Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 098, book

098, book

(That’s why don’t you think this kind of bridge is very interesting? The Devil King embarks on a journey to find his subordinates, awakening them one by one. Well, it’s really an epic plot~~~)

The idiot returned to the book and took out a copy of "How to Make Cheap Chili Sauce and Spicy Food". Not only that, he also took out a pen and paper and began to record it word by word.

(Not going.)

(Hmm, sure enough, young people must be energetic, adventurous, and rest assured, you have me covered, with endless protagonist halo, sure...what? Not going???)

The idiot copied a paragraph, turned a page, and started copying a dish. But what sounded in his mind was to extinguish the endless entanglement of this "chopper".

(Hey, human kid, come with me, okay~~~ I’m so boring to be alone, if I have a companion, I won’t be boring~~~)


(Human kid, I warn you, if you continue to fight against me, be careful one day after I completely swallow your body, I will control you to jump in the square *** I will also draw a face on your belly button, Let everyone laugh at you and you know, this day under my complete control will definitely come)


(You bully me, a humble human being dare to bully me... You are too much, I hate you, I hate you)






After another silence, the idiot's mind finally began to burst into a loud noise. Maybe it was really too boring, and Dim Mi started to talk non-stop to prevent the idiot's head from being pure. From the outside, the idiot is just sitting quietly reading a book like the others here, but who would have thought that there are waves in his head at this moment, some human language, Elvish language, dragon language, and some words that don’t know what language they are. Repeated, repeated, repeated playback noise?

However, the idiot still reads quietly. After so many years, he has long been used to thinking about problems with constant noise in his mind. Now he kept copying the recipes, planning to buy some green peppers at the vegetable farm when he went back, and adjust the food for the buns.

The library is really quiet.

It coincides with the weekend, and there are slightly more people reading books and newspapers here than usual. Thin snowflakes were floating outside the window, and there was not much miserable east wind in the air. Perhaps, because the winter of this year is too long, the "god" who controls the wind and sand climate also rarely shows mercy. Even this snowy winter day does not seem so cold.

The large, quiet and warm library is like a quiet paradise. Since this library is located next to the lake, the wall near the lake is made of floor-to-ceiling glass. Sitting on the seat beside the glass, you can just see the beautiful scenery of snow falling on the lake. At this time, drink a cup of hot tea warmly, and it feels extremely comfortable...

However, the place where the idiot sits is not a place that is easily attacked by the window. He sat in the seats between those bookshelves and went deep into them. Of course, there are no beautiful scenery to see here, so there are fewer locations and fewer people doing it. At the table on the idiot's side, there were only him and Little Bread sitting here leisurely.


A slight seat movement sounded from the opposite side.

The idiot did not look up, but continued to copy the recipe in his hand stroke by stroke. In the ear, it was the sound of someone sitting down and gently moving the chair back to its original position. Then, a thick book was placed on the table. Since the book was too thick and heavy, the idiot couldn't help but lift his head and glance at it. The name "Chronicles of the Founding of the Bucks" immediately jumped into the eyes of idiots.

Following the book, the idiot saw the hand holding the book. It was a pair of female hands with blue braces on their wrists. In this winter, she is still wearing a short-sleeved shirt, which looks very thin.

Is it because it is indoors, so you took your clothes off?

The girl's face looked very serious, and the whole face was fixed like a machine, without frowning, pursing, or shaking. It feels very rigid. Although she looks pretty, but such a look definitely won't make people want to approach her.

Her hair is simple long hair, green. A blue strap was tied at the end. There is a pair of chubby glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a white strip of cloth is tied to her forehead as a forehead guard. From the looks of her dress, she should be good at sports?

The idiot looked at her arms again, but these hands were too thin, without the slightest muscle. The shoulders are too thin, not like a person who is good at sports. Maybe she just wanted to imitate it briefly?

However, this has nothing to do with idiots. The most important thing for him to observe the people around him is to judge the danger. Now that this girl was purely a literary girl who wanted to pretend to be sports, he lowered his head again and copied the book in his hand.

The idiot finally finished copying a thin cookbook. He closed the book and put away the copy. But at this time he discovered that the girl in front of him had turned the chronicle to the last few pages. After the idiot put the book back on the shelf, she finished reading it, picked up the book, and passed by the idiot.

The idiot stepped sideways, letting the girl walk past her. At this moment, the idiot saw her rigid and mechanical face more closely. Looking through the lens, the focal length of her eyes seemed to be a little slack, and there was no cross between the inner and lower face of the lens.

Girl, insert the book back into the shelf. Go to the other side. But this time, the idiot stared at her closely, and there was no longer the indifferent and indifferent kind in his sight.

(Hehe, human kid, as long as we observe carefully, we can find unusual people and things everywhere in our daily lives~~~)

(So, what are you going to do? Keep track of it?)

(……………………Do not.)

The idiot gave up decisively and went back to wake the bread. He is not a detective, and it is not his interest to detect other people's secrets. Everyone in this world has their own secrets, even if they show a little abnormality when, there is nothing to care about.

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