Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 103, on the train

103, on the train

Walnut's voice was a little loud, and the people around couldn't help turning their heads and glanced at her. Walnut hurriedly pulled up his cloak and lowered his head, not daring to speak any more. It wasn't until the people around her looked back that she stuck her tongue out at the bun in her arms, showing a joking expression.

Bread pursed her lips and smiled, she leaned against Walnut's chest, lying down comfortably. With the company of walnut, she felt that this trip looked good. But after feeling comfortable for a while, she suddenly thought of a question.

"Sister Walnut, why do you follow Baba? 》

Little Bread raised the sign and asked. After seeing the words on it, Walnut also shrugged, frowned, and said--

"Well me... Actually, my coming out this time can be said to be completely unintentional. Because..."

Just as he was talking, this short six-hour camel trip came to an end. The oasis town that appeared before is the destination of this caravan. Only here can you board the Magic Train. With a shout from the caravan leader, these temporarily gathered merchants dispersed and began to stay in this oasis town separately. Go to check the fare of the magic train.

The walnuts and buns also got off the camel. After taking the gift, the camel was sent to a special collection point and the money was settled. Just when the two girls were holding each other's hands and walking out of the camel settlement, they ran into someone who was looking at them coldly.


The idiot's figure looked colder in the moonlight, and the dark eyes looked in the eyes of the person, and it was cold to the heart.

The idiot's eyes rolled a few times on the faces of Walnut and Bread. The two girls also looked at him with a little fear. Especially the small bread, shrinking behind Walnut at this moment, dare not even move.

"You... don't get me wrong, I... I, I, I... I'm not... following you, so... you... don't look at me and you with this kind of eyes... although... although The same route...but the purpose is different"

Walnut didn't lie, but looking at the idiot's eyes, she was still a little scared.

The idiot still didn't speak. After staring for a long time, he finally shook his head helplessly and turned around. Now that these two girls have followed, what else can be done? And Walnut's eyes didn't look like she was talking nonsense. If she really was on the same road with herself occasionally, she would naturally not be able to send the bread back. During the six-hour desert journey, he could not rest assured that he would let the bread go back by himself.

Looking at the idiot's acquiescence back, Walnut finally breathed a sigh of relief. It felt like I had just raced in the 100-meter race, panting. The bun was also weak in his feet, pulling the corners of the walnut, so easily, he could barely stand still.

After asking the staff on the platform of the Magic Road train station, the idiot learned that the nearest train bound for Steel City would not be available until daylight. The idiot looked at Walnut and bought two single sleepers. Then he walked to the hotel and took a short rest.

After following the idiot into the hotel, Walnut patted Little Bread on the head and motioned to her to be good. Bread nodded, but didn't want to share a room with an idiot. The idiot didn't insist, and let the walnuts and bread fall asleep. Bread happily entered the room with Walnut, closed the entire door, and drew the curtains tightly. Even after covering any possible light-transmitting areas with tape, the two went to bed.

"Sister Walnut, you still didn't tell me why you came out. Are you not afraid that your majesty is worried? 》

Walnut nodded and smiled: "I just ran out to prevent my brother from worrying."

"why? 》

Little Bread opened his eyes and raised the sign strangely.

"Why? Hehe...because..."

Walnut was silent for a while, and his thoughts had flown out of the window, revealing a little worry. Finally, she recovered and shook her head gently—

"No, there should be nothing to worry about. I can't add trouble to your idiot dad because of my family's affairs. The affairs of our royal family's own family, let us take care of it..."

Bread couldn't ask the answer, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Walnut patted her back gently, singing softly. After she was sure that Bun was completely asleep, she silently closed her eyes and fell asleep...

Why did the walnut come out this time?

In fact, it didn't take long before the idiot and the bread knew.

On the magic train that entered the station before dawn in the early morning, after sending the walnuts into the airtight carriage, a person who shouldn't have appeared came across in front of the idiot and the bread.


"Ah woo"

The sound of rolling wheels rang out the window.

In the carriage, Bread covered his mouth, pulled the sleeve of the idiot in surprise, and pointed to the three people walking in front of him.

The one walking at the forefront is no one else, it is the little apricot princess of the Bucks Empire. The two idiots standing beside her have also seen them, both of whom rushed into the castle during the wind and sand rescue war. The two generals have now been named knights of the First Knights

How could the princess of the stag run out suddenly? Moreover, go to the Iron City?

The idiot frowned, thinking about the problem. But it is a pity that there are so many possibilities, he is not sure. It wasn't until later when I asked Walnut, that the idiot knew that the princess had suddenly summoned two guardian knights who were among the best in the evening to leave the castle together, with the clearance papers they had obtained from unknown sources, and went out of the castle smoothly. After seeing this scene, Walnut originally thought that Apricot would be back soon, so she didn't care. When it was completely dark, she wanted to see the idiot and slipped out of the castle again. She happened to hear from the camel rental office talking about a girl who looked like Princess Apricot hurriedly out of the wind and sand. What steel city is going to. Walnut became anxious at this moment, and she who cared about her little niece simply left a letter for the soldiers to pass on, and then she mixed into the caravan and left. At that time, he was "hijacked" by a small bread.

(Haha, very good, very good. The two princesses of the Bucks rushed away. Moreover, they were all going to the traumatized steel city human kid. Do you want to protect? Do you want to protect the two princesses? Hahaha , It’s interesting, it’s so interesting hahahaha——)


This is not interesting at all.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, it has nothing to do with idiots.

There are two knights protecting Xing, and he has no obligation to take care of the princess. Except for the little bread who was clamoring to strike up a conversation after seeing the apricot, the idiot thought he would not have any intersection with the little princess.

In the foreground of the train screaming, the surrounding scenery slowly changed from desert to Gobi, and then to emerald green. The idiot took advantage of the time before arriving and took out the photo with the locked robe and checked it again, hoping to see something as soon as possible. During this period of time, the bun also gained absolute freedom. Especially at night, she took Walnut's hand and turned around in the train. And the first thing I mentioned was to find the Princess Apricot.

Walnut slept for a whole day and was also awake. After tidying up her clothes, she took the hand of Bun directly to the carriage where her niece was. Just as they were about to enter the car, they saw a small incident on the other side through the window on the isolation door.

That is the dining car. Princess Apricot is now sitting in the first-class seat, drinking coffee while looking at a booklet in her hand. Her two knight guards are standing on the aisle and guarding them.

But at this moment...


On the other side of the corridor, there was a female exclamation. Xing looked back and saw a train maid sitting on the ground. Her skirt was wet and tea stains were everywhere. And in the seat facing her was sitting a nun dressed up, a girl about fourteen years old. She held the cross on her chest tightly, her eyes closed tightly, and the nun's robe was slightly wet with tea.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, nun, I'm really sorry"

The nun bit her lip lightly, her face seemed to be patient. Maybe the tea splashed on her thigh was too hot, and it made her painful and speechless.

Upon seeing this, the maid quickly stepped forward and wiped it with a cloth. Maybe she was so nervous, she even forgot that the cloth in her hand was used to wipe the table. With this rub, the nun's skirt was made even more dirty. When the maid saw it, she was stunned, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Huh...what's wrong? Sister."

Finally, the nun was relieved. She closed her eyes and pinched the cross on her chest, seemingly unaware of the filth on the skirt.

The maid hesitated, but still said, "I'm sorry, Miss Priest...I accidentally... I burned you... and stained your skirt..."

There was a little surprise on the nun’s face, but she still closed her eyes and said, " skirt is dirty?" After she reached out and touched it, she smiled, "I'm sorry, just like you see. Yes, my eyes are not very convenient. My sister, if my skirt is really dirty, what should you do?"

The maid hesitated for a moment, perhaps because she felt that the person in front of her was a priest, and her tone was very friendly, she smiled and said, "Miss priest, I can clean it for you. Look..."

"Oh? Sister, do you mean... you want me to be here and take my clothes off?"

A fourteen-year-old girl said these words very calmly, and in an instant, everyone in the dining car looked away. Seeing that the nun's face is indeed very cute. Although it is hidden by the thick nun's robe, the mature and green body curve is still slightly exposed from under the nun's robe, which makes people imaginative.

The maid was stunned, before she had time to speak. At this time, the little nun stood up and reached out to knot her clothes buttons.

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