Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 099, Science and Technology Park

099, Science and Technology Park

Seeing that girl left the library, the idiot also returned the library card and woke up Bun. Even when he went out, the sword kept screaming, clamoring for the idiot to come forward and strike up a conversation with the girl. The idiot continued to ignore it, until the girl turned the corner of the street and completely disappeared from her sight, and the darkening ceased.

(Hey, man, why did you let such a factor of instability leave? You think, the face shape on the back of her glasses and the face shape outside the lenses are not staggered in the slightest, which means that her eyesight is very good. There is no need to wear glasses. In this case, she can only wear glasses to hide herself. It is a disguise. In addition, she did not go to the window position after entering the library. This also proves that she knows that the scenery is good. , But it is easy to be attacked. In the end, the book she read is "A General History of Bucks". Who knows the history of the Bucks as long as it is the Bucks? Can I read it again? It can be seen that this woman must be something else. The spy sent by the country must be correct)

The idiot knew that Dimie was messing around here purely for nothing. These reasonings may sound reasonable at first glance, but if you think about it, it is just that Dimex has found one of the most threatening possibilities based on surface phenomena.

She wears plain glasses, probably because she wants to hide from someone or pretend to be gentle. Not sitting by the window indicates that she is purely reading a book, not looking at the scenery. Looking at the history of the Bucks, this proves that maybe she is a student of literature and art and wants to consolidate her knowledge. If you really want to follow the reasoning of the dark, there really is no one in this world who will not be disadvantageous to the Bucks.

Bun opened his hands and circulated in the snow that was not too thick. She screamed as she ran, hoping that the idiot could catch up faster. Because she ran too fast, she fell to the ground with a slap, smearing snow on her face.


Bun got up and patted the crystals on his face. Facing the idiot's cold eyes, she grinned, bent down and grabbed a ball of snow, rubbed it into snowflakes, and threw it towards the idiot. The idiot did not evade, letting the snow ball throw it. Afterwards, he also bent down, rubbed the snow ball with a cold face, and gently threw it at the bun.


Little Bread jumped aside and escaped. She giggled and happily started rubbing the snowball again. However, her eyesight was not so accurate this time. With a slip of her hand, the snowball flew directly to the pedestrian, and she ran away with fright as they yelled. After running, the idiot came up and took her hand, leading her to the divine grace again.

Inside the college in winter, it was still quiet.

Classes have not yet ended, and all the small roads are quiet, except for the occasional sound of reading from the teaching building, floating on the unmanned street with snow.

Upon entering the campus, the idiot let go of Little Bread's hand and allowed her to continue walking around. Little Bread looked around and there was no one, playing again, reaching out and rubbing the snowball on the ground. After playing twice, maybe she felt that there was more snow on the central square, she ran over there again, and fell on the snow with a wow, and rolled.

The snow is very soft, and it doesn't seem so cold in the windless weather. The idiot let this little guy roll over there, watching her pick up the snow from the ground and slowly build a snowman. Under the shining of the sun, the little beads of sweat reflected on her nose contrasted with the colorful light. She did not wipe it. Only when she felt uncomfortable on her face, she wiped her face with her small dirty hand. Make your face look like a cat.

"Hee hee~~~~"

A peaceful life is often that simple.

The idiot pulled the dark little girl over and sat on the bench next to it. Carefully wipe the dirt on her face for her. Little Bread shook his head and refused to accept it. Before the idiot had finished wiping it, she jumped off the chair again, grabbed a lump of snow and kneaded it into a lump, worked hard, and threw it towards the center of the square without looking at it.


The snowball was blocked by a small palm. Disperse instantly.

Bread's excitement at the moment cooled down in an instant, and she hurriedly ran behind the idiot to hide, sneaking at the little girl over there.

Short hair, saber, skirt suitable for combat. That's right, it is the current stag princess, Xiao Xing.

Xing put down her hand, shook the snow flakes on her arm, and glanced up at the bun here. After staring for a while, she turned around, ignored it, and walked forward alone. Seeing that the princess didn't pursue it, Bread let out a big sigh, clutching his chest and relaxing.

It is not strange that Kyung appears in Divine Grace, after all, she is also studying here. The idiot just took a look, then decided to turn around and leave, back to the grove. But when he was walking, Bread suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes and prevented him from leaving.


The idiot turned his head and followed the look in Little Bread's eyes. I saw that the place where Xing went now was not the martial arts department or ordinary teaching building to which she belonged, but set foot on an academy area that idiots rarely entered before.

Department of Technology...Campus area.

The idiot thought for a while and was relieved again. What does it have to do with herself where Princess Bucks wants to go? So he wanted to go again. Unexpectedly, the bread behind him was dragging the corner of his clothes, and the excitement and desire in his eyes had already explained everything.

"Do you want to enter the science and technology department to see?"

The idiot asked slightly.


In exchange, the bun nodded desperately.

Seeing that the apricot over there has entered the science and technology park, his figure has entered a weird building that looks like a hammer. After the idiot sighed, he could only hold the little hand of this girl and walked over.

Anyway, this is within the divine grace, there is no danger. This girl likes to watch, so let her see more.




Department of Science and Technology, the number of students here can be regarded as the least among the three systems of Divine Grace.

Because here is not like the literature and art department, it can train all kinds of comprehensive talents, such as musical actors, painters, clerks and businessmen. Unlike the Zongshi and Wudou systems, it is not like directly cultivating soldiers with excellent combat effectiveness. The characteristics of making items that can only be beaten behind the scenes determines that this place is definitely not a place that can quickly become famous.

Moreover, entering the science and technology department also requires many harsh conditions. The first of these is the knowledge and cognition of the guiding stone. Only those who have a lot of knowledge about the guiding force stone, and those who can know the guiding force phenomenon that various road maps can trigger, are qualified to enter here and create a guiding force weapon.

Therefore, although the students here are not as good as the students in the Zongshi department when they manipulate the guiding stone, they may be even better if they only talk about theoretical knowledge. Because only when you fully understand it, can you develop a unique weapon based on its characteristics.

However, because of their familiarity with the guiding stones, most people will directly choose the vertical stone system. Because good soldiers are always what the Bucks Empire needs. Zongshishi is famous and powerful, and can be admired by thousands of people. Where is it like the Department of Science and Technology, where you have to research all day long, and I don’t know when it will come out.

Among them, there is a more important point, which determines that even if you join in with the longing for the science and technology department, you may not be able to sustain it.

That... is creativity.

Unlike Zongshishi who can participate in the war as long as they learn the road map, the most valuable thing for students in the science and technology department is creativity. If it is only designed and manufactured according to the drawings of predecessors, it can only be regarded as a processing worker. No matter how well you do it, you can only go everywhere in the future to get orders or go to a weapon shop as an assembly line worker. Only if you have enough creativity to invent unique weapons or other things can you get ahead and become famous.

Such conditions naturally determine that the number of people in the science and technology department is so scarce. And those who can stay in it, no surprise, will be first-class geniuses.

Entering the hammer house, the idiot did not see any divided rooms. What appeared in front of you was a super-large space, one building, one room. This room almost the size of a martial arts platform was filled with various machines. Many people wearing technology cloaks walked around the machines, holding either blueprints or hammers in their hands.

There were some small blackboards erected next to some machines, and the lecturer drew many formulas on the blackboards from time to time and taught them to the students in the audience. Each lecturer brings not many students, the most are five or six, and the least is even one-to-one teaching. They either squatted and stared at a research record of a guiding stone emitting sparks in mid-air, or they kept designing with a ruler and compass on the table next to it. A scene of enthusiasm.

The idiot looked around, just to see Xingzheng walking towards a teaching area with many swords hanging on it. Without his instructions, the bun had already rushed up, and ran behind Xing in three or two steps, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Ah oh ah"

Xing glanced back at her calmly, and nodded very gracefully.

"I'm sorry just now"

Bun erected the sign, and after Xing looked at it, a polite smile appeared on his face: "It's okay. I won't take it to heart."

"Great, can I watch it with you?" 》

Apricot nodded again, and then ignored the bread. The bread was also put away with the sign on his back, and walked over there with the apricot. The idiot naturally followed, and came to the sword area together.

At the moment, classes are taking place here. Each of the four students held a sword made by themselves, wide and thin, long and short, looking ahead. In front of them stood a dwarf with a black beard. This dwarf is constantly writing close-ups on the blackboard next to him, writing out the formula for the energy conversion of the guiding stone, explaining how to add the guiding energy to the weapon.

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