stunned for a moment. But in an instant, she seemed to think of something, and she woke up all of a sudden.

"Oops, I forgot about it, little idiot, Xiao Xingli, wait for me, I'm here"

After all, Quirin threw away the sandwich in her hand and rushed out of the room like flying. Mili and Bread glanced at each other and followed out suspiciously.

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