Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 097, Blade

097, Blade

Wind blowing sand

The capital of the once huge stag empire.

After many disasters and wars, it still stands tall, faithfully guarding the city and residents inside, and protecting everything.

From spring to autumn, whether it is the hot summer or the cold winter, those cliffs always perform their duties, towering high there.

Summer has passed, and the reconstruction work is proceeding in an orderly manner. In this brief peace, time slowly entered the autumn and winter season. Gold replaced green, and the white that followed quickly replaced gold. Along with the falling snow, this year is going to pass again.


On the observation platform on the upper floor of the castle, Mudu stood in front of the railing, looking at the windblown sand that was functioning in an orderly manner. A puff of white gas slowly exhaled from his mouth, spreading in the air...

The place where the line of sight can reach is already the border of the Bucks Empire. The king wore a cloak, silently watching everything in front of him, without saying a word. But his face seemed to be rarely calm.


Xing appeared behind Mu Du, wearing a princess dress and a princess crown. She also had a saber on her waist, and after a very decent call, she stood still.

Now, it's time to practice sword.

The father and daughter fight each other to pass on swordsmanship and the will of the king.

Mu Du heard what his daughter said. He nodded, glanced again at the city in front of him with fluttering snowflakes, turned around, and walked into the hall behind him.

It is very wide here. However, there are all kinds of furniture, stones, and stakes. In actual combat, it is impossible to be in the plains at all times. The enemy will also have wisdom and dodge. If you can't get used to the rough and tortuous battle environment, one day you will be killed by the surrounding environment.

Standing at both ends of the hall, Xing bowed to her father. Afterwards, she took off her skirt to reveal the sports trousers she was wearing. After taking off his shirt, he was also in a tight-fitting combat suit. She slowly pulled out the saber around her waist, held it in both hands, and after throwing it in the air for a while, she stood up and stood ready to fight.

The king looked at his serious-looking daughter and smiled slightly. It was his father's smile. Afterwards, he removed a wooden sword from the shelf beside him, and put on the same posture as Xing.


Xing shouted, rushed forward, and raised his sword. Among her peers, this little girl has shown unparalleled physical coordination. Perhaps, her power is not as great as Liluo's, but her pick-up speed, dynamic vision, and instant judgment are undoubtedly ranked at the top among her peers.

The king seriously faced the attack from his daughter, and the wooden sword kept parrying. He easily accompanies his daughter to practice sword, giving guidance and dialing from time to time. When Xing made a mistake in the timing of the attack, she stabbed relentlessly, waited for the little guy to rub the sore spot, listened to her own explanation, and after slowing down, she started teaching again.

The crackling impact came from the hall, powerful and regular. Accompanied by the snow floating outside the window, shaking the royal soul of the city.

After two hours of non-stop fighting, the sound finally stopped. Xing panted heavily and sat on the ground. Mu Du put down the wooden sword, took the towel, and helped his daughter carefully wipe her hair and neck. Feeling his father's love, Xing's serious face finally showed a small smile.

"what happened?"

The king lifted up his baby girl.

"Father... My daughter is very happy."

Xingsi made no secret of her mood.

"Oh? Why are you happy? Say it so that the father is happy and happy."

"The father has become the same as before, and he can have time to practice swords with his daughter. I remember that at the moment when the father became the throne, the father was busy all day, and there was no time to practice swords with his daughter. The situation lasted for a whole year."

The smile on the king's face solidified in an instant. He looked at Xing and thought about her words. At the same time, the movement of the hand stopped in an instant...


"...No, it's nothing. Then my little princess, do you like your father now or the father of the past year?"

"The father now." Xing said without hesitation. "The father and king in the past were so busy that sometimes the daughter didn't even see each other. Unlike now, the father and king have so much free time, the daughter thought You can see it whenever you see it."

Yes... I am really free now.

Mu Du raised his head and looked at the wind blowing sand outside again. Thoughts could not help but float up...

Since he inherited the throne, the huge stag empire immediately overwhelmed his shoulders. His ability to govern is not very high, so in the face of all the proposals handed in from various cities in the entire empire, he almost has to consider each one for a long time before making a decision.

Busy day and night. From five o'clock in the morning to seven o'clock in the evening, he has no time to rest at all. Even at mealtimes, he has to gather with various nobles and discuss various decisions at the table. Such busyness and anxiety made him tired and irritated. The more he wanted to protect the wind and the sand, the things he could do became less and less efficient. The more I want to handle everything, the less time I have, and my anxiety is increasing day by day.

But now...

There was only one wind blowing sand left in the whole stag.

The reduction of the territory also means that the negotiable matters are also reduced. In addition, Fengchuansha itself is a capital, and various measures have been taken care of almost when the old king is in power, and almost everything will do as usual. As a result, the number of agendas was immediately reduced to less than one-tenth of the previous amount, and he naturally had a lot of time to accompany his daughter.

Evil fire...

Mu Du breathed out again, recalling the rampant expression in his mind when his brother rebelled. Although it is his wish to maintain the integrity of the Bucks, compared with the busyness before, the ease now really makes him a little nostalgic. After almost half a year, he didn't know whether he should hate his younger brother even more. He figured out a way to retake the territory of the Bucks by various means, or just let it go.

"Father, what are you thinking?"

Xing put his saber back into the scabbard, and when he saw Mudu in a daze, he asked.

"Ah... the father did not think about anything. By the way, Xing’s strength is now very strong. It seems that in the future Jin (Jin? Frihus: Mudu’s son, if nothing else, the next Bucks King, currently Three years old) martial arts instructor, you can be appointed as it."

Xing nodded. For her father's expectations of her, this girl never let Mu Du down. But after nodding, her gaze shifted to Mudu's sword hanging on the wall. After thinking about it, she jumped up and took off the sabre.


Pull away.

This sword is already mottled.

After the long battle and the battle of icy wind and sand, the sword that the former king gave to Mudu was finally incomplete. There are gaps all over the body of the sword, and some places are even more edged. Even though the time has passed so long, there is still a little frost hanging on the body of the sword, and it can't be used by polishing.

Looking at this dilapidated sword, Xing raised her head, looked at the king, and said: "Father, if there is any battle in the future, do you plan to use this sword to fight?"

Mu Du hehe smiled, and shook his head helplessly: "How is it possible? However, your grandfather left this sword for your father, and even if you can't use it, father will not throw it away."

Xing inserted the remnant sword back into the scabbard, and said lightly: "So, has your father's new sabre been selected?"


"Father, your sword must be able to express your status as a king. And it must be durable and extremely sharp. Daughters can help the father to check it out in Divine Grace. There are a few noble daughters in the science and technology department. "

Mudu laughed haha, but in the face of his daughter's puzzled gaze, he couldn't tell her that the students in the science and technology department were just learning kids, how could they be more proficient than the royal blacksmith? However, he still touched Xing's hair and applauded her behavior.

"Well, if my little princess can find someone to come, then the father's sword can be entrusted to you to handle it."

Xing's mouth raised a small smile again. After saying goodbye, the princess went down with her sword. And after watching Xing leave, Mu Du turned to the snowy city outside again, forgetting the god...


(Sin Blade?)

In the public library, the idiot rummaged between the bookshelves and the bookshelves while searching for the books he needed, and at the same time, he responded to Dim's words in his mind.

(Hehe, in fact, this name was given by previous humans. Although I think it would be boring to give us these magic swords such strange names, there will always be people who like to call it. So I think, if there are really books recorded, It should be recorded under this name.)

The idiot took out a copy of "The General History of Sad Continent" from a row of history and biography bookshelves, and began to flip through it at will. The records inside are actually similar to those in the textbook, except that some stories are more interesting, and there is no difference. After putting it back, he started searching again.

(Human kid, I think you should know that, I am in my system, the number one in the Demon Race. Do you believe this?)

(……………………………… If I say I don’t believe it, what do you want to do.)

(Cut, it’s really boring. But yes, all the information you get now is what I told you, and you can only accept the information I told you unilaterally. It’s true or not with my mouth, you can’t tell. , Can only accept it in its entirety. In this case, the person who can completely trust the other party is really only a fool.)


(Well, believe it or not, now you assume that what I said is true. Otherwise, I really don’t know how to continue our topic.)

The idiot took out another volume of "Epic Warcraft", went to the next table and sat down, and began to look through the pages. Little Bread might have been eroded by the quiet atmosphere of this library, so he lay down on the table and fell asleep, drooling over the table. Seeing that, it must have been eating chili sauce in a dream.

(For me, the Demon Sword Dim, the first sequence. In my sequence, there are a total of forty sequences. Among them, the death knight Tolan and the big demon Sasha who don’t know where they are now, you know, I have seen it too. However, their sequences are all outside the top ten. And the top ten sequence demons are all dubbed the title of Sin Blade.)

The idiot turned the page slowly, seemingly not listening to the dim words in his mind.

(The reason why the top ten is named this name is because we are fundamentally different from the next thirty sequence. That is, our top ten bodies are not reincarnated or living creatures themselves, but are all weapons. Like me, it's this kitchen knife named Annihilation. The other nine are also various murder weapons.)

(Have you seen it before? The Hundred Eyes in the hands of King Sumian Kingdom. It is the second sacrificial demon in the sequence, although you are lucky to seal it in time. But if it kills more people before then After a certain amount, I am afraid that he will become the fastest demon to recover full strength. With your current half-toned situation, it is completely impossible to defeat it. So, it was lucky to be able to seal it at that time. Lucky~~~)

The idiot turned over a page and was silent for a while.

(…………………… You said this to me, what do you want to say specifically.)

(Hey, go straight to the subject, I like what I want to say, human kid, don’t you understand? Although I don’t like the second hundred eyes of the sequence, I don’t really like it, so if you seal it, I won’t have any Mind. But have you ever thought about finding out the other eight blades?)


(Hahaha, don’t think about it so complicated. That’s right, that eight-edged sword is probably now mastered by someone, so it may have succeeded. But this is not the key to the problem. The key is that they are willing to obey me I think the probability that all these eight weapons have a host should be very low. Most of them should still be asleep. Otherwise, the entire sad continent would have been upset long ago, and we don’t need to deliberately look for them~ ~~)

(……………………Key points.)

(The point is that most of these eight weapons may still be asleep. In other words, there is not even the most preliminary awakening. We just need to collect them and issue them to those who decide to use them. . In this way, can we dominate the world quickly? Ah~~~This idea is really good, I'm so smart~~~~)

(In other words...)

The idiot closed the book in his hand and made a snap.

(You mean, you want me to leave the wind and blow the sand and look for eight weapons in an area as large as the entire sad continent?)

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