Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 096, this is really a disaster

096, this is a disaster

The mist in the bathroom had not dissipated, but the stick of Walnut fell, but was accurately caught by a hand. Walnut didn't want to give in just like that and immediately pressed the button on the stick, and the electricity was immediately transmitted and flowed in this hand.

But how much power can this prop used for "entertainment" have? The hand holding the stick didn't even tremble, so he pulled it away from Walnut's hand and threw it aside.

The "weapon" in Walnut's hand was taken away. She hesitated a little while looking at the electric stick that fell. The next moment, she immediately rushed to the "prop" drawer, trying to take out something more threatening from it to defend herself. However, the idiot does not have so much leisure time to play this hide-and-seek and attack game with Walnut. He stretched out his hand as soon as Walnut took a step, pulled her whole, and held both of her hands with one hand to prevent her from resisting.

"Let go of me, let me go, you, pervert, pervert, idiot, invincible, big pervert, don’t come near me, don’t touch me"

Walnut complained almost in tears. Regardless of the power disparity between herself and the idiot, she kept resisting. Now, she even feels that she is the real idiot. Imagine how excited and rippling was in her heart when the idiot rode the dragon made of ice into the sky that day? Imagining that the boy she intended to kill could kill the incredible black dragon, this kind of pride can't be described in words at all, she even thought about when to find a chance to bring the idiot to meet her brother, Fulfill the wish that her father could not fulfill. But now...but now

That magic sword knight riding a dragon... that idiot who didn't say a word from his wounds, there were as many men as there were men... unexpectedly... unexpectedly...

Walnut glanced at Xingli on the bed. Wearing a pink nurse uniform and white stockings, she is really as charming as she is. With her curvy figure and unsuspecting sweet sleep, if she were a man, she would be uncontrollable and make mistakes.

But the problem is, she is not a man, so, for the idiot's act of forcibly changing Xingli's clothes just now, of course it's all--all--

Can not accept--

"Perverted, perverted, I told you to let me go, you hear no idiots, big idiots"

Walnut struggled, and at the same time, yelled loudly. But when she kept yelling like this, the hand that bound her hands suddenly loosened? Walnut broke free all at once, and after rushing forward a few steps, he immediately turned his head vigilantly and looked at the idiot.

The idiot’s clothes were washed in the shower and put them in the dryer next to them. So now, his body is only surrounded by a towel, and his naked upper body shows strong and strong muscles. When looking at this strong body, Walnut is a little dizzy for a while, but soon she forces herself to look away from those muscles. Moved up and stared at the idiot's face.

"I warn you, idiot, I... I will never admit that if you really treat her... to Xingli? If Rooney has done something that shouldn't be done, I swear I will do what you should do. All the scandals of ‘s are pulled out and announced to the public so that everyone knows what kind of guy you are.”

The idiot looked at Walnut coldly, and said nothing. Walnut was a little scared again, but this time she still endured the fear in her heart, leaning on the wall, and shouting timidly and boldly.

What should idiots do to the threat of walnut? Was she **** as before and threatened with **** photos? Although this trick is old, but the trick is not old, it just works. Therefore, this seems to be the most effective counter-threat strategy.


The idiot exhaled and spread his hands. Walnut's eyes fell unconsciously on the idiot's right arm that was repeatedly entangled in chains. At this moment, he was not wearing a shirt, and the traces of the connection between the right arm and the chains appeared more obvious.

"You, would you like to hear me explain."

Unexpectedly, Walnut did not expect an idiot to say such an explanation? This idiot, who has always thought of doing it, never asks others to respect his opinions, wants to explain to himself? ...Well, although this is how a normal man should react in this situation. In addition, Walnut was slightly pleased when she heard this "explanation".

Generally speaking, men only ask for "explanation" after they make a mistake when they care about girls, right? Saying that... Is it that you have become very important in this idiot's heart?

Thinking of this, the anger on Walnut's face couldn't help but slowly turn into ecstasy. But verbally, she still learned the same as the heroines in opera who did not listen to other explanations. She turned her face apart and said grumblingly: "Is there anything to explain? Listen to your sophistry? I don't want to listen to your sophistry. "

Walnut was fascinated by this line. She couldn't imagine that she could utter a line that required such complicated emotions so smoothly, and she was even more proud of her.


Walnut: "I don't want to listen to your explanation. Men don’t have a good thing. They eat what’s in the bowl and think about what’s in the pot. They all want the red flag at home not to fall. The colorful flags flutter outside."


Walnut: "...Anyway, your sophistry will only say some high-sounding reasons anyway? I'm tired of listening to these words at all."


Walnut: "You...I just listen to your sophistry"


Walnut: "Hey... idiot, you say, I am going to listen to your reveal?"

At this time, the idiot shook his head gently, retracted his hand, and left a cold sentence--

"Forget it, it's too much trouble."

What is Walnut's mood at the moment... She is no longer in the mood. Because of fear, fear, joy, excitement, shyness, etc., all feelings disappeared with the phrase "too troublesome". It's like a crop sprinkled with pesticides, without any bugs, clean... it's too clean.

Finally, Walnut couldn't bear it anymore. She chewed the tears in her eyes and imagined the pain she had suffered these days. All the grievances flooded her heart, forcing her to lower her head and rush towards the idiot.

"I... I hit you to death, but I and I just died. Forget about you idiot, big pig head"

Walnut cursed, already a little desperate. The emptiness in her heart all turned into anger in an instant. The actions are also somewhat irrational. Unfortunately, this speed is still a bit poor for idiots. He blocked the girl with one hand. But Walnut came up with great energy, and no matter what was in front of him with his hands, he slapped forward. In the process, she always felt that her hand seemed to catch some fabric, but it shouldn't be a very important thing. So I just pulled it, threw it aside, and continued to beat the idiot in front of him.

The idiot blocked it helplessly, but just as he was thinking about how to deal with the walnut problem, there was a groan from the bed over there, and a sleepy Xingli slowly opened his eyes and hit He yawned and straightened up from the bed.

"Hmm...what the hell...what happened to me...Ah Xiaobai...sir?"

The first thing Xing Li saw when she got up was an idiot who was completely naked. She was obviously frightened, her expression became tense, and she immediately began to check her body. But it didn't matter if she looked at it, she was completely at a loss as to what to do with the nurse's skirt on her, and panicked.

"I... how could I... wear such... shy clothes?"

Xingli is holding her neckline with one hand, and the other hand is holding the hem of the skirt tightly, trying to cover her lower body, that pretty face is flushed with shame at this moment, so beautiful and beautiful. Things.

But this is obviously not good news for idiots. Quilin hasn't come back yet, how can Xing Li wake up? According to the script, she should wake up slowly in her sister's arms and accept this fact in surprise and shyness.

Therefore, the idiot must make up for this mistake immediately. She put aside the walnut that had hit her so hard, she picked up the piece of cloth on the table, and rushed towards Xingli on the bed again.

Xing Li looked flustered at the moment, completely at a loss as to what she was wearing. Suddenly, she saw the naked idiot rushing towards her. In a hurry, she quickly put her hand into the neckline, the tube top on her chest immediately turned into a silk scarf, and she took it out and attacked the idiot directly.

Regrettably, she just woke up and greeted the enemy in haste, and those scarves could not be accurately controlled at all. The idiot then opened it with a punch, and at the same time, he had already rushed to Xingli, pressing her shoulder with one hand, pushing her down on the bed again, and lifting the cloth holding the Mongolian *sweat* medicine...

"I won't let you continue to do evil"

Suddenly, the walnut behind him jumped out, stretched out his hand and grabbed the idiot's arm directly. The idiot's movements were hindered, and he immediately let go of the cloth reflexively, grabbed the collar of the walnut behind him with his backhand, twisted her in front of him, and then pressed her on the bed.

Walnut was suddenly turned over like this, and she screamed out of fear. Seeing that she was dressed like this, Xing Li was forcibly pushed down by an idiot again, she opened her eyes and started to drink loudly.

"Let go of me, you idiot"

"Mr. Xiaobai, what do you want to do to me"

Accompanied by these two shouts is the idiot's calmness. He pressed them tightly, planning to take the Mongolian *han* medicated cloth once again to cover their mouths and noses. But at this moment...


"What's the situation? Why is Xingli in my house yelling?"

The door was suddenly knocked open.

Quilin brought honey pears and small breads, rushing in. Quirine saw the naked idiot pressing Xingli and Walnut in front of her, and she was slightly taken aback, while Mili blushed, covering Xiao Bao's eyes for the first time. As for the small bread, he tried desperately to pull the fingers of the honey pear, obviously very curious.

"Xiao finally couldn't help but start..."

Quilin was an adult, and she didn't blush in front of the idiot's naked face, but her tone was distorted. Compared to Mi Li closing her eyes at the same time, she was already a lot more mature.

The idiot looked back at Quirin, and after thinking about it, he finally let go, got out of bed, and walked into the bathroom calmly and leisurely. Xingli raised her head after blushing and breathing quickly. When she saw Quirin...

The rapid breathing stopped in an instant.

Xing Li did not speak. Because the shock was too strong for her to speak. Quirine faced her gaze, and the shock caused by the idiot just now was like a feather blown away. Now, she scratched the back of her head and smiled blankly.

There is not too much language to talk to each other, and at this moment, even the most touching words have lost their meaning. Xing Li climbed down from the bed, with red eyes, and rushed towards Quilin.

Perhaps, because the anaesthetic was too violent, Xing Li's footsteps staggered, and her skirt was too short, she would be lifted up a little faster. This also directly caused her to walk around and sway, and finally rushed to Quelin and hugged her.

Xing Li, who had always been strong, was sobbing at this moment. Quirin also remained silent, holding her and closing her eyes. This goodbye after seven years, finally came to an end at this moment...


"You... explain clearly to me"

Walnut grabbed the idiot who had hurriedly put on her underwear and was about to escape from the side. He pointed to the women in front of him and said loudly, "What the **** is going on? How can so many people know you are here? Explain what you did just now, hello"

The idiot couldn't escape, and after seeing Walnut clutching his Majesty, Mi Li cast a bitter look at him. That scene was full of thoughts of inquiring about sin.

In addition...

"Sister... you... why did you appear here?... Mr. Xiaobai just changed my clothes for me... Could it be that... you all know?"

Xing Li turned her head back in fear, and glanced at the idiot. It was this look that made Quilin immediately make up his mind, and stood in front of an idiot against her conscience.

"Ah... this... how could I know? Haha, hahaha"

Quirine lied.

She touched the back of her head and said without shame—

"How could I be so ashamed to ask others to change your clothes? You are totally over-minded hahaha, over-minded that...yes, little idiot, you tell me, you want to be my star What do you do...what are your requirements and plans?"

Just planting the dirt on the idiot's head was not very good for Quilin. So her last sentence has almost turned into a plea, and the meaning inside is also very obvious, that is, if an idiot helps her hide it, then just ask for any request or plan.

Of course the idiot understood, but Xing Li also understood. She looked at the idiot, then at her panicked sister, and she understood many things at once. It was because of her understanding that she pouted and snorted softly. But when I thought that my sister who had been missing for seven years was in front of me now, no amount of dissatisfaction had disappeared. In the back of Walnut pulling the idiot to explain and the bun's constant hum, she closed her eyes and threw herself into Quilin's arms again...

"Sister...welcome you back..."

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